Bridge To Terabithia Movie Summary

Bridge To Terabithia Movie Summary

Title "Bridge to TeraBithia"IntroductionPlot SummaryDescriptionAnalysisConclusion/Evaluation​

Daftar Isi

1. Title "Bridge to TeraBithia"IntroductionPlot SummaryDescriptionAnalysisConclusion/Evaluation​


It is a story of remarkable depth and richness about a friendship that develops between a young boy and girl. Together, Jess Aarons and Leslie Burke create a magical imaginary world, "Terabithia", where they can escape the problems of daily life.

plot summary

Summaries. A preteen's life turns upside down when he befriends the new girl in school and they imagine a whole new fantasy world to escape reality. Jesse is picked on at school and had no friends until Leslie, the new girl, befriends him and they begin to come really close.


The life of a ten-year-old boy in rural Virginia expands when he becomes friends with a newcomer who subsequently meets an untimely death trying to reach their hideaway, Terabithia, during a storm


Friendship. The main theme of Bridge to Terabithia is friendship, thanks to the special relationship that forms between Jess and Leslie. Both characters need each other - Jess to escape from the hardships of his life and family, and Leslie to get accustomed to a new life in the country.


At the story's conclusion, Jess goes and lays a fallen tree over the creek to Terabithia, and he leaves a wreath there for Leslie. He finds his little sister, May Belle, trying to follow him, and he saves her from falling into the water.


I loved this story because of it's action,friendship and it's imagination. I also loved all the characters in this story and their personalities. I also enjoyed the friendship between Jess and Leslie. I really liked the describing words of all of the action that was going on in the story. I also Liked how it was almost like Narnia from the book The,lion,the witch and the wardrobe. The only part I did not like was when Leslie died.


sana nakatulong

2. what is the conflict in bridge to terabithia. is it Man vs. Self Man vs. Man Man vs. Society Man vs. Nature Man vs. Machine or Man vs. Fate/Supernatural

For me, it's man vs. self

The main characters created terabithia.with their imagination which means all the adventures they have all came with the magic of their imagination and fantasies and does not really exist.

3. brief summary of the old man at the bridge​


The story “Old Man at the Bridge” is about a conversation between a war correspondent and an old man who had to leave his hometown during the Spanish Civil War. Hemingway was appointed by the North American Newspaper Association (NANA) but he apparently decided to write it as a short story instead of a news article. As the title “Old Man at the Bridge” suggests, the story revolves around the old man. This very short and simple story is a powerful depiction of how war affects the lives of common people who are “without politics”. The old man has nothing to do with the impending war. But still, he had to leave his home and his beloved pets whom he regards as his family.




You can carry 50 kilos

Step-by-step explanation:

you cant carry 50 kilos above because it can break young bones

5. Provide a summary of “Old Man at the Bridge” and then identify the characters in the story with their corresponding descriptions, the setting, the plot as well as the central conflict, and the theme or concept of the story​


"Old Man at the Bridge" is a short story by Ernest Hemingway, set during the Spanish Civil War. The story follows an old man who is sitting at a bridge, waiting for orders to move, as he is too exhausted to keep going.

The characters in the story are:

The old man: An elderly man who is too weak to keep moving and is waiting for orders to move.

The soldier: A soldier who discovers the old man and speaks with him briefly.

The setting of the story is a bridge over a river in the Spanish countryside, during the Spanish Civil War.

The plot of the story revolves around the interaction between the old man and the soldier. The soldier questions the old man about why he hasn't moved on, and the old man tells him about his circumstances. The soldier listens but cannot do anything to help him, as he is just a low-ranking soldier.

The central conflict of the story is the old man's struggle to keep going despite his exhaustion, and the soldier's inability to help him.

The theme or concept of the story is the tragedy of war and the impact it has on innocent civilians. The old man's plight represents the struggle of ordinary people caught up in the chaos and violence of war, and the soldier's inability to help him represents the limits of human compassion in the face of overwhelming suffering. The story highlights the senselessness of war and the toll it takes on those who are forced to endure it.



6. what is the difference between north bridge and the south bridge​


The difference between northbridge and southbridge is that the northbridge is a chip in the chipset of a motherboard that directly connects to the CPU while the southbridge is a chip in the chipset of a motherboard that does not directly connects to the CPU.

7. activity1:bridge sentence.choosethe correct pair to complete the bridge sentence​


Month. Year

Delete button. Erase

Trailer. Roam

Industrious. Hardworking



PartUsed Used Synonymous

8. How did the turtle build the bridge? The bridge story


Once upon a time two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side. They had been sharing machinery, trading a labor and goods as needed without a hitch. Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference which exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.

One morning there was a knock on elder brother’s door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter’s toolbox. “I am looking for a few days of work”, he said. “Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there. Could I help you?”

“Yes!” said the elder brother. “I do have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. That’s my neighbor, in fact, it’s my younger brother and we don’t get along. Last week he dug a wider passage for water into his farm. But he ended up creating a very wide creek in between our farms and I am sure he did it just to annoy me. I want you to build me something so that we don’t have to stand and see each other’s face from across.”

The carpenter said “I think I understand the situation. I will be able to do a job that will please you.” The elder brother had to go to town for supplies, so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing, nailing.

At sunset when the elder brother returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The elder brother’s eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped. It was not what he had even thought of or imagined. It was a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of work, beautiful handrails. And to his surprise, his younger brother across the creek was coming to meet him with a big smile and arms wide open to hug him.

“You are really kind and humble my brother! After all I had done and said to you, you still shown that blood relations can never be broken! I am truly sorry for my behaviour”, the younger brother said as he hugged his elder brother. They turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his shoulder. “No, wait! Stay a few days. I have a lot of other projects for you,” said the older brother.

“I’d love to stay on”, the carpenter said, “but, I have many more bridges to build!”

Moral: There is no shame in accepting your mistake or forgiving each other. We should be kind and humble. We should try to stay together as a family and not break away from it over the petty arguments.


Please brainliest for me

hope it helps.

9. It reached the Philippines using a land of bridge or bridge from Asia.​


Philippines around 25,000 years ago by a land bridge from the Asian mainland. ... Islam entered the Philippines via Borneo in the late 14th century.

10. the san juanico bridge is a longest bridge in the pgllipines



San Juanico Bridge connects the islands of Leyte and Samar by linking the city of Tacloban to the town of Santa Rita, Samar. It passes over the San Juanico Strait. The road infrastructure is the longest bridge in the Philippines spanning across a body of water measuring 2,164 m (7,100 ft) in total length.

11. the san juanico bridge is the longest bridge in the philippines?​



San Juanico Bridge connects the islands of Leyte and Samar by linking the city of Tacloban to the town of Santa Rita, Samar. It passes over the San Juanico Strait. The road infrastructure is the longest bridge in the Philippines spanning across a body of water measuring 2,164 m (7,100 ft) in total length

12. 3. What will happen if bridges are built without gaps or expansion joints? a. The structure will become stronger. b. The bridges are liable to collapse. c. The bridges will not experience thermal expansion. d. The bridges can withstand the temperature variation.


B. The bridges are liable to collapse.


Expansion joints prevent build up of resonant frequencies, which dangerously amplify the swaying motion of bridges. Without such joints, bridges are liable to collapse.

13. In summary, how can technology help us bridge the gap between generations?​


Technology changes the way generations communicate. It also improves how works are done and how technology can make our life easier by how much it evolvs. It helps us bridge the gap between generations because of it's many uses that affects our daily lives. Older people are more impacted than people who's born in this generation and that's because older people may have a hard time catching up with how fast technology evolvs.


Is this a lesson? because I answered it based on my own perspective. Sorry if i'm wrong, this is all I can do.

14. Which one of the following is the longest bridge ?  A. Candaba Viaduct (the Philippines)  B. Mawlamyaing Bridge (Myanmar)  C. Rama VIII Bridge (Thailand)  D. Penang Bridge (Malaysia

the answer is letter B. Because The approach structure of the rail bridge on Mawlamyaing bank is 1.22 miles (1,960 m) long, and on Mottama bank is 1.42 miles (2,290 m) long. The total length of the rail bridge is 4.1 miles (6,600 m) long. The bridge was designed and built by Ministry of Construction.

the longest bridge among them is Penang Bridge of malaysia and the second is Thanlwin Bridge (Mawlamyaing) of myanmar.

15. itinayo sa pilipinas ang kauna unahang suspension bridge sa asya.ito Ay ang_____.a.san juanico bridge. b.Quezon bridgec.Jones bridged.long bridge yung tama po sana ty​


B. Quezon Bridge


Yan po tamang sagot.


its QUEZON BRIDGE also known as puente colgante

16. What is 1. what is the significant of the movie with regards to our course Ethics? 2. What is personal insight with the movie?3. Is the decission of Francesca could be considered morally good.the sub is ethnicsThe bridges of madison county movie thankyouu for how help me today.​


1.For someone who is honest and follows good moral standards, use the adjective ethical. ... Ethical comes from the Greek ethos "moral character" and describes a person or behavior as right in the moral sense - truthful, fair, and honest.

2.What do you do when you feel you are born with an unbearable flaw, and you don’t know yet that you share it with 1.4 billion people.  Rob and Jessica grew up feeling just that. Inspired by the international bestseller The Highly Sensitive Person and global media sensation 36 Questions that lead to Love, SENSITIVE […]

3.So girls and guys pano ba suyuin ang babae? dapat ba tatahimik ka lang for the mean time palipasin muna o kausapin mo sya, if so, ano dapat ang flow ng usapan nyo kung galit sya sayo?




The Sohoton Caves and Natural Bridge Park is a protected natural area about 841 hectares and a tourist attraction within the Samar Island Natural Park. The natural park features caves, subterranean rivers, waterfalls, limestone formations, thick forest and a natural stone bridge


hope it's help ☺️

brainliest answer plsss

18. ito ay isang pinakamahabang tulay sa timog silangan asyaA.nagtayan bridgeB.san juanico bridgeC.sta.cruz bridgeD.china bridge​




Correct me if im wrong bby( ꈍᴗꈍ)


B.San juanico bridge


Ito'y ang tulay ng San Juanico . Itinuturing na pinakamahabang tulay ito sa ating bansa at ikalawang pinakamahaba sa Timog Silangang Asya .

19. Show your solution.A construction worker is placing rivets in a new bridge. He uses 42 rivets to build the first 2 feet of the bridge. If the bridge is to be 2200ft in length, predict the number of rivets that will be needed for the entire bridge.​


nakalimutan ko nayan sorry

20. what do you prefer to use, adobe bridge or mini bridge? and why?​


adobe smooth and no virus

21. help po pls. long summary ng "the curse of bridge hollow" plss po​


A man and his daughter must team up to save their town after an ancient and mischievous spirit causes Halloween decorations to come to life and wreak havoc

22. 5. Ang tulay na nag-uugnay sa mga pulo ng Samar at Leyte. A. Samal Bridge C. San Juanico Bridge B. Bankerohan Bridge D. Mindanao Bridge​


Hi! It's letter C. San Juanico Bridge

23. The maximum height of the bridge in juanico bridge is?


41 m

hope this helps


41 m

2.16 kilometers

It was designed by engineer Arvin Valderama and Christian Meynard Barnal and constructed over San Juanico Strait from Cabalawan, Tacloban City to the municipality of Santa Rita, Samar in 1969.

24. a surveyor is 100 meters from a bridge the angle of elevation to the top if the bridge is 35°.find the height of the bridge​

Answer: 70 m


tan35° approx. equal to 0.700

tanθ = opp/adj

tan35° = opp/100

100(tan35°) = opp

100(0.700) = 70

I'm sorry in advance if this is wrong...

25. Which of the following is an effect of typhoon to infrastructure? A. Roads and bridges become passable. B. Typhoon strengthens roads and bridges C. Roads and bridges float during a typhoon. D. Roads and bridges becomes impassable.




Sana makatulong po ako




the flooding associated with typhoons can cripple rescue and aid efforts by making roads impassable

26. 15. What would happen if ___?a. The bridge is brokenb. The bridge had brokenc. The bridge would have been brokend. The bridge had been broken​



The answer is C

27. Rope bridges were the forerunner of modern ___________________ bridges.

Rope bridges were the forerunner of modern suspension bridges.

Explanation :

The modern suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the bridge deck is suspended under the cable hangers using vertical hangers. In general, the main elements of a suspension bridge consist of girders, main cables, hangers, saddles, towers or pylons and anchors. One of the most famous examples of modern suspension bridges is the Golden State Bridge, which is a landmark for the City of San Francisco.

The creation of the modern suspension bridge concept was preceded by rope bridges. Suspension bridge is a form of modernization of the rope bridge where the rope bridge relies on each connection at the end to be able to become the foundation of the bridge. In simple rope bridges, the ropes can be high-strength cables that have limited flexibility. Nylon rope and steel cable are the most commonly used cables for tree house bridges.

Learn More About Bridge at :


28. have you travelled trough a bridge? What were you thinking while travelling on that bridge? what do you think is an important aspect of a bridge?​


Bridges connect people in different communities, allowing them to interact for work or play. This capacity is especially essential for areas where one town has an abundance of raw materials and another has a labor force in need of work. In this way, both people and communities can support one another.

29. the san juanico bridge is the longest bridge in the Philippines stereotype or not​




San Juanico Bridge connects the islands of Leyte and Samar by linking the City of Tacloban to the town of Santa Rita, Samar. It passes over the San Juanico Strait. The road infrastructure is the longest bridge in the Philippines spanning across a body of aater measuring 2,164m (7100ft.) in total length

30. ang kauna unahangsuspension bridge sapilipinas kasalukuyang quezon bridge​


Puente Colgante


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