Comparison Of Pseudopods Of Foraminiferans Radiolarians And Amoeba

Comparison Of Pseudopods Of Foraminiferans Radiolarians And Amoeba

Compare pseudopods of foraminiferans, radiolarians and amoeba

Daftar Isi

1. Compare pseudopods of foraminiferans, radiolarians and amoeba

Foraminiferans, radiolarians and amoeba belongs to subphylum Sarcodina. These three creates pseudopodia, it is also known as their cytoplasm extensions. Amoebas have soft bodies while radiolarians have skeleton from opaline silica. Moreover, foraminiferans create shells that are known as test.

2. Compare pseudopods of of foraminiferans, radiolarians and amoeba.

Pseudopod is used to help the uni cellular protist  to move and also to catch a food that are associated with locomotion. 
if you compare the pseudopods of given organisms then ,  
Foraminiferans - their pseudopod have threadlike extensions
Radiolarians -  their structure of pseudpod have sharp needlelike extensions 
and the pseudopod of Amoeba have blunt extensions.

3. Compare pseudopods of foraminiferans,radiolarians,and amoeba

The appearance of the pseudopods of amoeba varies depending on the type of the amoeba. The pseudopods of radiolaria are somewhat stiff and has the tendency to extend radially which is known as the actinopoda while that of foraminiferans are fused that resembles like that of a net are called granulo-reticulous pseudopods.

4. a type of protist that has pseudopodia formovement. These include radiolarians, foraminiferans and amoeba.​



These are amorphous protozoans that have streaming cytoplasms and move and capture food by means of pseudopods, which are flowing temporary extensions of the cell. The cytoplasm of a sarcodine is composed of an ectoplasm and an endoplasm. It may contain more than one nucleus. Food that sticks to the body surface or trapped by pseudopodia, is digested in the food vacuoles.The amoeba, whose name comes from the Greek word for "change", is a common and distinct example of a sarcodine.



5. An amoeba divides into two identical daughter cells. They have exactly the same characteristics as the parent amoeba. Which best describes the amoeba’s division? A Diffusion B Meiosis C Mitosis D Osmosis

The answer is C - MitosisIn unicellular organisms, yhe more accurate term for such phenomenon is fission, but it is essentially the same as in Mitosis.

6. pseudopod is ? fungi or bacteria or protozoans or algae ​


di po kita maintindihan


picture please

7. an amoeba is a endocytosis or exocytosis?​


Pinocytosis otherwise known as cell-drinking is a mode of endocytosis in which small particles are brought into the cell, forming an invagination, and then remain suspended within small vesicles. All the processes are observed in Amoeba as there is no organ system for food and other matter uptake and excretion.

Endocytosis is the process of engulfing food and other materials by a cell from the external environment. The flexibility of the cell membrane helps in the process For example - AMOEBA engulf food through this process.

8. Pseudopods assignment help po please andyan po sa picture sa circle.

sobrang HARD talaga nyan

9. what is the purpose of pseudopods and amoeba​


Pseudopods in amoeba are used for locomotion, buoyancy, and food ingestion

10. amoeba harmful effects

Many of those infected show no symptoms at all—the amoeba lives quietly in their gut, feeding on bacteria without causing trouble. But in others, the parasite attacks the gut itself and can cause potentially fatal diarrhea, intestinal ulcers, and liver abscesses.


I hope this helps to you

#Carry On Learning

11. Amoeba is an example of?




12. An amoeba divides into two identical daughter cells. They have exactly the same characteristics as the parent amoeba. Which best describes the amoeba’s division?

The amoeba's division is best described as mitosis.

13. interaction of amoeba​


Pathogenic interactions with other organisms

Some amoebae can infect other organisms pathogenically, causing disease: Entamoeba histolytica is the cause of amoebiasis, or amoebic dysentery. ... Amoebae can likewise play host to microscopic organisms that are pathogenic to people and help in spreading such microbes.

14. pseudopods is prokaryotic, eukaryotic, or both?​

eukaryotic ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

15. amoeba harmfull effect​


Many of those infected show no symptoms at all the (amoeba) lives quietly in their gut, feeding on bacteria without causing trouble. But in others, the parasite attacks the gut itself and can cause potentially fatal diarrhea, intestinal ulcers, and liver abscesses.


Hope it helps :)

16. amoeba microorganism​


Amoeba microorganism Microbiologists often use the terms "amoeboid" and "amoeba" interchangeably for any organism that exhibits amoeboid movement. In older classification systems, most amoebae were placed in the class or subphylum Sarcodina, a grouping of single-celled organisms that possess pseudopods or move by protoplasmic flow.

17. 1. What is the main cause of amoeba? 2. How can you describe amoeba? 3. Is there a cure in amebiasis?

1.By putting anything in their mouth that has touched infected feces or by eating or drinking food or water contaminated with the parasite. It can also be spread sexually by oral-anal contact.

2.An amoeba, sometimes written as "ameba", is a term generally used to describe a single celled eukaryotic organism that has no definite shape and that moves by means of pseudopodia. Pseudopodia or pseudopods are temporary projections of the cell and the word literally means "false feet".

3.Amebiasis treatment includes antibiotics, which can cure the infection. The antibiotics your provider prescribes depends on whether you're experiencing symptoms. If you don't have symptoms, you may need one type of antibiotics. If you do have symptoms, you may need to take two different antibiotics.

How do I know myself?
When talking about rights and wrongs. I have every right to fulfill my needs, but not my wants. I have every right to my freedom of speech, but hate speech isn’t free speech. I have every right to have an education, but use it as a key to help those who need help with knowledge. I have every right to play but have time management so I can do my responsibilities. I have every right to criticize the wrongdoings of the government but praise them whenever I see that they are doing the right thing.

18. compare pseudopods of foraminiferans,radiolarians and amoeba

The pseudopods of foraminiferans are has thread-like extensions of the ectoplasm with several tiny particles of different materials or also known as granuloreticulose. The radiolarians have active pseudopods in the sense that it capture preys and may even dispose waste. On the other hand, the pseudopods of amoeba is responsible for the movement and the capturing of food.

19. The irish potato famine was caused by an organism that belongs to which group bacterium stramenopile foraminiferan apicomplexan virus

The answer is stramenopile

20. Procedure 1. Form groups with five members each. A bag of colorful "amoeba" will be given to your group by your teacher. 2. Separate the "amoeba” in the bag according to their color (blue, red, yellow, and green). Each color represents a type of amoeba. 3. Put the four groups of "amoeba” on your desk. The desk will serve as the “soil” where the amoeba lives and thrives. 4. Record the number of "amoeba” that you have in the data table. The total number of amoeba will be labeled as the “Generation 0" (original population). 5. Listen to the "events” that your teacher will read to the class. Each event is also equivalent to a new generation. Record the number of "amoeba" after each event. Unit II Living Things and Their​


sori need points


sowri po

21. compare pseudopods of foramineferans,radiolarians andamoeba

Foraminifera have pseuodopods that are numerous and thin, which are more specifically known as reticulopodia. Radiolaria have two types of pseuodopods called axopodia (pseudopodia having axial portion) and reticulopodia (pseudopodia having reticulated network). Their pseuodops are mainly used to catch prey. Amoeba have blunt, gel-like pseuodopods that they mainly use for eating and locomotion.

22. Compare the pseudopods of foraminiferans, radiolatians and amoeba.

Pseudopods-are temporary cytoplasmic projections of the cell membrane.Pseupods mean "false root"
Foraminiferans-are members of a phylum or class of amoeboid protists
Radiolaria-are protozoa od diameter 0.1-0.2mm that produce intricate mineral skeletons,typically with a central capsule dividing the cell into the inner and outer portions .
Amoeba-Often called ameboid,is a type of cell or organism which has the ability to alter its shape ,primarily by extending and retracting pseudopods.
Have a nice day! :)

23. The ___________ is a one-celled organism that can be found almost everywhere. 2. Amoeba proteus and pseudopods are examples of _____________. 3. _______, _______, and ________ are some of the symptoms of a fungus. 4. A ________ is extremely a small organism that consists of a protein coat and some genetic materials. 5. A ________ is an organism that lives in a host organism; draws nourishment from a host; some may be very large.


2.Generally, several pseudopodia arise from the surface of the body, (polypodial, for example, Amoeba proteus), or a single pseudopod may form on the surface of the body (monopodial, such as Entamoeba histolytica). Cells which make pseudopods are generally referred to as amoeboids.

3.Fungal Infection Symptoms


Scaly skin.





4.Viruses are even smaller than bacteria. They aren't even a full cell. They are simply genetic material (DNA or RNA) packaged inside of a protein coating.

5. worm

24. Amobea proteus and Pseudopods are examples of_________.​


They are characterized as eukaryotic cells that rely on pseudopod for mobility. They also use their pseudopod to engulf food particles inside a vacuole. Examples of rhizopods include Amoeba proteus, Entamoeba histolytica, Radiolarians, and Foramineferans. These rhizopods are biologically significant.

25. What is the meaning of Amoeba


AMOEBA is a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm. Amoebas are either free-living in damp environments or parasitic.


Explanation:a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm. Amoebas are either free-living in damp environments or parasitic.

26. an amoeba expels water​


yes po


carryon learning



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27. Protists move in several different ways. Because they are exclusively found in aquatic or very moist environments. Paramecium uses its (3) ______________ to move through water or other liquid, (4) _______________ uses their false-feet or "Pseudopods" and Euglena uses their (5) ________________. A. Amoeba B. Bacterium C. Cilia D. Flagellum​

➤ Protists move in several different ways. Because they are exclusively found in aquatic or very moist environments. Paramecium uses its (3) C. Cilia to move through water or other liquid, (4) A. Amoeba uses their false-feet or "Pseudopods" and Euglena uses their​ (5) D. Flagellum

28. a child brought to the hospital for suffering from a amoeba and a sentry amoeba belong to which kingdom​




The ameba is a protozoan that belongs to the Kingdom Protista. The name ameba comes from the Greek word amoibe, which means change. (Amoeba is also spelled amoeba.)

29. 3. A population of 300 amoebas increases by 50% every hour. How many amoebas will there be after five hours?​


my computation says that it's 750.

Step-by-step explanation:

50% of 300 is 150.

150x5 = 750.

30. Protozoans that move using their pseudopods.​




The kind of protozoan that moves using pseudopods is the amoeba.


The kind of protozoan that moves using pseudopods is the amoeba.

What is protozoans?

a single-celled microscopic animal of a group of phyla of the kingdom Protista, such as an amoeba, flagellate, ciliate, or sporozoan.

What is a pseudopods?

temporary extensions of the cytoplasm (also referred to as false feet) used for locomotion and feeling.




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