Similarities Of Social Science And Social Studies

Similarities Of Social Science And Social Studies

similarities of social science and social studies​

Daftar Isi

1. similarities of social science and social studies​


Social studies and social science can be easy to confuse. The two terms have different meanings so that they cannot be used interchangeably, however; there are some similarities that they share.


Social science and social studies are completely different from each other. If we go any deeper then only we would get to know that there is a very vast difference in both of them.


Social Science:- In this subject, we generally study about the day to day aspects which are directly connected to our social life. Major subject that comes under social science are Geography, Economics, Physiology, Psychology and History,

Social Studies:- This is a subject which is taught in every school till class vth and the motto behind is to get the student know about the basics of society before actually going out and meeting the people and incidences of real life.

2. similarities of social studies and social science


Social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote effective citizenry.

social science, as the name implies, deals with the science of society utilizing the gathering of data and analysis of that data.

Whereas Social studies normally deals with the observation of society.


hope it helps(≧▽≦)

3. What is the similarities of social studies and social science


Social science asks about how and why people do what they do. Psychology studies human behavior, looking at individuals or individuals in groups (families, communities, crowds, etc). Sociology studies societies - how they are organized, unwritten rules, how conflicts are resolved (or not) etc


similarities of social studies and social science

-social studies is what is taught in k-12 schools.

social sciences are the study of human behaviour and what is taught at college sciences produces social studies.

4. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.1. A type of text that is nonfiction, written to inform a reader about a topicwhich is usually found in magazines; science, social studies, TLE, and MAPEHbooks, and instruction materials is calledA. description B. literary C. informational. D. newspaper2. A type of text that is a fiction or nonfiction material that has apurpose of telling like in a story or poem is calledA. description B. literary C. informational. D. newspaper3. A literary fiction text that tells the origin of a person, animal, place orthing is called a/anA. autobiography. B. fable. C. myth.D. legend4. A literary nonfiction text that tells a story of a person written by anotherperson/s is called a/anA. autobiography. B. biography C. diary. D. newspaper.5. An informational text that tells the similarities and differences of two ormore persons, things, animals, events or ideas is calledA. cause-effect.C. problem-solution.B. comparison-contrast.D. sequence.6. An informational text that shows steps of instructions or time order.A. cause-effect.C. problem-solution.B. comparison-contrast.D. sequence​


D is the answer sana makatulong☺️

5. __13.Joel looks in the mirror one day and notices that the growth of his right antler is peculiar. What is the SYNONYM of the word PECULIAR? a. strange b. similar c. ordinary d. normal __14.The sheep had soft fur. What word is a SYNONYM for soft? a. white b. fluffy c. hard d. black __15. Use what you know about synonyms to complete the analogy. Hurry: rush as fearless:_____ a. shy b. brave c. afraid d.nervous TEST VI. Direction: Identify the kind of sentences (Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative and Exclamatory) _____16. Did you have fun? _____17. Maria went to the market this morning. _____18. Ouch! It hurts. _____19.Please wear your mask and practice social distancing. _____20. Give me your English book. TEST VII. Directions: Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words. Write the letter of the correct answer. _____21. A telephone is a telecommunication device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. The root tele means far away. What does the root phon mean? A. sound B. life C. light D. fire _____22. Psychology is the science of mind and behavior. The root logy means the study of something. What does the root psych mean? A. heat B. mind C. light D. life _____23. The root astro means star. What does the word astronomy mean? A. The branch of science that studies stars and other objects in space. B. The branch of science that studies sound and hearing. C. The branch of science that studies the physics of light. D. The branch of science that studies moon and comets. i brainliest ko ang sumagot dito ng tama. Thank you.













Pa braintest poh

6. 1. Primarily studies human behavior in relation to political systems, laws, and international relations.A. Social SciencesC. Human GeographyB. Political SciencesD. Physical Geography2. Sudies national and local governance and bureaucracy.A. Public AdministrationC. Domestic PoliticsB. Comparative PoliticsD. Political History3. It is a study of human and socil relationships and institutions.A. UrbanC. SociologyB. RuralD. Physiology4. Focuses on the study of the descision making and behavior of employees and the relationships betweenemployers and their employees.A. Environmental EconomicsC. Business EconomicsB. Monetary EconomicsD. Labor Economics5. Studies politics within countries and analyzes the similarities and differences between among countries.A. Public AdministrationC. Domestic PoliticsB. Comparative PoliticsD. Political History6. It is the goal of disciplines and counseling.A. Counseling is aimed at empowering a clientC. Counseling is the power to make choiceB. Counseling is empowering the teacherD. Counseling is the power within you7. The primary duty of a counselor.A. counselors' duty of care is to their clientsC. counselors' is ask big paymentB. counselors' duty is to tell clients secretD. Non of the above8. The term ethics comes from the Greek word meaning custom, habit or character.A. ethanolC. ethnicB. ethosD. othos9. What major goal of counseling helps individuals to cope with new situations and challenges?A. behavior chanceC. promote descision makingB. enhancing coping skillsD. None of the the heart of the guidance services.A. classroom adviserC. guidance counselorB. psychologyD. school principalyour answer on the space provided.​


A. social science D. Political history C. sociologyD labor economics B Comparative Politics C Counselling is to make choice D None of above C. ethnic D None of the above C guidance counselor


7. Instruction: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write youranswer in your notebook.1.Family is responsible for reproduction to replace members, provides protection,socialize the young2. Politics produce and distribute goods and services.3. Education is a way to pass on culture, knowledge, and values.4. Religion helps people find purpose in their live, develops spiritual side of people,provides guidelines for personal behavior and social interaction.5.Social science is the branch of science devoted to the study of societies andthe relationships among individuals within those societies.6. Sociology is the study of what makes us human.7.Anthropology is the study of human social life.8. Economic is the art or science of government.9. Anthropological perspective focuses on the study of the full scope of humandiversity and the application of that knowledge to help people of differentbackgrounds.10. Institution is a society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social,or similar purpose.​


1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. T

6. T

7. T

8. T

9. T

10. T

8. Put a check (/) if the statement is correct and cross (x) if not._____ 1. There are 3 main parts of a simple paragraph: the topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence._____ 2. Thesaurus provides an alphabetical listing of words with their meanings._____ 3. The glossary is an essential part of the book that helps us understand the meaning of the difficult words used in the book._____ 4. Synonyms are words that have opposite meanings._____ 5. Procedural text is defined as text with the primary purpose of expressing information about the arts, sciences, or social studies._____ 6. Narrative text includes any type of writing that relates a series of events and includes both fiction and non-fiction._____ 7. Affixes are syllables added to root words to form a new meaning._____ 8. Denotation is the common thoughts and feelings that can be found in the dictionary._____ 9. Connotation is the literal meaning of a word that can be found in the dictionary._____ 10. Getting the meaning through classification means putting items into categories based on similar characteristics​


1 √











Sana makatulong

9. Social Sciences are interrelated and interconnected disciplines that study man'ssocial aspect. There are a handful of Social Science disciplines, and the way todistinguish them from each other is to look at their different (1)or focus otstudyIn this lesson we looked into the (2) disciplines of Anthropology and SociologyThey are "sisters" in a sense because their interests in choosing a subject of studyare almost similar but their interpretations vary:Anthropology focuses on the 13)side, while Sociology focuses on theside: Anthropology studies humans in general, and Sociology studieshuman interactions.This lesson also defined culture and social structures. Culture was defined using16classic definition, it is everything man-made that is used to adapt, andinteract with the physical and social environment of man (ex: clothing, ritualscelebrations, symbols. language, etc.). On the other hand, Social structures or12are patterns of our social interactions Family, friends, religioneconomy, and mass media are some examples of structures or patterns of ourInteractions.​

16 is provided is family day weekend so I'm not received any information

12 possible to do a lot with the following is not a characteristic


[tex]://////ano poba .sagot DYAN [/tex]

10. using your own words , differentiate humanities and social science list the similarities and the importance of knowing the difference and similarities of the two also, what are the benefits of knowing these two regarding your studies​


11. What I Have Learned Let's look into what we have learned so far. Fill in the missing words to complete the thought of the following paragraphs. Social Sciences are interrelated and interconnected disciplines that study man's social aspect. There are a handful of Social Science disciplines, and the way to distinguish them from each other is to look at their different (1) or focus of study. In this lesson, we looked into the (2) disciplines of Anthropology and Sociology They are "sisters" in a sense because their interests in choosing a subject of study are almost similar, but their interpretations vary: Anthropology focuses on the (3) side, while Sociology focuses on the side: Anthropology studies humans in general, and Sociology studies human interactions. This lesson also defined culture and social structures. Culture was defined using 16) classic definition; it is everything man-made that is used to adapt, and interact with the physical and social environment of man (ex: clothing, rituals, celebrations, symbols, language, etc.). On the other hand, Social structures or 17 are patterns of our social interactions. Family, friends, religion, economy, and mass media are some examples of structures or patterns of our interactions​




Problem: The force of gravity acting on an object varies directly with the mass of the object. The force on a mass of 10 kg is 98 newtons. What is the force acting on a mass of 25 kilograms?

Solution: Represent F F and m m as the force and mass of an object respectively. Make a direct variation on the given statement then find the constant (k). (k).

F = k \cdot m F=k⋅m

98 \, N = k \cdot 10 \, kg 98N=k⋅10kg

\begin{gathered} \frac{98 \, N}{10 \, kg} = \frac{k \cdot \cancel{10 \, kg}}{\cancel{10 \, kg}} \\ \end{gathered}







k = 9.8\,m/s^2 k=9.8m/s


» The constant of the variation is 9.8; In physics, it is a constant gravitational acceleration on Earth. I also noticed that the equation is the formula on Newton's 2nd law of motion.

» Now back to solving, identify the gravitational Force acting on a mass of 25 kilograms.

F = 9.8\,m/s^2 \cdot m F=9.8m/s



F = 9.8\,m/s^2 \cdot 25 \, kg F=9.8m/s



F = 245 \, N F=245N

\therefore ∴ The force acting on a mass of 25 with a constant acceleration of 9.8m/s² is...

\large \underline{\boxed{\tt \purple{245 \: Newtons}}}





12. what is the differences and similarities of studying pure social science​



13. Explain 1. What is Social Science? 2. What is Social Studies? 3. Give the difference and similarity of Social Science and Social Studies. 4. Why do we need to construct a Lesson Plan before conducting classes? 5. How do we deliver our lesson considering the diversity of learners? 6. What is the importance of classroom management and mastery of the subject?


1.WHAT IS SOCIAL SCIENCE its the scientific study of human society within the field of social science, such as economics or politics

2.what is social studies? it is the study of peoples in relation to each other and their world.

3.The difference between social science and social studies is in their intended purposes. The social sciences are branches  study that analyze society and the social interactions within a society. Social studies'its the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote effective citizenry.

4.Planning helps us. Lesson plans can also helps see how a particular is connected to other curricular areas connected to other in a particular classroom.

5. Use the variety of learning activities and things in class or

Don't simply rely on written test to evaluate their learning.

if the answer is wrong sorry correct me THANK YOU HOPE IT HELPS HAVE A NICE DAY!

14. similarities between social studies and social science​


Social studies has a combination of subjects in it like civics, geography, sociology, economics, history, etc. Social science is more stream oriented. It's the science of the society; the in depth knowledge and systematic study of each branch of social transaction.


pa brainliest

15. __13.Joel looks in the mirror one day and notices that the growth of his right antler is peculiar. What is the SYNONYM of the word PECULIAR? a. strange b. similar c. ordinary d. normal __14.The sheep had soft fur. What word is a SYNONYM for soft? a. white b. fluffy c. hard d. black __15. Use what you know about synonyms to complete the analogy. Hurry: rush as fearless:_____ a. shy b. brave c. afraid d.nervous TEST VI. Direction: Identify the kind of sentences (Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative and Exclamatory) _____16. Did you have fun? _____17. Maria went to the market this morning. _____18. Ouch! It hurts. _____19.Please wear your mask and practice social distancing. _____20. Give me your English book. TEST VII. Directions: Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words. Write the letter of the correct answer. _____21. A telephone is a telecommunication device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly. The root tele means far away. What does the root phon mean? A. sound B. life C. light D. fire _____22. Psychology is the science of mind and behavior. The root logy means the study of something. What does the root psych mean? A. heat B. mind C. light D. life _____23. The root astro means star. What does the word astronomy mean? A. The branch of science that studies stars and other objects in space. B. The branch of science that studies sound and hearing. C. The branch of science that studies the physics of light. D. The branch of science that studies moon and comets.





16. interrogative

17. declarative

18. exclamatory

19. imperative

20. imperative

21. a

22. b

23. a

16. TRUE and F it is FALSE.1. Social Science and Natural Science are similarbecause they predict and explain human behavior.2. Comte is the first to use the term Sociology.3. Communist Manifesto is one of the world'smost influential political manuscript.4. Natural Sciences studies are based onexperimentally controlled condition of materials entities.5. Ancients and Modern Language are the areasbelong in Social Science.6. Analytical is one of the methods used instudying human condition.7. The formulation of the connection betweenculture and economy is the theoretical contribution ofKarl Marx.8. Humanities is an academic discipline that studythe human condition.9. Analytical and Scientific Method are the methodused to seeks to elucidate the rules that govern thenatural world.10. Humanism seeks to understand humanreactions to events and meanings​














17. Activity 4. Give me the details Directions: Enumerate the perspectives of anthropology, sociology and political science. Then, give examples of how they are being used in society. Write your answers in your activity notebook. A. Anthropology Perspectives 1. 2. 3. B. Sociology Perspectives 1. 2. C Examples ExamplesPerspectives in Social SciencesActivity 4. Give me the detailsDirections: Enumerate the perspectives of anthropology, sociology and political science. Then, give examples of how they are being used in society. Write your answers in your activity notebookA. AnthropologyPerspectives:Examples:1.2.3.B. SociologyPerspectives:Examples:1.2.3.C. Political SciencePerspectives: Example:1.2.3.A. AnthropologyPerspectives:1. Cultural Anthropology - the study of cultural differences, beliefs, practices, and social structures of various societies and communities2. Physical Anthropology - the study of human biology, evolution, and variation3. Archaeology - the study of human history and prehistory through material remains and artifactsExamples:1. Cultural Anthropology is being used to understand and respect cultural diversity in society. It is used in multicultural education to teach students about different cultures and how to appreciate and respect them.2. Physical Anthropology is used in forensic anthropology to identify human remains and assist in solving criminal investigations.3. Archaeology is used in heritage preservation and management to protect and preserve historical sites and artifacts for future generations.B. SociologyPerspectives:1. Structural Functionalism - the study of how society works together as a whole and how its parts interact.2. Conflict Theory - the study of power and inequality in society.3. Symbolic Interactionism - the study of how individuals interact with each other and the meanings they assign to their actions.Examples:1. Structural Functionalism is used to analyze how institutions, such as schools or governments, function within society and how they contribute to maintaining social order.2. Conflict Theory is used to understand power dynamics and inequality in society, such as analyzing the wage gap between men and women or the impact of racism on marginalized groups.3. Symbolic Interactionism is used to study how people interact with each other in social situations, such as analyzing how body language or tone of voice affects communication.C. Political SciencePerspectives:1. Comparative Politics - the study of different political systems and their similarities and differences.2. International Relations - the study of interactions between countries and international organizations.3. Political Theory - the study of political ideas and concepts, such as democracy or justice.Example:1. Comparative Politics is used to understand and analyze different political systems and how they affect the lives of citizens. It is used in the study of globalization and how it affects different countries and cultures.2. International Relations is used to study the interactions between different countries and international organizations, such as analyzing the impact of treaties or the effects of trade agreements on the global economy.3. Political Theory is used to understand and critique political concepts and ideas, such as analyzing the role of the state in society or the ethical implications of different policies.​

1. cultural
2. physical

18. 2. Which of the following is the area of interest of Sociology?a. Crimec. Geneticsb. Physiologyd. Biological Evolution3. What is the similarity between Anthropology and Sociology?a. It deals on the Behavior of Human Beingb. It seeks to explain the processes of the Physical Worldc. It provide explanations on the existence of godd. It disprove the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein4. What is the leading concept in the study of Sociology?a Culturec. Humanb. Societyd. Politics5. Which of the following shows the importance of the study on Anthropologyand Sociology?a. Mastery of its concept lead you to earn high gradesb. It makes you to become a famous personc. You can able to analyze well the societal problemsd. All the above6. Which of the following is NOT an example of culture?a. Santacruzanc. Photosynthesisb. Tiniklingd. Marriage7. Why is the study of Sociology and Anthropology is inseparable?a. Because these are the same branch of Historyb. It has common focus on culture and societyc. This are part of Social Scienced. All the above​









i dont know how to explain these kind of question lol

19. Fill in the blanks. What have you learned from the previous lesson? Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete the paragraph. Use separate answers sheet in answering. As a social science, (1) ___________________ deals with the study of society and social interactions taking place. It also deals with the origin, evolution, and development of human society. It is focused on all kinds of social interactions, social relationships, and social organization, structure and process. The study of human’s past and present is (2) _____________________. Anthropology’s goal is to describe and explain human variation or the observed similarities and differences in people through time and across space. (3) __________________ as a social science discipline deals with the study of the state and government. It is concerned about politics and policies of the government. (4) ____________________, in his (5) ______________________, defined political science as the study of the state. It deals comprehensively with the theory and practice of politics.


1. Sociology2. Anthropology3. Political science 4. 5. Aristotle

20. Higher EducationBy Ronaldo SorianoA high-school seniors decision about whether to stand a community college ora four-year university can be difficult since similarities exist between both forms of highereducation At a university students work the first two years to complete their basiceducation requirements. Emphasis is when on survey classes plus writing math, socialscience, and science sequences. After studente fulf these mandatory requirementmay begin to work on courses related to their major or primary field of study. Alcommunity college many two-year degrees require survey courses and sequences ofclasses in the areas of writing math social science, and science Aner students completethese basic education requirements, they cam an Associates Degree and can thentransfer to the university to begin courses related to their major or primary field of study.At a university during the registration process, students usually have a choice of classes.professors, and class times. If several different sections of a course are available.students can select early moming, daytime, or evening classes. They can ohen grouptheir classes on Monday, Wednesday. Friday or Tuesday and Thursday The same istrue during the registration process at a community college. Students can select theirclasses, instructors, and class times as long as sections of the courses are availableOne additional similarity between the two forms of higher education involvesexpectations. At the university, professors expect students to be responsible to studywithout being reminded or reprimanded, and to leam to balance the different demandsand aspects of their personal and academic lives. These expectations stun manystudents during the first term as a freshman. They quickly have to learn to behave andthink more maturely and responsibly The same is true for students attending communitycolleges. At the community college, instructors expect students to be responsible for theirwork as well as with decisions in their personal lives. They expect students to studywithout being frequently reminded, lectured, or reprimanded. The responsibility forleaming shifts to the students. The students need to learn to balance the differentdemands and activities of their personal and academic lives Because both universitiesand community colleges are similar in so many ways, the decision to attend one or theother may best be made by looking at the differences rather than the similarities of the two forms of higher education.pleaseee need ng sagottt​


At a university, student work the first two years to complete their basic education requirements. Emphasis is often on survey classes plus writing, math, social science, and science sequences. After student fulfill these mandatory requirements, they begin to work on courses related to their major or primary field of study.


At a university during registration process students usually have a choice of classes, professors, and class time if several different section of a course are available student can select early morning daytime or evening classes they can often grow their classes on monday wednesday friday or tuesday and thursday.

At a university during registration process students usually have a choice of classes, professors, and class time if several different section of a course are available student can select early morning daytime or evening classes they can often grow their classes on monday wednesday friday or tuesday and thursday.students expected to be responsible to study without being reminded or reprimanded and to learn to balance the different demand and aspects of their personal and academic lives. This expectation many students during the first term as a pressure they quickly have to learn to behave and think more maturely and responsibly.


At a community college many two-year degrees require survey courses and sequences of classes in the areas of writing, math, social science, and science. After students complete these basics education requirements, they earn an associate degree and then they can transfer to the university to begin courses related to their major or primary field of study.



21. 11. It is the study about the similarities and differences of various cultures, examines and provides explanations for the existence of different cultural patterns, this refers to ___________. A. AnthropologyB. Political ScienceC. ArchaeologyD. Sociology12. The major elements of _______ includes common language, geographical area, large membership, and shared identity and culture. *1 puntoA. SocietyB. CultureC. CommunityD. Politics13. Maria is a social worker, she enrolled herself in a subject that studies about human social life, social institutions, culture and groups of people. What disciplines of Social Science does the statement refers to? A. AnthropologyB. Political ScienceC. ArchaeologyD. Sociology14. A complex whole that encompasses the beliefs, practices, norms, and attitudes of an individual or group of people. A. SocietyB. CultureC. CommunityD. Politics15. It is the study of the state and politics which deals with the nature, principles and mechanics of rule, authority, power and influence. A. AnthropologyB. Political ScienceC. ArchaeologyD. Sociology16. The Philippine National flag is not just a piece of cloth; it also conveys a deeper meaning of love in our country and freedom. The flag is an example of a material culture. Which of the following situation shows how culture is valued? A. Daryl did not stop when the Philippine flag is being raised in school.B. Dolly loves to buy paintings created by Filipino artists.C. The artifacts are cleaned, repaired, and put back in one of the boxes for its safety and to be preserved once every year.D. Michaelito is a curator in one of the museums in Bayani City, he entertains and gives his attention to foreign visitors only.17. The world of humanity is filled with things that stand for something else, symbols that convey meanings and that often represents various reactions and emotions. Which of the following is not the characteristics of the culture? A. It preserves features of the past.B. It discards what is socially condemned.C. It is found both in the animal and the human society.D. It is found only in human society.18. Culture comprises of two types material and nonmaterial culture, norms and values are examples of a nonmaterial culture. Which of the following describes a nonmaterial culture? A. It includes values, beliefs, symbols, and language that define a societyB. A physical object, such as its tools and technology, clothing, eating utensils, and means of transportation.C. A structure that is explicitly created to commemorate a person.D. It represents love of one’s country and freedom of people.19. Philippines exhibits cultural variation and cultural traits are formed in different perspectives and aspects of life. Which of the following shows cultural traits? A. needs of lifeB. needs of religionC. needs of economic developmentD. needs of political advancement20. Which of the following manifest a positive result of culture in the lives of the people? A. Ferry and Lorie joined a youth summer camps to be exposed in diverse cultures and practices of the different participants.B. Grey believed that worshipping a statue or an image is a sign of abnormality and people are insane.C. Moira go to church in order to pray for more blessings and to be promoted in her work as a call center agent.D. Monalisa takes care of her grandmother in order to get acquire the land she wanted to own from her lola.21. In ancient times, Philippines were inhabited by a diverse group of people with different traditions taught to Filipinos. Society were established that includes several groupsof people who interact based on ____________. A. shared beliefsB. values and rulesC. customsD. all of these22. Mavis was married with Daniel an American businessman. They been together for 10 years and learned the culture of her husband. If the culture we learned influences our beliefs and behaviors, what do you think is the most important part of human culture? A. the heritage of ideasB. normsC. knowledgeD. material culture​














22. instruction: I agree or I disagree1. social science and natural science are similar because they predict and explain human behavior.2. IN the social sciences, research is an important tool to understand and address social issues and problems.3. The research design determines the types of data that will be used in the study.4. Natural science include primary fields of inquiry, chemistry, biology and physics.5. Marxism is a theory developed by Kari Marx and Herbert Engels6.The period of englightenment inspired the birth of modern economics.7. Natural science is considered as a soft science while social science is real or hard science.8. Social science are all academic discipline which deal with the man in their social context. A science that deals with human behavior in its social and cultural aspects.​


1. I agree

2.I agree

3. I agree

4.I disagree

5.I agree

6.I disagree

7.I agree

8.I agree


I hope maka tulong

23. 1. How are the pictures in your activity connected to the study of society? 2. How do you define the terms "society", "social science"?3. Distinguish Social Science, Natural Science and Humanities? Explain the similarities and differences. 4. Sate the importance of studying social science as an instrument to deeply understand the society? Please enumerate them on the space provided​


The social sciences generally use the term society to mean a group of people who form a semi-closed social system, in which most interactions are with other individuals belonging to the group. More abstractly, a society is defined as a network of relationships between social entities.

24. 1. It's goal is to look for the similarities and differences among the culture of societies around the world. In doing so, we could be able to understand more about human nature, and be more tolerant on other people's behavior and actions.a. Anthropologyb. Political Sciencec. Sociology2. This is the study of society, patterns of social interactions, and culture of everyday life.a. Anthropologyb. Political Sciencec. Sociology3. It's main concern is to learn how to use power over others to maintain social order and harmony among citizens.a. Anthropologyb. Political Sciencec. Sociology4. If we want to know why certain social phenomena happened, such as the television program Eat Bulaga Bulaga's Kalyeserye gaining millions of tweets worldwide, this field of social science answer this occurrences.a. Anthropologyb. Political Sciencec. Sociology​

1. a 2. c 3. b  4. c

(1) a. anthropology

What is anthropology?

Anthropology is a branch of science dealing with human behavior, biology, civilizations, and society in the present and past, including past human species. Cultural anthropology investigates cultural meaning, including norms and values, while social anthropology studies patterns of behavior.

(2) c. sociology

What is sociology?

Sociology is a branch of social science concerned with society, human social behavior, patterns of social interactions, social interaction, and cultural aspects of daily life.

(3) b. political science

What is political science?

Political science is the study of politics from a scientific perspective. It is a social science that studies governance and power structures, as well as political activities, political philosophy, political conduct, and the laws and constitutions that govern them.

(4) c. sociology

Refer to question no. 2

For more information:


25. 1. It is the study of humans and human behaviour and societies in the past and present. a sociology B. Psychology c. Anthropology d. Ecology 2. A type of Anthropology that studies how language affects social life. a. Cultural anthropology c. Linguistic Anthropology b. Archaeology d. Biological Anthropology 3. Society: social and interactive culture : a cognitive and symbolic b. basic to complex C. similar and systematic d. unique and isolated 4. It refers to a thorough close-up study of a particular social and cultural environment, where the researcher is normally required to spend a year or more. a comparative study c. ethnographic fieldwork b. lengthy fieldwork d. study of natural sciences 6. It asserts that the human mind has a common architecture expressed through myth, kinship, and other cultural phenomena. a transactionalism c. materialist approaches b. structural functionalism d. structuralism It is about how societies operate according to the same general principles. a transactionalism c. materialist approaches b. structural functionalism d. structuralism 7. It states that culture and society are determined by ecological and/or technological factors. a. transactionalism c. materialist approaches b. structural functionalism d. structuralism 8. "In order to pass judgement on the quality of life in a foreign society, we must first try to understand tha society from the inside; otherwise our judgement has a very limited intellectual interest." a. Universal and Particular Anthropology c. History and Literature b. Cultural relativism and Ethnocentrism d. Social and Cultural Revolution 9. It is an indispensable and unquestionable theoretical premise and methodological rule-of-thumb in on attempts to understand alien societies in as unprejudiced way as possible. a. Cultural differences c. cultural relativism b. Cultural variation d. cultural evolution 10. It is an outlook in the society that involves an individual developing a deep understanding of how the biography is a result of historical process and occurs within a larger social context a. Social Dysfunction c. Sociological Imagination b. Socio-Economic Strata d. Social Evolution 11. It is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of differe nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. a. Globalization c. International Trade b. Social Phenomena d. None of the above 12. He is one of the Greek Philosophers who said that "A human being is a political animal." a. Aristotle c. Plato b. Pythagoras d. Archimedes C. 13. According to Crick (1982), is a way of ruling in divided societies without violence. a. Democracy c. politics b. Government d. Political capital​


a c ac a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

26. 1. What are examples of concepts studied in demography? 2. Why is it important to study sociology and economics? 3. How do psychology and linguistics help in understanding people and society? 4. what are the differences and similarities between anthropology and history? 5. How is geography connected to the other social science?​


basahin mabuti ang bawat pangungusap. hanapin at salungguhitan ang salitang inilalarawan ng pariralang pang-abay tukuyin at isulat sa patlang kung ito ay pang abay pandiwa pang uri.

27. Direction: TRUE OR FALSE, Write Tif the statement isTRUE and Fit is FALSE.1. Social Science and Natural Science are similarbecause they predict and explain human behavior,2. Comte is the first to use the term Sociology,3. Communist Manifesto is one of the world'smost influential political manuscript.4. Natural Sciences studies are based onexperimentally controlled condition of materials entities.5. Ancients and Modern Language are the areasbelong in Social Science,6. Analytical is one of the methods used instudying human condition7. The formulation of the connection betweenculture and economy is the theoretical contribution ofKarl Marx.8. Humanities is an academic discipline that studythe human condition.9. Analytical and Scientific Method are the methodused to seeks to elucidate the rules that govern thenatural world.10. Humanism seeks to understand humanreactions to events and meanings.​












That's My Answer

28. 10. What is the similarity between Social Sciences and Natural Sciences?A. Both areas utilize the scientific method in creating a study.B. Both disciplines focus on the creative expressions of human experiences.C. Both fields concentrate on observing and understanding numerous socialphenomenaD. Both studies explore the different laws of nature that govern our worldthrough objective and experimental methods.​

C. Both fields concentrate on observing and understanding numerous social phenomena.

29. true or false1. similar to social sciences, which concentrate on to the theoretical studies of society, applied social sciences are not concentrated on the use and application of the various ides and theoretical models and hypothesis of social science discipline to better explain society and the various challenges and issues it faces2. counseling is a vital part of assisting and not only in social work but also in education3. a trained professional is a counselor who will accompany you-listen to you and help you achieve your goals in life4. in particle time therapy happens when a person is in a distress ask for support and encourages another person to enter a kind of relationship him or her5. development goals involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good health​





30. It is defined as text with the primary purpose of expressing information about Arts, Sciences, or Social Studies. *1 pointA. informational textB. non-fiction textC. fiction textD. context clues2. A text structure that describes similarities or differences between objects, places or events. *1 pointA. sequenceB. comparison/contrastC. descriptionD. cause/effect3. A text structure that presents a problem and several possible solutions *1 pointA. descriptionB. comparison/contrastC. cause/effectD. problem/solution4. The text is written in order of events or chronological order. *1 pointA. sequenceB. comparison/contrastC. descriptionD. cause/effect​




#sana makatulong :)

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