Negative Effects Of Globalization On Education

Negative Effects Of Globalization On Education

what is the negative effect of globalization to education?

Daftar Isi

1. what is the negative effect of globalization to education?


- Globalization enhances the student's ability to acquire and utilize knowledge. Globalization enhances the ability of learners to access, assess, adopt, and apply knowledge, to think independently to exercise appropriate judgment and to collaborate with others to make sense of new situations.

2. what are the negative effects of globalization on education?

Answer: the more that the world continue to be innovative or simply globalized, the education continues in changing and the lessons were sometimes added and removed.


3. what are the negative effects of globalization to education?​


Globalization enhances the ability of learners to access, assess, adopt, and apply knowledge, to think independently to exercise appropriate judgment and to collaborate with others to make sense of new situations. - Globalization produces an increased quantity of scientifically and technically trained persons.

4. positive and negative effects of globalization in education​


It is a widely defined word with several connotations to many different people. There has been a hot debate about globalization.


Sana maka tulong ma mark brianleast po

5. Give one negative effect of globalization in education​

One negative effect of globalization in education is the potential loss of cultural identity and diversity. As education becomes more standardized and globalized, there is a risk of losing local traditions, languages, and knowledge systems that are unique to specific cultures. This can lead to a homogenization of education and a loss of appreciation for the diversity of human experiences and perspectives. Additionally, the emphasis on standardized testing and curriculum can limit creativity and critical thinking skills in students.


Lack of regulation


It is extremely difficult to regulate the trade in academic institutions, programs, degrees or products across international borders. Lack of regulation is a major issue with the globalisation of higher education.

6. 1. How does globalization improve market system?a. It promotes economic integration leading to companies trading internationally b. It promotes economic integration leading to companies trading nationally c. It promotes free flow of products and servicesd. Both A and C2. How does globalization promote liberalization?a. By welcoming foreign ideas b. By welcoming foreign investors c. By welcoming foreign products and servicesd. All of the above 3. Globalization is the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole. This definition is given by:a. Roland Robertson c. Martin Albrowb. Anthony Giddens d. None of the above4. Globalization has positive effects on a country. Which is an example?a. Improving standards of education and healthb. Getting variety of quality manufactured itemsc. Local manufacturersd. Find more markets for its goods in overseas5. Globalization has negative effects on a country. Which is an example? a. Less employment in developed countriesb. Increased air, land and water pollution in developing countriesc. MNC’S gain power in a country and influence decisiond. Profits made by a MNC’s are given to the country where factory is located. 6. Which is an undesirable effect of globalization?a. Cooperation c. Competition b. Collaboration d. None of the above ​7. Which is the driving force of economic globalization? a. Satisfaction of needs of the members of a country. b. Satisfaction of wants of the members of a country. c. Satisfaction of the unlimited needs of the members of a country considering its limited resources d. All of the above 8. Some people associate globalization to progress and prosperity. Others consider it: a. Disaster c. Tragedy b. Decay d. All of the above 9. International agreement and conventions like Peace Talks are conducted to avoid: a. International Cooperation c. World Wars b. Linkages d. Economic prosperity 10. In response to globalization, other countries have demonstrated various ideological movements of resistance. What does it mean? a. They do not like globalization. b. They love globalization c. They welcome globalization d. None of the above












7. Activity 2: Give at least 3 Positive and 3 Negative effects of globalization. Write your own understanding in the blank space provided. Example: Education - is a positive effect on globalization because we learn something that could benefit me as an individual to become one of the successful works in the future. POSITIVE EFFECTS: 1. 2. 3. NEGATIVE EFFECTS: 1.2. 3.pahelp po ​



1. Gives Access to a Larger Market

Through globalization countries and companies have access to a bigger consumer base. Instead of only selling products in their country a business can expand to other regions boosting sales and in the process making more money.

2. Provides Cheaper Goods for Consumers

Because of globalization a lot of companies are moving to areas where their cost of production is low they, in turn, offer cheaper products because they are not expensive to make hence lower prices for consumers.

3. Globalization Wets Countries do what They do Best

For example, a country can buy cheap steel from another country instead of making its own steel. They can then focus their efforts on making other things they are good at like computers and export them to the countries they import cheap steal from.


1. Causes Environmental Damage

Globalization has led to increased production for businesses in order to meet global demand. Increased production means more natural resources are used and this can be used up before they are regenerated leading to a negative impact on the environment.Also in developing countries rules and regulations on environmental protection are not as strict as in developed countries. This has seen some multinationals leave their countries to set up in developing countries to take advantage of this lax regulation in the process they manufacture products that are harmful to the environment.

2. Causes Fluctuation of Prices

Increased competition means that businesses with the best prices win. Due to competition prices are always fluctuating, for example, a country like the US has to reduce its prices often to compete with prices for the same product coming from China.

3. Job Insecurity

Globalization provides a double-edged sword when it comes to jobs. It creates jobs for people in developing countries who provide cheaper manufacturing jobs. For example, many companies are setting up in India and China because wages and manufacturing jobs are cheaper there which means fewer opportunities in developed worlds.

In short, globalization takes jobs from one country and provides them to another. This can be negative or positive depending on what part of the world you are in.

8. Directions: Read the following paragraphs. Determine the text types of each text. Write PS If the text is a problem and solution, CE If it is cause and effect, or CC if it is comparison and contrast on the space provided before each number and X if none.____21. Climate change is happening, and disasters are inevitable if humans continue the burning of fossil fuels. To resolve this, 195 nations around the world signed an agreement called the "Paris Climate Agreement" in 2015. This agreement aims to address climate change and its negative impacts by reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. ____22. Poverty is believed to be the leading cause of overpopulation. A lack of educational resources, coupled with high death rates leading to higher birth rates, result in impoverished areas seeing large booms in population. ____23. The severe flooding in low-lying areas resulted in the transportation of people and goods to be paralyzed. Farm goods like vegetables are unable to reach markets hence the supply dropped and a spike in price happened. ____24. Egting nutritious foods and having regular exercise will make our body healthy and can prevent our body having serious diseases. ____25. Wearing a face mask. face shield, and the practice of social distancing were proposed as a means of prevention from the spread of the Covid-19 virus.​

Directions: Read the following paragraphs. Determine the text types of each text. Write PS If the text is a problem and solution, CE If it is cause and effect, or CC if it is comparison and contrast on the space provided before each number and X if none.


PS 21. Climate change is happening, and disasters are inevitable if humans continue the burning of fossil fuels. To resolve this, 195 nations around the world signed an agreement called the "Paris Climate Agreement" in 2015. This agreement aims to address climate change and its negative impacts by reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.

CE 22. Poverty is believed to be the leading cause of overpopulation. A lack of educational resources, coupled with high death rates leading to higher birth rates, result in impoverished areas seeing large booms in population.

CE 23. The severe flooding in low-lying areas resulted in the transportation of people and goods to be paralyzed. Farm goods like vegetables are unable to reach markets hence the supply dropped and a spike in price happened.

CC 24. Eating nutritious foods and having regular exercise will make our body healthy and can prevent our body having serious diseases.

CC 25. Wearing a face mask. face shield, and the practice of social distancing were proposed as a means of prevention from the spread of the Covid-19 virus.



9. A. Rhetorical questionsB. Emotive wordsC. Express attitudeD. ConnectorsE. Verbs of beliefF. Present TenseG. Adverbs1. When will this pandemic (COVID-19) end?2. COVID-19 gives us a chance to reconnect with our loved ones.3. People will be infected by COVID-19 unless they follow the will followthe government's prevention and control tip.4. The President of the Republic of the Philippines, Rodrigo Roa Duterte,addresses his countrymen on what might happen if they will not listento him5. Because of the people's activities in relation to their jobs, thisgovernment has become worse6. The global pandemic is also having an unprecedented impact onEducational systems all over the world.7. Our frontliners tried to convince us by providing us via pictures andvideos feedback on what they are going through.8. Doctors and nurses have proven to us that the hospitals are alreadyoverwhelmed since the lockdown has begun.9. The government and its people must collaboratively work to addressthese issues.10. As we experience this global pandemic most of us have been requiredby the government to stay home and drink a cup of tea. How to makea cup of tea? First we boil some water. Next pour the water in a cup,then put the tea bag in the water. After add some sugar, and finallyadd a biscuit and enjoy it.11. Some people definitely disagreed to the content of Anti-Terror bill sincemost of them knew that it has negative effects.12. Our government love its people because they are doing everything toprevent the spread of COVID-19.13. People with COVID-19 are suffering more because they are beingjudged because of their sickness.14. Can our country prevent the spread of COVId-19?15. Our country needs people who can follow rules and regulations​


1. b












10. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. International agreement and conventions like peace talks are conducted to avoid? A. International cooperation B. Linkages C. World wars D. Economic prosperity 2. Which is the driving force of economic Globalization? A. Satisfaction of needs of the members of a country. B. Satisfaction of wants of the members of a country. C. Satisfaction of the unlimited needs of the members of a country considering it's limited resources. D. All of the above 3. In response to globalization, other countries have demonstrated various ideological movements of resistance. What does it mean? A. They do not like globalization B. They love globalization C. They welcome globalization D. None of the above 4. Some people associate globalization to progress and prosperity. Others consider it: A. Disaster B. Decay C. Tragedy D. All of the above 5. Which is not an aspect of globalization? A. Cultural B. Political C. Economic D. Educational 6. Which is the driving force of economic Globalization? A. Satisfaction of needs of the members of a country. B. Satisfaction of wants of the members of a country. C. Satisfaction of the needs of the members of a country considering it's limited resources. D. All of the above 7. Globalization has positive effects on a country which is an example? A. Improving standards of education and health. B. Getting variety of quality manufactured items. C. Local manufacturer. D. Find more market's for it's Good's it's overseas. 8. Which aspect of globalization is centered on the division of the world based on abundant goods and resources present? A. Cultural B. Political C. Economic D. Educational 9. Which aspect of globalization is centered on national cooperation aimed at negotiating responses to problems that affect state's of region? A. Cultural B. Political C. Economic D. Educational 10. Globalization has the negative effects on a country. Which is an example? A. Less employment in developed countries. B. Increased air, land and water pollution in developing countries. C. MNC's gain power in a country and influence decision. D. Profits made by a MNC's are given to the county where factory is located. 11. Which is not a factor that has effect on the process of economic globalization? A. Improvement in transportation and communication system's. B. Effect of research. C. Tastes of individuals. D. Influence of public policies. 12. Which of the following is/are indicator(s) of economic integration? A. Differing monetary units. B. Economic decline. C. Free trade D. Diversity of customs 13. Which an undesirable effect of globalization? A. Cooperation B. Collaboration C. Competition D. None of the above 14. Globalization economy means all of the following except? A. Free movement of goods and services. B. Free movement of technology and information. C. Free movement of capital's D. Free movement of cultural ideas. 15. International monetary fund (IMF) identified four basic aspects of globalization which is not an aspect? A. Trade and transaction. B. Capital and investment. C. Migration of knowledge. D. Drug and contraband's dissemination. 16. How does globalization promote liberation? A. By welcoming foreign ideas. B. By welcoming foreign investors. C. By welcoming foreign products and services. D. All of the above. 17. Which is NOT an MDB? A. World bank B. African development bank. C. Inter-American development bank. D. Metro development corporation. 18. How does globalization improve market system? A. It promotes economic integration leading to companies trading internationally. B. It promotes economic integration leading to companies trading nationally. C.It promotes free flow of products and services. D. Both A and B. 19. Which aspect of globalization is centered on the free movement of ideas across different states or regions? A. Cultural B. Political C. Economic D. Educational























11. Exercise 3. Raise Your Q's! Directions: Below are given topics with brief background for a panel discussion. Your task is to raise and formulate three questions per topic identified as; Easy Warm-up, Fire Starter, and Audience Reader. You may also add follow-up questions 1. Novel Corona Virus: The COVID-19 pandemic is far more than a health crisis: it is affecting societies and economies at their core. While the impact of the pandemic will vary from country to country, it will most likely increase poverty and inequalities at a global scale. Assessing the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on societies, economies and vulnerable groups is fundamental to inform and tailor the responses of governments and partners to recover from the crisis and ensure that no one is left behind in this effort. Possible Questions:___________________ Easy Warm-up: ________________________ Fire Starter: ________________________ Audience Reader:_________________________ 2. GOLBAL WARMING: Studies shows that Earth's climate has been getting warmer. it's average temperature has risen a little more than 1 degree Fahrenheit during the pass 100 years or so. this amount may not seem like much. but small temperature changes can lead to big effects. POSSIBLE QUESTION:_____________________ EASY WARM-UP:_________________________ FIRE STARTER:_________________________ AUDIENCE READER:_____________________ 3. Modular Distance Learning Of all the alternative learning modalities offered by the Department of Education (DepEd) this upcoming school year, most students prefer to use the modular" distance learning option. Based on the partial results of the Learner Enrolment and Survey Forns (LESFs) distributed during the enrolment period, it showed 7.2 million enrollees prefer to use modular distance learning, TV & Radio based instructions and other modalities while only 2 million enrolees prefer online for school year 2020-2021 POSSIBLE QUESTIONS:__________________ EASY WARM-UP: ________________________ FIRE STARTER:_________________________ AUDIENCE READER:_____________________ 4. Agricultural production In the Philippines, there is a correlation between rainfall and civil conflict, and manifests through agricultural production. The increased rainfall during the wet season in the Philippines is proven to be harmful to agriculture as it leads to flooding and/or water logging. This above average rainfall is associated with more conflict related incidents and casualties" The rainfall has a negative effect on rice which is an important crop that a majority of the country depends on as both a food source and employment. A poor nice crop can lead to large impacts on the wellbeing of poor Filipino and cause widespread contempt for the government and more support for insurgent groups. Climate change is expected to amplify seasonal variation of rainfall in the Pluilippines and exacerbate ongoing civil conflict in the country POSSIBLE QUESTIONS:__________________ EASY WARM-UP: ______________________ FIRE STARTER: ________________________ AUDIENCE READER:______________________ 5. Cyberbullying In the Philippines, latest national data show that cyberviolence affects almost half of children aged 13-17. The prevalence of cyberviolence for males (44 per cent) is almost the same for females (43 per cent). Violence against children, in all forms including online bullying or cyberbullying, has devastating effects on the physical and emotional wellbeing of young people. This can create lasting emotional and psychological scars, even physical harm. It is particularly challenging to address since children are vulnerable and have easy access to the internet, making them easy targets of online violence, POSSIBLEQUESTION:____________________ EASY WARM-UP:______________________ FIRE STARTER:________________________ AUDIENCE READER:___________________Dito na lang Po pa answer<3​



Easy Warm-up: What are the common symptoms of COVID-19 and how can one protect themselves from contracting the virus?

Fire Starter: How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the global economy, and what measures are being taken to mitigate its impact?

Audience Reader: How has the pandemic affected vulnerable groups such as the elderly, low-income families, and people with pre-existing medical conditions, and what steps are being taken to support them during this time?


Easy Warm-up: What is the average temperature increase of the Earth in the past 100 years?

Fire Starter: What are some of the big effects that small temperature changes can lead to?

Audience Reader: How can small temperature changes cause big effects?

3. Modular Distance Learning:

Easy Warm-up: What is the most preferred alternative learning modality for the upcoming school year according to the LESFs?

Fire Starter: What are some of the reasons why students prefer modular distance learning over other modalities?

Audience Reader: How can the Department of Education ensure that all students have access to the preferred learning modality?

4. Agricultural production:

Easy Warm-up: What is the correlation between rainfall and civil conflict in the Philippines?

Fire Starter: How does climate change exacerbate ongoing civil conflict in the Philippines?

Audience Reader: How can a poor rice crop impact the wellbeing of poor Filipinos and cause contempt for the government?

5. Cyberbullying:

Easy Warm-up: What is the prevalence of cyberviolence in the Philippines among children aged 13-17?

Fire Starter: What are some of the devastating effects of cyberviolence on the physical and emotional wellbeing of young people?

Audience Reader: How can we address the challenge of addressing cyberviolence against children, particularly with their easy access to the internet?

12. 1. List down at least five (5) positive and negative effects of globalization on national security, agriculture, manufacturing, labor and education.​


Attraction of global market resulted in farmers shifting from traditional or mixed cropping to unsustainable cropping practices. The competition from cheaper imports pushed down the prices of crops like cotton, wheat etc making agriculture unsustainable for many farmers.

13. List down at least five (5) positive and negative effects of globalization on national security, agriculture, manufacturing, labor and education.



1.Lowered costs help people in both developing and already-developed countries live better on less money.

2.increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger variety of choices for consumers

3.allows companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products.


1.They may pollute the environment, run risks with safety or impose poor working conditions and low wages on local workers.

2.responsible for serious environmental problems such as greenhouse gas emissions, global warming or air pollution.

3. it will force poorer countries of the world to do whatever the big developed countries tell them to do.

14. Exercise 3. Raise Your Q's! Directions: Below are given topics with brief background for a panel discussion. Your task is to raise and formulate three questions per topic identified as; Easy Warm-up, Fire Starter, and Audience Reader. You may also add follow-up questions 1. Novel Corona Virus:The COVID-19 pandemic is far more than a health crisis: it is affecting societies and economies at their core. While the impact of the pandemic will vary from country to country, it will most likely increase poverty and inequalities at a global scale. Assessing the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on societies, economies and vulnerable groups is fundamental to inform and tailor the responses of governments and partners to recover from the crisis and ensure that no one is left behind in this effort. Possible Questions:___________________Easy Warm-up: ________________________Fire Starter: ________________________Audience Reader:_________________________2. GOLBAL WARMING:Studies shows that Earth's climate has been getting warmer. it's average temperature has risen a little more than 1 degree Fahrenheit during the pass 100 years or so. this amount may not seem like much. but small temperature changes can lead to big effects.POSSIBLE QUESTION:_____________________EASY WARM-UP:_________________________FIRE STARTER:_________________________AUDIENCE READER:_____________________3. Modular Distance Learning Of all the alternative learning modalities offered by the Department of Education (DepEd) this upcoming school year, most students prefer to use the modular" distance learning option. Based on the partial results of the Learner Enrolment and Survey Forns (LESFs) distributed during the enrolment period, it showed 7.2 million enrollees prefer to use modular distance learning, TV & Radio based instructions and other modalities while only 2 million enrolees prefer online for school year 2020-2021 POSSIBLE QUESTIONS:__________________EASY WARM-UP: ________________________FIRE STARTER:_________________________ AUDIENCE READER:_____________________ 4. Agricultural production In the Philippines, there is a correlation between rainfall and civil conflict, and manifests through agricultural production. The increased rainfall during the wet season in the Philippines is proven to be harmful to agriculture as it leads to flooding and/or water logging. This above average rainfall is associated with more conflict related incidents and casualties" The rainfall has a negative effect on rice which is an important crop that a majority of the country depends on as both a food source and employment. A poor nice crop can lead to large impacts on the wellbeing of poor Filipino and cause widespread contempt for the government and more support for insurgent groups. Climate change is expected to amplify seasonal variation of rainfall in the Pluilippines and exacerbate ongoing civil conflict in the country POSSIBLE QUESTIONS:__________________EASY WARM-UP: ______________________FIRE STARTER: ________________________AUDIENCE READER:______________________ 5. Cyberbullying In the Philippines, latest national data show that cyberviolence affects almost half of children aged 13-17. The prevalence of cyberviolence for males (44 per cent) is almost the same for females (43 per cent). Violence against children, in all forms including online bullying or cyberbullying, has devastating effects on the physical and emotional wellbeing of young people. This can create lasting emotional and psychological scars, even physical harm. It is particularly challenging to address since children are vulnerable and have easy access to the internet, making them easy targets of online violence,POSSIBLEQUESTION:____________________EASY WARM-UP:______________________FIRE STARTER:________________________AUDIENCE READER:___________________​


The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global health crisis that has had a deep impact on the way we perceive our world and our everyday lives. Not only the rate of contagion and patterns of transmission threatens our sense of agency, but the safety measures put in place to contain

15. DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer1. Which of the following statements is not true regarding nation-states?A. Nation-states are comprised of four elements.B. The government is the most important element of the state.C. There is no requirement as to how many people should comprise a state.D. There must be coneurrence of the four elements of the state for a state be considered as such.2. How are nation-states characterized?A. They speak a common languageB. They have a common descent.C. They share a common historyD. All of the above3. Which of the following tems has a cultural connotation?A. State B. NationC. CommunityD. Country4. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding nations and state? Choose as many correct answerS.A. A nation is political in natureB. A nation 1s a community of people.C. A state is cultural in natureD. A state relates with the concept of government.E. A nation is bounded by a common interest5. Where do people live?A. TerritoryB. JurisdictionC. Sovereignty D. Government6. What is the term to describe the changes in societies and the world economy that are the result of dramatically increased trade and cultural change?A. PowerB. GlobalizationC. StateD. Nation7. Which of the following is an advantage of globalization?A. Peaceful RelationsB. EducationC. Employment D All of the above8. Which of the following can mean transformation of global village- the close contact between differentparts of the world, with increase possibilities of personal exchange and friendship between worldCitizens? A. PowerB. GlobalizationC. StateD. Nation9. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding globalization?A. Globalization does not have problems and negative effects.B. Globalization has increased the flow of communications allowing vital information to be sharedbetween individuals and corporations around the world.C. Globalization can be challenged by communities supporting each other in business and societyand through public protest and political lobbying.D. In the global economy, jobs are becoming more temporary and insecure.10. Globalization involves:A. A stretching of social, political, and economic activities across political frontiers.B. A growing magnitude of interconnectedness in almost every sphere of social existence.C. An accelerating pace of global interactions and processes associated with a deepeninginvolvement of the local and the global.D. All of the options given are correct.​


1. A











I hope it helps

16. Role of Globalization in Education Directions: Write a three-paragraph essay about the positive and negative effect of globalization in education by answering the following questions. 1. Introduction: What is your own concept of globalization and global education? 2. Body: What are the positive and negative effect of globalization to education? 3. Conclusion: What is your opinionabout globalization and globaleducation. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Linguists assume that global education is strongly bounded to the globalization process that the world is witnessing. They clarify that pedagogy is a very effective tool to spread and instill global values in students who need to identify themselves with the new world outside their own.

As a result, there are a number of positives associated with globalization: it creates greater opportunities for firms in less industrialized countries to tap into more and larger markets around the world. this can lead to more access to capital flows, technology, human capital, cheaper imports and larger export. Negative Effects of Globalization. It has had a few adverse effects on developed countries. Some adverse consequences of globalization include terrorism, job insecurity, currency fluctuation, and price instability.A global education is one that incorporates learning about the cultures, geographies, histories, and current issues of all the world's regions. It emphasizes the interconnectedness and diversity of peoples and histories

Technological Innovation is another notable contribution of Globalization. Most noteworthy, there is a huge emphasis on technology development in Globalization. Furthermore, there is also technology transfer due to Globalization. The technology would certainly benefit the common people.

The quality of products improves due to Globalization. This is because manufacturers try to make products of high-quality. This is due to the pressure of intense competition. If the product is inferior, people can easily switch to another high-quality product.


yan po


Remember: Read the direction carefully


18. what are the positive and negative effects of globalization to education​


-Some argue that globalization is a positive development as it will give rise to new industries and more jobs in developing countries. Others say globalization is negative in that it will force poorer countries of the world to do whatever the big developed countries tell them to do.


hope its help

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