How Do You Describe The Movement Of The Ruler

How Do You Describe The Movement Of The Ruler

how do you describe the movement of the ruler​

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1. how do you describe the movement of the ruler​


When the Ruler is bent the energy stored in it will be potential energy, When the ruler will be released this potential energy will be then converted into the Kinetic energy as a result the ruler will move Vibrations. 2. Hard or wiggly. Some of the ruler is wiggly or plain.


sana po makatulong



2. how do you describe the movement of the ruler


First the ruler lies on the table so that the long piece protrudes if you deflect the ruler the ruler swings back and forth relatively slowly and slowly hits the surrounding air particles.

3. how do you describe the movement of the ruler


When you give pressure on rular then released the ruler it began to vibrate or to move back and forth rapidly. When we press the rular, the ruler is bent the energy stored in it will be potential energy when the ruler will be released this potential energy will be then converted into the kinetic energy as a result the ruler will move vibrations.


brainliest po

4. Guide Questions:1. What happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it?2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?Did you hear a sound?Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop whenvou held it? When you released it again?Somerodhoob o WOH9​


1. When the Ruler is bent the energy stored in it will be potential energy, When the ruler will be released this potential energy will be then converted into the Kinetic energy as a result the ruler will move Vibrations.

2. Hard or wiggly. Some of the ruler is wiggly or plain.

3. Yes, you will hear and feel the vibration of the ruler.

4.  Yes, it will stop.

5. When you held the ruler, you stopped the air around it from vibrating, thus diminishing the sound.

Hope it helps!

5. Questions:1. What happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it?2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?3. Did you hear a sound?4. Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop when you held it? When you released it agian?​


1.The Ruler Suddenly Bounce And Fall Off

2. The ruler Stretched But It will Came Back In There Own Shape

3. Yes, I heard a sound.

4.Yes, it will stop.

When you held the ruler, you stopped the air around it from vibrating, thus diminishing the sound.

Pa Brainleist Po Plssssss

6. How do you describe the movement of the ruler when you suddenly released it?


Dropped the plastic ruler of the bottom.


ctto. hope it helps

7. 2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?​


hard or wiggly some of the ruler is wiggly or plain.


hope this helps :>

Answer:The movement rules to be considered are those of 'raising', 'lowering', 'fronting', and 'backing', as these terms are defined below. ... A raising rule will be defined as one that moves some con- stituent C from a lower clause into a higher clause, as schematized in Figure 1.

Explanation:hope it helps and stay safe!

8. how do you use l square ruler​


Place the ruler with your scale directly on the first seam of the pattern. Line up the ruler with the line of the seam exactly. Place the zero point or beginning of your scale on your ruler at the bottom of the seam line. For example, the zero point for the 16th scale may be several inches up the square. <3



An L-square ruler is used by drawing a line from the ruler's corner to the desired number on one of the ruler's scales. The ruler includes scales for halve.


9. if the ruler moves slowly what can you say about the frequency of the movement of the ruler


A longer ruler vibrates more slowly, so has a lower frequency. A shorter ruler vibrates more quickly so has a higher frequency. Note that it is hard to see the vibrations as they get very fast when the ruler is very short, so start with the longer ruler and move it gradually slower.

10. “How do you relate the ruler postulate to a ruler?”


Usually, we line up the zero with one point and then see where the other point falls on the ruler. With the ruler postulate, we are just using the ruler to give each point a coordinate. So, we line up the ruler along all of the points at one time and assign each point the number on the ruler that it falls on.

Step-by-step explanation:

11. how will you describe the sound produced when you snapped the ruler harder?​


As the ruler vibrates back and forth it makes waves of molecules pushed together (pressure waves). ... When the ruler is longer it vibrates more slowly, so pushes molecules together less often, so the waves of molecules are further apart - the frequency of sound waves are lower. Lower frequency waves have a lower pitch.


hope it helps :))


Yan na po:)



12. ਸGuide Questions:1. What happened to the ruler when you suddenly releasedit?2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?3. Did you hear a sound?4. Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stopwhen you held it? When you released it again?​


1.The deformation of the ruler creates a force in the opposite direction, known as a restoring force.

2wiggly or plain.

3.The "pitch" is how high or low the note is. A longer ruler hanging over the edge makes a lower pitch; a shorter ruler gives a higher pitch. began to vibrate, or to move back and forth rapidly. It was the vibration of the ruler that produced the sound. As the ruler vibrated, it moved the air around it and caused the air to vibrate as well.

5 : Yes, it will stop. Explanation: When you held the ruler, you stopped the air around it from vibrating, thus diminishing the sound.

13. learning task 2question:1.what happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it do you describe the movement of the ruler 3.did you hear a sound 4.did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop when you held it when you released it again pls pasagot kailangan ko yan now like as in now​


1. It vibrates

2. The ruler moves back and forth from its normal stationary position

3. Yes I did

4. Yes it stopped

It vibrates again and then it makes a sound like before



14. what happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it to how do you describe the movement of the ruler 3 did you hear a sound for did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop when you held it when you're released it again plsss po pa sagot​


The deformation of the ruler creates a force in the opposite direction, known as a restoring force.

15. 1. What happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it?2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?3. Did you hear a sound?4. Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop when you held it? When you released it again?​Only maningasstephanie213 can answer this.​


1. Dropped the plastic ruler of the bottom.

2. The ruler is gradually falling apart.

3. Yes, I heard a sound.

4. Yes the sound stopped.

sana po makatulong

1.It began to vibrate, or to move back and forth rapidly. It was the vibration of the ruler that produced the sound. As the ruler vibrated, it moved the air around it and caused the air to vibrate as well. ... These vibrations move out as waves, and in fact, are called sound waves.

2. wigly

3. yes

4.the sound is coming from the released of the ruler causing from the vibration

16. 1. How do you describe the movement of the ruler when you suddenly released it?​






17. how do you show or hide the Ruler​

What kind of question is that?

18. How do you describe the movement of rulers as they seperate? Pasagot please..


When your friend drops the timer in the experiment, you see it start to move. A nerve signal travels from your eye to your brain then to your finger muscles. Your finger muscles move to catch the timer. The whole process takes between 150 and 220 milliseconds.


19. Questions: 2. 1. What happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it How do you describe the movement of the ruler? Did you hear a sound? Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop held it? When you released it again? 3. 4. may ask​


1.The ruler when you suddenly released it is making a sound because of the heavy body itself when it hits the ground.

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this helps you ;)


20. 2. How do you describe the movement of rulers as they separate?


Hard or wiggly


some of the ruler are plain

21. Questions:1. What happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it?2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?3 Did you hear a sound?Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop when youheld it? When you released it again?4. did the sound coming from the moving ruler stanley stop when you healed it when you release it again ? ​





1. When the ruler will be released this potential energy will be then converted into the Kinetic energy as a result the ruler will move Vibrations

2. hard or wiggly but some ruler are wiggly or plain

Yes, it will stop. When you held the ruler, you stopped the air around it from vibrating, thus diminishing the sound.

22. 4. How does the baby powder/flour affect the amount of frictional force between the marble and ruler? highe because of the baby powder the frictional force of the marble and the ruler?Conclusion: How do gravity and friction affect movements of objects around us? ​

Answer:Baby powder/flour can reduce the frictional force between the marble and ruler, making it lower. Gravity affects the downward movement of objects, while friction affects the resistance to motion of objects on surfaces. Both gravity and friction play important roles in determining how objects move around us.


When baby powder or flour is applied to the surface between a marble and a ruler, it can reduce the frictional force between them. This is because the powder/flour particles act as lubricants, reducing the contact between the marble and ruler and making it easier for them to slide against each other. As a result, the frictional force between the marble and ruler is lowered, making it easier for the marble to move along the ruler.

Gravity, on the other hand, affects the downward movement of objects. It is a force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth (or any other massive body), causing them to fall or accelerate towards the ground. Gravity determines how quickly objects fall and how much force they exert on surfaces upon impact.

Friction, on the other hand, is a force that opposes the motion of objects across surfaces. It arises due to the interaction between the surfaces of objects and can either help objects grip and stay in place or resist their motion. Friction is affected by various factors such as the roughness of the surfaces, the force pressing the surfaces together, and the presence of lubricants like baby powder/flour.

In conclusion, gravity and friction are important forces that affect the movements of objects around us. Gravity determines how objects fall towards the ground, while friction affects the resistance to motion of objects on surfaces. The application of baby powder/flour can reduce frictional force, making it easier for objects to slide against each other.

23. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?​


It's began to vibrates and vribe

Thank you pii pa brainlest po tysmm<3

24. 1. How do you describe the movement of the ruler? 2. Did you hear a sound when the ruler vibrates? Why? 3. What are the uses of sounds in your life?​


1. Hard or wiggly, some of the ruler is wiggly or plain.

2. As the ruler vibrates back and forth it makes waves of molecules pushed together (pressure waves).

3.It helps us to communicate with others. By sound, we can understand the context of the words spoken. Sound can help people to protect themselves from danger such as the sound or horn of the train and other vehicles warn people to give way etc.

25. How do you take care of your ruler or foot rule?​


Ensure the rule is clean and dry before storing. They can usually be cleaned with soap and water or a mild solvent. Metal rules can have a little bit of oil rubbed onto them, occasionally, to help prevent rust. They should be stored flat in a drawer or toolbox, so they won't get bent and the edges won't get damaged. Always keep your tools used for measuring at or around room temperature. Never lay them on a heat source or in direct sunlight as doing so could really mess them up so that their accuracy is affected. Always be wary of laying or using your tools too close to a magnet or magnetized surface.


Hope it helps can you rate it as branliest because I really need it◉‿◉


Ensure the rule is clean and dry before storing.

They can usually be cleaned with soap and water or a mild solvent.

Metal rules can have a little bit of oil rubbed onto them, occasionally, to help prevent rust.

They should be stored flat in a drawer or toolbox, so they won't get bent and the edges won't get damaged.


hope it helps:>


26. How will you describe the sound produced when you snapped the ruler gently​

The sound produced when a ruler is snapped gently is a sharp and short, high-pitched sound. It may also produce a faint clicking or tapping sound. The volume of the sound would depend on how hard the ruler is snapped, with a gentle snap producing a quieter sound compared to a harder snap.

27. C. do you use the conversion ruler? 2.when do you use the conversion ruler? will you convert Metric to English units or English to Metric units? ​

1. The longer the line on the ruler's surface, the larger the measurement. The lines decrease in size as the unit of measurement decreases, ranging from 1 inch to 1/16 of an inch. Make a point of reading the ruler from left to right. If you're measuring something, make sure it's parallel to the left side of the zero mark on the ruler.

2.  To measure length, a conversion ruler is used. It is divided into centimeter units. Each number on the ruler equals one centimeter. The centimeter is the longest measurement.

3. Within the metric system, converting from one unit to another usually entails moving a decimal point. If you remember what the prefixes mean, you can convert within the metric system relatively easily by multiplying or dividing the number by the prefix value.

28. 2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?3. Did you hear a sound?4. Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop​


The ruler is not moving if it is not moved



29. Learning Task 2. Perform the activity. Title: “What is Vibration?” Questions: 1. What happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?__________________________________________________________________ 3. Did you hear a sound? _______________________________________________ 4. Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop when you held it?__________________________________________________________ When you released it again?_____________________________________________________.


1. It vibrates

2. It moves back and forth from its normal stationary position

3. Yes

4. Yes

It vibrate again and then it makes a sound

Hope it helps you


30. Guide Questions: 1. What did you exert when you push down the ruler and release it? 2. What happened to the ruler? 3. How will you describe the movement of the ruler? 4. Did you hear a sound? 5. Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop when you held it? 6. What happened to the ruler when you released it again? Did you hear a sound? 7. How do you think sounds are produced? Pa help wala ako utak para sagutan it. Banned na ata ako mag ml :,)


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