Poster Bullying Ideas

Poster Bullying Ideas

Give poster of bullying​

Daftar Isi

1. Give poster of bullying​


Be a Buddy, Not a Bully


this poster show be a friend of everyone instead of being enemy to all.




2. how to prevent bullying poster​


you need to ask questions to others if you try bully or are tou a victim of a bullying if they said that they try to bully your need to ask a permission to talk to there parents to say that "my child you need to stop bullying"

3. Create a poster that raise awareness against bullying.





4. what is claim and idea of cyber bullying?​


The aim of a lot of cyberbullying is to annoy, upset or confuse the person who is being targeted, so that they react emotionally. If you're being cyberbullied, keep in mind that the person who's targeting you wants you to respond.

Protected speech is not cyberbullying because the Philippine constitution guarantees free speech and expression. So written, verbal, artistic, and creative expressions both in virtual and real-world are protected unless it falls under cyber libel.


While we enjoy this freedom, it should not result in reputational, mental, physical, and material harm to another person. Our human right ends when it encroaches on someone else’s rights. Creating safe spaces is a co-responsibility of everyone


Hope this helps


Cyber Bullying Essay:

  In today's world which has been made smaller by technology, new age problems have been born. ... To put it simply, cyberbullying refers to the misuse of information technology with the intention to harass others. Subsequently, cyberbullying comes in various forms.



5. Directions: Using modals, make a poster or infographics on the things or ways to stop bullying in the school.​

Answer:If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue.

Here's the example of infographics

6. In a bond paper, make a (slogan/poster) about bullying and/or sexual harassment.

"listen when a girl says no"

hope it help

7. what is the main idea of bullying?​

hurting someone




Answer: physical



8. roleplay about bullying ideas/example​



Bully: Give me your snacks

Victim:This is my last snacks and im hungry

Bully: Give it to me 'punch'

Thats an example of a roleplay or drama you can add some stuff if you want.

brainliest po. ❤❤

9. 1.what is your idea of bullying2.what are the reason why people bully 3.what is the stand of the article about bullying 4.what are the effects of the bullying 5.what are the possible solution against bullying ​


1.Stop Bullying: Ideas for Your School. Stop Bullying! Bullying is deeply hurtful to students and destructive to the culture oMANILA, 6 September 2019⁠—One in three young people in 30 countries said they have been a victim of online bullying, with one in five saying they skipped school due to cyberbullying and violence, according to a new poll released today by UNICEF, the United Nations organization working for children’s rights.

2.Assumptions about bullies include believing that all bullies are loners or lack self-esteem. However, the reasons behind bullying can run the gamut from lack of impulse control and anger management issues to revenge and a longing to fit in.1 Here is an overview of the top eight reasons why kids may bully others.

3.MANILA, 6 September 2019⁠—One in three young people in 30 countries said they have been a victim of online bullying, with one in five saying they skipped school due to cyberbullying and violence, according to a new poll released today by UNICEF, the United Nations organization working for children’s rights.

In the Philippines, latest national data show that cyberviolence affects almost half of children aged 13-171. The prevalence of cyberviolence for males (44 per cent) is almost the same for females (43 per cent).

4.One-third of cyberviolence experienced by Filipino children are in the form of verbal abuse over the internet or cellphone, while a fourth are through sexual messages. More females received messages of sexual nature or content than males. However, twice as many males than females reported having their nude body or sexual activities, whether real or falsified, shown on the internet or cellphone.

5.The people who bully do not get any punishment unless the victim retaliatestes. Bully causes humiliation division and inequality in society.

Carry on learning;;;

10. Share your ideas or opinions about Bullying​


Bullying means hurting someone else on purpose. It might seem like maybe you are just having some fun, that unless someone is crying, that no one is being hurt. But even when there are no tears, kids are getting hurt. When someone is hurt - they feel sad, scared, and alone.

We need to avoid Bullying an individual because this can affect on their mental health and physical health. This should be stop ASAP so everyone can have peace

correct me if im wrong


11. Pag-aaksaya ng tubigFun RunPagkalat ng basuraBullyingPagdidikit ng poster kung saan-saanPagtatanim ng punongkahoy​



pagtatanim ng punongkahoy

fun run


pag-aaksaya ng tubig

pagkalat ng basura


pagdidikit ng poster kung saan-saan

12. idea of bullying causes depression and details plss​


they get depressed cause the bully let them feel dow


pls brainliest

13. Bumuo ng isang poster nagpapakita ng kampanyang wakasan o tigilan na ang bullying​

Copyahin niyo nalang po ang nasa picture! :)


Hope It Helps


itigil ang bullying


SA pamamagitan Ng pag disiplina SA MGA BATA o nakakatanda kailangan na maging mabuti SA kapwa at mag respeto SA lahat

14. create a kind of advocacy poster using the language of bullying​

Diko alam eh salamat po sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

[tex] \sqrt} } } } { {?}^{?} }^{?} [/tex]

15. Advocacy material through a poster/slogan about bullying?​


arrangement/presentation answer

16. give me an idea how to stop bullying using reflexive pronoun and intensive pronoun in a sentence

You can stop bullying yourself by being the one stick up for the person being bullied. You can also stop bullying by reminding others such as themselves that bullying is not cool.

17. please give me a idea if what would you do if the children is getting bullied?​


use of cyberspace as a mechanism to bully others known or unknown to the bully.

you going report the history


Bullying can exist in many forms. If your child is being bullied, remind her that it's not her fault, she is not alone, and you are there to help, and report or go with him to talk to a teacher, guidance counselor, principal, or school administrator. Learn about the school's policy on bullying

18. gumawa ng poster tungkol sa anti bullying​



Stand Up. Speak Out.


Ganyan gawin mo


yan po sagot ko


wagawalin ng kapwa tao

19. what's your idea about bullying​


abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger.


bullying is a way of someone harrasing the victim and doing something to somebody with bad intentions such as destroying their notebook, hiding the victim's bag, etc.

one of the greatest bullying threats today is cyberbullying, harrasing the victim on the internet and spreading false information about him/her.

20. How do you relate Rizal's life as a citizen and as a student to the idea of Bullying?​

That Jose Rizal was bullied, at age 9, in the town school of Biñan, is well known for its result: Rizal beat the bigger, older boy and was never bullied again.

Then, as the national narrative goes, when the child matured into adulthood, he took on an even bigger bully, the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, conquering it through his life and works to gain freedom and the emergence of the Filipino nation.

Rizal’s experience over a century ago takes on contemporary relevance in the wake of the viral video on bullying taken at the Ateneo de Manila University junior high school that brought into public discourse what has been silently endured by many.

How Rizal coped with bullying is worth revisiting 122 years since he was martyred in Bagumbayan (now known as Luneta or Rizal Park).

Rizal’s experience with bullying is recorded in his “Memories of a Manila Student,” an autobiography he wrote when he was 17 and a high school student in the Jesuit-run Ateneo Municipal de Manila in Intramuros. In this handwritten memoir, now preserved in the National Library of the Philippines, Rizal looks back on the significant events of his early life saying: “The recollection of the past is truly a soothing balm which pours upon the heart a rueful sweetness, all the more dear and touching, the greater the burden upon the heart.”

Hiding behind the pen name “P. Jacinto,” Rizal also erased details in the text to further obscure his identity so worried was he that someone he knew might read his most personal thoughts. In the first line of the memoir, Rizal deleted “Calamba,” his birthplace, but retained his birthday which was June 19, 1861. Yet in the last pages of the notebook, he got so carried away by his writing that he forgot about P. Jacinto and signed his full name!

hope it helped.

21. my ideas about it cyber bullying​


cyberbullying is an emerging and fast-growing patterns which experts a content is one have fold and the traditional form of bullying


numerous factors motivate perpetrators of cyberbullying:

1.revenge motivates some people to engage in cyberbullying .

2.other engage in cyberbullying to boost their. ego.

3.some people are seeking for in attention.

22. B. directions: practice making editorial article based on according given askal their ideas"You want to bully me too? Get in line!I have tree other bullies befor you."​


vanity where's noe


23. Gumaw ng poster tungkol sa Anti Bullying


gawa kapo ng poster hindi paragraph


ito po

please Brianeist me

24. give me some posters about bullying​


Hope it can helps po:)



25. Create a campaign poster to combat the following suggested issues: digital divide, computer addiction and bullying.​


It is been concerning because the people who are under its effects suffer from depression. Aside from depression, discrimination is also happening to those people. If cyber bullying,digital divide, and addiction will continue to arise, a lot of people will be at risk of emotional diseases.

26. Thesis statement about bullying and main idea​


bullying is a problem of global importance that has acquired a relevant importance in educational policies, since it undeniably affects the climate of living within schools. To prevent this criminal act from continuing silent, because how many children have suffered without finding someone to help them.


Hope it helps

27. cyber bullying title ideas pi​


•Cyber Bullying And Its Effect On Our Youth.


wala po akong masabe naansweran na eh

28. What are your thoughts, ideas and clear stand about bullying?​


bullying is dangerous


because it can destroy the entire life of someone

I strongly believe that if we let bullies getaway with what they did they might do a more dangerous crime in the future.

29. 11. What is a PROPAGANDA? a. spreading of ideas, information or rumor b. confusing information c. a poster 12. Where can we find propaganda images which can present viewpoints to people? a. advertisements/commercials b. story books c. documentaries 13. Which of the following is an example of common propaganda techniques? a. movies b. bandwagon c. speeches 14. “Bullying is not acceptable," what particular viewpoint is expressed in this awareness ads? a. bullying is for fun b. ignore bullying c. bullying is not tolerable 15. What propaganda techniques consist of attractive or impressive words and ideas which may mislead people? a. glittering generalities b. plain folks c. bandwagon​

11.) A. spreading of ideas, information or rumor
12.) c. documentaries
13.) c. speeches
14.) b. ignore bullying
15.) a. glittering generalities

hope this helps and if one of my answer's is not right put your right answers below

30. whatvis yout idea about bullying, child abuse, vawc​


The primary purpose of a student bullying survey is to identify and quantify a number of factors–rates of bullying, student and staff attitudes towards bullying, different types of bullying occurring, and more—in order to address them


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