Impact Of Globalization On Business Communication

Impact Of Globalization On Business Communication

PART II: Essay (20 pts). Direction: Read the situation then answer the question that follows: The rapidly evolving threat around the COVID-19 virus, commonly referred as coronavirus, is impacting the business and investor community across the world. The global and interconnected nature of today's business environment poses serious risk of disruptions of global supply chains that can result in significant loss of revenue and adversely impact global economies. The impact on the global economy may increase depending on the extent of geographic spread of the virus. However, the pandemuc has already negatively impacted the global economy as a whole. 1. What are the negative impact of COVID-19 virus to the following?A. Students (5 pts)B. Community (5pts)C. Economy (5pts)​

Daftar Isi

1. PART II: Essay (20 pts). Direction: Read the situation then answer the question that follows: The rapidly evolving threat around the COVID-19 virus, commonly referred as coronavirus, is impacting the business and investor community across the world. The global and interconnected nature of today's business environment poses serious risk of disruptions of global supply chains that can result in significant loss of revenue and adversely impact global economies. The impact on the global economy may increase depending on the extent of geographic spread of the virus. However, the pandemuc has already negatively impacted the global economy as a whole. 1. What are the negative impact of COVID-19 virus to the following?A. Students (5 pts)B. Community (5pts)C. Economy (5pts)​


make answer answer answet

Step-by-step explanation:

2. Questions 1. What are the negative impacts of COVID-19 virus to the following? a. Students b. Community . Economy (local, national and global) 2. Cite a business that is making an out-of the-box strategie and marketing planning in this pandemic. Explain briefly. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.​


i think is B think lang ah

3. True or False The need for cultural awareness is a major impact of globalization on the required skillset of effective communicators. Virtual interactions have always been an important factor of success in business. In a globalized world, effective communication is a necessity. The first step in achieving effective communication is to know your location. Globalization has introduced virtual communication and collaboration as a major part of workplace dynamics. Awareness of communication differences in a body language can be just as important as the nuances of speech. Conceptually, “communication” is another way of describing the technological space at the interface of economic globalization and cultural globalization. The global policy framework for communication is therefore emerging as a key structural component of the emerging global governance framework in general. Communicating with your customers, your suppliers, your stockholders, and many other stakeholders all factor into the global equation. Ancient entrepreneurs need to understand the strengths and limitations of different communications media, and how to use each medium to maximum effect. People who are accustomed to communicating in groups in virtual settings can find themselves lost, confused or unable to share their input. Even when two people are speaking the same language, cultural differences can affect vocabulary, colloquial expressions, voice tone and taboo topics. Affecting the true meaning of global communications would be the intercultural factor. Global Communication is not only the interaction between two employees within your organization.



4. Aside from the spread of the infectious disease and the struggle to contain it, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic has created far-reaching implications, including economic, social, and cultural consequences. The said disease is anticipated to automatically affect the Philippine economy and the global economy as well, since deceleration or slowdown in economic activities, which is an infection control practice, is inevitably needed in preventing and reducing the transmission of the disease from one person to another. Decrease in tourist arrivals because of travel restrictions, sharp decline in remittances, increase in business closures, and rise in the unemployment rate are some of the expected economic impacts of the pandemic.Apart from the economic sectors, this infectious disease has also affected the different social institutions, such as education and family. Widespread closures of educational institutions and utilization of distance education instead of face-to-face learning are a few implications of the pandemic in the educational system. Also, people, especially women and children, have become more vulnerable to the different types of domestic and sexual violence because of community quarantine, which is sad, thinking that it should be safer for them to stay at home with their family. According to the Philippine National Police's - Women and Children Protection Center (PNP-WCPC), 602 cases of sexual assault, or an average of eight incidents a day, were recorded from March 17, 2020 to May 23, 2020. These were the times when Luzon and other parts of the Philippines were under enhanced community quarantine because of the pandemic. Religion is another social institution that is impacted by the pandemic. Sunday schools or church schools were closed, worship services of various religious institutions were cancelled, and even pilgrimages, or visitations to the places that are considered holy or special, were also cancelled.Because of these consequences brought by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic, our world and our everyday lives will never go back to normal for a long period of time. Whether we like it or not, we must adapt the routines and restrictions of the “new normal,” such as wearing face masks, practicing social distancing, and changing our lifestyles, so that we can prevent the spread of the infectious disease and ensure not just our own safety, but the safety of all. Fortunately, various disciplines of Social Sciences can help us adjust to the “new normal.” These disciplines can help in the battle against the pandemic byinvestigating the different social forces related to the development and transmission of this infectious disease. Moreover, Social Science disciplines can produce knowledge that can be employed in helping individuals, families, and communities on how to better cope with the implications of the pandemic. Now, the question is: What are the different disciplines under the Social Sciences?Pahelp sana may matinong sumagot​


Anthropology. Anthropology is the study of humans.

Communication Studies. Communication is fundamental to all human endeavors.

Economics. ...




Political Science.



Based on my research but hope it helps :>

5. 1. This refers to a group of people occupying a definite territory who can independently govern themselves.a. globalization b. nation c. sovereigntyd. state 2. An event or activity is connected to how government are run is called ______.a nation b power c social movement d ways 3.this refers to the action or manner of governing.a globalization b governance c localization d politics 4. this is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.a globalization b governance c localization d politics 5. this refers to a large body of people united by common descent history culture or language inhabiting a particular country or territory a governmentb politicsc state d nation 6. why study politics?a politics makes you understand the mind b politics makes you understand of past eventsc politics makes you aware of the events around you d politics makes you understand human interactions7. which of the following is true about governance?a. governance is the process of governing with the affairs of the state b. governance is the process of manipulating human interactions c. governance is the process of taking control of personal human affairs d. all of the above 8. how political ideologies impact the social and political life of the filipino?a. political ideologies guide the people in the community b. political ideologies guide the people is a crafting sound policiesc. political ideologies lays down the procedure for their way of life d. all of the above 9. what is globalization? a. globalization is the dehumanization of human beings b. globalization is a process of trading of different nations c. globalization is primarily an economic process of integration that has social and cultural aspectsd. none of the above10. what are the different types of power?a. nature expert legitimate and reward b. scientific charismatic despotic and platonic c. responsive coercive legitimate and referent d. coercive expert legitimate reward and referent 11. which of the following is correct about globalization?a. a stretching of social political and economic activities across political frontiersb. a growing magnitude of interconnectedness in almost every sphere of social existence c. a growing magnitude of interconnectedness in almost every sphere of social existence d. an accelerating pace of global interactions and processes associated with a deepening and enmeshment of local and the global 12. what is critical theory?a. often closely related to marxist idea b. a reaction against marxism c. based on restatement of traditional liberal views d. a realist acceptance of global exploitation 13. which of the following is an argument of a constructivist?a. scientific inquiry can cover absolute truthsb. material forces are much more important than ideas c. individuals are powerless to shape the world as they find it d. the truth is always socially constructed 14. a political scientist would likely employ the concept of political socialization in a study examining:a. how members of a political organization interact with one another b. the nature and meaning of citizenship c. how people come to embrace certain political beliefs values and actions d. methods for making reasoned decisions about policy issues 15. the writings of both john locke and thomas hobbes played a major role in the development of which of the following political ideas?a. the main function of government is to protect the natural rights of citizens b. government is based on social contract between rulers and ruledc. people have the right to overthrow governments that unjustly oppress themd. strong rulers are necessary to prevent social disorder and political chaos ​


1. This refers to a group of people occupying a definite territory who can independently govern themselves.


2. An event or activity is connected to how government are run is called ______.


3.this refers to the action or manner of governing.


4. this is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.


5. this refers to a large body of people united by common descent history culture or language inhabiting a particular country or territory


6. why study politics?

c politics makes you aware of the events around you

7. which of the following is true about governance

b. governance is the process of manipulating human interactions

8. how political ideologies impact the social and political life of the filipino?

D.All of the above

9. what is globalization?

a. globalization is the dehumanization of human beings

10. what are the different types of power?

b. scientific charismatic despotic and platonic

11. which of the following is correct about globalization?

d. an accelerating pace of global interactions and processes associated with a deepening and enmeshment of local and the global

12. what is critical theory?

c. based on restatement of traditional liberal views

13. which of the following is an argument of a constructivist?

A.scientific inquiry can cover absolute truths

14. a political scientist would likely employ the concept of political socialization in a study examining

d. methods for making reasoned decisions about policy issues

15. the writings of both john locke and thomas hobbes played a major role in the development of which of the following political ideas?

C. people have the right to overthrow governments that unjustly oppress them


6. Business ecological Studies Education Sports Studies agriculture Natural & Sciences State Management(administration) medical Astronomy Banking 1. To plan production according to the taste of the costumers, the quality of the products, can also be checked more efficiently. 2. Deals with the measurements of distance, sizes, masses and densities of heavenly bodies by means of observations. 3. Used for a number of purposes, work on the principle that all the people who deposit their money with the banks earns profit of those deposits by lending to others on interest. 4. Used for analyzing the experiments results, testing their significance in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Meteorology Research Chambers of Commerce, Sociology, Business, Public Administrations, communications and information, technology & etc. 5. Widely used in taking all administrative decisions. suppose the government wants to revise the pay sales of employees in view of an increase in the living cost, statistical method will be used to determine the rise in the cost of living. 6. Quality and size of grains grown due to use of different fertilizer. 7. Money spend on girls education in comparison to boys education. 8. Used to compare different players. 9. Number of new diseases grown in last 10 years. 10. Comparison of impact of pollution on global warming.​

this is not funny but this is my true global warming


my explaining buts global warming is not normal this is so very very scary

7. Modified True or FalseGlobalization is a process of interaction and integration among people,bretons White Tif the statement is correct, False if othenvise. Then undertime the words thatmakes it incorrect1companies, and governments of different nations12The availability of culture is a direct effect of the development of globalcommunication systems3Education has been the other principal driver of globalizationThe need for psychological awareness is a major impact of globalization onthe required skillsets of effective communicators.$The media has a significant role in promoting a common culture6Because of globalization, the world is becoming more heterogeneous7.Global interconnectedness is possible because of transportationadvancements8The growth in global communication meant that people nowadays rely on onesource only for news and information9Globalization represents an integration of communication, culture and trade10Globalization has introduced virtual communication and time differences as amajor part of academic and workplace dynamics.11.Even when two people are speaking the same language, cultural awarenesscan affect vocabulary, voice tone, colloquial expressions and taboo topics12.Globalization has influenced investments by implementing new techniquesfor business conduct among workers at international corporations.Education is only a single factor of the social awarenessCultural proficiency is essential in global communication15Technology has influenced the dynamic development of our culturalidentities16.In a global environment, the ability to communicate effectively is notanymore a challenge17The efforts to achieve global competiveness has eliminated distinctiveregional cultures18Global communication made our country a small city of intelligence19In our interrelated world, Information and communication is extensively usedand affects our daily life.20.Globalization has significant impact on cultural practices of the people​


1. True

2. True


8. HEALTH 1. Which effect of alcohol misuse is NOT considered as having a wide-range serious impact? A. detrimental diseases B. social consequences for the drinker C. consequences of the people around the drinker D. consequences of the alcohol beverages business company 2. Which of the following opportunities is NOT an effect of the present international commitment in reducing the harmful use of alcohol? A. improving health B. social well-being development C. reducing the existing alcohol-attributable disease burden D. depletion of culturally inclined production of alcoholic drinks 3. Which is part of the five main strategies of global prevention and control of harmful alcohol use? A. improved systems for monitoring and surveillance at different levels B. strengthened partnerships and better coordination among stakeholders C. reducing the negative consequences of drinking and alcohol intoxication D. increased technical support to international community in preventing the harmful use of alcohol 4. Which of four priority areas for global action supports the implementation of practical and focused technical packages that ensures returns on investments by reducing the harmful use of alcohol in populations? A. resource mobilization B. technical support and capacity building C. public health advocacy and partnership D. production and dissemination of knowledge 5. Which of the following is the best strategy to reduce and prevent harm caused by harmful alcohol use? A. improved systems for monitoring and surveillance at different levels B. strengthened knowledge base on the magnitude and determinants of alcohol related harm C. strengthened partnerships and better coordination among stakeholders and increased mobilization of resources D. increased technical support to, and enhanced capacity of, Member States for preventing the harmful use of alcohol


I think number 1 is letter D

9. Activity 9: That's What They SayThe following paragraphs are all taken from opinion articles of Philippine StoreAnalyze them carefully and locatethe thesis statement or the main idea of thewriters in their essays. You will learn in thisactivity that opinion writers denot always use opinion signals or useful expressions in expressing their thesisstatement.1. The country's health insurance system is very sick. In fact, thePhilippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) that is supposed topump blood into it appears to be hemorrhaging so badly that thereserve fund supporting its subsidies could run out by 2022.2. The country is in the midst of its worst economic crisis since World War 2. Thus far, two thirds of all micro, small and medium enterprises(MSMEs) have either closed or significantly downsized. This shouldalarm us all since MSMEs comprise 98.57 percent of all businessestablishments in the country. They account for 71 percent ofemployment and 25 percent of export earnings. Collectively, theycontribute 39 percent to GDP.3. The conflict in the West Philippine Sea has intensified as China hasincreasingly become more aggressive. The United States and its allieshave increased their military and naval presence in the region. TheAmericans have also added a new dimension to the conflict by exploitingtheir economic and financial strength.4. COVID-19 is indeed a global challenge. According to the World HealthOrganization, almost 25 million people have been infected worldwide.We are now seeing how the economies of many nations have beenimpacted too. At the community level, families continue to juggle workand caring responsibilities, as many schools remain closed. Thesuffering is immense, especially for those who have lost jobs, or evenworse, loved ones as a result of this pandemic.5. President Duterte has distanced himself from the proposal of some ofhis supporters to create a revolutionary government, which can thenrailroad an overhaul of the Constitution to pave the way for a shift tofederalismPasagot po pls​

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10. DHL Philippines hailed 'Best Workplace' Global logistics leader, DHL Express Philippines, has earned top-tier spot as Philippines' Best Workplace for exhibiting effective leadership and people practices in the midst of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic. In a virtual ceremony held last 3- March 2021, Great Place to Work® Philippines revealed its Philippines Best WorkplacesTM list, naming ten (10) organizations whose response to the main question, "Tell us about the bold acts of leadership your organization has taken in response to the Covid-19 crisis to create a great workplace For All for your people, in your community or in the world," achieved top marks. Great Place to Work Philippines' team of culture consultants reviewed and ranked the responses, focusing Ion four areas - the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the organization, its business and people; strength and consistency of leadership actions taken in response; level of care, human touch and generosity demonstrated in supporting employees and their families; and breadth of action on their people and communities. These 10 organizations actively exemplify the five Trust Index Dimensions that are a hallmark of a High-Trust, High-Performance CultureTM for employees, namely Credibility Peenoot Fairness Pride MANILA, PHILIPPINES I SATURDAY, 13 MARCH 2021 Question what who where when why how


There will be a music concert next to Vienna coffee shop. Would you like to go?

DHL Philippines has been named as the "Best Workplace" in the Philippines for exhibiting effective leadership and people practices during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a virtual ceremony held on March 3, 2021, Great Place to Work Philippines revealed its list of the best workplaces in the country and named ten organizations whose responses to the Covid-19 crisis demonstrated strong and consistent leadership, a high level of care and generosity towards employees and their families, and action to support their people and communities. The award recognizes DHL Philippines' efforts to maintain a high-trust, high-performance culture for its employees.

11. Activity. That's what they say The following paragraphs are all talen mum opinion articles whippine Anab them carently and locate the thesis statement or the main idea of the writers in the You will learn in this activity that epitan wiera de not always opinion signals or of pressions in expressing their thesis 1 .The entry behinne system very well the the Philippine Health Insurance Corp (Phillteaith) that is wupposed to pump blood to appears to be hemorrhaging hadly that the reserve and supportin quades could run out by 202, 2.The country in the midst of its worst nevnte crisis ainee World War Thus far we thirds or all mter, small and medium enterprises (MSME) have either closed or significantly downsized This should alar wall since MSMEs comprise ou 57 percent of all business establishments in the country. They account for 7 percent of employment and 25 percent of expert earning Collectively, they contribute 3 percent to ODP 3. The contact in the West Philippine Sea har intensified as China ham Increasingly become more ressive. The United States and its allies have increased their military and naval presence in the region. The Americans have also added a new dimension to the conflict by exploiting their conomic and Financial strength 4. COVID-19 is indeed a global challenge According to the World Health Organization, almost 25 million people have been infected worldwide We are now seeing how the economies of many nations have been impacted too. At the community level families continue to juggle work and caring responsibilities, as many schools remain closed The kuffering is inimene, especially for those who have lost job, or even were loved ones as a result of this pandemie 5 .President Duterte has distanced himself from the proposal of some of his supporters to create a revolutionary overnment, which can then railroad an overhaul of the Constitution to pave the way for a thin to federalism​


Satan is better than Jesus Satan is better than Jesus Satan is better than Jesus Satan is better than Jesus Satan is better than Jesus Satan is better than Jesus


Satan is better than Jesus

tama o mali yan ang answer

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