On The Heels Of

On The Heels Of

the thickness of the heel of shoes is 5.2 centimeters.How thick is the heel of the shoes millimeters?​

Daftar Isi

1. the thickness of the heel of shoes is 5.2 centimeters.How thick is the heel of the shoes millimeters?​


The heel is 52 millimeters thick.

Step-by-step explanation:

2. distance from the heel of one foot to the heel of the other foot when walking​


Step length is the distance between the heel contact point of one foot and that of the other foot. Stride length is the distance between the successive heel contact points of the same foot. Normally, stride length = 2 x step length. Cadence is the rate at which a person walk, expressed in steps per minute.

3. 3. The wound on Karla's (heel, heal) will soon (heel, heal) after the treatment.​


The wound on Karla's heel will soon heal after the treatment


sana po makatulong and oa brainlist po


3. The wound on Karla's (heel, heal) will soon (heel, heal) after the treatment.​


The wound on Karla's (heel, heal) will soon (heel, heal) after the treatment.


4. meaning of head over heels​

The meaning of head over heels is In-love

5. Calculate the pressure exerted on the heel of a boy's foot if the boy weighs 320 N and he lands on one heel which has an area of 0.16 m2.



» Calculate the pressure exerted on the heel of a boy's foot if the boy weighs 320 N and he lands on one heel which has an area of 0.16 m².

Answer:[tex] \large \tt \color{hotpink}{2000 \: Pa}[/tex]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Given:F = 320 FA = 0.16 m²

Formula:[tex] \underline {\boxed{ \sf{p = \frac{F}{A} }}}[/tex]


P is the pressureF is the Force, and;A is the area


[tex] \sf{p = \frac{F}{A} } \\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: = \sf{\frac{320 \: N}{0.16 \: {m}^{2} } } \\ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: = \underline {\boxed{ \sf { \orange{2000 \: pa}}}}[/tex]

Therefore, 2000 pascal is the pressure


6. heel of one foot at in step​


ano po?


hindi ko po maintindihan po


3rd position of combination of arms and feet in Fudamental Dance Positions


Feet: Heel of one foot close to in-step of other foot.

Arms: One arm raised in front as in 2nd position; other arm raised upward.

7. 2. Heels together, toes apart.​



first position

thats the correct answer

8. what is anode heel efferct


Anode heel effect refers to the lower field intensity towards the anode in comparison to the cathode due to lower x-ray emissions from the target material at angles perpendicular to the electron beam.

9. Achilles heel is an expression for


A hidden weakness or fault in somebody which may be used to harm them: His pride proved to be his Achilles' heel. This expression is named after the Greek hero Achilles. When he was a small child, his mother dipped him into the river Styx, which meant that he could not be injured.




it means a hidden weakness or fault that can be used to harm a person

10. 1. This is done by holding the top of the foot in one hand and holding the back of the heel in the otherand then repeatedly squeeze and release the back of the heelA. Finishing strokeB. Heel squeezeC. KnucklesD. Warm-up​


B po


Sana Makatuulong

PA report na Lang po kung mali

11. Men in heels,authors purpose


The author's purpose is to make us realize that we are equal, no matter what our status in life or gender is.

(I will look more into it.)

To make us realize that all are equal.

12. heel and toe polka is example of​


Heel and toe polka is example of _______.

Folk Dance

Hope it help✨✨

#Carry on Learning

13. This term means being on the same track as your partner’s feet. Select one: a. In line b. In heel c. On line d. On heel

It's letter B. In heel. I think,,

14. 1. Inflammation and pain at the front of the heel. ​


Plantar fasciitis

15. Heels together toes apart


basic ballet positions


Possibly the easiest of the basic ballet positions is first position in ballet is a position of the feet where a dancer is standing with their heels together and toes facing equally out to either side.

16. Heel is foot as palm is to


heel is foot as palm is to hand

hope this helps

pa brainliest!

17. meaning head over heels in love


It means that your madly in love, that you love everything about the person.


madly in love.


Sana makatulong

18. heels together,toes apart​


Possibly the easiest of the basic ballet positions is first position in ballet is a position of the feet where a dancer is standing with their heels together and toes facing equally out to either side.

19. Als Position - A. 1st position - heels close together; toes apart within an angle of around 45 degreesB. 2nd position - Point the right toe sidewards; bring down the heel of the right foot.C. 3rd position - Heel of one foot is close to in step of other foot.D. 4th position - Point the right toe forward; bring down the heel of the right foot.​




correct me if im wrong.

20. what is heel and toe​


heel and toe is part of the feet

21. heels together,toes apart


where's the question? just say the question



22. heels together, toes apart​


basic ballet positions


Possibly the easiest of the basic ballet positions is first position in ballet is a position of the feet where a dancer is standing with their heels together and toes facing equally out to either side.

23. distance from the heel of one foot to the heel of the other foot when walking ​

distance from the heel of one foot to the heel of the other foot when walking


Step length


Step length is the distance between the heel contact point of one foot and that of the other foot. Stride length is the distance between the successive heel contact points of the same foot. Normally, stride length = 2 x step length. Cadence is the rate at which a person walk, expressed in steps per minute.

24. Choices :• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •-Hop step-bleking step -Waltz Balance-Touch step-Close step waltz turn • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Question :1.Step,close_______2.point,close______3.step,hop_______4.step,close,heels raise, heels down______5.Heels-place, close______​


1) Hop step

2) Touch step

3) Bleking step

4) Waltz balance

5) Close step waltz turn

#Carry on learning

hope it helps

25. Historical backround Achilles heel​


Achilles Heel po is an idiomatic expression that means fatal weakness.

Greek Mythology

This is based on the mythology where Achilles was bathed by his mother on the river Styx when he was young and gained invincibility. But this invincible ability offered by the river Styx will also give one fatal weakness to that person, and the weakness of Achilles is located in his heel. That's why he was killed when his heel got wounded by someone.

This is where the idiomatic expression "Achilles Heel" came from.


26. it is the counting of heel-toe-change step​


The man steps forward on right foot while the lady steps backward on the opposing (i.e., left) foot. They will then step to the side (and possibly slightly forward, in relation to the man) on the other foot, and conclude the figure by closing the first foot beside the second.

27. What is the purpose of author in men in heels?



to make us realize yhat all are equal

28. Your teacher asked you to demonstrate the third position of the feet. "How will you show the movement"? A. Heels together B. Feet on a step position C. Heel of one foot close to the in-step of the other foot D. Heels and toes are close and in line with one another​


letter B po


B. feet on a step position

29. 6. Heel and toe together.​


sasagutan Po ba yan

30. it is the distance from the heel of one foot to the heel of same foot when it next touches the ground​


A pace is the distance on level ground between the heel of one foot and the heel of the same foot where it next touches the ground while walking normally (two normal steps). As everyone's pace differs, it is important to determine one's individual pace length.

Step-by-step explanation:

Correct me if I'm wrong !!

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