Financial Transaction Worksheet

Financial Transaction Worksheet

financial transactions​

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1. financial transactions​


Financial traction is a good idea for me and I would be grateful if you could let me know if you have any further information or

2. The following listed below are the examples of financial transaction that recirded by the accountant.Makr a journal entry on each financial transaction.​


answer answer answer answer



3. financial worksheet​


the personal financial workbook is a tool that you can use to organize your finances and gain an understanding of how you are spending your money. by using the worksheet you'll be able to paint a clear picture of your financial situation and make better decision for the future

4. Financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value minus transaction costs that are directly attributable to the issuance, except for financial liabilities measured at fvpl whose transaction costs are expensed immediately.


what does this mean its vey confusing


sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

5. is there possiblity that financial transaction will become a noncash transaction?How it be possible?​

Cashless societies have existed from the time when human society came into existence, based on barter and other methods of exchange, and cashless transactions have also become possible in modern times using credit cards, debit cards, mobile payments, and digital currencies such as bitcoin.

6. system and to settle financial transactions through transfer of monetary value​


payment system


sana makatulong

Answer:services payment


7. The selling-buying transaction happening in the financial market


Financial markets are made by buying and selling numerous types of financial instruments including equities, bonds, currencies, and derivatives. ... The primary stock market is where new issues of stocks, called initial public offerings

8. what is the formula in computing the simple interest on a given financial transaction​

Simple Interest Formula

Simple Interest FormulaSimple Interest: I = P x R x T. Where: P = Principal Amount. R = Interest Rate.


Simple Interest Formula Simple Interest: I = P x R x T. Where: P = Principal Amount. R = Interest Rate.

#Brainly Everyday


Financial Institutions, I'm not sure if it's correct.

10. __________________ is the recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of accounting in business.​


Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of accounting in business.

Step-by-step explanation:

Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of accounting in business.

11. A financial company grant loans in one of their clients. Transaction or Non-transaction?​


A transaction deposit is a deposit made to a transaction account, such as a checking account. Transaction accounts are liquid, so the money that has been deposited is available instantly upon request. Non-transaction accounts, by comparison, are not fully liquid.



Ang answer

12. What is the financial gain made in transactions?




the financial gain made in a transaction.

13. Transaction Journal Leger Unadjusted trial balance Adjusting entries Adjuster trial balance Worksheet Tatlong financial statement Closing entries Post trial balance pa sagot po. Yung problem po Ng bawat cycle​

Do it now how do it how its more do

14. What is the formula in computing the simple interest on a given financial transaction​


Simple Interest Formula

Simple Interest: I = P x R x T. Where: P =Principal Amount. R = Interest Rate.

pa brainliest po thanks.

15. example of financial transaction​

Their own and I will be there at the same time


Examples of financial transactions include cash receipts, deposit corrections, requisitions, purchase orders, invoices, travel expense reports, PCard charges, and journal entries. ... For example, there will be a posting date, a chartfield, a transaction type and perhaps a customer or vendor.

16. Which of the following is not a financial transaction?


Update Valid Vendor File


Nasa pic po yung proof ng sagot ko! Hope it helps po. Thank you and Pabrainliest na din po!

17. how does the reception process the financial transaction of creating this account​


Financial transaction processing is more than merely the capturing of financial data or performing accounting transactions. ... These processes are key fundamentals for a finance department to be cost and time efficient and able

18. evidence of a financial transaction



Cash register receipts.

Computer-generated receipts.

Credit memo for a customer refund.


19. The systematic method of recording and processing financial transactions​


The systematic method of recording and processing financial transactions


Accounting is a systematic process of identifying recording measuring classify verifying some rising interpreter and communicating financial information. It reveals profit or loss for a given period and the value and the nature of a firm's assets and liabilities and owners' equity.

hope I help you miss:)

20. 1. what are the two approaches for financial accounting transactions?​


The two main accounting methods are cash accounting and accrual accounting. Cash accounting records revenues and expenses when they are received and paid. Accrual accounting records revenues and expenses when they occur.


baka maka help saiyo

21. Are all business transactions financial in nature? Explain

Mostly all of them are financial in nature. A business transaction is an activity or event that can be measured in terms of money and which affects the financial position or operations of the business entity.

22. what is the formula in computing the simple interest on given financial transaction​

The calculation of simple interest is equal to the principal amount multiplied by the interest rate, multiplied by the number of periods.

23. Give 5 departments, agencies responsible for government financial transaction. ​


angganda ko


no matter what

24. why is it necessary for businesses to record financial transactions in a chronological order?​


It is very important that business owners make a habit of recording their business transactions every day. It will assist in making informed, efficient and precise decisions at any time. ... The auditor, will therefore spend less time at the business.

25. :Write FINANCIAL if the transaction is a financial transaction. WriteNON FINANCIAL if the transaction is not.1. The owner paid the salaries of the employees.2. The owner conducted an orientation to newly hired employees.3. The owner paid electric, water, and telecommunication bills.The owner received payment from customers.5. The owner post advertisements in the city.​


1. Financial

2. Financial

3. Financial

4. Non Financial

5. Financial

26. It is the process of checking and reviewing financial and non-financial transactions to determine their accuracy​


It is the process of checking and reviewing financial and non-financial transactions to determine their accuracy

→ Each campus division has financial reporting responsibilities. Monitoring and evaluation, or verification, of financial data is one of several types of financial reporting control activities identified in the Internal Control – Integrated Framework of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).

Hope its help :)

27. Effects of transactions on various financial ratios. in the right-hand column below, certain financial ratios are listed. to the left of each ratio is a business transaction or event relating to the operating activities of graham company.


ikaw kaya turuan moko plsssss

28. what the formula in computing the simple interest on a given financial transaction?


1s = Prt

Step-by-step explanation:

29. part of financial transactions​


The four types of financial transactions that impact of the business are sales, purchases, receipts, and payments. Sales are financial transactions that legally transfer property for money or credit.

30. how does computer help you in financial transaction?​


Computers enhance financial communication within members of an organization through a network system connecting various departments. ... This system allows people in the finance sector to get updates on world stock exchange, and price changes affecting their business



A computer helps accountants store and access financial records, make changes and alleviate the need to keep paper files. If paper work is needed, computer files can easily be accessed and printed along with any changes the accountant makes at any given time.

hope this can help..

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