Critical Essay About Equality By Maya Angelou

Critical Essay About Equality By Maya Angelou

equality essay by Maya Angelou ​

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1. equality essay by Maya Angelou ​


I don't know pls answer this question

2. Please read the poem entitled "Equality" by Maya Angelou. Write a critical analysis about the poem by completing the guide in the grid provided. Make sure to write your critical essay in detail


my answer is in the 3 pic


hope it's help

3. critical essay: what is the purpose of the poemyour reflectionpoem: equality by maya angelo​


The purpose of the poem is to remind readers that everyone is equal and that we should all strive to treat each other with respect and kindness. The poem speaks to the idea that we are all human beings, and that we should all be treated with dignity and respect. The poem also touches on the idea that we are all connected and that we should strive to build a more equal and just society.


In my reflection, I believe that the poem is a powerful reminder of the importance of treating others with respect and kindness. The poem speaks to the importance of treating everyone as an individual, rather than judging them based on their race, gender, or background. The poem also highlights the importance of working together to create a more equal and just society.

4. what do they have in common ?peom of langston and maya angelou​


hi my is lynx can i be your friend for 24 hoursname

5. What is the mood in Still I Rise by Maya Angelou.


The mood of Maya Angelou's poem, 'Still I Rise', is inspirational. This is because the poem uses the theme of strength and resilience.

6. What kind of genre in poetry is still i rise by maya Angelou?



Poetry (derived from the Greek poiesis, "making") is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and often rhythmic qualities of language—such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre—to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning


Maya Angelou's poem "Still I Rise" is a type of lyric poetry. The lyric poem expresses the speaker's feelings about a situation or subject and may or may not rhyme. In "Still I Rise," Angelou writes about themes of blackness, femininity and resilience.

7. what does the poem entitled Equality by Maya Angelou means?​


In the poem 'Equality' by Maya Angelou the themes of equality, racism and discrimination are conveyed through the use of repetition and metaphors. This shows that she is against racism and wants everyone to be treated the same and that she will continue to spread the message until it is resolved.


Answer not mine

Maya Angelou explores this worldwide dilemma in her poem, "Equality." With metaphors of shadows and drums, Angelou displays the everyday frustrations of the oppressed in a society that draws a blind eye.

8. What genre is still I rise by maya Angelou?


The genre is poetry.


Still I rise is a poem so its falls under the genre of poetry.

Hope it will help!!

9. "Equality"by Maya AngelouCritical Essay:1. Background InformationA. Information about the WorkTitle2. Author3. Purpose of the poem. Provide evidence; extractlines from the poem4. Theme of the poemSummary - Write the issues being raised inthe poemIII. Interpretation and EvaluationA. Discuss the style of the author in presenting theissuesB. Discuss if the was author successful in persuadingthe audience regarding the issues.IV. Reflection: How the issues presented affect you?​


I. Background Information

1. Information about the Work

  Title: Equality

2. Author: Maya Angelou

3. Purpose of the poem: The poem addresses how men perceive and treat black women, and it advocates for an end to gender and racial inequality.

You announce my ways are wanton, that I fly from man to man, but if I'm just a shadow to you, could you ever understand ?

It discusses about the double standards towards women.

We have lived a painful history,

we know the shameful past,

but I keep on marching forward,

and you keep on coming last.

It talks about the years that Black people received oppression.

4. Theme of the poem: Is an upbeat poem with a positive message. It speaks movingly about future possibilities.

  Summary: The themes of equality, racism, and discrimination are conveyed through the use of repetition and metaphors in Maya Angelou's poem "Equality." The phrase 'equality and I will be free' appears six times in this poem.

III. Interpretation and Evaluation

A. Style of the author in presenting the issues:

Angelou's writing style, story, and typical literary content make it very natural for her to write about and discuss

B. Author's persuassion

The author was a social justice activist and a participant of the civil rights movement. Using her poem, it was an eventful tool.

IV. Reflection:

Despite the fact that race has no genetic or scientific basis, the concept of race is significant and consequential. Race is used by societies to establish and justify power, privilege, disenfranchisement, and oppression.

As a Filipino, we had been subjected to racial discrimination even in our own land. The issues affects me, too, because we have internalized racism that we believe already that we are second class citizens.



10. Who is the speaker of Still I Rise by Maya Angelou.


The speaker of the poem is Black, which we learn in these two lines in the last stanza: Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave.



Correct me if im wrong


11. who is the speaker in the poem story still i rise by maya angelou​


The poem "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou is spoken by a first person narrator who is not explicitly named in the poem. The poem is in the shape of a speech by the narrator to an also unnamed "you."


sana makatulong stay safe❤❤❤

Paki heart na lang po im new ;))

12. 300 words of analysis equality - a poem by maya Angelou ​


Equality by Maya Angelou

Angelou’s writing style, story, and typcal literary content makes the topic of equality a very natural one for her to write about and discuss in a promising and impressive fashion. The topic of equality is hardly a new or unique idea, and thankfully the concept has received a great deal of momentum since Angelou was born in 1928. Her input on the topic in the form of her distinctive poetry offers a compelling message that has remained relevant since the moment it was written. Angelou’s use of metaphor, imagery, repetition, and notable word choice creates a significant and noticeable atmosphere that stays with the reader long after the poem has been read and re-read.



13. What is the message of the Still I Rise by Maya Angelou.

Is an assertion of the dignity and resilience of marginalized people in the face of oppression.


"Still I Rise" is primarily about self-respect and confidence. In the poem, Angelou reveals how she will overcome anything through her self-esteem. She shows how nothing can get her down. She will rise to any occasion and nothing, not even her skin color, will hold her back.

14. 3 sentence summary of "equality" by maya angelou​

"Equality" is a poem by Maya Angelou that speaks to the importance of equality for all people. Angelou argues that until everyone is treated equally, we will not be able to achieve true greatness as a nation. She calls on her readers to fight for equality for all, regardless of race, gender, or religion.

15. maya Angelou was mute for almost 5 years.what does mute mean?​


Mute means silent, speechless, unspeaking, wordless, voiceless, tongue-tied, uncommunicative.

Sana makatulong

16. Equality By: Maya Angelou what is the purpose of the poem?​


Yan na lang "RUDE" daw kse

17. What is Still i rise poem by maya angelou mainly about?​


Broadly speaking, the poem is an assertion of the dignity and resilience of marginalized people in the face of oppression. Because Angelou often wrote about blackness and black womanhood, "Still I Rise" can also be read more specifically as a critique of anti-black racism.

18. in the mask by maya angelou what is the author's purpose​


The poem We Wear the Mask by Paul Laurence Dunbar refers to people hiding their true feelings and emotions from everyone else behind a "mask." In the poem he refers to the cheerful facial expression that people thinks is necessary so that others don't see how they truly feel. This poem is about pretending to be something your not so that you fit in and aren't judged by others and some people don't feel like they do a good job at it.

19. What is the imaginary found in the poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou.

What is the imagery in the poem Still I Rise?  

In "Still I Rise," Maya Angelou uses gold mines and oil wells as symbols of wealth and confidence. She also uses natural imagery, including the sun, the moon, the tides, and the air, to symbolize the inevitability of her continued rise beyond the reach of oppression.

What is the tone and imagery of Still I Rise?

Maya Angelou uses a tone of self-confident assertiveness in her poem “Still I Rise.” Her air of angry confidence is peppered with sarcastic humor. She addresses the poem to her audience of oppressors by beginning with the word, “You.”

20. what is the social issue of caged bird by maya angelou ?​


After the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., Angelou was inspired by a meeting with writer James Baldwin and cartoonist Jules Feiffer to write I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings as a way of dealing with the death of her friend and to draw attention to her own personal struggles with racism.

I'm not sure but

#carry on learning.

21. what is social issue " cage bird" by Maya angelou​


for the caged bird. sings of freedom. —The final stanza of Maya Angelou's poem "Caged Bird" Walker insists that Angelou's treatment of racism is what gives her autobiographies their thematic unity and underscores one of their central themes: the injustice of racism and how to fight it.





In the course of Caged Bird, Maya, who has been described as "a symbolic character for every black girl growing up in America", goes from being a victim of racism with an inferiority complex to a self-aware individual who responds to racism with dignity and a strong sense of her own identity.

22. What situation are they in Still I Rise by Maya Angelou.


Still I Rise" is primarily about self-respect and confidence. In the poem, Angelou reveals how she will overcome anything through her self-esteem. She shows how nothing can get her down. She will rise to any occasion and nothing, not even her skin color, will hold her back.

23. What are the symbols used in the Still I Rise by Maya Angelou.


In "Still I Rise," Maya Angelou uses gold mines and oil wells as symbols of wealth and confidence. She also uses natural imagery, including the sun, the moon, the tides, and the air, to symbolize the inevitability of her continued rise beyond the reach of oppression.


In "Still I Rise," Maya Angelou uses gold mines and oil wells as symbols of wealth and confidence. She also uses natural imagery, including the sun, the moon, the tides, and the air, to symbolize the inevitability of her continued rise beyond the reach of oppression.


sana maka tulong po.

24. reader's response criticism in lips of an angel by HINDER?​


Lips of an Angel” is a hit single from the rock band Hinder. It tells the tale of a man finding it difficult to remain faithful to his current partner simply because he still has strong feelings for his former girlfriend, whom in his eyes has lips comparable to that of an angel. And it is apparent that said ex-girlfriend also still has strong feelings for him, considering she called him pretty late at night just to talk to him. And this late night call makes it even more difficult for him to forget about her. At the end of the day, he is missing her badly to the point where he is even wishing she was his current girlfriend.

25. what issues does Maya Angelou address in lines 1-4 of the poem?


In the poem "Equality" by Maya Angelou the themes of equality, racism and discrimination are conveyed through the use of repetition and metaphors. The phrase 'Equality and i will be free' is repeated throughout this poem six times.

26. background information of equality by: maya angelou​


Maya Angelou's poem, “Equality,” published in 1990 (“EQUALITY - Maya Angelou. African - American Poetry,'” 1990), addresses how black women are seen and treated in the eyes of men, and calls for an end to gender and racial inequality.

27. thoughts about caged bird story by maya angelou​


Angelou uses the metaphor of a bird struggling to escape its cage, described in Paul Laurence Dunbar's poem, as a prominent symbol throughout her series of autobiographies. Like elements within a prison narrative, the caged bird represents Angelou's confinement resulting from racism and oppression.

28. What is the subject of the poem still i rise by maya angelou?


Still I Rise" is primarily about self-respect and confidence. In the poem, Angelou reveals how she will overcome anything through her self-esteem. She shows how nothing can get her down. She will rise to any occasion and nothing, not even her skin color, will hold her back.

29. How do you feel about the subject of Still I Rise by Maya Angelou.



30. caged bird by Maya Angelou what is social issue?​


The poem describes the opposing experiences between two birds: one bird is able to live in nature as it pleases, while a different caged bird suffers in captivity. Due to its profound suffering, the caged bird sings, both to cope with its circumstances and to express its own longing for freedom.

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