Multiple Choice Instruction

Multiple Choice Instruction

Multiple Choice Instructions: Read and understand the following questions carefully

Daftar Isi

1. Multiple Choice Instructions: Read and understand the following questions carefully


1. C

2. B

3. B

4. A

5 C

6. D

7 . B

8. B

9. A

10. B

pa brainlest po


paki sagot naman PO ng akin


1. D

2. A

3. B

4. A


6. C

7. B



10. C

2. multiple choice instruction read and understand the question carefully write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet​


ka balo mo onsa Ang answer

3. Activity I. Multiple ChoiceInstruction I: Write the letter of the correct answer only.​


asan yung tanong


hindi po yan masasagutan

4. 1. Multiple Choice.Instructions: Read carefully the following statements. Write only the letter of the word thatcorresponds to the correct answer.1. It is a circuit that is not complete and lacks continuity.A. closeB. shortedC. groundedD. open​




Hope its help thats my answer

5. A. MULTIPLE CHOICE Instruction: Read and understand the following questions/statements below. Write the letter of your answer on your activity sheet. 1. What does the signage below means? a. Electricity electrical hazards b. Ergonomic hazards c. Radiation hazards​


1. A

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. C


Correct me if I'm wrong


6. Instructions: [2 pts] MULTIPLE CHOICE Ang barayti ng wika kung saan naiaangkop ng isang nagsasalita ang uri ng wikang ginagamit niya sa sitwasyon at sa kausap. Nagagamit ng nagsasalita ang katungkulan o kapangyarihan, nakakatanda, o hindi niya masyadong kakilala.​


Agains anti meaning i have a lesoon

7. Right answer: BRAINLIESTWrong/mema answer: REPORTINSTRUCTIONS:• (MULTIPLE CHOICES) pick the letter with the correct simplified form of the expression below.​

1st pic: B

2nd pic: D

3rd pic: D

Step-by-Step explanation:

1st pic:

(7u² - 4v) - (4v - 7u²)

*find number who has the same variable

7u² and 7u²

now subtract→ 7u² - (-7u²) = 14u²

-4v and 4v

now subtract→ -4v - 4 = -8v

so the answer is letter B.. 14u²-8v

2nd pic:

(-5x²y + 10xy²) - (12x²y + 3xy² - 2)

*find number who has the same variable

-5x²y and 12x²y

now subtract→ -5x²y - 12x²y = -17x²y

10xy² and 3xy²

now subtract→ 10xy² - 3xy² = 7xy²

*since there is (-2) who has no pair, just put it in the end

so the answer is letter D.. -17x²y + 7xy² - 2

3rd pic:

(3x³ + 7x² + 6x) - (2x³ + 3x)

*find number who has the same variable

3x³ and 2x³

now subract→ 3x³ - 2x³ = 1x³ (you don't have to put 1 anymore so it will become )

6x and 3x

now subtract→ 6x - 3x = 3x

*since there is (7x²) who has no pair, just let it in its position

so the answer is letter D.. x³ + 7x² + 3x


D or A


Sorry If I'm not sure

9. ENGAGEInstruction: Multiple Choice. Identify type of analogy that is beingpresented with respect to its correct format.A. SynonymB. AntonymC. Cause & EffectD. Part to Whole2. Long:Short :: Up Down3. Early:Late :: Morning: Evening4. Thumb:Hand :: Nose:head​

A. Synonym


kase ayan ang pinag aralan namin

10. Test 2. MULTIPLE CHOICEInstruction: Read each question carefully and write the letter of your choice on the space provided before each number.*The choices are in the picture​


1. A

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. D

7. B

8. C

9. D

11. Instruction: Encircle the Letter of the correct answer. I. 1. Multiple Choice A Greek philosopher who suggests that matter is made up of tiny particles too small to seen. He thought that if you kept cutting a substance into smaller and smaller pieces, you would eventually come to the smallest possible particles the building blocks of matter. A. Aristotle B. Democritus C. Plato D. Socrates​


A. po


brainliest pls


B. Democritus


In the 5th century BCE, Leucippus and his pupil Democritus proposed that all matter was composed of small indivisible particles called atoms.

Democritus came to the conclusion that matter could not be divided into smaller and smaller pieces forever. He reasoned that eventually the smallest piece would be obtained. This piece would be indivisible. He named this smallest piece of matter atomos, meaning "not to cut."

12. POST TEST TESTI: Multiple Choice Instruction: choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the saoce before the item. 1. It refers to the social condition which enable persons and groups to fulfil their goals and schieve well-being a. Common goal b. Common good c. Social being d. Social condition ​


B. common good


Thank you have a good day!!

13. AssessmentInstruction: This is a 5-point Multiple Choice Test. Read and analyze each statement below andcarefully choose the letter that best describes the statement. Write the letter of the correct answer on thespace provided before the number,1) It refers to close connection between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions.A) Emotional RelationshipC) Personal RelationshipB) Social RelationshipD) Political Relationship​

A.Emotional Relationship

14. eng each demTESTE MULTIPLE CHOICESimple Present and Simple Past Tense of Vertsons Choose the correct verb that best completes the sentencethe project proposals of the VachetDr. Gunara, the school principalA checkBchecksC checkingD. checkedthe instructions of the principal yesterday.2The teachersA writeB. wnitesC. writingD. wrote​


1. B

2. D sana makatulong

15. Learning Task 5.A. Multiple ChoiceDirections: Read and understand specific instructions. Analyze carefully each question and encircle the best answer.​




16. Multiple Choice. Instruction. Chose the letter of the correct answer. Write theanswers in your Health notebook.Pa help:(​


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. D

7. B

8. A.

9. C

10. C

17. 1.Multiple ChoiceInstruction: Analyze the relationship of the given pair of analogies. Write the letter of thecorrect answer before the number.12. active is to alert as to silent is toA. fastB. rapidC. timid​



timid refers in showing a lack of courage or confidence;easily frightened.

18. A. Multiple Choice:Instructions: Answer the following questions correctly. Write the letterof your answer in your MAPEH activity notebook.1. It is the most important element of time in music.A. DynamicsC. MelodyB. HarmonyD. anything that has some kind of a pulse that can berepeated.A. Melodic Notation C. Rhythmic Notation​


d. rhythm





19. A. Direction. Multiple Choice. Select the best answer. 1. Which from the following best describe a computer? a. Electronic device b. Performs Calculations c. Use a set of instructions d. All of the above 2. What refers to the steps that tell the computer what and how to perform a particular task?a. Inputb. Outputc. Instructiond. Storage3. When a set of items already conveys meaning and is already useful, what computer term does it refers to? a. Input b. Output c. Instructions d. Storage 4. Which from the following is NOT an output device? a. Keyboard b. Printer c. Speaker d. Monitor​




20. II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Directions: Identify the type of communicative style appropriate tothe following situations, ( intimate, casual, formal, consultative, and frozen) Choose the letterof the correct answer and write it on the blank provided.16. Talking to a stranger.17. Giving last minute instructions to players. 18. Delivering news report.19. Leading a prayer before meal.20. I laving one-on-one conversation with a loved one.​


16. casual

17. consultative


19. intimate

20. intimate


not sure with my answers tho but that is my opinion


Letter A


Tama po yan im sure of that

Answer: C. Technology Integration.


22. Activity 2:Multiple choices Instruction: Read each statement carefully.Encircle the letter of the correct answer​


Ampp.. where is the questions?

23. Activity I. Multiple ChoiceInstruction I: Write the letter of the correct answer only.​


Asan yung question?


Pakilagay fleece

24. Multiple Choice Instructions: Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter of your answer and write it on your answer sheet. ​


1. b. Anthraquinone

2. a. auxochrome

3. d. transparency

4. d. William Henry Perkin

5. c. Reactive



25. Task 1: Multiple Choice Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a sheet of paper. 1. It is generated by examining the goods and services sold in the community. C. business concept A. business creation B. business pricing D. business ideaAnswerB​


B. business pricing


Not sure Po.

26. II. Directions/Instructions: Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer.measure of energy.a. Amplitudeb. intensityc. noised. pitch​


B. intensity


27. A. Multiple choiceInstruction: Encircle the best answer for each question.1. These are lifeless dogs and cats from accidents and diseases.a. Rubbishc. Waste disposalb. Dead animalsd. Refuseto lessen the​



I'm not sure if that's correct ehe

28. I. Multiple Choices 1. What are the two types/modes of reproduction in Animals and Plants? A. Sexual and Unsexual B. Sexual and Asexual 2. Which of the following reproduce SEXUALLY? A. Fish B. Komodo Dragon II. Jumbled Letters Instruction: Assemble the jumbled letters until you find a word. 1. Ioncudropret 2. Ausxlae 3. Fretlizaiton

1. B

2. Both fish and Komodo dragons reproduce sexually.

Jumbled letters




29. INSTRUCTION. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.REMEDIAL EXAM IN MATHEMATICS 81. Which of the following is NOT a linear inequality in two variables?a. x +y = 5b. x + y = 5c. x +y > 5d. x+y 25​



Step-by-step explanation:

Hope i help and i hope its correct ^_^

Correct me if iam wrong



I think it's letter D, bro.

30. the area under the normal curve. You may use eggshells, old magazines, dried leaves or any materials available at home. Assessment Directions: Read the instructions given and write your answers on your answer sheets. A. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. 1. What is another name for normal distribution? A. Gaussian distribution B. Poisson distribution C. Bernoulli's distribution D. Probability distribution What is the total area in the but




Step-by-step explanation:




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