C D Chord

C D Chord

16. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A. C Major Chord B. E Major Chord 17. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A. C Major Chord C. A minor B. D minor D. B minor 18. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A. C Major Chord C. A minor B. D minor D. B minor 19. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A. C Major Chord C. A minor B. D minor D. B minor 20. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A D minor RF min C. F Major Chord D. G Major Chord​

Daftar Isi

1. 16. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A. C Major Chord B. E Major Chord 17. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A. C Major Chord C. A minor B. D minor D. B minor 18. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A. C Major Chord C. A minor B. D minor D. B minor 19. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A. C Major Chord C. A minor B. D minor D. B minor 20. Identify what kind of chord is in the illustration below. A D minor RF min C. F Major Chord D. G Major Chord​








Hindi q Po alm kung tama

2. 1:) it is a triaf build on a home tone F.a) tonic b) dominant c) sub-dominant d) primary chords2:) dominant chords is build on a home tone____a) Ab) Cc) Fd) G3:) the chords in the hormones major scale is called_____a) minor chordsb) major chordc) tonic d) dominant chords​






this is the answer


1. D (Unsure)

2. A

3. D


3. 3. In the key of C. sub-dominant's second note is A. fa B. sol C.la 4. In the key of C, the third note in tonic chord is ___ A. fa B. sol C. la D. ti 5.This chord is an B. B minor A. A minor C. D minor D. E. minor 6.This chord is an A. A minor B. B minor C. D minor D. E. minor 7. These chords create a feeling of happiness that greatly affects the mood of a person. A major chords B. super major chords C. minor chords D. sub-minor chords 8. These chords give the listeners a feeling of sadness. A. major chords B. super major chords C. minor chords D. sub-minor chords 9. In the key of C, the following are the primary chords used in songs except__ A. B major B. C major C. F major D. G major 10. Which song in the key of C major which has the primary chords C. Fand G7? A. Old Folks at Home B. Are You Sleeping C.You Are Mine D. Viva La Musica











nasan po yung chord sa 5 at 6? sorry po hindi ko po masagot lht ✌

4. Music 1. It is formed with the fourth la as the base note and the other notes in the chord are la and do. A C Major chord C. G. Major chord B. F Major chord D. Triad 2. This chord is formed with the fifth note so as the lowest note and the other notes in the chord are ti and re. A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G. Major chord D. Triad​




Just correct me if im wrong

5. these chords give the listener feeling of sadness.a. major chordsb. super major chordsc. minor chordsd. sub-minor chords​


a. po


a. major chords

hope this helps

6. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. The lowest note in C major chord is a La c. So d Do 2. The lowest note in a chord is the a Fifth b. Third c. Root d. Triad 3. The F major chord has the root note in For a La b. Re c. Fa d. Do 4 The D minor chord has the root note in D or a. Mi b. Ti c. La d. Fa 5. To construct the relative minor chords of primary chords of major scales of C. F and G. simply go down a Two steps from do of the major chord b. One step from do of the major chord c. Three steps from do of the major chord d Four steps from do to the major chord​


1. d

2. a


I'll comment the 3 and 4 pag nahanap ko na sgot

7. A. C major 1. A chord that creates a feeling of happiness A. Diminished chord C. Major chord B. Seventh chord D. Minor chord 2. Which is not a primary chord in the key of C? B. D major C. F major D. G major 3. It is called the basic chord. A. Dominant C. Mediant C. Tonic D. Triad 4. Where can we find the root note of a chord? A. Bottom B. Second C. Third D. Top 5. It is the sound composed of 2 or more notes played simultaneously. A. dynamics B. harmony C. tempo D. texture 6. These are another alternative chords used as accompaniment aside from the primary chords A. Augmented chords C. Primary chords B. Diminished chords D. Secondary chords 7. How many steps is the distance between root note and third in a major scale? A. 2 half steps C. 2 whole steps B. 3 half steps D. 3 whole steps 8. What do you call the chord in the 5th degree of the scale? A. Dominant B. Mediant C. Super Tonic D. Tonic 9. What chord is shown in the illustration? A. Dominant C. Mediant B. C. Super Tonic D. Tonic 高 bo 10. Which is a mediant chord? 甚至 A. 15T measure B. 2nd measure C. 3rd measure D. 4th measure​



2.B.D major









Explanation: carry on learning po

#pa brainliest

8. these chords give the listeners a feeling of sadnessa. major chordsb. super major chordsc. minor chordsd. sub minor chords​


a. po ang aking sagot thanyu po fallow me pleass


kasi po ang b.c.d. malalakas na pu yun sa major chords ay mahina papo

9. 7. It is the most basic chord and consists of the base or the root which is the lowest note: the third which is the middle note and three steps away from the root; and the fifth which is the highest note in the chord and five steps away from the root.A. C Major chordB. F Major chordC. G Major chord D. Triad8. It is formed using the first note do as the base note and the other notes in thechord are mi and so.A C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad9. It is formed with the fourth fa as the base note and the other notes in the chordare la and do.A. C Major chordB. F Major chordC. G Major chord D. Triad 10. It is formed with the fifth note so as the lowest note and the other notes in the chord are ti and re.A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad​


7. B

8. C

9. B

10. A


10. Read each sentence carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Writeyour answers in your notebook.1. It is the thickness and thinness of sound.A. FormB. HarmonyC. MelodyD. Texture2. It is the simultaneous sounding of tones.B. HarmonyD. TextureC. MelodyA. Form3. A texture which has only one melodic line without harmony or counterpoint.A. ChordB. HomophonicC. MonophonicD. Polyphonic4. A texture that occurs when the main melody is accompanied by chords.A. ChordB. HomophonicC. MonophonicD. Polyphonic5. A texture that occurs when two or more voices sing the melody but with differentrhythms.A. ChordB. HomophonicC. MonophonicD. Polyphonic6. It refers to the combination of three or more notes arranged in a vertical positionon the staff.A. ChordB. HomophonicC. MonophonicD. Polyphonic7. It is the most basic chord and consists of the base or the root which is the lowestnote; the third which is the middle note and three steps away from the root; andthe fifth which is the highest note in the chord and five steps away from the root.A. C Major chord B. F Major chordC. G Major chordD. Triad8. It is formed using the first note do as the base note and the other notes in thechord are mi and so.A. C Major chord B. F Major chordC. G Major chordD. Triad9. It is formed with the fourth fa as the base note and the other notes in the chordare la and do.A. C Major chord B. F Major chordC. G Major chordD. Triad10.It is formed with the fifth note so as the lowest note and the other notes in thechord are ti and re.A. C Major chord B. F Major chordC. G Major chord D. TriadNonsense=Report​









tama po lahat yan

11. 6. How do minor chords affect the listeners? A. Minor chords make the listener angry. B. Minor chords bring energy to the listeners. C. Minor chords give the listeners a feeling of loneliness. D. Minor chords create a feeling of happiness to a person's. 7. In the key of C, the following are the primary chords used in songs EXCEPT A. B major B. C major C. F major D. G major 8. Chords that built on the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th degrees of the scale. They are called as supertonic II, mediant III, sub-mediant VI and leading tone VII.A. Major chords B. Minor chordsC. Primary chords D. Secondary chords​


6. C

7. A

8. A


kindly correct me if I'm wrong !!

12. 2. It refers to the general quality of one or numerous layers of sound heard at the same time. A. Musical Chords B. Music C. Musician D. Musical texture 3. It is a composed to three or more tones or notes that are played together. A. Chord B. Keys C. Arpeggio D. Notes 4. This chord also known as "family chords". It has three chords frequently appear in a specific key signature. A. Primary chords B. Secondary chords C. Tertiary D. Quartet 5. It is the simultaneous sounding of two or more pitches. A. Chord B. Harmony C Dominant D. Subdominant


2. D

3. A

4. A

5. B


sana makatulong po

13. c. chordd. diamete4. The distance from the center to any point on a circle.a. diameterb. chordC. secantd. radius5. A circle is named by itsa. centerb. pointc. radiusd. chord6. What is the longest chord in any circle?a. diameterb. tangec. radiusd. secan​





Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps

14. 12. It also called 'family chords'. (A) Dominant (B) Harmony (C) Primary chords (D) Secondary chords​

the answer is letter C.Primary chords


c or d


correct me if im wrong po

pa brainliest po

15. ACTIVITY 2:DIRECTION: Read each sentence carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in your notebook.1. It is the thickness and thinness of sound.A. Form B. Harmony C. Melody D. Texture2. It is the simultaneous sounding of tones.A. Form B. Harmony C. Melody D. Texture3. A texture which has only one melodic line without harmony or counterpoint.A. Chord . Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic4. A texture that occurs when the main melody is accompanied by chords.A. Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic5. A texture that occurs when two or more voices sing the melody but with different rhythms.A. Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic6. It refers to the combination of three or more notes arranged in a vertical position on the staff.A. Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic7. It is the most basic chord and consists of the base or the root which is the lowest note; the third which is the middle note and three steps away from the root; and the fifth which is the highest note in the chord and five steps away from the root.A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad8. It is formed using the first note do as the base note and the other notes in the chord are mi and so.A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad9. It is formed with the fourth fa as the base note and the other notes in the chord are la and do.A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad10. It is formed with the fifth note so as the lowest note and the other notes in the chord are ti and re.A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triadpasagot po need ko po now​













sana makatulong

16. Read each sentence carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer Write your answers BEFORE the number 1. It is the thickness and thinness of sound A Form B. Harmony C. Melody D. Texture 2. It is the simultaneous sounding of tones. A Form B. Harmony C. Melody D. Texture 3. A texture which has only one melodic line without harmony or counterpoint. A Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic 4. A texture that occurs when the main melody is accompanied by chords. A. Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic 5. A texture that occurs when two or more volces sing the melody but with different rhythms A. Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic 6. It refers to the combination of three or more notes arranged in a vertical position on the staff. A. Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic 7. It is the most basic chord and consists of the base or the root which is the lowest note; the third which is the middle note and three steps away from the root; and the fifth which is the highest note in the chord and five steps away from the root. A C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad 8. It is formed using the first note do as the base note and the other notes in the chord are mi and so A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad 9. It is formed with the fourth fa as the base note and the other notes in the chord are la and do A C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad 10. It is formed with the fifth note so as the lowest note and the other notes in the chord are ti and re. A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad​













pa brainliest po

17. ACTIVITY 2:DIRECTION: Read each sentence carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in your notebook.1. It is the thickness and thinness of sound.A. Form B. Harmony C. Melody D. Texture2. It is the simultaneous sounding of tones.A. Form B. Harmony C. Melody D. Texture3. A texture which has only one melodic line without harmony or counterpoint.A. Chord . Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic4. A texture that occurs when the main melody is accompanied by chords.A. Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic5. A texture that occurs when two or more voices sing the melody but with different rhythms.A. Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic6. It refers to the combination of three or more notes arranged in a vertical position on the staff.A. Chord B. Homophonic C. Monophonic D. Polyphonic7. It is the most basic chord and consists of the base or the root which is the lowest note; the third which is the middle note and three steps away from the root; and the fifth which is the highest note in the chord and five steps away from the root.A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad8. It is formed using the first note do as the base note and the other notes in the chord are mi and so.A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad9. It is formed with the fourth fa as the base note and the other notes in the chord are la and do.A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triad10. It is formed with the fifth note so as the lowest note and the other notes in the chord are ti and re.A. C Major chord B. F Major chord C. G Major chord D. Triadpasagot po need ko po now​


1.) ᴄ











ʜᴏᴘᴇ ɪᴛ ʜᴇʟᴘs ʟᴏᴅɪɪ

ᴘᴀʙʀᴀɪɴʟɪsᴛ ᴘᴏ ᴀᴋᴏ










18. 1. The lowest note in C major chord is a. La b. Mi C. So d. Do 2. The lowest note in a chord is the a. Fifth b. Third c. Root d. Triad3.to construct the realative minor chords of primary chords of C,F and G simply go downa Two steps from do of the major chordb One step from do of the major chordc Three steps from do of the major chordd Four steps from do to the major chord​






pa brainlest po

19. answer the following pls?:>minor chordsA-C-E-G-B-D-Fsustain chordsA-C-E-G-B-D-F-flat chordsA-C-E-G-B-D-F-sharp minor chordsA-C-E-G-B-D-F-flat minor chordsA-C-E-G-B-D-F-​












20. 1. A chord that creates a feeling of sadness A. Diminished chord C. Major chord B. Seventh chord D. Minor chord 2. Which is not a secondary chord in the key of C? A. D minor B. E minor C. F minor D. A minor 3. Where can we find the root note of a chord? A. Bottom B. Second C. Third D. Top 4. It is called the basic chord. A. Dominant C. Mediant C. Tonic D. Triad 5. It is the sound composed of 2 or more notes played simultaneously. A. dynamics B. harmony C. tempo D. texture 6. What chord is shown in the illustration? A. Dominant C. Mediant B. C. Super Tonic D. Tonic 7. These are another alternative chords used for accompaniment aside from the primary chords. A. Augmented chords C. Primary chords B. Diminished chords D. Secondary chords 8. How many steps is the distance between root note and third in a minor scale? A. 2 half steps C. 2 whole steps B. 3 half steps D. 3 whole steps 9. What do you call the chord in the 5th degree of the scale? A. Dominant B. Mediant C. Super Tonic D. Tonic 10. Which is a Tonic chord? A. 1ST measure B. 2nd measure C. 3rd measure D. 4th measure













21. ___________ are the three commonly used chords in music.A. Invasion GameB. chordsC. sub-dominantD. primary chords​



__________ are the three commonly used chords in music.

A. Invasion Game

B. Chords

C. Sub-dominant

D. Primary chords


D. primary chords


The Primary chords are the three commonly used chords in music.

22. b.& id.2313. It is made up of two or more tones of different pitches played simultaneously.a. Musical Formc. Textureb. Tempod. HarmonyFor Item 24-27The C ScaleਰIdedopp14. In the Key of C, the 1st, 4th, and 5th notes of the C Major scales are the primary chords. Which ofthe following are the primary chords of C Major?a C major, F major & G majorc. F major, Bb major & C majorb. G major, C major & D Majord. D major, G major & A major15. What is the difference of the Major chords and the minor chords?2. Major chords are family chords, minor chords are relative chords.b. Major chords create a feeling of happiness and minor chords gives a feeling of sadnessc. Major chords are tonic chords, minor chords and secondary chords.d. All of the above.IRTS VI​




15Now, about the theory: The difference between major and minor chords is this: A major chord consists of a 1st, 3rd, and 5th degree of a major scale while a minor chord is made from the 1st, flatted 3rd, and 5th degrees of a major scale. So the only difference is the 3rd degree


23. 10. Which statement is TRUE?A. All chords are diameters.B. All diameters are chords.C. All radil are chordsD. All chords are radii.​



Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is A.

All chords are diameters that statement is true.

24. A chord that creates a feeling of happiness.A. diminished chordB. seventh chordC. major chordD. minor chord​I will mark you as a brainlest if your answer is correct


C. Major chord


I – IV – V. To create a happy-sounding chord progression, you can simply use the I, IV, and V chords (or 1-4-5). Each one of these chords is a major chord, and they work together in any order to create a happy sound

25. 15. If a chord of a circle passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints less on the circle term. a. A chord is a diameter b. A chord is a secant c. a chord is tangentd. a tangent contains a chord​


A . A chord is a diameter

Step-by-step explanation:

stay safe and God bless

26. Read each sentence carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Writeyour answers in your notebook.1. It is the thickness and thinness of sound.A. FormB. HarmonyD. TextureC. Melody2. It is the simultaneous sounding of tones.A. FormB. HarmonyD. TextureC. Melody3. A texture which has only one melodic line without harmony or counterpoint.A. ChordB. HomophonicC. MonophonicD. Polyphonic4. A texture that occurs when the main melody is accompanied by chords.A. ChordB. HomophonicC. MonophonicD. Polyphonic5. A texture that occurs when two or more voices sing the melody but with differentrhythms.A. ChordB. HomophonicC. MonophonicD. Polyphonic6. It refers to the combination of three or more notes arranged in a vertical positionon the staff.A. ChordB. HomophonicC. MonophonicD. Polyphonic7. It is the most basic chord and consists of the base or the root which is the lowestnote; the third which is the middle note and three steps away from the root; andthe fifth which is the highest note in the chord and five steps away from the root.A. C Major chord B. F Major chordC. G Major chordD. Triad8. It is formed using the first note do as the base note and the other notes in thechord are mi and so.A. C Major chord B. F Major chordC. G Major chordD. Triad9. It is formed with the fourth fa as the base note and the other notes in the chordare la and do.A. C Major chord B. F Major chordC. G Major chordD. Triad10.It is formed with the fifth note so as the lowest note and the other notes in thechord are ti and re.A. C Major chord B. F Major chordC. G Major chord D. Triad​

1. D

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. D

6. A

7. D

8. A

9. B

10. C

27. What are the groups of chords based on the principal chords that are found in harmony called? * a. Vocal chord b. Minor chord c. Family chord d. Guitar chord


➻   ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴏᴜᴘꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴄʜᴏʀᴅꜱ ʙᴀꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪɴᴄɪᴘᴀʟ ᴄʜᴏʀᴅꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴀʀᴇ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ ɪɴ ʜᴀʀᴍᴏɴʏ ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ?


A sequence of chords is known as a chord progression or harmonic progression. These are frequently used in Western music. A chord progression "aims for a definite goal" of establishing (or contradicting) a tonality founded on a key, root or tonic chord.

➻ ᴅ. ɢᴜɪᴛᴀʀ ᴄʜᴏʀᴅ

ᴅᴀᴛᴇ: ᴍᴀʏ 17. 2022

28. _________chords create a feeling of happiness? A. Minor chord B. Major Chord C. Tonic Chord D. Dominant Chord


The anwer of this question is

B.Major chord


Hope it it helps

29. 1. A chord that creates a feeling of sadness A. Diminished chord C. Major chord B. Seventh chord D. Minor chord 2. Which is not a secondary chord in the key of C? A. D minor B. E minor C. F minor D. A minor 3. Where can we find the root note of a chord? A. Bottom B. Second C. Third D. Top 4. It is called the basic chord. A. Dominant C. Mediant C. Tonic D. Triad 5. It is the sound composed of 2 or more notes played simultaneously. A. dynamics B. harmony C. tempo D. texture 6. What chord is shown in the illustration? A. Dominant C. Mediant B. C. Super Tonic D. Tonic 7. These are another alternative chords used for accompaniment aside from the primary chords. A. Augmented chords C. Primary chords B. Diminished chords D. Secondary chords 8. How many steps is the distance between root note and third in a minor scale? A. 2 half steps C. 2 whole steps B. 3 half steps D. 3 whole steps 9. What do you call the chord in the 5th degree of the scale? A. Dominant B. Mediant C. Super Tonic D. Tonic 10. Which is a Tonic chord? A. 1ST measure B. 2nd measure C. 3rd measure D. 4th measure (NEED NOW) (NON-SENCE-REPORT)














30. 9. The "Happy Birthday song is to be sung in a Minor Chords b. Major Chords c. Both Chords d None of them​


B. Major Chord




B. Major chords

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