Flower With A Stem

Flower With A Stem

Describe a rose stem,roots,leaves,and its flowerDescribe a sunflower's stem,roots,leaves,and its flowerDescribe a gumamela's stem,roots,leaves,and its flower​

Daftar Isi

1. Describe a rose stem,roots,leaves,and its flowerDescribe a sunflower's stem,roots,leaves,and its flowerDescribe a gumamela's stem,roots,leaves,and its flower​


*Rose, (genus Rosa), genus of some 100 species of perennial shrubs in the rose family (Rosaceae). Roses are native primarily to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Many roses are cultivated for their beautiful flowers, which range in colour from white through various tones of yellow and pink to dark crimson and maroon, and most have a delightful fragrance, which varies according to the variety and to climatic conditions.

Sunflower, (genus Helianthus), genus of nearly 70 species of herbaceous plants of the aster family (Asteraceae). Sunflowers are native primarily to North and South America, and some species are cultivated as ornamentals for their spectacular size and flower heads and for their edible seeds. The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is cultivated for its edible underground tubers.


*So, what is gumamela characteristics. The gumamela characteristics are it has a green leafy leaves with around 3 to 8 cm long. It has a strong and hard stem. It has many long branches. It has a beautiful pink to red flowers and has a white to brown roots.

2. what part can you eat at rose mary? A.Fruit,stem,leaves,flower,roots, B.Fruit,stem,leaves,flowers C.Fruit,stem,leaves D.Fruit,stem E.Fruit F.Stem,leaves, flowers, roots ​







I love the idea that you cannot even

3. Which are the common parts of a terrestrial and aquatic plants? roots, stem, leaves and flowers roots and stems , stems and flowers , roots only.


roots,stem,leaves,and flower

correct me if im wrong thank you

4. enlarged at the upper end of a flower stalk with a flower stem or group of flower​


The Receptacle


The receptacle is the enlarged upper end of a flower stalk and bears the flower


dunno what it



5. How do flowers, leaves and stem help plants meet their basic needs?30. Flower -31. Leaves -32. Stem - ​


Flower- the flower are primarily used for reproduction.

Leaves - the leaves absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.

Stem- the stem moves water from the roots to the leaves and flowers.



The green pigment present in the leaves called chlorophyll will help in converting the minerals and water into food. Stem stores nutrients and the waste of the plant which it secretes and excretes which further help by the roots of the plant .

6. discribe a santan on flower stem roots​


stem, in botany, the plant axis that bears buds and shoots with leaves and, at its basal end, roots. ... In most plants the stem is the major vertical shoot, in some it is inconspicuous, and in others it is modified and resembles other plant parts (e.g., underground stems may look like roots).


I'm not sure but I hope it's

7. what is stem of lotus flower​


The stem of lotus is called rhizomes


thank me later


Lotus Stem. They are the edible parts of the lotus flower which is found under water. It is usually crunchy and is fairly sweet and has a flavor like water chestnut. It has a delicate flavor. Almost all parts of the plant like the root, young flower stalks, seeds, etc.

8. apple is to tree as flower is to stem​

Apples grow from trees and a stem is a part of a flower.


apples grow from trees

and a stem is a part of a flowers

pa branliest Po salamat

9. what is stem of lotus flower​


what is stem of lotus flower


Lotus Stem.

They are the edible parts of the lotus flower which is found under water. It is usually crunchy and is fairly sweet and has a flavor like water chestnut. It has a delicate flavor. Almost all parts of the plant like the root, young flower stalks, seeds, etc.






10. what are the decription of stem,roots,leaves and flower of lotus flower?​


Lotus Stem(कमल-ककड़ी) Hindi Name: कमल-ककड़ी Also known as lotus root it is a root vegetable from India and China, used widely in Indian, Chinese and Japanese food. They are the edible parts of the lotus flower which is found under water. It is usually crunchy and is fairly sweet and has a flavor like water chestnut.


Hope it helps :)

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Updated November 17, 2020

The aquatic sacred lotus plant (Nelumbo nucifera) is grown worldwide for its 8-inch-wide showy flowers and round, upward-cupped waxy green leaves that can reach 2 feet across. Plants are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 10. Many cultivars exist with flowers of different shades of pink to white; single, semidouble and double flowers; and different plant sizes. Decorative woody seed pods are used in floral arrangements. They have primitive flower characteristics and date back 15 million years into the fossil record


just correct me if I'm wrong!

11. 1Write 2 plants and describe it?StemRootsLeavesFlowerb.StemRootsLeavesFlower​


Stem- The main trunk of a plant

Roots - The part of a plant that grows underground, Gets water from the ground and holds the plant in place.

Leaves- A flattened structure of a higher plant.

Flower - the part of a plant that is often brightly colored, that usually lasts a short time, and from which the seed or fruit develops .

An example of a two plants is Sunflowers and Orchids

Hope it helps

#Carry on learning

12. roots stems leaves and flowers flowers are examples of cells true or false​




Because roots, stem, flowers, and leaves are examples of plant cells


Hope it helps

13. how flower attached in the stem

Flowers are always attached to stems because that’s just the way it is. It couldn’t be explained though,but image if the flower is not attached to the stem,the whole flower will die right?

14. how the flower is attached to the stem

the flower is attached to its stem because of the sepals which holds the flower together with the stem

15. What are the functions of flowers, leaves and stems?

The stem supports the plant above ground, and carries the water and minerals to the leaves. The leaves collect energy from the Sun and make food for the plant, using an amazing process called photosynthesis.The primary purpose of the flower is reproduction.


Flower- To make seeds, produces fruit, contain the sexual organs for the plant, attracts insects for pollination.

Leaves- Manufacture food through photosynthesis, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen (Gas exchange), store food during germination, protect vegetative and floral buds.

Stem- supports leaves, fruit, flowers, and branches, transport water, nutrients and solutes between roots and leaves, storage of nutrients.

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope it helps^_^

16. Describe how the Flower is attached to the stem.

The flower is attached to the stem in order to transport the nutrients coming from the roots. Imagine if the flower is not attached to the stem,where will the flower get it’ source of energy from? Plus,the whole plant will die.

17. describe how the flower attached to the stem

Ano yung susi tungo sa makabuluhang pagbabago,help me guys

18. what is stem of lotus flower.​


Lotus Stem(कमल-ककड़ी) Also known as lotus root it is a root vegetable from India and China, used widely in Indian, Chinese and Japanese food. They are the edible parts of the lotus flower which is found under water. It is usually crunchy and is fairly sweet and has a flavor like water chestnut.


19. Describe how the flower is attached to the stem?


The flower is attached to the stem at the peduncle, which has a swollen tip called the RECEPTACLE to which the other flower parts are attached.

20. 3. Which part is NOT needed inconsidering a complete flower?A. petal B. pistilC. stamen D. stem​​4.Which type of reproduction needs the male and female gamete to produce a new plantA.asexual reproductionB.complete flowerC.incomplete flowerD.sexual reproduction5. which group of plants can reproduce a new plant in asexual reproductionA. flower stem rootsB. flower stem fruitC. stem roots fruitD. stem roots leaves





Sana makatulong

21. Which are used for vegetative propagation. flower, stem, seed fruit, flower, stem O leaves, stem, roots O pollen, anther, stigma​


Stem O leaves, Roots O Pollen, and underground stem.


Keep it up ♪

22. examine the entire flower and the part of its stem Q1.describe how the flower is attached to the stem​




In herbal science, a peduncle is a tail supporting an inflorescence or a single flower, or, after fecundation, an infructescence or a singular natural product. The peduncle at times has bracts at hubs. The primary pivot of an inflorescence over the peduncle is the rachis. There are no flowers on the peduncle except for there are flowers on the rachis.  At the point when a peduncle emerges starting from the earliest stage, either from a compacted elevated stem or from an underground stem, with few or no bracts with the exception of the part close to the rachis or container, it is alluded to as a scape.  The oak seeds of the peduncle oak are borne on a long peduncle, subsequently the name of the tree.

Peduncle (herbal science), a tail supporting an inflorescence, which is the piece of the shoot of seed plants where flowers are framed in the flower. Peduncle (life structures), a stem, through which a mass of tissue is joined to a body Peduncle (arthropods), the base sections of a radio wire. A flower, once in a while known as a sprout or bloom, is the conceptive construction found in flowering plants. The organic capacity of a flower is to work with proliferation, generally by giving an instrument to the association of sperm with eggs. Flowers might work with outcrossing coming about because of cross-fertilization or permit selfing when self-fertilization happens.

It. It is the thickened stem part attached to the peduncle ...



23. lavender stem roots leaves flower​


Pruning lavender in cool climates is a two-step process, whether for individual plants or for hedging. The flowering stems can be harvested while in bloom or snipped off after the flowers fade to keep the plant tidy.

24. what part can you eat at kalabasa A.fruit,stem,leaves,flowers B.fruit,stem,leaves,flowers,roots​




cause you can do it the roots




course the roots it's not eat

25. Describe the flower attached in th stem

If the flower not attached to its stem , it would flee at the approach of man , like the insect or the bird; for the attribute of man on the Earth.

26. discribe stem of nymphaea flower​


The stem of this plant remains connected to the bottom of the sand and provides support to the above leaves and flowers. Its stem holds the soil well so that there is no damage to this plant when there is a strong water flow. Its stem is also well connected with rhizomes, which provide nitrogen and all the other nutrients that make flowers grow.


Pa brainliests po

27. The flower is attached to the stem by the

The flower is attached to the stem by the SEPALThe flower's attached to the stem by the Sepal

28. A flower is only ___ if there is only one flower growing from the stem.​

A flower is only one flower per stem if there is only one flower growing from the stem.


Some plants bear only one flower per stem, which is called a solitary flower. Other plants produce an inflorescence a cluster of flowers. Each flower in an inflorescence is called a floret.

29. Learning Task 1: Study the lotus flowerlotus flowerstem-Roots-leaves-flower-​

I have an answer but I can't post it I'll try in comment section

30. how do flowers leaves and stem help plants meet their basic needs?30.flower-31.leaves-32.stem-​


how do flowers leaves and stem help

The green pigment present in the leaves called chlorophyll will help in converting the minerals and water into food. Stem stores nutrients and the waste of the plant which it secretes and excretes which further help by the roots of the plant


can i be the brainliest

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