Red Face Monkey

Red Face Monkey

some of the monkeys made ___ faces.​

Daftar Isi

1. some of the monkeys made ___ faces.​


funny (I'm not sure of it)

2. some of the monkeys made(hilarious,amusing)face.​


hope it works


thanks sa points

3. where did the man come from? a. (on the face of a monkey) b. (of God

Answer: A.


i think


A. on the face of a monkey


sana po makatulong :)

4. Answer this and no monkey business if you do it your a silly monkey​



Step-by-step explanation:

Sana po makatulong.

nonsense report.

5. You have 4 lions and 24 monkeys. The ratio of lions to monkeys is 5:6. What is the total number of lions and monkeys?


steps to track your progress towards your goals

6. IV. For items 43 50. Read the article carefully. Then, transcode the verbal text into non verbal text using the graphic organizer provided at the back page of your answer sheet. (8 points). Monkeys are arranged into two main groups: Old World and New World Old World monkeys all belong to one family, Cercopithecidae, which is related to apes and human, all together they are classified as catarrhines meaning "downward-nosed in Latin The New World monkeys are the platyrrhines means flat-nosed, a group comprising five families. The Old World and New World monkeys are distinguished by the form of the nose. New World monkeys have broad nises with a wide septum separating outwardly directed nostrils, whereas Old World monkeys have narrow roses with thin septum and downward-facing nostrils. Old World monkeys have hard, bare sitting pads on the buttocks. New World monkeys lack these. Many Old Monkeys have thumbs that can be opposed to the other fingers and so can handle small objects, New World monkey main divergence is between the index and middle fingers. Some New World monkey species have prehensile tails capable of supporting the entire body weight of grasping. No Old World monkeys have this ability. They are tailless New World monkeys live primarily in tropical South America. While Old World monkeys live throughout Africa, on the Red Sea coast of Arabia, and in Asia from Afghanistan to Japan and southeast to the islands of the Philippines​

kailangan kopo ng picture kasi nakakalito po ung Sentence.

7. 18. According to the selection, what is punishable by the law? A. Caging the monkey-eating eagle B. Selling the monkey-eating eagle C. Killing the monkey-eating eagle D. Transporting the monkey-eating eagle​




i hope it help

branliest naman po:)


18. According to the selection, what is punishable by the law?

A. Caging the monkey-eating eagle

B. Selling the monkey-eating eagle

C. Killing the monkey-eating eagle

D. Transporting the monkey-eating eagle


C. Killing the monkey eating eagle

#Carry on learning

8. A monkey, which isdressed up, (is, are)still a monkey.​

the answer is "is" because "a monkey" is singular

9. how did the monkey save himself in the story of monkey and the crocodile​


The monkey is wise enough to save his life from the crocodile. The monkey is sharp minded which helped him to escape and survive.

10. in the story of the tortoise and the monkey describe the tortoise and the monkey?​


The Tortoise and the Monkey

"Animal tales are stories in which animals take on human qualities. They usually show how an animal outwits another animal through clever or deceptive tricks. A very ancient and well-known animal tale is "The Tortoise and the Monkey" made fan by Dr. dose Rizal. It is about a tortoise and a monkey who plant halves of a banana tree. Thinking that the upper part with leaves would bear fruit soon, the greedy monkey plants the upper half but it withers. The tortoise, on the other hand, gets the ugly-looking lower portion with the roots, but it flourishes and soon is laden with fruits. The tortoise, however, cannot climb the tree to gather the fruits, so the monkey volunteers to pick them. But he eats all the bananas while he is up on the tree, throwing the skin down on the tortoise. Angry, the tortoise plants some pointed snails around the tree and hides under a coconut shell. The monkey comes down and gets his just desserts. Wounded and bleeding, he searches and finds the tortoise. As punishment he gives the tortoise two choices: to be pounded with a mortar or be thrown into the water. The clever tortoise chooses the mortar and deceives the monkey into thinking that he is afraid of drowning. The monkey throws the tortoise in the water, where the latter soon surfaces laughing.


pa brainlist Po at pa follow narin...I will appreciate that ..


11. what is best describes the "monkey" in of story of, the monkey and the turtle​


It is about a tortoise and a monkey who plant halves of a banana tree. Thinking that the upper part with leaves would bear fruit soon, the greedy monkey plants the upper half but it withers. ... The clever tortoise chooses the mortar and deceives the monkey into thinking that he is afraid of drowning.


sana makatulong

12. Pedro can climb, monkey can climb therefore Pedro is a monkey​


Pedro is a human monkey?

13. Answer this ohh and no monkey business if you do it your a silly monkey ​



Step-by-step explanation:

Sana po makatulong


39.) B. VO

40.) C. ∠OVE

41.) A. LE

42.) F. ∠VOE

43.) E. 55°

44.) G. 90°

45.) ? (it's blurry)

14. According to the story, the monkey is CRAFTY. In what way the monkey is crafty? ​

What story po? Mayroon ba bang picture?

15. what adjective is used to compare the monkey with the other monkeys in the world​


Here are some adjectives for monkey: kinda hairless, whiskered, gray, remarkable and altogether extraordinary, underdeveloped, hairless, african green, mild-mannered golden, golden playful, worthy and well-educated, big, solitary, cynical but observant, hairless gray, ately smart, sad, unappeasable, vast, perky, smal

16. (Constant or Changing)ApplicationThe Monkey and the ZookeeperThere is an interesting monkey down at the zoo. The monkey spendsmost of its day hanging from a limb of a tree. The zookeeper feeds the monkeyby shooting bananas from a banana cannon located on the same height as themonkey in the tree. This monkey has a habit of dropping from the tree themoment that the banana leaves the muzzle of the cannon.The zookeeper is faced with the dilemma of where to aim the bananacannon to hit the monkey. If the monkey lets go of the tree the moment that thebanana is fired, then where should she aim the banana cannon?Show your answer by illustrating the trajectory of the banana and the path of themonkey. Then, provide a short explanation on the space provided.​


december in the south and north

17. ano ang mungkahiwhat is the monkey what is the monkey ​


pwede po bang Pakiayos di ko po maintidihan eh sorry

18. Read the story Monkeys at the Zoo. Analyze the story and complete the graphic organizer below by supplying its elements. Monkeys at the ZooShe goes to the zoo. There are many animals at the zoo. She likes the monkeys. They have funny faces. They have long tails. They jump around a lot. She goes to the monkey cage. There are six monkeys in the cage. She looks at them. She waves to them. She says hello to them. ​


title: monkeys at the zoo

character: monkey

setting: zoo

plot: she say hello to them , she waves to them , she look at them

19. 37.rina observed that after birth the mother monkey placed its daughter monkey in its pouch whenever it walks what is faces does the monkey belong?a.eutherians b .mammals c. monotremesd. marsupial​

answer: b. mammals

yan lang po

20. A hunter is out hunting monkeys. He comes across a monkey hanging froma tree. The hunter aims his gun, so the barrel is in a direct line with the monkey.The hunter fires and the monkey let go of the branch at the same time. Willthe hunter hit the monkey or not? Why?A hunter is out hunting monkeys. He comes across a monkey hanging froma tree. The hunter aims his gun, so the barrel is in a direct line with the monkey.The hunter fires and the monkey let go of the branch at the same time. Willthe hunter hit the monkey or not? Why?​


no,because the monkey let go of the branch

21. what are the pitches in the song monkey see and monkey do?​





22. Ano ang Pyramind big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey so cool utot ng utot big pupu ​


haha it's funny tanks for funny kasi naiinip na rin ako haha


pa brainlist po please or heart or star


A pyramid is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and converge to a single step at the top, making the shape roughly a pyramid in the geometric sense. The base of a pyramid can be trilateral, quadrilateral, or of any polygon shape. As such, a pyramid has at least three outer triangular surfaces


kung alam kolang dati na mahirap maging tao sana pala diko na tinuloy pakikipag unahan ko sa mga kapwa sperm ko

23. There are two (monkey) ___ in the cage. monkeyes monkies monkeys monkey

There are two monkeys in the cage.

24. If people evolve from monkeys, why are monkeys still around?


because some of monkeys not evolve

25. If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?​

because that not true its just science says

26. anyone listen to girl in red, mitski, artic monkeys, joji, tyler the creator, clairo?​


Me,ako nakikinig ako kaya i brainliest mo me yes po opo (^3^♪

27. what are the pitches in the song monkey see and monkey do? ​


The kids were humming the monkey song along with the monkey gang. The second story Monkey and the Cap Seller explored the life of 'Taklu' (a ...

28. in 3-5 sentences describe the monkey in the monkey and the tortoise story​

This story talks about Selfish and Lies.

Who is the selfish? why?

Monkey, he ate the banana from the banana tree from Miss Tortoise. He didn't gave one to her.

Who is the one who made lies? why?

Tortoise, She lied about being drowned, so she can still be alive.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

This story describes of how the selfish and lies act and works. The monkey loves to eat bananas, and tortoise loves to eat leaves and fruits. They planted a banana in a half way, to plant their own banana tree.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

I ill try my best to answer, I hope it helps.

Qoute : I love childrens, It always made me smile

29. The zookeeper counted the number of birds and monkeys. There are 24 birds and 15 monkeys. What equal number of birds and monkeys should be added in the zoo so that the ratio of birds to monkeys becomes 10:7?​



Step-by-step explanation:

is the answer of your quetion

30. Sample:Red Monkeys In Vans Use Xray Glasses(Radio Microwave-Infrared-Visible-Ultraviolet-Xray-Gamma)ROY G. BIV(Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Blue-Indigo-Violet)Your mnemonic:​


[tex] \LARGE \begin{align} &\tt \green{R} \: aven \\ &\tt \green{M} \: ontefalco \\ &\tt \green{I} \: s \\ &\tt \green{V} \:iolating \\ &\tt \green{U} \: nder \\ &\tt \green{X} \: ander's \\ &\tt \green{G} \: ang \end{align}[/tex]

[tex]\LARGE \begin{align} &\tt \blue{R} \: emember \\ &\tt \blue{O} \: scar \\ &\tt \blue{Y} \: eager? \\ &\tt \blue{G} \: ot \\ &\tt \blue{B} \: usted \\ &\tt \blue{I} \: n\\ &\tt \blue{V} \: alenzuela? \end{align}[/tex]




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