Data Center Checklist Excel

Data Center Checklist Excel

a checklist of data is called?​

Daftar Isi

1. a checklist of data is called?​


A checklist is a simple instrument consisting prepared list of expected items of performance or attributes, which are checked by a researcher for their presence or absence.


yan po sana makatulong pa like narin po salamat

2. excel classified your data as text if it is aligned to the______ of the cell. choices a. bottom b. center c. left side d. right side​

B. center

Please follow

3. data entries in excel​


Below are the steps to create a new entry using the Data Entry Form in Excel:

1.Select any cell in the Excel Table.

2.Click on the Form icon in the Quick Access Toolbar.

3.Enter the data in the form fields.

4.Hit the Enter key (or click the New button) to enter the record in the table and get a blank form for next record.

4. It help organize data by category.a. checkingb. collectingc checklistd. collection​


d. collection


yan po ans

5. 31. Which is referred to as a document for organizing, analyzing, and calculating data graph paper and pencil? A. Data Form B. Directory C. Spread sheet D. Checklist ​


c po


pa palowback po plisss


b po ang sagot


hope it's help

#carry on learning

mark me as a brainliest

6. excel can be used to create a data base true or false​




true yan yan din pinili ko at tama

7. Give one (1) function in analyzing data using Microsoft Excel.​


=CONCATENATE is one of the easiest to learn but most powerful formulas when conducting data analysis. LEN. =LEN quickly provides the number of characters in a given cell. COUNTA. =COUNTA identifies whether a cell is empty or not.

8. what type of data is generated when answering a checklist like the health declarationa. datab. qualitativec. quantitatived. mixed method​


D. mixed method hope to help

9. By default, Excel will center numeric values. TRUE OR FALSE.​

True, yeah its true

hope it helps you

10. The park of the excel screen that can be used to input data into the cell


is there a pic that i see? po


11. what are the 6 types of data ms excel​


BYTE 1 byte Number from 0 to 255 for storing binary data

INTEGER 2 Integer from -32 768 to 32 767.

LONG 4 Integer from -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647

SINGLE 4 Numeric data type with float precision to 6 decimal digits

DOUBLE 8 Numeric data type with float precision with double precision in calculatons

CURRENCY 8 A number with fixed 4 decimal digits

DECIMAL 14 Numeric data type with fixed precision and scale (accuracy upto 28).

STRING Text strings. Flexible length or 64 kilobytes

BOOLEAN 2 Logical value (true or false)

DATE 8 The date in the range from 1.1.100 to 31.12.9999

OBJECT 4 Reference to an object.

VARIANT 16 Basic type. May contain special value Null, numeric value, text, reference to object or variable array.


that's more than six lol

12. what is the purpose of an experiment a. to communicate datab. observationc. laboratory testsd. a checklist of procedures​


b. observation


An experiment is a procedure carried out to support or refute a hypothesis. Experiments provide insight into cause-and-effect by demonstrating what outcome occurs when a particular factor is manipulated.




tama po yan dahil napag aralan ko napo yan

13. types of data that can entered excel worksheet​


Excel provides us the facilities of entering three types of data into our worksheets which are Text, Number, and Formula.


pa brainliest po thank you

14. 3. How does Excel interpret data?​


Excel offers a wide range of statistical functions you can use to calculate a single value

15. How is COE (Center of Excellence) and COD (Center of Development) measured in Philippine schools?


Center of Development (COD) refers to a department within a higher education institution, which demonstrates the potential. to become a Center of Excellence (COE) in the future.


hope it helps

16. this is where data is encoded in excel​


Notice the type of encoding is at the top. Followed by the formatting schemas, and then formatting for the worksheet.

From memory, Excel uses the machine-specific ANSI encoding. So this would be Windows-1252 for a EN-US installation, 1251 for Russian, etc.

17. what you mean by center of excellence and green technology generation?​


Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building) refers to both a structure and the application of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition.[1] This requires close cooperation of the contractor, the architects, the engineers, and the client at all project stages.[2] The Green Building practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort.[3] In doing so, the three dimensions of sustainability, i.e., planet, people and profit across the entire supply chain need to be considered.[4]


the center of excellence and green technology generation ..Guimaras state college will be a center of excellence in education and green technology generation through the development of alternatives to technologies that has been proven damaging to health and the invironment.

hope u like my answer ..and pako heart pa rate

18. 3. This type of data includes instructions for Excel to compute for a certain value. a. Numerical data b. text datac. formulas and functionsd. Sentence data ​


D. I dont think this is the answer but i hope so



19. discuss the 4 pillar of BPM Center of Excellence and give example​

Business Process Management (BPM) is, in a nutshell, the way your company manages and improves business processes. This can mean making all sorts of changes to how the process works.

20. how does excel interpret data?​


Once a has a data set stored within its cells, you can process the data. Excel cells can contain functions, formulas and references to other cells that allow you to glean insights in existing data sets, for example by performing calculations on them.


We used Excel to do some basic data analysis tasks to see whether it is a reasonable alternative to using a statistical package for the same tasks.  We concluded that Excel is a poor choice for statistical analysis beyond textbook examples, the simplest descriptive statistics, or for more than a very few columns.  The problems we encountered that led to this conclusion are in four general areas:

Missing values are handled inconsistently, and sometimes incorrectly.

Data organization differs according to analysis, forcing you to reorganize your data in many ways if you want to do many different analyses.

Many analyses can only be done on one column at a time, making it inconvenient to do the same analysis on many columns.

Output is poorly organized, sometimes inadequately labeled, and there is no record of how an analysis was accomplished.

Excel is convenient for data entry, and for quickly manipulating rows and columns prior to statistical analysis. However when you are ready to do the statistical analysis, we recommend the use of a statistical package such as SAS, SPSS, Stata, Systat or Minitab.


I hope this helps, brainly this please

21. Excel allows you to organize and manipulate data that are arranged in rows and?​


Sorting data is an integral part of data analysis. You might want to arrange a list of names in alphabetical order, compile a list of product inventory levels from highest to lowest, or order rows by colors or icons. Sorting data helps you quickly visualize and understand your data better, organize and find the data that you want, and ultimately make more effective decisions.

pa brainliest

22. values are MS Excel data that are_______.​


thanks for the point btw

23. how does microsoft excel help analyze statistical data?​


It is a data analysis method which shows whether the mean of two or more data set is significantly different from each other or not. In other words, it analyses two or more groups simultaneously and finds out whether any relationship is there among the groups of data set or not.

24. Why does surveys are excellent data collection tool?​


A key reason for collecting data, be it through quantitative or qualitative methods is to ensure that the integrity of the research question is indeed maintained. The correct use of appropriate data collection of methods reduces the likelihood of errors consistent with the results.

I hope it helps ^_^

25. what type of data is generated when answering a checklist like the health declaration form?a. datab. qualitativec. quantitatived. mixed method​


what type of data is generated when answering a checklist like the health declaration form?

a. data

b. qualitative

c. quantitative

d. mixed method

ʜᴏᴘᴇ ɪᴛs ʜᴇʟᴘ^-^


26. 2. Define the three basic types of data in MS Excel.​

There are three types of data in Excel: text, value, or formula. This is the type of data you enter into cells. If Excel detects that the entry is a formula, it will calculate the formula and display the result in the cell.


labels, values, and formulas


hope it helps

27. in the context of automation strategy, what is a center of excellence?

Answer: automation


28. What are the tools of excel help you elaborate your data​


They're the Get External Data, the Get & Transform, the Connections and the Sort & Filter buttons. The buttons of the Data group,


Hope it help

29. how does excel interpret data​


Excel stores data sets in systems of cells organized into rows and columns. The worksheet layout and formatting allows spreadsheet administrators to see their data sets in a structured, organized format, enhancing clarity on the data when compared with non-digital data storage formats.


thank you!


Excel stores data sets in systems of cells organized into rows and columns.


The worksheet layout and formatting allows spreadsheet administrators to see their data sets in a structured, organized format, enhancing clarity on the data when compared with non-digital data storage formats.

30. why microsoft excel is important in creating a data​


MS Excel is a spreadsheet programme developed by Microsoft in 1985, with the sole purpose of helping businesses compile all their financial data, yearly credit, and yearly debit sheets. Fast forward to the future after 31 years, it is now the most commonly used program for creating graphs and pivot tables.




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