Stressing Human Achievement

Stressing Human Achievement

Stressing human achievement Select one:a. People-oriented spiritualityb. World-oriented spiritualityc Self-oriented spiritualityd. God-oriented spirituality​

Daftar Isi

1. Stressing human achievement Select one:a. People-oriented spiritualityb. World-oriented spiritualityc Self-oriented spiritualityd. God-oriented spirituality​


B) World-oriented spiritual

2. 4. Describe the phrase "Generating Ideas"A. It helps you achieve goals using unconventional ideas.B. It combats stress that arises in daily life.C. It makes you keep moving forward despite obstacles.D. It copes with the problems encountered with lack of experience.5. This pertains to "how we want us to beA. Actual selfC. NegotiationB. SelfD. Ideal self6. It focuses on human growth and changes across lifespan.A. Human MaturityC. Human NatureB. Human ImmaturityD. Human Developmenhy​


4.c. 5.a. 6.a. or d.


i hope it helps! :}

sorry in advance if its wrong!


3. : Which of the following is NOT a common element used to define management?a. Values, policy, and strategyb. Achievement of goals/objectivesc. Limited resourcesd. With and through people2: Current management theory stresses the concepts of employee involvement, employee empowerment, and _____.a. employee knowledge and skillsb. managers' concern with the human component of employeesc. employee effectivenessd. administrators' nonprofit organizations​


1. A. Values, policy, and strategy

2. B. managers' concern with the human component of employees

4. I. TRUE or FALSE1. Conservatism believes that an orderly society can be created and maintained by the use oftradition, hierarchy and authority, and strong and unchanging institutions.2. Liberalist upholds the idea of respect for the individual, acceptance of differences, faith inreason, Justice and tolerance.3. Conservatism relies solely on emotional rather than rational appeal to keep the societystrong and united through its emphasis on nationalism, elitism, and authoritarianism.4. Socialism is an extreme form of Communism which advocates for a social revolution to bringan end to the perpetual conflict between the capitalist and working classes and create aclassless society where there is no hierarchy, authority and inequality5. Socialism stresses the natural ability of human beings to cooperate with one another inestablishing a better society based on the concept of equality, brotherhood and commonownership of property.6. Fascist is emotional rather than rational in keeping the society strong and united throughemphasis on nationalism, elitism, and authoritarianism.7. The word "Communism is derived from the French commun which means common8. Countries who commit themselves to Capitalism are expected to lift more people out ofpoverty thus improving the lives of many9. There is no place for liberal democracy in Fascism and an authoritarian or dictatomagovernment capable of bringing national unity is needed to achieve economic and politicalstability10. One political ideology will suffice in producing a good sodety.​


1 T

2 T

3 M

4 T

5 M

6 M

7 T

8 T



5. 1. What do you call the state of being or existence above and beyond the limitsof material experience?no ancoraa. Transition b. Transcendence c. Transformation d. Transgression2. What does the term scandare mean?a. "to exist"b. "to impart"c. "to climb"d. "to deduce"3. According to this philosopher, the human person is an embodied spirit. Who is he?a. Socrates b. Aristotlec. Immanuel Kant d. St. Thomas4. Which of the following is a biological limitation for transcendence for a student whose goal is to be avaledictorian?a. Joining a dance troupec. Watching videos over the internetb. Being absent for a week due to fever d. Criticism from his teacher on his science project5. Which of the following is not a possibility for transcendence?a. Looking for helpc. Working to reach a goalb. Having a positive outlookd. Learning from experience6. Magie is a poor 17-year old girl whose ultimate dream is to finish her studies. What can she do tomake her dream possible?a. Join the school choir to lessen her stress in her studiesb. Start on organization that fights for human rightsc. Work during her free time to gain extra money for schoold. Read books on her own7. Why do some people fail to experience transcendence?a. They have a feeling that it will not occur.b. They are not meant to experience it.c. They are not hardworking.d. They have a goal that is too challenging for them to achieve.8. Which of the following statement is true?1. Transcendence is for younger ages.2. Transcendence is similar to self-actualization.a. Statement 2c. Neither statement 1 nor 2b. Both statements 1 and 2d. Statement 19. How does the human body play a role in transcendence?1. The body has its limitations.2. The body functions against transcendence.a. Statement 2c. Both statement 1 and 2b. Statement 1d. Neither statement 1 nor 210. Which statement about transcendence is true?1. It only starts during old age2. All personal limitations are clearly defined.a. Both statement 1 and 2c. Statement 1b. Neither statements 1 nor 2d. Statement 2​








1. Standardized tests are most widely used in the field of education to assess the academic performance of students.

2. Tests do not provide accurate evaluations of a student's knowledge and capabilities.

3. Improvements must be made in the distribution of standardized tests to encourage students to strive for the highest academic achievement.

4. Automatic machines designed for checking standardized tests help make them more objective.

5. He/She weighs in on both advantages and disadvantages of the standardized tests so the position is not clear.

7. Instruction: Write your answer in your pad paper.1.ALTERNATE RESPONSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if otherwise.1. Self-disclosure for adolescents may not be easy because of their terconscious and fear of being judged.2. Personal effectiveness means making use of all the personal resourachieve life goals.3. Your knowledge of yourself and how you manage yourself impactspersonal effectiveness4. Personal effectiveness does not depend on your innate characteris5. Human development is fully focused on physical and emotional gr6. Stress can both positively and negatively affect a person7. Being happy means allowing yourself to do your childish ways8. The greater the level of incongruence between the ideal self andthe level of resulting distress9. Self-confidence is solely manifested in speech10. Making constant comparison of yourself to others is a form of e11. Personal Development is a way of refining and improving theperson so that he gets a better attitude, behavior, and per12. it is possible that individuals can have matching personali13. Personal development is a lifelong process14. In the human developmental stage, middle age starts frs15. Encouragement enhances a feeling​


1. T 6. T 11. T

2. F 7. F 12.T

3. T 8. F 13.F

4. T 9. T 14.T

5. T 10. T 15.F

8. Directions: Read each statement and choose the best answer. Encircle the site of the contene1. Which of the following are organs of the respiratory systema?@nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, lungse nasal cavity, trachea, brain, heart lungsb. nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, stomachá nasal zity, wractes, veins, intestines, lungs2. Which body system delivers more oxyzen to muscular cells during ronning, biking, or saiamingwhere oxygen is used at a faster rate?a. respiratoryc. digestive6. circulatoryd. nervous3. Which chamber of the human heart pumps blood to all parts of the body?a right atriumc.right sentricleb. left atriumleft ventricle4. Mark joined a 100-meter dash. What will most likely happen to his heart?It will beat faster than normal.C. It will stop to beat.6. It will beat slower than normal.d. It will burst5. Which of the following best describes pulmonary circulation? Blood circulation from thea. heart going to the lungs and other parts of the bodyheart going to the lungs and back to the heartc. lungs to the different parts of the bodyd. body going to the heart6. How does the respiratory and circulatory system together?Respiratory systemwhile circulatory systema provides nutrients, absorbs watertransports blood, facilitates gas exchangeb. facilitates gas exchange, transports bloodcreates immune cells, provides a framework7. Enrique wants to prevent diseases in his respiratory and circulatory systems by having a healthylifestyle. Which of the following must be avoid?a. Eating on time and balanced dietb. Sleeping at least 7 hours and regular exercisec. Avoiding vices such as cigarette smoking and alcohol drinkingd. Playing computer games for 5 hours to remove stress and then taking a bath for proper hygiene8. Several lifestyles can affect a person's risk for developing disorder in the respiratory and circulatorysystem. All of the following are a negative lifestyle excepta. sleeping late at nightb. eating unhealthy foodc. living in a stressful environmentd. avoiding vices such as cigarette smoking and drinking alcohol9. Barbie is a grade nine student who is positive in life and pants to take care of her respiratory andcirculatory systems. Which lifestyle must she adopt to achieve her goal?a. Sleeping very late at nightDrinking alcohol and smokingb. Junk food and fast food dietd. Regular exercise and healthy diet10. Which of the following is treated with six to nine months medication called TB DOTS?a. Tuberculosisc. Emphysemab. Asthmad. Bronchitis11. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor of baving cardiovascular diseases?a. Stressc. Cigarette sinokingb. Regular exercised. High cholesterol diet12. Alexa is positive in life and wants to take care of her respiratory and circulatory system.Which lifestyle must she avoid to achieve her goal?a. Exercising and having a healthy dietc. Getting enough sleep and restb. Eating fruits and vegetablesd. Drinking alcohol and smoking13. Who is considered as the Father of Genetics?a. Gregor Mendelc. Theodor Boverib. Reginald Punnettd. Walter Sutton14. What tables are used to predict the outcome of crosses of traits from parents?a. Genetics Gridc. Ofspring Squaresb. Punnett Squaresd. Mendelian diagramCANTOMATION LIGESOKPrepared by:​




thanks me later

9. Identify the writing techniques used in the following informative essays below. Then, write at least 2-3 sentences as an explanation to support your answer. 1. Solo travel will not only reveal colorful new heights, but it will also introduce you to yourself - your resiliency, your sense of adventure, and your independence. Learning how to travel solo is as intrinsic as tying your shoes, and it is something that can be learned today. The first, most obvious, way to travel solo successfully is to research your area. The number one indicator of a tourist is someone stopped in the middle of the sidewalk scanning the GPS on their phone. According to World Travel News Report, four in fifteen tourists will be pickpocketed if they standstill on a busy street (Parker, 2019). Arrive well-informed on the area. Understand the public transportation system to the point where you can blend in as a local. Also, in line with safety, you may want to splurge on accommodations. You can stay alone in a hostel but read the reviews carefully. Make sure it is in a safe area and security is a priority for them. You might even want to consider a private room, some of which include a private bath. In terms of fun, pack for your lack of companionship. Bring a blank journal to record your adventures. Pack a paperback to enjoy while you wait out a rainstorm in a coffee shop. World traveler Samantha Byrnes says, “I never travel with friends. When I’m exploring a new continent, my journal is my only sidekick” (Byrnes, 2018). This allows her to absorb her new surroundings, make new acquaintances, and focus on the act of encountering herself. Byrnes continues, “We lost sight of ourselves in the day-to-day. We focus on work, family, to-do lists, and chores. Solo travel allows us to return to ourselves so that, when we resume our day-to-day activities, we can give our all” (Byrnes, 2018). Learning how to travel solo successfully is an achievable feat. You can stay safe if you remain knowledgeable about the area and choose your accommodations wisely. Beyond that, you can experience true transformation through the simple act of carrying a tattered old journal. What do you say? Will you explore solo travel? Choose wisely, for it just might change your life forever. 3. The definition of climate states that the word “climate’ is used to refer to long-term periodic variations in the weather patterns that are observed over centuries. Ever since the Earth was created, it is going through many changes simultaneously, and this leads to climate change. Climate change happens cyclically, it started from a colder ice age, and at the very present, it is much warmer than it was two million years ago. All these millions of life forms we see today on Earth are because of the non-stop energy received from the Sun, which is the ultimate source of energy, and is continuously fueling the weather system. To jot down a few notable changes, the world is experiencing arbitrary droughts, unexpected weather patterns, and sudden rainfall and snowfall, there is a constant fluctuation in the temperatures leading to disasters like a forest fire, and the weather is no longer predictable enough. The changes are random, and it is getting stressful day by day even to keep track of the changes occurring. These changes have drastically influenced human lives in both positive and negative ways.


and forth on my phone and follow back and like back and then we can go for a ride kagising and like I have a question for me me during a time for your help with the kids and sell mo yan be

a little while to 4


Ang haba pang grade 7 guro yan di na alam

11. TRUE OR FALSE5. One's abilities to think soundly, connect socially as well as live and enjoy life are not dependent on one's mental well-being. 6. Inheritance or heredity is not an example of biological factors. 7. A secured career is good for mental health. 8. It is hard to sustain a high standard of mental wellbeing without the protection and independence offered by the government. 9. Communication is not a vital key in improving one's mental health. 10. A good social environment includes family, friends, and strangers. 11. The right to education is a human right. а 12. One must cope with stressful conditions to achieve positive mental health. 13. Eating junk food improves mental health. 14. Effective communication involves paying attention and active listening. 15. Schools should promote mental health awareness.pasagot salamat​


1.) true

2.) true



5.) false

6.) true


8.) true

9.) false

10.) true



hope it helps

12. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.1. In order for an opinion to gain the status of truth, it must be able to argue for it in the most reasonable way.2. Taoist thought stresses that human being is one with the universe.3. According to Descartes “the body and the senses cannot be trusted when it comes to arriving at indubitable truths.”4. In philosophizing there is no specific method to follow.5. As a spiritual system, Tao means the way to achieving a true understanding of the nature of mind and reality, to the way of living in harmony with the changes of Nature.​








thank me later!

13. What I Have Learned A. Let us summarize your learnings from our lesson. Answer what is being asked in the following. 1. The various experiences you went through during adolescence like problems, stress, happiness make your personal development better. 2. Culture, gender, beliefs, behavior, economic and social conditions influence the improving personal development. 3 Parents have always been the most significant people who hone the personal development of a person. 4 Peers also serve as support, but they tend to influence you in negative way. It is important that you choose the right peers. Stressor is part of human life, but threatening when your mental health is affected. Career setting is the first step to achieve life goals. 5 6 B. Answer the following. 1 one question in mind 2 two interesting ideas 3 three insight about yourself as a learner Pls pasagot naman need ko na tomorrow


1.Adolescence is a time for growth spurts and puberty changes. An adolescent may grow several inches in several months followed by a period of very slow growth, then have another growth spurt.

2.Gender and Personality

In much the same manner that cultural norms can influence personality and behavior, gender norms (the behaviors that males and females are expected to conform to in a given society) can also influence personality by emphasizing different traits between different genders

14. TEST-Modified TRUE or FALSEDirections: Write TRUE If the statement is correct. If the statement is FALSE, change the underlined word/s to makethe statement true1. Massage therapist can specialize in many (DIFFERENT TYPES) of massage or modalities2. A massage can be as short as 5-10 minutes or could last more than (24 HOURS)3. It's (NOT IMPORTANT) for a massage therapist to have good hygiene habits.4 All (GOOD RELATIONSHIPS) rely on honest and open communication5 Massage therapist (NEES TO LISTEN) carefully to clients in order to understand what they want to achievethrough massage sessions.6. As a (HILOT), you must possess enough stamina and endurance to work with clients all day7. An interpersonal relationship is a strong, deep, or close association or the acquaintance between (YOU ONLY),& Massage therapist use their taste to treat clients injuries.9. Therapist (SHOULD) documents clients' condition and progress.10. For a successful career, you need to build (NEGATIVE AND UNHEALTHY) relationship with you colleagues, clientsand other stakeholders in your organization11. Reflexology has helped humans maintain their (health) and well-being.12. Reflexology is simple and convenient and (can't) be performed throughout the day.13. The (disadvantage) of hand reflexology is it in reduce stress levels.14. Reflexology also helps ease the health concerns of the elderly including pain in (joints) and muscles.15. The tendon glide exercise is useful to prevent (fatigue) in the fingers and hands by stretching underusedmuscles.16. (Foot and hand) massage has long been used to promote relaxation and improve health17. (Anyone) can easily massage one's hands at any time.18. The hands as well as the feet are considered to be (mirrors) of the body and pressures on specific reflex points.19. Reflexology massage is a (science of body) manipulation in which a positive response isaffected and brings back the body to normal condition.20. (Manual) therapy makes use of the reflex points of the body found on foot and hand.​





4) true






15. Read the following persuasive essay carefully. Encircle the verbs, box the adjectives, and underline the adverbs that express strong or pressing points. Why People Should Exercise In the past, I have never been inclined to participate in sports. Honestly, I did not like it, but many persons whom I lived with kept telling me every day how good it was. Since the peer pressure was growing, I decided to go to the gym. It was not until then that I could really understand people when they said exercise really helped a person get organized and keep yourself healthy, physically and mentally. For starters, when you are a lazy person, it is difficult to take the first step, but it is all a matter of committing yourself to something that will provide you a lot of positive feedback. Once you start doing exercise and observing positive results, you enjoy it. It takes a lot of effort and strong will, but it's worth it. The principal thing to do is to participate in an activity you like. If you do you’ll start organizing your day in a way that enables you to do everything you have to, including exercising. You will no longer be a person stressed-out without time to carry on with all your activities. Second, it is obvious that once you exercise you will have a better condition. You will be healthier in a physical way. It is probable that you will lose weight and your muscles will get stronger and stronger. Your body will feel good, full of energy and it will respond immediately to any action you want to do, any activity that has to be done with high spirits. The third reason why exercising is good is that it affects you positively in a mental and psychological way. Doing exercise helps you set specific goals which along with strong will can be achieved. When you do that, you are aware of your abilities, accept your weaknesses, and your self-esteem goes up. Any sport distracts you because it helps you not to think about school, friends, problems, among other things. It brings you time to think about yourself and no one else. It helps you keep your mind busy and to avoid dangerous habits like drugs. Doing exercise is very important to any person of any age. The positive effects of exercising, which I’ve already mentioned, are like a chain. Once you do a sports activity that you like, you get organized; therefore, you start doing things the right way and get enormous benefits which make you feel good as a whole human being. You start living your life happily. ​


for the circulation of the body and healthy and he/she didn't lack of energy

16. PA HELP POActivity 3. Empower yourself (Reading activity) The Greeks formulated the word politics during the 4th and 5th century. Politics was inseparable in the life in the polis or a place of state shared by a certain group of people. This concept of politics is as old as the first organization created by man. According to Aristotle and Plato, humans are not self-sufficingso they find the need to come together as a community. From this union comes the need for politics and governance to maintain order within a society. Social contract theories like Thoma Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rouseau, and john Locke during the 17th and 18th century in Europe stressed the hypothetical state of nature that was devoid of any kind of government. This state of nature is often violentand chaotic, therefore, people enter themselves into a social contract or a written or unwritten binding agreement among the people that bids for the creation of government and the consequent use of politics for the achievment of peace and order (Baradat 1997). Political sciences is the academic discipline that deals with the key issues and concepts in politics. Niccolo Machiavelli is widely accepted as the father of modern political science because of his discussion on maintaining power in his books The prince and Discourses. But even before Mahiavelli, both palto and Aristotle had already provided broad discussions on the central concepts in politics such as the concept of justice( What and who is morally and politilically right), power( source of authority), the right types of constitutions and governments( different types of government and states), political structures(different ideologies in a state), right and virtuous leadership( who should lead in a certain political system), (Curtis 1981). Key fields in politics include power relations in society, forms of government, political behavior and with the culttural turn of the 20th century, the inclusion of political culture and the civil society's role in government. While politics deals with power in society in general, governance specifically deals with power in governmentand how this institution exerts power for the benefits of the society. Today, the discussion of politics and governance in political science has been divided in different fields of interests, namely, political theory, political methodology, comparative politics, international relations and law( Roskin et al. 2007​


go to chrome and you will see

17. 4. In music, this refers to the pleasing, recognizable succession of tone in a song. A.staff B.Scale C.Hometone D.melody 5. Where in the staff is the home tone of G Major? * A.1st space B.1st line C.In the ledger line D.2nd line 6. Which of the following brushes painting techniques uses water color technique in software programs? * A.Dry Blending B.Wet in Wet C.Dry Brush D.Hard and Soft Edge 7. What brush technique uses paint so thick that it achieves a kind of three dimensional quality and used by many master artists such as Van Gogh and Rembrandt? * A.Impasto B.Spattering C.Pointilization D.Impressionist 8. Which of the following is a technique that applies paint onto a surface by flicking, dripping, or whisking the paint from a brush? * A.Spattering B.Palette Knife C.Impasto D.Impressionist 9. Which item is considered as the heart of all painting software programs? * APaint B.Canvas C.Brushes D.Photoshop 10. Which of the following artists’ brushes creates interesting effects of light and color and is used by Fernando Amorsolo in his works? * A.Impressionist B.Palette Knife C.Impasto D.Spattering 11. What kind of skill does shown when your strength is continue despite of fatigue stress, or other adverse conditions? * A.Sportsmanship B.Honesty C.Tenacity D.edacity 12. To what governing body is football associated with? * A.FIFA B.UAAP C.IATF D.NCAA 13. Who among the following players show sportsmanship? * A.Melay laughed with other players’ mistake B.Josephine uttered foul words to the other players C.Angel bullied other players D.Jerome accepted and congratulated the winning players 14. In playing football, how many players is needed in each team? * A.11 B.12 C.9 D.10 15. Which of the following is the American term of the game “Football”? * A.Basketball B.Tennis C.Volleyball D.Soccer 16. Which of the following define as capable of being decomposed by bacteria or living organism? * A.Non-Biodegradable B.Non of these C.Biodegradable D.Hazardous 17. Which of the following is a type of waste that can’t be broken down into its base compounds? * A.None of these B.Hazardous C.Biodegradable D.Non-Biodegradable 18. Which of the following is an example of biodegradable materials? * A.fossil fuel B.empty batteries wastes D.plastics 19. Which of the following is defined as a waste with properties that makes it dangerous and is capable of having a harmful effect on human health or in the environment? * A.Non-Biodegradabl B.Biodegradable C.Hazardous D.None of these


4. D.

5. A.

6. A.

7. C.

8. B.

9. A.

10. D.

11. A.

12. C.

13. D.

14. B.

15. D.

16. B.

17. A.

18. C.

19. A.

18. 31. __________ - Which of the following sentences serve as the introduction of the speech above? A. The Museo ng Malacanang stands as a symbol of the living reality of a government open to the people and trying to become an integral part of their lives and hopes. B. Some people think that this idea of a Museo ng Malacanang in the same grounds as the seat of power is a security nightmare. C. I wish to thank the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the tremendous amount of time and energy they have so generously poured into the establishment of the Foundation. D. The opening of Malacanang Palace to the public as a museum and as a historical site achieves one of the most important goals of those who dreamed and fought for Filipino freedom. 32. __________ - Which of the following is the conclusion of the speech above? A. I want you therefore to appreciate the importance of the project that has been entrusted to you: to preserve the symbolism and reality of our new democracy. B. The opening of Malacanang Palace to the public as a museum and as historical site achieves one of the most important goals of those who dreamed and fought for Filipino freedom. C. Some people think that this idea of a Museo ng Malacanang in the same grounds as the seat of power is a security nightmare. D. The Museo ng Malacanang stands as a symbol of the living reality of a government open to the people and trying to become an integral part of their lives and hopes. 33. __________ - What is the purpose of the speech? A. to thank everyone that has contributed to the building of the museum B. to promote the uniqueness of the museum C. to argue that more museums should be built D. to prove that museums are still important in today’s modern world 34. __________ - Which is not a goal of an informative speech? A. narrate a significant human experience B. may explain something most readers would not know C. teach readers to solve a problem or apply knowledge D. present the recent research on a topic 35. __________ - Which of the following cannot be part of the introduction of an informative speech? A. an illustration of the topic B. summary information C. an information that is true and illustrates the point you wish to make D. an anecdote 36. __________ - Which of the following should be considered when writing an informative speech? A. emotions of the speech writer B. purpose of the speech C. audience 37. __________ - They are useful English language conjunctions, transitional phrases, synonyms, and pronouns that are utilized to express ideas in a cohesive manner A. Cohesive devices B. Synonyms C. Devices 38. __________ - Which of the following concluding statements below would best end an informative speech about the following topic? How have ready-made meals and fast food changed the way we live? A. To sum up, fast food has changed our life in many ways and not for the better. B. It could be that fast food is more expensive than food prepared at home. C. People are always looking for ways to make their lives easier. D. People are getting fatter and unhealthier due to all the chemicals in the processed food they eat. 39. __________ - Which of the following concluding statements below would best end an informative speech on the following topic? Each generation of people is different. Explain how your generation is different than your parents. A. Therefore, we need to bridge the gap of generations by communicating properly. B. From my point of view,we need to try to understand what is happening around us. C. Every moment in history affects a generation in a certain way. D. In the past, people believe that you could not achieve success unless you were… 40. __________ - Given the question below, what would be a possible topic of the informative speech? People have different ways of dealing with stress. Some people like to take walks, others do yoga while others read a book. What are some of the best ways to relieve stress? A. Possible Ways to Relieve Stress B. Dealing with Anxiety C. The Causes of Stress D. Effects of Stress on the Quality of Life

31 a 32 c 34 a 35 b 36 c37 a 38 d 39 b 40 d

19. 1.Which statement about the Three Pillars is true? *4 pointsa. They are all conflict with one another.b. They are all basically the same.c. They have had influenced on each other.d. They all originated in India and spread to China.2.Intersubjectivity refers to the shared awareness and understanding among persons. It is made possible by the awareness of self and the other. *3 pointsA. AFFIRMATIVEB. NEGATIVE3.Which of the following is NOT one of the Three Pillars of Chinese Society? *3 pointsA.BUDDHISMB.TAOISMC.CHRISTIANITYD.CONFUCIANISM4.Which of the following teaches about rebirth after enlightenment? *3 pointsA.BUDDHISMB.HINDUISMC.TAOISMD.CONFUCIANISM5.He was traditionally considered as the Paragon of the Chinese Sages because of his influential teachings and philosophies. *3 pointsA.JET LIB.SIDDHARTA GAUTAMAC.LAO TZUD.CONFUCIUSMENG KE6.Taoism or Daoism is founded by _____________________ *5 pointsYour answer7.Confucianism is often referred to as a philosophy rather than religion because of its focus on social order. *4 pointsA. AFFIRMATIVEB. NEGATIVE8.This symbol represents the art of balancing positive and negative parts of lives. *4 pointsCaptionless ImageYour answer9._______________ is a religious belief system which focuses on individuals reaching spiritual enlightenment. *3 pointsA.CONFUCIANISMB.TAOISMC.BUDDHISM10.It is one of the three pillars of Chinese ideologies which was founded by Siddharta Gautama. *3 pointsA.CONFUCIANISMB.TAOISMC.BUDDHISM11.As a political figure, Confucius focused on ideas about social order and ________________, a system of thought stressing the value, goodness, and importance of human beings *5 pointsYour answer12.The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to reach ___________ which means to achieve peace beyond human suffering. *4 pointsA.MOKSHAB.PARAPETC.NIRVANAD.KARMA​


1. b






Hope its help Heart mi pleas

20. 1. The following are the meaning effective home management except one. *5 pointsA. Effective management enhances the chances of reaching the desired goals through wise decisions and effective use of resources.B. Home management is a full time and challenging job.C. It is a part of family living which requires cooperation and effort of all the family members and the wise use of resources.D. It is non- essential component of family living.2. How can effective home management be achieved? *5 pointsA. Home management is a full-time and challenging job.B. The proper way of using activities and resources (human, nonhuman, and material to achieve maximum efficiency without waste or setbacks. material to achieve maximum efficiency without waste or setbacks.C. The proper management of strength can speed up work and reduce stress.D. Proper time management can bring good results.3. Why is the home the best training ground in developing skills in decision-making? *5 pointsA. Because family is the smallest unit of foundation in the community.B. Because the future of one's country depends on the family who builds it.C. Because all the values, culture and skills that children must entails come from home where they belong.D. None of the above is the reason.4. Why is there a need to identify as many possible solutions to a problem? *5 pointsA. Because each solution is discussed as to its consequences. Then the feasible one is selected for implementation.B. Because we will must identify the existing problem and find out the root cause.C. Because in formulating courses of actions, the information gathered after the problem has been identified, to know its extent, who are affected and why it is exist.D. Because "Two heads are better than one".5. How do the needs and demands of the family affect the family budget? *5 pointsA. The needs and demands of the family affect the family budget in determining the family income.B. The needs and demands of the family affect the family budget in making an adjustments based on homemaker's observations of the adequacy of the allotment.C. The needs and demands of the family affect the family budget in tracking all the expenditures.D. The needs and demands of the family affect the family budget in listing down all needs and and allotting a reasonable part of the budget for these.​


1. D

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. D

pa brainliest po god bless

21. 1.A pair of small Caribbean gourd rattles with interior beads played by shaking,classified as idiophones.A.Djembe B.Mbira C.Maracas D.Mariachi2.A song style in which a singer or musician leads with a call and a group responds much like a question and answer sequence in human communication A.Dance music B.Blues C.Standard music D.Call and response 3. Photo editing tool used to transform the image into square, narrow or wide.A. BrightnessB. CropC.RotateD.skew4. What will be manipulated if you want to add words on your photo?A. FrameC. TextB. GrungeD. Vignette5. Which of the following is not a positive outcome of personal fitness?A. Improved physical appearanceB. Enhanced self-esteemC. HypertensionD. Stress reduction6. What physical exercise in which a specific muscle or tendon is flexed, inorder to improve the muscles, felt elasticity and achieve comfortablemuscle tone?A. IsometricB. Work-outC. Cool-downD. Stretching7. It is the law that protects the interest of the consumer, promotes generalwelfare of consumer, and establishes standards of conduct for businessand industryA. Consumer ActB. National Environmental Awareness and Act Education ActC. Philippine Aids Prevention and ControlD. Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act8. It provides for the regulation of narcotic and other related substancesbeing sold/imported in the countryA. Philippine Aids Prevention and ControlB. Consumer ActC. Comprehensive Dangerous DrugD. Anti-hazing Law9. What is the meaning of BERT?A. Barangay Emergency Response TeamB. Batang Emergency Resilient TeamC. Barangay Emergency Resilient TeamD.Batang Emergency Response Team10. The BERT Organization intended to:A. Form a mechanism for involving children activity in the communityB. Lead safety and security actions when disaster happens while they arein schoolC. Never give responsibility as an adultD. All the above are correct answers.​





I hope I helped

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