Example Of Plano Concave Lens

Example Of Plano Concave Lens

Which of the following is not a type of diverging lens?a.biconcaveb.concavo-convexc.convexo-concaved. plano-concave​

Daftar Isi

1. Which of the following is not a type of diverging lens?a.biconcaveb.concavo-convexc.convexo-concaved. plano-concave​




Base on my paranormal abnormal braincells

2. 1. What type of lens produces smaller and upright images?A Concave lensC. Converging lens8 Convex lens0. Can't be determined2 What is the term for when light waves bend upon entering a new medium?A ReflectionB. RefractionC. DiffractionD. Interference3. What type of lens has a center that is thicker than the edges?A concave lens B Convex lens C plano concaveD. plano convex4. What type of lens has a center that is thinner than the edges?A concave lensB Convex lens C. plano concaveD. plano convex5 What do we call the distance between the lens and the focal point?A focal axisC. focal lengthD. focal pointB. focal distance.​


1. Convex lens

2.A. Reflection

3.A. Concave lens

4.D.Plano convex

5.D. Focal point




3. 5 examples of concave lens


Binoculars and telescopes


Eye glasses


Lasers ( CD, DVD players )


Binoculars and telescopes

Eye Glasses to correct nearsightedness.



Lasers (CD, DVD players for example)

4. CONCAVE lens and concave mirrors are diverginga. trueb.false​



concave lens are diverging lens ᕙ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)ᕗ


True po ang sagot


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5. Choices●Convex mirror ●Concave lens ●Concave mirror ●Convex lens ●Flat mirror ●Flat lens ​


1.flat mirror2flat lens3concave lens4convex lens5convex mirror 6concave mirror

pa brainliest po

6. Describes a concave lens


The answer

A concave lens is a lens that process at least on surface that curves inward. It is a diverging lens, meaning that it spreads out light rays that have been refracted through it


#Carry on learning

7. A.convex mirror and concave lens B.concave mirror and convex lens C.concave mirror and concave lens D.convex mirror and convex lenswhich of these are both converging?​



8. Farsightedness is corrected by a:a. convex lensb. convex mirrorc. concave lensd. concave mirror​


A. Convex Lens


9. define the concave lens​


A lens having at least one surface curved like the inner surface of a sphere.


10. Give 2 examples of devices or instruments that uses concave mirror, convex mirror, concave lens, and convex lens. Then, give the functions or uses of the given devices or instruments.​


convex mirror- magnifying glasses, telescope

concave mirror- torchlights, automobile headlights

concave lens-binoculars, telescopes

convex lens- human eye and eye glasses


magnifying glasses- magnifies objects 50 to 100x greater than the vision of the human eye.

telescope- helps us see far but only using one eye

torchlights- helps us see in the dark along with car headlights.

binoculars- helps us see far things up close but for both eyes.

human eye- helps us see the world around us.

eye glasses- helps improve our vision

11. 4. Provide examples of convex or concave lens that you use in your everyday life. ​


A convex lens is thicker at the center and thinner at the lower and upper edges. When light rays parallel to its principal axis fall on the surface of the convex lens, then due to its shape and difference in the refractive index of air and the lens, light rays converge at one point, this point is called the principal focus or focal point. The distance between the optical center and the principal focus is called the focal length. Because of their converging property, they are also known as Convergent lenses.

12. what is concave lens​

A concave lens is a lens that possesses at least one surface that curves inwards. It is a diverging lens, meaning that it spreads out light rays that have been refracted through it. A concave lens is thinner at its centre than at its edges, and is used to correct short-sightedness (myopia)

13. which of the following converge light?A. plane mirrorsB. concave mirror and lensC. concave mirrors and convex lensD. concave mirrors and concave lens​


D or C


pili kana lang lods

14. (Peepholes) A. convex lens B. concave lens​


The answer is letter A


Hope it hepls

15. compare convex lens from concave lens​


Convex lens and concave lens


Convex lens refers to the lens which merges the light rays at particular point, that travel through it.

Concave lens can be identified as a lens which disperses the light rays around, that hits the lens.

16. 4. What type of lens is used in a microscope and a telescope?A. concave lensB. convex lensc. one convex lens and one concave lensD. two convex lenses​




Microscopes and telescopes often use two lenses to make an image large enough to see. A compound microscope uses two lenses to achieve high magnification (Figure). Both lenses are convex, or converging. Light from the object first passes through the objective lens.

17. describes a concave lens?​


A concave lens is a lens that possesses at least one surface that curves inwards. It is a diverging lens, meaning that it spreads out light rays that have been refracted through it.


Sana po maka tulong

18. the image of an object between the focus and the concave lens is locatedA. Between the object and the lensB. behind the concave lens C. beyond the focusD. at infinity ​


the image of an object between the focus and the concave lens is locate

A. Between the object and the lens

B. behind the concave lens

C. beyond the focus

D. at infinity


The image of an object between the focus and the concave lens is Located Behind the Concave lens


19. flashlight? convex lens or concave lens​

Flashlights. Concave lenses are used on flashlights to magnify the light produced by the bulb. The light falls on the concave side of the lens, and the rays diverge on the other side, thereby increasing the apparent radius of the light source and providing a wider beam.

20. convex and concave lens


ano pong gagawin


wala pong questions

Convex Lensthicker in the middle and thinner at the edges.

Concave Lensthinner in the middle and thicker at the edges.

21. how are refracted rays in convex lens? concave lens?​


Refraction Rule for a Converging Lens

Any incident ray traveling parallel to the principal axis of a converging lens will refract through the lens and travel through the focal point on the opposite side of the lens. Now suppose that the rays of light are traveling through the focal point on the way to the lens.

22. types of concave lens​


Types of concave lens.

Plano-concave - A lens in which one side is concave and the other is plano. Plano-concave lenses are diverging lenses. Positive meniscus - A converging lens where one side is concave and the other convex. Negative meniscus - A diverging lens where one side is concave and the other convex.






Plano-concave - A lens in which one side is concave and the other is plano.

Plano-concave lenses are diverging lenses.

Positive meniscus - A converging lens where one side is concave and the other convex.

Negative meniscus - A diverging lens where one side is concave and the other convex.

23. Differrences of CONCAVE LENS CONVEX LENS


A concave lens is thinner in the middle and thicker at the edges. A convex lens is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges. Used in the camera, focus sunlight, overhead projector, projector microscope, simple telescope, magnifying glasses, etc. It is also used for the correction of the problem in long sight.

Pa Brainliest

24. 15. Farsightedness is corrected by a:A. convex lensB. convex mirrorC. concave lensD. concave mirror​


A. Convex lens

Sure ako dyan

25. a converging lens is concave lens​


A double convex lens is a converging lens. ... The fact that a double concave lens is thinner across its middle is an indicator that it will diverge rays of light that travel parallel to its principal axis. A double concave lens is a diverging lens.

26. camera? concave lens or convex lens?​


convex lens


di ko sigurado sorry

27. a concave lens is also called divergent lens. why?​


The concave lens is a diverging lens, because it causes the light rays to bend away (diverge) from its axis. In this case, the lens has been shaped so that all light rays entering it parallel to its axis appear to originate from the same point, F, defined to be the focal point of a diverging lens.


i hope this will help;)

28. Identify what mirror/lens is used in the following pictures: (plane mirror, convex mirror, concave mirror, convex lens, concave lens).​


34.Concave Mirror

38. Convex Mirror

39.Convex/Concave Lens

29. Image orientation Convex lens and concave lens near​


What is the orientation of the image in a convex lens?

The image will be real, inverted, and enlarged. For convex lenses, when the object is placed inside F, the image will be on the same side of the lens as the object and it will be virtual, upright, and enlarged.

Are concave lenses for nearsighted?

Concave Lenses Are for the Nearsighted, Convex for the Farsighted. Concave lenses are used in eyeglasses that correct nearsightedness. Because the distance between the eye's lens and retina in nearsighted people is longer than it should be, such people are unable to make out distant objects clearly.

30. what’s the similarities of concave lens and convex lens?


A convex lens acts a lot like a concave mirror.

Both converge pararellel rays to a focal point, have positive focal lenghts, and form images with similar characteristics.

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