A Raisin In The Sun Summary Act 3

A Raisin In The Sun Summary Act 3

summary of raisin in the sun​

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1. summary of raisin in the sun​


A Raisin in The Sun is a play by Lorraine Hansberry.

The below is the summary of the play:

This play is about the  a lower-class black family's struggle to gain middle-class acceptance. Mama who is a sixty-year-old mother of the family, is waiting for a $10,000 insurance check from the death of her husband. His son, Walter Lee Younger, is so desperate to be a better provider for his growing family that he wants to invest the entire sum of insurance money in a liquor store with two of his friends. Mama objects mainly for ethical reasons; she is vehemently opposed to the idea of selling liquor. Minor conflicts erupt over their disagreements.  

When Mama decides to use part of the money as a down payment on a house in a white neighborhood, her conflict with Walter escalates and causes her deep anguish. In an attempt to make things right between herself and her son, Mama entrusts Walter Lee with the rest of the money. He immediately invests it secretly in his liquor store scheme, believing that he will perhaps quadruple his initial investment.  

on the contrary, one of Walter Lee's prospective business partners, however, runs off with the money, a loss which tests the spiritual and psychological mettle of each family member. After much wavering and vacillating, the youngers decide to continue with their plans to move — in spite of their financial reversals and in spite of their having been warned by a weak representative of the white neighborhood that blacks are not welcome.

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2. a raisin in the sun summary grade 9 poano po ang conflict sa A RAISIN IN THE SUN SUMMARY PA HELP PO​


Major conflict The Youngers, a working-class Black family, struggle against economic hardship and racial prejudice. Rising action Ruth discovers that she is pregnant; Mama makes a down payment on a house; Mama gives Walter the remaining insurance money; Walter invests the money in the liquor store venture.


hope it's help

This lauded drama follows the Youngers, an African-American family living together in an apartment in Chicago. Following the death of their patriarch, they try to determine what to do with the substantial insurance payment they'll soon receive. Opinions on what to do with the money vary. Walter Lee (Sidney Poitier) wants to make a business investment, while his mother, Lena (Claudia McNeil), is intent on buying a house for them all to live in -- two differing views of the American

3. what is the POV in a raisin in the sun summary​

a Raisin in the Sun is written in the third-person omniscient point of view. Because the play is not restricted to a single character's perspective, but rather encompasses the entire Younger family, the audience has equal access to all the characters.

hi fafs pa brainliest thanks.


4. solution in the raisin in the sun?​


A Raisin in the Sun, a play by Lorraine Hansberry, is the story of a lower-class African American family living on the Southside of Chicago during the 1950s. The family seeks to move into a home in a White middle-class neighborhood.


5. props and customes in a raisin in the sun​






6. A Raisin of Sun1. who is beneatha? 2.what is the setting of the story?3.What does ''a raisin of the sun'z symbolized in the play?​


1. Beneatha Younger (“Bennie”) Mama's daughter and Walter's sister. Beneatha is an intellectual.

2. In her enduring drama, “A Raisin in the Sun,” Lorraine Hansberry coordinates the play's setting, characters, and style to guide us to the central theme that African Americans must renegotiate the American Dream to make it their own. In a larger sense, the play's setting is a ghetto in the South Side of Chicago in 1959.

3.In the play A Raisin in the Sun, the author, Lorraine Hansberry, uses symbols to describe the dreams, hopes and frustrations of the Youngers, an African American family trying to break the cycle of poverty and racism in the mid-1900s.

7. Denouement of the story RAISIN IN THE SUN​

Walter has lost the family's money, and he is in need of love and comfort now. 3. Walter finds his pride. The family decides to move into the house anyway--surely four grown people can earn enough to afford to move up in the world.

8. introduction of a raisin in the sun​


The play “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry takes place in urban Chicago Southside in the 1950's. The Younger family, including Lena [Mama], Walter, Jr., Ruth, Beneatha, and Travis, is an African American extended family who has always struggled with money

9. solution in the raisin in the sun?​​


A Raisin in the Sun is essentially about dreams, as the main characters struggle to deal with the oppressive circumstances that rule their lives. The title of the play references a conjecture that Langston Hughes famously posed in a poem he wrote about dreams that were forgotten or put off.

10. what is the climax of the raisin in the sun

The climax of A Raisin in the Sunoccurs, according to the first definition, when informs Walter that Willy has run off with their investment money, apparently destroying Walter's hope of opening a business.

11. Write a simple summary of the play "A Raisin in the Sun".​


jowá na pinasok sa ref naging cold

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12. in the story a raisin in the sun​


sorry i need the points huhu im so handsome

13. short summary of the story a raisin in the sun​


A Raisin in the Sun examines the effects of racial prejudice on the fulfillment of an African-American family’s dreams. The play centers on the Youngers, a working-class family that lives in Chicago’s South Side during the mid-twentieth century. Shortly before the play begins, the head of the Younger family, Big Walter, dies, leaving the family to inherit a $10,000 life insurance payment. The family eagerly awaits the arrival of the insurance check, which has the potential to make the family’s long deferred dreams into reality. However, the members of the Younger family have conflicting ideas—conflicting dreams—regarding the best use for the money, which causes tension.

At the beginning of the play Mama, Big Walter’s widow, expresses uncertainty regarding the best use for the money. Mama tells her daughter-in-law, Ruth, that she and her late husband shared the dream of owning a house, but that poverty and racism prevented them from fulfilling this dream during Big Walter’s lifetime. Mama’s daughter, Beneatha, aspires to attend medical school and become a doctor, a considerable challenge for an African-American woman at that time. Beneatha’s older brother, Walter Lee, belittles his sister’s dream, instead suggesting that she simply get married. Walter wants to use the insurance payment as an investment in a liquor store, an idea that Mama and his wife Ruth both dislike. Ruth, worried about her troubled marriage and the family’s cramped living situation, shares Mama’s hope for a house, although she is willing to support her husband’s dream because, as she tells Mama, “He needs this chance.” Walter finds his job as a white man’s chauffeur demeaning and he sees the liquor store investment as the only path towards a better future.

14. Raisin in the sun conflicts​


Walter younger wants to go into business and invest the money in a liquor store, but his mother has her heart set on purchasing a house and getting her family out of their cramped quarters. This leads to several tearful scenes and disagreement, otherwise known as conflict. Another conflict is they are discriminated by white people, about Walter’s father, Willy who took of the money and then the conflict between the couple Walter and Ruth Younger.


15. characteristic or a raisin in the sun​

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16. A Raisin in the sun debuted in 1959​


March 11, 1959

A Raisin in the Sun is a play by Lorraine Hansberry that debuted on Broadway in 1959.

17. a raisin in the sun summary ano po ang answer sa conflict -theme-Pov-tone-style-sana may tumulong ​


Conflict-The Youngers, a working-class Black family, struggle against economic hardship and racial prejudice.

Them-dreams, selfishness, and race.

Pov- third-person omniscient point of view.


Style-direct and colloquial.

18. reflection on A Raisin in ths Sun​


A Raisin in The Sun is a play by Lorraine Hansberry.

The below is the summary of the play:

This play is about the  a lower-class black family's struggle to gain middle-class acceptance. Mama who is a sixty-year-old mother of the family, is waiting for a $10,000 insurance check from the death of her husband. His son, Walter Lee Younger, is so desperate to be a better provider for his growing family that he wants to invest the entire sum of insurance money in a liquor store with two of his friends. Mama objects mainly for ethical reasons; she is vehemently opposed to the idea of selling liquor. Minor conflicts erupt over their disagreements.  

When Mama decides to use part of the money as a down payment on a house in a white neighborhood, her conflict with Walter escalates and causes her deep anguish. In an attempt to make things right between herself and her son, Mama entrusts Walter Lee with the rest of the money. He immediately invests it secretly in his liquor store scheme, believing that he will perhaps quadruple his initial investment.  

on the contrary, one of Walter Lee's prospective business partners, however, runs off with the money, a loss which tests the spiritual and psychological mettle of each family member. After much wavering and vacillating, the youngers decide to continue with their plans to move — in spite of their financial reversals and in spite of their having been warned by a weak representative of the white neighborhood that blacks are not welcome.

19. unfamiliar word of A Raisin in the sun​


This exchange occurs in Act I, scene ii when Mama asks Walter why he always talks about money. Walter responds that “[m]oney is life,” explaining to her that success is now defined by how much money one has. This conversation takes place early in the play and reveals Mama’s and Walter’s economic struggles. These lines demonstrate the ideological differences between their generations. Throughout the play, Mama’s views are at odds with Walter’s and Beneatha’s views. For Walter, money seems to be the answer to everything. Money, he believes, allows people to live comfortable and carefree lives. It also seems to define a man by measuring his success and ability to provide for his family. For Walter, who feels enslaved in his job and life, money is the truest freedom.

hope it can help

20. A raisin in the sun question and answer

A Raisin in the Sun

- Question and Answer

Identify the character of the Play and its Role

Lena Younger (Mama) is a 60-year-old matriarch, meaning she's a woman who rules or dominates her family. Mama heavily relies on her unyielding faith in God and always puts her family first in all decisions. Ultimately, Mama believes that a man should run the household and is she is eager to demonstrate her confidence in her son's ability to lead the family. Because of this, after using a portion of the $10,000 insurance check for the down payment on a house in a middle-class neighborhood, mama gives the remainder of the money to her son to keep for their future.

Walter Lee Younger (Mama's Son) is a 35-year-old chauffeur, who sometimes drinks too much, and becomes obsessed with using the insurance money on a business venture that he believes will provide financial independence and improve both his life and his view of himself. For example, because Walter was so desperate to fulfill his dream of improving his life, he secretly invested the remainder of the insurance money in a liquor store venture with his friends, even though his mother clearly stated that she opposed this plan.

Ruth Younger (Walter's wife) is a thirtyish, very laidback woman. Ruth spends much of her time acting as peacemaker during family disagreements. However, she becomes more emotional when faced with the likelihood of moving to a new neighborhood. For example, when mama and Walter disagree over moving into the White neighboor.


21. what is the style of the story a raisin in the sun??what is the tone of the story a raisin in the sun??​


The style of A Raisin in the Sun is direct and colloquial. Lorraine Hansberry wrote the play as a realist drama, meaning that she attempted to capture the everyday reality of her subjects, a working-class Black family living in South Side, Chicago, sometime in the late 1940s or 1950s.

22. connection of postponed to raisin in the sun​


The epigraph to A Raisin in the Sun is Langston Hughes' poem "Montage of a Dream Deferred" which was written as a critique of Harlem life. The eleven lines are a hypothesis about the ramifications of white society's actions to withhold equal opportunity from black citizens

23. rising action of a raisin in the sun​


rising action of a raisin in the sun

escalating events Ruth finds out that she is pregnant.

Mama puts down money for a house.

Walter receives the remaining insurance funds from Mama.

The funds are put into the liquor store venture by Walter.


I hope it's help

24. summary of the story with a title a raisin in the sun by lorraine hansberry? need ko ngayon​


A Raisin in the Sun portrays a few weeks in the life of the Youngers, an African-American family living on the South Side of Chicago in the 1950s. When the play opens, the Youngers are about to receive an insurance check for $10,000. This money comes from the deceased Mr. Younger's life insurance policy.

25. 3. What are the major themes in a raisin in the sun?​

Answer:The main themes in A Raisin in the Sun are dreams,selfishness,and race.Dreams:Everyone in the play has a dream.However,achieving one’s dreams proves a complicated endeavor,especially when factors like race,class,and gender interfere.

Explanation:Hope it helps ^_^

26. spectacle of a raisin in the sun ​


Aristotle named spectacle as one of the six main elements of theatre, the others being plot, character, diction, thought and music. Spectacle involves the visual aspects of a production, such as the set, actors, props, lighting, and costumes.

27. raisin the sun 1 -6​






A Raisin in the Sun is a play by Lorraine Hansberry that tells the story of the Youngers, a Black family struggling against racism and poverty to achieve their dream of owning a home. The family is made up of Mama, her son Walter Lee and his wife Ruth, her daughter Beneatha, and Walter Lee and Ruth's son Travis. Most of the action in the play happens in the Youngers' tiny two-bedroom apartment.


29. problem in raisin in the Sun


In the play "A Raisin in the Sun", the author, Lorraine Hansberry, uses symbols to describe the dreams, hopes and frustrations of the Youngers, an African-American family trying to break the cycle of poverty and racism in the mid-1900s


30. the play A raisin in the sun was written by​


Lorraine Hansberry Ayan po


Lorraine Hansberry

Debuted on Broadway in 1959

The title comes from the poem "Harlem" by Langston Hughes

Originally published: March 11, 1959

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