202 Number Meaning

202 Number Meaning

the sum of the squares for two consecutive odd numbers is 202 find the Numbers[tex] \sqrt{202} [/tex]​

Daftar Isi

1. the sum of the squares for two consecutive odd numbers is 202 find the Numbers[tex] \sqrt{202} [/tex]​


22 yan

Step-by-step explanation:

22 beacause 34÷34=0

2. is 202 set of natural numbers​

Yes kasi walang zero sa unang number kaya yes hehe for example, 0202 yan ang whole number

Answer: Yes


address the formula, input parameters & values.

Input parameters & values:

The number series 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . . , 201, 202.

The first term a = 1

The common difference d = 1

Total number of terms n = 202

step 2

apply the input parameter values in the formula

Sum = n/2 x (a + Tn)

= 202/2 x (1 + 202)

= 41006/2

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + . . . . + 201 + 202 = 20503

= Therefore, 20503 is the sum of positive integers up to 202.


3. name one number that is not divisible number on the left.164 202 189 358​



Step-by-step explanation:

because the other numbers is divisible

4. Guess the Relation between the pairs of numbers of 1st Number 2 4 6 8 10 and 2nd Number 42 82 122 162 202

Step-by-step explanation:

I guess the 2nd pair of number is the factor of the 1st pair of number

5. if 4ײ - 3× + 5 is multiplied by 4 what is the product?​A.) 16ײ – 12× –20B.) –40׳ + 202ײ + 79× + 140C.)48׳ – 202×2 – 79× + 140D.) –48׳ + 202ײ –79× –140​


Step-by-step explanation:

4(4x² - 3x + 5)


6. You are called by your teacher to group the given numbers into oddnumbers and even numbers. The numbers are 202, 368, 587, 1 605, and3 459. Which numbers are odd? Which numbers are even?​


Even- 202,368

Odd- 587 ,3459,1605

7. numbers divisible by 11A. 105B. 106C. 202D. 301​



Step-by-step explanation:

i hope its rigth


divisible by11 its determine the Darerative.

8. 30124Х202[tex]30124 \times 202[/tex]​



Step-by-step explanation:

Just multiply

9. Performance Tack 6: 66 2/22/202 Make 5 Number SeQuence with D&FFerent Rule or combination ​


Here are 5 number sequences with different rules:

Step-by-step explanation:

1.) 2, 5, 10, 17, 26...

The rule for this sequence is to start with 2 and add successive odd numbers to each term.

2.) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25...

The rule for this sequence is to take the square of each consecutive integer starting from 1.

3.) 3, 8, 15, 24, 35...

The rule for this sequence is to add successive odd numbers starting with 3 to each term.

4.) 10, 7, 4, 1, -2...

The rule for this sequence is to subtract 3 from each term.

5.) 1, 2, 4, 7, 11...

The rule for this sequence is to start with 1 and add consecutive integers to each term.

10. I am less than 2 205 but greater than 2 202 what even number am i​



Step-by-step explanation:

the numbers between 2205 and 2202 are : 2203 and 2204

but 2203 is an odd number.

      2204 is an even number

11. a collection of 5 pesos and 1 peso coins totals 202 pesos the total number of coins Is 50 how many of each kind are there​​

I'm not sure of my answer so im just not going to answer that question cause maybe I'm wrong:[

12. 7. What is the next number of the sequence 1.3.9. 27,817A.202B. 224C.243​








13. 3. Which number is NOT divisible by ?6.218c. 202d. 124​


d. 124 yan ang sagot sa tanung mo

14. two numbers have a total of 20. the sum of their squares is 202. find the two numbers​


11 and 9

11 + 9 = 20

9² = 81

11² = 121

81 + 121 = 202

15. 1. Which of the given numbers is divisible by 6? a. 108 b. 202 c. 175 d 280​



hope it helps po,,,



Step-by-step explanation:

in all given the 108 is the number you were able to be divisible

16. SUMMANVE TESTMathematicsSY 2020-202Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer1. Which number is divisible by 2​


ano po ang choices para masagutan ko po?

17. . What number will you get if you subtract 8.40 from 202​



Step-by-step explanation:



8.40 - 202= 193.6    

18. which of the given numbers is divisible by 6?A.108 B.175 C.202 D.280​


[tex] \huge\blue{\overline{\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad \ \ \ }}[/tex]


Which of the given numbers is divisible by 6?

[tex]\large\tt\underline{Answer:}[/tex][tex]\large\tt\underline\red{A. 108}[/tex]

Divisible means is capable of being divided. If you divide [tex]\tt{6}[/tex] to [tex]\tt{108}[/tex] the answer is [tex]\tt\green{18}[/tex], the answer is completely correct there is no remainder so it's called Divisible.



( ^ᴥ^ ʋ)

19. which of the given number is divisible by 6a.108 b.175 c.202 d.280​



Step-by-step explanation:


20. 1) Which of the given numbers is divisible by 6? A. 108 B. 175 C. 202 D. 280 ​


A. 108


108÷6 is 18. Hope this helps.



108 divide 6 =18

pa brainles carry on learning

21. Direction: Find the mean, median, and mode for each set of data. 1. 90, 50, 70, 80, 70, 20, 60, 80, 202. 168,165,172,185,150,145​.

1. Mean - 60

Median- 70

Mode- 70, 80, and 20

2. Mean - 164.1

Median- 166.5

Mode- No mode

22. Which of the given number's is divisible by 6? A.7 B.175 C.202 D.280​



Step-by-step explanation:

23. One number is two more than another. The sum of their squares is 202. Find the numbers. *​


9 and 11

[tex] {x}^{2} + {y}^{2} = 202 [/tex]

Let's say the value of x is 9. And we need to find the value of y.

[tex] {9}^{2} + {y}^{2} = 202 \\ 81 + {y }^{2} = 202 \\ {y}^{2} = 202 - 81 \\ {y}^{2} = 121 \\ \sqrt{ {y}^{2} } = \sqrt{121 } \\ y = 11[/tex]

Therefore, the value of y is 11. To check if the equation is correct substitute the values.

[tex] {x}^{2} + {y}^{2} = 202 \\ {9}^{2} + {11}^{2} = 202 \\ 81 + 121 = 202 \\ 202 = 202[/tex]

sabihin mo salamat master

24. wich number is in ten thousand? a.12 056 b.202 456 c.2 940 d.905​

Answer A.

10,000 (ten thousand) is the natural number following 9,999 and preceding 10,001.

Step-by-step explanation:


a. 12 056

Step-by-step explanation:

thanks me later

25. two numbers have total of 20. The sum of their squares is 202 find the two numbers​


(16,4) or (4,16)

Step-by-step explanation:

So we have to translate the words into Math symbols.


Sum of two numbers is 20.  This means adding 2 numbers, which we don't know, gets us 20.  So, when we don't know numbers, we use variables and come up with:


X + Y = 20


Next they say, the sum of their squares is 272.  Same numbers, still the sum, but now it is of their squares, we now we write:


X2 + Y2 = 272


Now we have two equations, we can use the first one so solve for one of the variables, I'll choose to solve for X since it is the most common.  To do that, I subtract Y from both sides of the equal sign and end up with:


X = 20 - Y


Now I take this equation and plug it into the equation with the Squares:


(20 - Y)2 + Y2 = 272


We have to do the multiplication here so I'm going to expand it so it is easier to see:


(20 - Y)(20 - Y) + Y2 = 272


So now, we FOIL the first part and end up with:


400 - 40Y + Y2 + Y2 = 272


It is looking like its going to turn into a quadratic, so I will combine the two Y2 and bring the 272 over to the left side:


2Y2 - 40Y + 128 = 0


Everything has a factor of 2, so I am going to divide every term by 2, including the 0


Y2 - 20Y + 64 = 0


Now I factor:


(Y - 16)(Y - 4) = 0


Which gives us the two possible solutions for Y = 16,4


We then take those values and plug them back into the first equation and get our possible X values:


X = 4,16


So we have two possible Solutions:


(16,4) or (4,16)

26. ako ay even number na mababa sa 2205 pero mas mataas sa 2 202​


2 204

Step-by-step explanation:

because 2 203 is odd and there is no number between 2 202 and 2 205

27. 15. How many prime numbers has a product of 202 D) 7 A)3 B) 5 C 6 ty po​


Solution: Since, the prime factors of 202 are 2, 101. Therefore, the product of prime factors = 2 × 101 = 202.


diko po alam

Step-by-step explanation:

yung pic ?letter c. ata

28. in rayos elementary school there are 202 pupils form kinder to grade 6 of this number 126 watched a pasikat.what percent of the pupils watched the play?​


62.37% watched the play

Step-by-step explanation:



=0.623762376237623 x 100


29. a collection of 5 pesos and 1 peso coins totals 202 pesos the total number of coins Is 50 how many of each kind are there​


[tex] \large \bold{\blue{Problem:}} [/tex] A collection of 5 pesos and 1 peso coins totals 202 pesos the total number of coins Is 50 how many of each kind are there?

» Let's assign variables to each coins, let (x) be the total number of 5 peso coins and (y) as the total number of 1 peso coins.

Since (x) is 5 peso, multiply it to five, same as (y) multiplied to one totaling 202 pesos. The sum of (x) and (y) is 50 since the total number of coins is 50

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf 5x + 1y = 202 \\ \sf x + y = 50 \end{cases} \begin{array}{l}\red{(eq.1)} \\ \red{(eq.2)} \end{array}[/tex]

» Solve for (x) by substituting (y) to equation 1:

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf 5x + 1y = 202 \\ \sf y = 50 - x \end{cases} [/tex]

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf 5x + (50 - x) = 202 \\ \sf y = 50 - x \end{cases} [/tex]

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf 5x + 50 - x = 202 \\ \sf y = 50 - x \end{cases} [/tex]

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf 5x - x= 202 - 50 \\ \sf y = 50 - x \end{cases} [/tex]

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf 4x= 152 \\ \sf y = 50 - x \end{cases} [/tex]

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf \frac{ \cancel4x}{ \cancel4} = \frac{152}{4} \\ \sf y = 50 - x \end{cases} [/tex]

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf x = 38 \\ \sf y = 50 - x \end{cases} \begin{array}{l}\red{(eq.1)} \\ \red{(eq.2)} \end{array}[/tex]

» Since the value of (x) is 38, there will be 38 five peso coins collected. Now identify how many one peso coins that were collected by substituting (x) to equation 2.

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf x = 38 \\ \sf y = 50 - 38 \end{cases}[/tex]

[tex] \begin{cases} \sf x = 38 \\ \sf y = 12 \end{cases}[/tex]

» And there you have it:

[tex] \boxed{ \sf Final \: Answer: \begin{cases}\purple{ \sf 5 \: peso \: coins \: (x)=38} \\ \purple{ \sf 1 \: peso \: coins \: (y)=12} \end{cases}}[/tex]




A collection of 5 pesos and 1 peso coins totals 202 pesos the total number of coins Is 50 how many of each kind are there


5 peso coin (x) = 38

1 peso coin (y) = 12

In math X,Y,Z are equal to 1


other students thinking that :

[tex]3 {}^{2} [/tex]

is equal to:


This is real:

[tex]3 {}^{2} = 9[/tex]


30. Which of the given numbers is divisible by 6A.108 B. 175 C. 202 D. 280​

It’s A I just calculated it hope it’s help


which of the given number is divisible by 6 is 108

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