Animals After Dark

Animals After Dark

[B]read the following sentences. write A is the sentence tells plainly what happened without the use of figurative language. write B if a simile is used, and C if other figures of speech are used.Examples:C_ Time made him gray.A_His hair turned gray when he grew older.B_His hair, like a black cloud of smoke, slowly turned gray__1. The wind howled like a wounded animal.__ The wind blew hard and made noises.__ The wind was a wounded animal, howling in the night.__2. The rain washed away their troubles.__ They felt better after it had rained.__ The rain washed away their troubles as water washes away dirt.__3. The darkness plummeted like a bird from the sky.__ The darkness was a bird plummeting downward.__ The darkness came quickly.__4. He is greedy__ He seeks money like a squirrel seeks nuts.__ He is a hungry squirrel storing loot for the future.__5. Success is the child of perseverance.__ Perseverance is to success as a parent is to a child.__ Perseverance results in success.​

Daftar Isi

1. [B]read the following sentences. write A is the sentence tells plainly what happened without the use of figurative language. write B if a simile is used, and C if other figures of speech are used.Examples:C_ Time made him gray.A_His hair turned gray when he grew older.B_His hair, like a black cloud of smoke, slowly turned gray__1. The wind howled like a wounded animal.__ The wind blew hard and made noises.__ The wind was a wounded animal, howling in the night.__2. The rain washed away their troubles.__ They felt better after it had rained.__ The rain washed away their troubles as water washes away dirt.__3. The darkness plummeted like a bird from the sky.__ The darkness was a bird plummeting downward.__ The darkness came quickly.__4. He is greedy__ He seeks money like a squirrel seeks nuts.__ He is a hungry squirrel storing loot for the future.__5. Success is the child of perseverance.__ Perseverance is to success as a parent is to a child.__ Perseverance results in success.​


1. B A C

2. C A B

3. B C A

4. A B C

5. C B A

2. 1. Why is reproduction important?A. to sustain the life of organismB. to develop the life of lengthen the life of an organismD. to guarantee the continuity of organisms2. Where do mosquitoes lay their eggs?A. leavesC. garbageB. stagnantD. dark place3. The following are all true about the reproduction of mosquitoes.EXCEPT _?A. Adult mosquitoes usually mate within few days after emerging from thepupal stageB. The female mosquitoes fly into the swarm to mateC. Mosquitoes produce asexually or where cells from only one parent areusedD. Once the egg are fully developed, the female mosquito lays them4. Why do animals reproduce?A. to make new animalsB. obligation to the speciesC. to get rid of the unhealthy animalsD. to get food from its young​


1.A 2.D


3. Sign inAGREEDISAGREE1. Africa is the second largest and also the second mostpopulated continent in the world, after Asia.2. Africa also boasts of the best flora and fauna in theworld. It has the most flourishing wildlife in the entireworld. It also houses some of the fastest animals onlands such as the cheetah, wildebeest, gazelle, and lion.3. Africa was known as the "Dark Continent” because itremained unexplored for a fairly long period of time.4. The national symbol of the Philippines is thePhilippine, or monkey-eating, eagle. It is tho largest ofall eagles and was declared the national bird of thePhilippines in 1995.TIL​


1. agree

2. agree

3. agree

4. agree

hope it helps but I'm not sure with my answer above:))

4. The CreationIn the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. On the first day, hedarkness "night". On the next day, he made the skies which the called heavens, anddivided the waters. On the third day, he let the dry ground appear and filled it with seedbearing plants and trees. Their seeds produced plants and trees of different kinds. onthe fourth day, God made the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day, God created greatsea creatures and every kind of bird. And finally, on the sixth day, he created all sorts ofland animals and the first human pair. He looked at everything he created and saw theywere all good.1. What is the story about?2. How did the creation days appear in the paragraph?3. How do you feel after you read it?4. Have you noticed the word signals used to make the listing possible?5. How about the order of events?6. Can you tell the text types used in the story?​


1. About God creating Earth

2. Sequencing

3. I've understood the process

4. Yes

5. Yes.

6. Sequence/ Time


Hope it helps!

5. Quarter 2: Week 3 Exercise No.1 Direction: Read each situation. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. Where do mosquitoes lay their eggs? A louves B garbage C. stagnant D. dark place 2. What does the female mosquito do with the fully developed eggs? A lays them B. keep them C fertilize them C. both A and B 3. What happens during the mating process of male and female butterfly? A. The eggs of the female butterfly are developed B The eggs of the female butterfly are fertilized. C. The male butterfly provides food for the butterfly D. The male butterfly deposit sperms into the female butterfly 4. The following are all true about reproduction of mosquitoes EXCEPT A. Adult mosquitoes usually mate within a few days after emerging from the pupal stage B The female mosquitoes fly into the swarm to mate C Mosquitoes reproduce asexually or where cells from only one parent are used D. Once the eggs are fully developed, the female mosquito lays them 5. Why do animals reproduce? A to make new animals C to get rid of unhealthy animals B. obligation to the species D. to get food from its young​








Sana maka tulong

6. Buddy and the Cat Little Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Bug always tells him to stay in dark places and hide. He listens to her with half an ear not really believing in what she says. "How could they not like me? I have beautiful, shiny wings, and long antenna. Surely, they would love me," he thought. Then, Buddy saw a black cat and said, "1 will show Mother Cockroach that she is wrong." But when the cat saw him, it immediately jumped and started running after him with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he could to the dark place under the cabinet and never ever came out.1. Where did the story happen? Describe it. 2. What do you call this part of the story? 3. Do all stories need a setting? Why? 4. Who are the characters of the story? 5. What do you call the persons/animals in the story? 6. What did the mother bug want? How did they solve their problem?​

Answer: a dark place

2.the mother love

3.yes because every thing short

4.little buddy cockroach.motherbug.mother cat

5.nougthy son.lovelymother

6.the mother bug want his son stay in the dark place and hide

7. 1. Advertising a new product is an example of presentation.Yes No 2. One's good speaking ability manifests that he is an effective presenter.Yes No 3. The use of communication aids is something that one must master.Yes No 4. Powerpoint presentation if misused can lead to miscommunication between the presenter and his audience. Yes No 5. Overusing communication aid can let audience have an advanced knowledge about what is presented. Yes No6.Too much design can help the presenter catch the attention of the audience in a good way.YesNo7.Bold, italicize or underline the words or phrases that need emphasis in your template.YesNo8.Using animation if the purpose is to inform is a good idea.YesNo9.Using words less than six in each bullet is accepted.YesNo10.Using artistic font style is accepted as long as it is readable and understandable from the perspective of the presenter.YesNo11.When the venue is in a closed room, use a light background with dark-colored texts. YesNo12.When the venue is in an open space, use a dark background with light-colored texts. YesNo13.Downloading any picture from the internet as an example is accepted.YesNo14.Using animation as a design to your template is a clever idea to catch the attention of your audience.YesNo15.Copying and pasting the whole paragraph is good to save the presenter from explaining the topic.YesNo16.The summary of the presentation is better to be distributed after the presentation.YesNo17.The "rule of fives" explains the emphasis of the subject in a print advertisement. YesNo18."Forget conventions" reiterates that one should be open-minded in the world of competitions. YesNo19.Research, brainstorm and listen are the main ingredients in coming up with a good idea.YesNo20."Use life as a motivation" means making your print advertisement fantastic. YesNo​


[tex] \huge\pink{\boxed{{\colorbox{yellow}{ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ}}}} [/tex]






















ʜᴏᴘᴇ ɪᴛ ʜᴇʟᴘ


8. Learning Task 6: Directions Choose the letter of the sentence that provides evidence to the followingstatement Write your answer on a separate piece of paper1 Cheetahs are the fastest land animalsA Cheetahs have small rounded heads.B. Cheetah's special pads on its feet help create traction for the animalC Cheetahs are carnivores that hunt animalsD. A cheetah can run up to 93 km per hour2. Green is a secondary colorA. Mixing the primary colors yellow and blue makes the color greenB. Green is associated with life, growth and natureC. The color green can be found in the color wheelD. Green is the second most popular favorite color3. Pure gold is so softA. The chemical element gold is classed as a transition metal,B. Pure gold can be molded by bare handsC. Gold is widely used in jewelry and coinage.D. Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat4. Philippines is an archipelagoA. The Philippines is made up of thousands of IslandsB. The capital of Philippines is Manila CityC. Philippines is located in South East AsiaD. The country is named "the Philippines" after King Philip II of Spain5. The tiger is the biggest species of the cat familyA A group of tigers is known as an 'ambush' or 'streakB. Tigers can easily jump over 5 meters in lengthC. Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 meters and weigh as much as 300 kilogramsD Tigers are easily recognizable with their dark and orange vertical stripesACTIVITIES FOR PROVIDE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT OPINIONLearning Task 7: Direction: Put a Mf the sentence is supported with evidence and X if the sentenceis not supported with evidence.1. Wild animals should be protected2. It's been proven that diversity in wildlife helps maintain a healthy ecosystem.3. Video games help kids learn7​

Answer: 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C




Explanation: Sana Po Makatulong eh

9. buddy in the cat little Buddy cockroach is a house bug. Mother bug alway tells him to stay in dark places and hide. he listens to her with half an ear not Really believing in what she says. " How could they not like me ? I have beautiful , shiny wings . and long antenna . surely They would love me," he thought. Then Buddy saw a black cat and said , "I will show Mother Cockroach that she is wrong . " but when the cat saw him, It immediately jumped and started running after him with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he could to the dark place under the cabinet and never ever came out.Question:1. Where did the story happen?2. what do you call this part of the story ?3. Do all stories need a setting ?4. Who are the characters of the story ?5. what do you call the persons/animals in the story ?6. what did the mother bug want? how did they solve their problem ?​


FIRST: Little Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Moher Bug always

tells him to stay in dark places and hide. He listens to her with half an

ear not really believing in what she says.

NEXT: how could they not like

me? I have beautiful shiny wings, a long antenna. Surely, they would

love me,” he thought.

THEN: Then, Buddy saw a black cat and said,I will

show Mother Cockroach that she is wrong.” But when the cat saw

him, it immediately jumped and started running after him with its sharp claws

FINALLY: Buddy ran as fast as he could to the dark place under the cabinet and never ever came out.


10. A. Recognize a problem C.Test the hypothesis ( (experement)B.Form a Hypothesis D Draw conslusion2. John read about growing plant in water, he wanted to know how plants could grow without soil. 3. Eddie said "If acid rain grows 5 seedlings in red light, then the plants will grow faster than 5 plants grown in white light". 4. Liza's experiments showed that the earthworms moved away froTest the m the light. 5. Toni said "If acid rain affects plants in a particular lake the it can affect small animals such as tilapia, that live in the same lake". 6. Michael experiments with diet of guinea pig. He found out that guinea pig needs vitamins and protein in their diet. 7. Tina's experiment show that chicken egg shells become stronger if the hen ate feed to which extra calcium has been added. 8. Marie identifies the improper disposal of waste can greatly affect the health of the population living nearby the polluted area of landfills. 9. Katy saw bats catching insects after dark. He asked "how do bats find the insects in the dark". 10. Therefore, it only proves that sunlight has a great effect in the reaction taking place inside the chloroplast. Without sunlight plants can't live nor grow to the fullest.NEED ANSWER ASAP​












Sana makahelp


1. D

2. A

3. D

4. B




8. B

9. A


11. B. COLUMNB A. a home of a wild, usually predatory animal B. removed, divided or separated C, dark, thick or black eat up greedily E. to overcome or overpower COLUMNA 1. Long ago, warriors drank mend in large halls after eating their meals. 2. The hungry man was able to devour a large piece of meat for he has not eaten for three days. 3. It was announced that no feast should be held during this CoVid-19 pandemic. 4. Injured, the soldier crawled back to the camp and asked for help. 5. The den of the wild animals are not easy to find. Thus, these animals could easily attack a victim. 6. The brave warrior severed the head of a large beast. 7. The young man saw how his family was killed by terrorists, and he wanted to avenge the death of his loved ones. 8. The carabao went into the murky pool, and rolled in the mud, 9. The combat between the two wrestlers ended after forty five minutes. 10. The flood started to overwhelm the city as the storm hit Metro Manila. F. a Termented beverage made of water, honey, malt and cheese seek revenge H. harmed 1. active fighting J. an abundant meal with entertainment​


12. Write your answers on your all Enrichment Activity 1: Determine the step in scientific method that applies to the given situation. Choose the LETTER that corresponds to your answer. (1 point each) A. Recognize a problem B. Form a hypothesis C. Test the hypothesis (experiment) D. Draw conclusions 1. Starla soaked six different kinds of seeds in water for 24 hours. Then she planted the seeds in soil at a depth of 1 cm. She used the same amount of water, light, and heat for each kind of seed. 2. Ben read about growing plants in water. He wanted to know how plants could grow without soil. 3. Jose said, "If acid rain grows 5 seedlings in red light, then the plants will grow faster than 5 plants grown in white light." 4. Ama's experiment showed that the earthworms move away from the light. 5. Antonio said, "If acid rain affects plants in a particular lake, then it can affect small animals, such as tilapia, that live in the same lake." 6. Michael experiments with diets of guinea pigs. He found out that guinea pigs need vitamins and protein in their diets. 7. Kim's experiment showed that chicken eggshells become stronger when the hen's feed was enriched with higher amount of calcium. 8. Marie identifies that improper disposal of waste can greatly affect the health of the population living nearby the polluted area or landfills. 9. Cardo saw bats catching insects after dark. He asked, “How do bats find the insects in the dark? 10. Therefore it only proves that sunlight has a great effect in the reaction taking place inside the chloroplast. Without sunlight, plants can't live nor grow to the fullest. மேலாக ஓinate Com​


me is teacher dont cheat school

13. ✍️What am I good at?Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.____1. Why is reproduction important? sustain the life of organismB. to develop the life of lengthen the life of an organismD. to guarantee the continuity of organisms____2. Where do mosquitoes lay their eggs?A. leavesC. garbageB. stagnant D. dark place____3.The following are all true about the reproduction of mosquitoes. EXCEPT______?A. Adult mosquitoes usually mate within few days after emerging from the pupal stageB. The female mosquitoes fly into the swarm to mateC. Mosquitoes produce asexually or where cells from only one parent are usedD. Once the egg are fully developed, the female mosquito lays them____4. Why do animals reproduce?A. to make new animalsB. obligation to the speciesC. to get rid of the unhealthy animalsD. to get food from its young____5.What does the female mosquito do with the fully developed eggs?A. lays themC. keep themB. fertilize themD. both A and B____6. What happens to the mating process of male and female butterfly?A. The eggs of the female butterfly are developed.B. The eggs of the female butterfly are fertilized.C. The male butterfly provide food for the female butterfly.D. The male butterfly deposits sperm into the female butterfly____7. How are dog, cats, horse and elephant similar??A. Their young ones undergo metamorphosisB. Their young ones do not like their parents.C. Their young ones are developed inside the shell.D. Their young ones look exactly like their parents.____ 8. Which of the following animals undergo external fertilization?A. birdB. catC. cowD. frogB. Land animalsD. Insects____9. How many parents are involved in sexual reproduction ?A. oneC. threeB. twoD. four____10.Which of the following does NOT show the stages of butterfly reproduction?A. Plants will provide food for the eggsB. Reproduction begins with courtshipC. Fertilized egg is developed in uterusD. The male butterfly deposits sperm​







I Don't no ung iba

14. 8. Which precautionary measures should be observed during windy day?A. use sunglassesC. use sunblock lotionB. be careful with fireD. eat cold foods9. Which is NOT belong to safety precaution during sunny day?A. Avoid prolonged sun exposure.B. Use sunblock or products with sun protection formulaC. Drink plenty of cool liquids, especially water.D. Wear thick and dark colored clothes.10. Which of the following is NOT belong to safety precautions during windy days..A. avoid walking under the treesB. be careful with fireC. wear thin and light colored clothes.D. secure items outside your home that could be blown awayDirections: Write the word BEFORE DURING and AFTER if this precautionary measurehappened before, during and after a typhoon. Write your answer on the space providedbefore the number.11. Secure domesticated animals in safe place.12. Help your parents clean the house and surroundings13. Prepare flashlights, batteries, candies, and kerosene lamps14. Stay calm and be aware of the things to be done.15. Store adequate supply of ready to eat food, clean water and clothing​


8. B

9. D

10. C

11. Before

12. After

13. Before

14. During

15. Before


8. B

9. D

10. C







stan (g)i-dle

15. 13. The balance of gross sales remaining after deducting trade discounts, returned sales,and sales allowances.A. Gross Sales B. Expenses C. Income D. Net Sales14. You sold your pig in a buyer at a price of 120 per kilo, if your pig weighs 90 kg. Howmuch is your sell?A. 10,560 B. 10,800 C. 9,570 D. 9,59015. You bought 5 piglets at a price of 2000 each. After 4 months you sold it at the amountof 34,000 pesos, how much is your gain?A. 25,000 B. 24,000 C. 37,400 D. 15,00016. When does a farmer likely plan an expansion of business project?A.) If the animals raised multiplied its numbers.B.) When wet seasonC.) If farmer can own larger land areaD.) If farmer is successful at the start of his animal-raising venture.17. In order to succeed, a livestock farmer must beA.) Hardworking, dedicated and knowledgeableB.) Dedicated, knowledgeable and naughtyC.) Knowledgeable, diligent and generousD.) Generous, dedicated and diligent18.raising is one of the sources of livelihood of many Filipinos today.A.) SwineB.) PlantC.) GoatD.) Animal19. This bred comes from New Jersey. It has dark red and golden yellow color. It is also a goodproducer of milk and has good mothering characteristics.A.) DurocB.) HampshireC.) YorkshireD.) Landrace20. For more information about varieties of hogs to raise, consult the Bureau ofIndustryA.) PlantB.) AnimalC.) MiningD.) TradeAnswer it all correctlyIrereport ko ang hindi matinong sagot​






















hoped it help

thank me later























I hopped it help❤❤❤❤❤❤

16. 13. The balance of gross sales remaining after deducting trade discounts, returned salesand sales allowances.A Gross Sales B. ExpensesC. Income D. Net Sales14. You sold your pig in a buyer at a price of 120 per kilo, if your pig weighs 90 kg. Howmuch is your sell?A. 10,560 B. 10,800 C. 9,570 D. 9,59015. You bought 5 piglets at a price of 2000 each. After 4 months you sold it at the amountof 34,000 pesos, how much is your gain?A. 25,000 B. 24,000 C. 37,400 D. 15,00016. When does a farmer likely plan an expansion of business project?A.) If the animals raised multiplied its numbers.B.) When wet seasonC.) If farmer can own larger land areaD.) If farmer is successful at the start of his animal-raising venture.17. In order to succeed, a livestock farmer must beA.) Hardworking, dedicated and knowledgeableB.) Dedicated, knowledgeable and naughtyC.) Knowledgeable, diligent and generousD.) Generous, dedicated and diligent18raising is one of the sources of livelihood of many Filipinos today.A.) SwineB.) PlantC.) GoatD.) Animal19. This bred comes from New Jersey. It has dark red and golden yellow color. It is also a goodproducer of milk and has good mothering characteristics.A.) DurocB.) HampshireC.) YorkshireD.) Landrace20. For more information about varieties of hogs to raise, consult the Bureau ofIndustryA.) PlantB.) AnimalC.) MiningD) Trade​


1. C

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. A

8. C

9. D

10. B

11. B

12. B

13. C

14. B

15. B

16. A

17. C

18. A

19. A

20. B


Paki-correct nalang po kung mali.

17. Directions: Choose the letter of the sentence that provides evidence to each of the followingstatements. Write your answer on the space provided.16. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals.a. Cheetahs have small rounded heads.b. Cheetah's special pads on its feet help create traction for the animal.c. Cheetahs are carnivores that hunt animals.d. A cheetah can run up to 93 km per hour.17. Green is a secondary color.a. Mixing the primary colors yellow and blue makes the color green.b. Green is associated with life, growth and nature.c. The color green can be found in the color wheel.d. Green is the second most popular favorite color.18. Pure gold is so soft.a. The chemical element gold is classed as a transition metal.b. Pure gold can be molded by bare hands.c. Gold is widely used in jewelry and coinage.d. Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat.19. Philippines is an archipelago.a. The Philippines is made up of thousands of islands.b. The capital of Philippines is Manila City.c. The Philippines is located in South East Asia.d. The country is named "the Philippines" after King Philip II of Spain20. The tiger is the biggest species of the cat family.a. A group of tigers is known as an 'ambush' or 'streak'.b. Tigers can easily jump over 5 meters in length.c. Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 meters and weigh as much as 300 kilograms.d. Tigers are easily recognizable with their dark and orange vertical stripes.​


16. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals.

a. Cheetahs have small rounded heads.

b. Cheetah's special pads on its feet help create traction for the animal.

c. Cheetahs are carnivores that hunt animals.

d. A cheetah can run up to 93 km per hour.

17. Green is a secondary color.

a. Mixing the primary colors yellow and blue makes the color green.

b. Green is associated with life, growth and nature.

c. The color green can be found in the color wheel.

d. Green is the second most popular favorite color.

18. Pure gold is so soft.

a. The chemical element gold is classed as a transition metal.

b. Pure gold can be molded by bare hands.

c. Gold is widely used in jewelry and coinage.

d. Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat.

19. Philippines is an archipelago.

a. The Philippines is made up of thousands of islands.

b. The capital of Philippines is Manila City.

c. The Philippines is located in South East Asia.

d. The country is named "the Philippines" after King Philip II of Spain

20. The tiger is the biggest species of the cat family.

a. A group of tigers is known as an 'ambush' or 'streak'.

b. Tigers can easily jump over 5 meters in length.

c. Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 meters and weigh as much as 300 kilograms.

d. Tigers are easily recognizable with their dark and orange vertical stripes.

18. 15. Which material is used to disconnect the flow of current?A. TapeB SwitchC. conductor16. Which one of these is NOT a good conductor of electricity?D. Aluminum FoilA. Silver SpoonB Steel KnifeC. Rubber band17. What tools are commonly used to polish rough surfaces and edges of thematerials to achieve a very fine texture of the finished product?A. Sandpaper and hand planeB. Mallet and chiselC. Saw and hammerD. Screwdriver and plier18. Why is it necessary to acquire the different skills in enhancing and decoratinga product?A. It can provide livelihoodB. It makes people proud of their selfC. It is a way to show your skillsD. It is one way to sell a product at high price19. What type of paint is best for bamboo and wood products?A. Water-based paint C. Enamel paintB. paintD. None correct answer20. When painting a finished product, the paint color shouldA. Multiple colorC. be Bright colorB. be Dark colorD. Matched color with the material21. This are tools used to make any presentation interesting and exciting.A. audio and video C.. hyperlinksB. animationsD. text and graphics22. It is a program software package used to display information in form of aslide show.A. animationsC. multimedia presentationB. hyperlinksD. navigation a sequence of effects to your slides which content gives theillusion of continuous motion when rapidly displayed one after the other. [tex] [/tex]​










Sana makatulong

19. What am I good at?Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before thenumber.1. Why is reproduction important? sustain the life of organismB. to develop the life of lengthen the life of an organismD. to guarantee the continuity of organisms2. Where do mosquitoes lay their eggs?A. leavesC. garbageB. stagnantD. dark place3. The following are all true about the reproduction of mosquitoes.EXCEPT ?A. Adult mosquitoes usually mate within few days after emerging from thepupal stageB. The female mosquitoes fly into the swarm to mateC. Mosquitoes produce asexually or where cells from only one parent areusedD. Once the egg are fully developed, the female mosquito lays them4. Why do animals reproduce?A. to make new animalsB. obligation to the speciesC. to get rid of the unhealthy animalsD. to get food from its young5.What does the female mosquito do with the fully developed eggs?A. lays themC. keep themB. fertilize themD. both A and B6. What happens to the mating process of male and female butterfly?A. The eggs of the female butterfly are developed.B. The eggs of the female butterfly are fertilized.C. The male butterfly provide food for the female butterfly,D. The male butterfly deposits sperm into the female butterfly_7. How are dog, cats, horse and elephant similar??A. Their young ones undergo metamorphosisB. Their young ones do not like their parents.C. Their young ones are developed inside the shell.D. Their young ones look exactly like their parents​













Don't say anything just thanks

20. DIRECTIONS: Underline each of the twenty-five adjectives in the following story, and draw an arrow from the adjective to the word or words it modifies. Ex. Scarystories can make the imagination run wild a On hot summer nights, Julio and the other boys sleep out in the yard. They put up a tent in a dark corner, where the trees and bushes are thick. That way the boys can easily imagine they are in wild, uninhabited country. One evening Mike suggested that they tell ghost stories or tales of bear hunts. After a particularly spine-tingling story, Mike couldn't sleep: he was too nervous. About midnight he saw something move in the shadows. "Yeow!" he cried out. "There is a big bear! It is really huge!" In the sudden confusion, the small tent collapsed on top of the boys each one seemed eager to go in a different direction. Anxious parents ran out of the nearby house. They found a coal-black dog. Like a bear, this animal was very curious. It was sniffing at the tangle arms, legs and bodies under the tent.​


be good kaya moyan



21. Copy the statements below and underline each of the twenty-five adjectives in the following story. Do not include articles a, an, and the. On hot summer nights, Julio and the other boys sleep out in the yard. They put op a tent in a dark corner, where the trees and bushes are thick. That way the boys can easily imagine they are in wild, whinhabited country. One evening Mike suggested that they tell ghost stories or tales of bear hunts. After a particularly spine -tingling story, Mike couldn't oleep; he was too nervous. About mignight he saw something move in the shadows." "Yeow". he cried out. "There is a big bear! It is really huge!" In the sudden confusion, tha small tent collapsed on top of the boys it to go in a different direction. Anxious parent o ran out of the nearby house. They found a coal-black deg. Like a bear, this animal of arms, legs, and bodies under the tent. each one seemed eager a bear, this animal was very curious. It was sniffing at the tangl​

Copy the statements below and underline each of the twenty-five adjectives in the following story. Do not include articles a, an, and the.

[tex] \\ [/tex]

On hot summer nights, Julio and the other boys sleep out in the yard. They put a tent in a dark corner, where the trees and bushes are thick. That way the boys can easily imagine they are in wild, inhabited country. One evening Mike suggested that they tell ghost stories or tales of bear hunts. After a particularly spine-tingling story, Mike couldn't sleep; he was too nervous. About mignight he saw something move in the shadows." "Yeow". he cried out. "There is a big bear! It is really huge!" In the sudden confusion, the small tent collapsed on top of the boys it to go in a different direction. Anxious parent ran out of the nearby house. They found a coal-black deg. Like a bear, this animal of arms, legs, and bodies under the tent each one seemed eager a bear, this animal was very curious.

[tex] \rm{ADJECTIVES:}[/tex]

hotdarkthickwildspine-tinglingnervousbighugesmallanxiouscoal-blackvery curious

Adjectives are words used to describe a noun or a pronoun.

[tex] \\ [/tex]

I hope my amswer helps!


[tex] \red{•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}[/tex]

On Hot summer night,Julio and the other boys sleep out in the yard.They put op a tent in a dark corner,where the trees and bushes are thick.That way the boys can easily imagine they are wild,whinhabited country.One evening Mike suggested that they tell ghost stories or tales of bear hunts.After a particularly spine-tingling story,Mike coudn't sleep;he was to nervous.About midnight he saw something move in the shadows." "Yeow".he cried out."There is a big bear! it is really huge!" ln the sudden confusion,the small tent collapsed on top of the boys it to go in a deffirent direction.Anxious parent o ran out of the nearby house.They found a coalblack deg. like a bear,this animal of arms,legs,and bodies under the tent.each one seemed eager a bear,this animal was very was sniffing at the tangl.


lt modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.


a green car.

A dark sky

An Enteristing story.

Those are Expensive bags.

There are Twelve eggs in the tray.

That beautiful lady.

Lucky is wearing a colorful outfit.

Michael is one of the Bravest men in his batalion.

The design of this amount is very beautiful.

this door had been for a long time.


22. Directions: Write TRUE if the stateinent is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect in your activity notebook. 1. The paintings were highly stylized, symbolic in Greek era. 2. The painting from Ancient Egypt it emphasizes life after death. 3. In pre historic era the dominant features in the painting were large animals. 4. The paintings during classical era were most commonly found in tunnels. 5. Fresco is one of the Kerch style. 6. Krater is use for wine container. 7. Lebes gamicos used to carry bridal bath. 8. Mosaic an art process where image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones or mongo seeds. 9. Boscotrecase a fresco painting was believe to be a ceremonial rite. 10. Theodora was an American queen with dark eyes and fierce expression. 11. Encaustic is a water based painting.12. Tempera is a fresco method that used water base. a a​














23. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the number 1. Why is reproduction important? sustain the life of organism B. to develop the life of organism lengthen the life of an organism D. to guarantee the continuity of organisms 2. Where do mosquitoes lay their eggs? A. leaves C. garbage B. stagnant D. dark place 3. The following are all true about the reproduction of mosquitoes. EXCEPT ? A. Adult mosquitoes usually mate within few days after emerging from the pupal stage B. The female mosquitoes fly into the swarm to mate C. Mosquitoes produce asexually or where cells from only one parent are used D. Once the egg are fully developed, the female mosquito lays them 4. Why do animals reproduce? A. to make new animals B. obligation to the species c. to get rid of the unhealthy animals D. to get food from its young 5. What does the female mosquito do with the fully developed eggs? A. lays them C. keep them B. fertilize them D. both A and B 6. What happens to the mating process of male and female butterfly? A. The eggs of the female butterfly are developed. B. The eggs of the female butterfly are fertilized. C. The male butterfly provide food for the female butterfly. D. The male butterfly deposits sperm into the female butterfly 7. How are dog, cats, horse and elephant similar?? A. Their young ones undergo metamorphosis B. Their young ones do not like their parents. C. Their young ones are developed inside the shell. D. Their young ones look exactly like their parents.


Paano mag pic.


1. Click niyo yung + sa (LEFT PICTURE)

2. And next click niyo yung kagaya sa second picture (RIGHT PICTURE)

3. And click niyo yung TAKE PHOTO kung gusto niyong mag take ng picture

24. The Cat and the Mic. The mice are afraid of the cat. One day, Mother Mouse called for a meeting. All the mice attended the meeting. They had their meeting in a dark corner. There were Young Mouse, Old Mouse and Mother Mouse. The cat is always running after us," said Mother Mouse." What shall we do to know if the cat is around or not?” Let us put a bell around the cat's neck,” said Mother Mouse.“ When the bell rangs, then we will know that the cat is coming That's a good idea Rut who will tie the hell around the cat's neck?” asked Old Mouse.“ Baby Mouse will do it,” said Old Mouse. She is brave.” “ Oh no. Not me,” said Baby Mouse. . They saw a cat running. They saw a cat running. The mice ran away. 1. What was the title of the story? A. The Cat and the Mice C. The Cat B. The Mice and the Cat D. The Meeting of the Mice 2. Who are the characters in the story? A. cat C cat, mother mouse, young mouse, old mouse B. bell and cat D. mice 3. Where did the story happen? A. field C. mountain B. dark corner D. street 4. Which is the plot? A. In the corner C. The Cat and the Mice B. Cat and Mice D. One day, Mother Mouse called for a meeting. 5. Wirai was tic provitin uſ in me? A. How to kill the cat Who will tie the bell to a cat's neck? B. Who will feed the cat D. The mice have no food to eat 6. “You must be very tired, Father. You have worked all day. may I help you row the big boat?” said the child. What does the child feel? A onary C. worried B. sad 7. “Snake! Snake!” cried Blanca who jumped out of the barn. Blanca was A. afraid D. sad 8. "Oh! Father.” said the little frog. “I just saw the biggest animal in the world You have never seen an animal that was a big as a hill. It had horns on its head.” The little frog was A. afraid C. tired B. surprised D. sad D. happy C. angry B. happy​




Hope it helps

Mark me as brainliest pls

25. What's New Read the story and answer the questions below. Write your answer on the space provided. Buddy and the Cat Little Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Bug always tells him to stay in dark places and hide. He listens to her with half an ear not really believing in what she says. "How could they not like me? I have beautiful, shiny wings, and long antenna. Surely, they would love me," he thought. Then, Buddy saw a black cat and said, "I will show Mother Cockroach that she is wrong." But when the cat saw him, it immediately jumped and started running after him with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he could to the dark place under the cabinet and never ever came out. Source: English Learner's Material 4, p.109 1. Where did the story happen? Describe it. 2. What do you call this part of the story? 3. Do all stories need a setting? Why? 4. Who are the characters of the story? 5. What do you call the persons/animals in the story? 6. What did the mother bug want? How did they solve their problem?(pasagot po please )​


1. House of Bug.

2. Buddy and Cat

3. Yes, because all forms of literature will have some form of setting; even backdrop settings have an age range of the characters, which is part of time, and a location, either indoors or out, for example. Without a setting, readers and viewers cannot follow a story plot.

4.Buddy, cat, mother bug and little buddy cockroach

5. Little buddy cockroach

6.Mother Bug always tells him to stay in the dark places and hide. He will show mother Bug that she is wrong.

26. TITLE:Buddy and the CatLittle Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Bug always tells him to stay in dark places and hide. He listens to her withhalf an ear not really believing in what she says."How could they not like me? I have beautiful, shiny wings, and long antenna. Surely, they would love me," he thought.Then, Buddy saw a black cat and said, “I will show Mother Cockroach that she is wrong." But when the cat saw him, itimmediately jumped and started running after him with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he could to the dark place under thecabinet and never ever came out.1.Where did the story happen? Describe it. 2.What do you call this part of the story?3.Do all stories need a setting? Why? 4.Who are the characters of the story? 5.What do you call the persons/animals in the story? 6.What did the mother bug want? How did they solve their problem? ​


1. In the house and under the cabinet

2. settings?

3. yes because settings set the place or the meet up places

4. the mother bug, little buddy cockroach and the cat

5. the characters

6. the mother bug want to hide in the dark places

27. Choose evidence which supports each statement. Write the letter of the answer on the blank before the number.1. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals.A. Cheetahs have small rounded headsB. Cheetahs special pads on it's feet help create traction for animal.C. Cheetahs are carnivores that hunt animals.D. A cheetah can run up to 93 km per hour2. Green is a secondary color.A. Mixing the primary clors yellow and blue makes the color green.B. Green is associated with life, growth and nature.C. The color green can be found in the color wheel.D. Green is the second most popular favorite color.3. Pure gold is so soft.A. The chemical element gold is classed as a transition metal.B. Pure gold can be molded by bare hands.C. Gold is widely used in jewelry and coinage.D. Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat.4. Phillippines is an archipelago.A. The Philippines is made up of thousands of isalands.B. The capital of Philippines is Manila City.C. Philippines is located in South East Asia.D. The country is named "the Philippines" after King Philip II of Spain.5. The tiger is the biggest species of the cat family.A. A group of tigers is known as an 'ambush' or 'streak'.B. Tigers can easily jump over 5 meters length.C. Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 meter and weigh as much as 300 kilograms.D. Tigers are easily recognizable with their dark and orange vertical stripes.Nonsence-report​


1. a

2. c

3. d

4. c

5. b


sana po makatulong

28. The CreationIn the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. On the first day, he created the light and separated it from the darkness. He called the light "day" and darkness "night". On the next day, he made the skies which he called heavens, and divided the waters. On the third day, he let the dry ground appear and filled it with seed bearing plants and trees. Their seeds produced plants and trees of different kinds. On the fourth day, God made the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day, God created great sea creatures and every kind of bird. And finally, on the sixth day, he created all sorts of land animals and the first human pair. He looked at everything he created and saw they were all good.1. What is the story about?2. How did the creation days appear in the paragraph?3. How do you feel after you read it?4. Have you noticed the word signals used to make the listing possible?5. How about the order of events?6. Can you tell the text types used in the story?( Non-sense Report)( answers my question brainliest)​


1. It is all about God Creation(s)

3. I feel so great because God is good

29. CREATIONWe live in a beautiful world! Just look at the amazing things around you. Have you ever wondered how all things were created? Read and find out. The Creation In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. On the first day, he created the light and sepa- rated it from the darkness. He called the light "day" and darkness "night". On the next day, he made the skies which he called heavens, and divided the waters. On the third day, he let the dry ground appear and filled it with seed bearing plants and trees. Their seeds produced plants and trees of different kinds. On the fourth day, God made the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day, God created great sea creatures and every kind of bird. And finally, on the sixth day, he created all sorts of land animals and the first human pair. He looked at everything he created and saw they were allgood. 1. What is the story about?2. How did the creation days appear in the paragraph? 3. How do you feel after you read it?4. Have you noticed the word signals used to make the listing possible?5. How about the order of events? 6. Can you tell the text typesused in the storypasagot po need kona po bukas hehe​


1. Creation of God

2. By order


4. Yes

5. First day, Next day, third day, fourth day, and fifth day.


30. 1. Why is reproduction important? sustain the life of organism B. to develop the life of organism lengthen the life of an organism D. to guarantee the continuity of organisms 2. Where do mosquitoes lay their eggs? A leaves C. garbage B. stagnant D. dark place 3. The following are all true about the reproduction of mosquitoes. EXCEPT A. Adult mosquitoes usually mate within few days after emerging from pupal stage B. The female mosquitoes fly into the swarm to mate C. Mosquitoes produce asexually or where cells from only one parenta used D. Once the egg are fully developed, the female mosquito lays them 4. Why do animals reproduce? A. to make new animals B. obligation to the species C. to get rid of the unhealthy animals D. to get food from its young 5. What does the female mosquito do with the fully developed eggs? A. lays them C. keep them B. fertilize them D. both A and B 6. What happens to the mating process of male and fernale butterfly? A. The eggs of the female butterfly are developed. B. The eggs of the female butterfly are fertilized. C. The male butterfly provide food for the female butterfly. D. The male butterfly deposits sperm into the female butterfly -7. How are dog, cats, horse and elephant similar?? A. Their young ones undergo metamorphosis B. Their young ones do not like their parents. C. Their young ones are developed inside the shell D. Their young ones look exactly like their parents.










hope it helps ☺️

pa correct nalang po kung may mali

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