What Does Family Mean To You

What Does Family Mean To You

What does family mean to you?

Daftar Isi

1. What does family mean to you?




Family means having someone to love you unconditionally in spite of you and your shortcomings. Family is loving and supporting one another even when it's not easy to do so. ... Family is unrelenting, it's secure and reliable. Family isn't just important, it's what is most important!”


Family means having someone to love you unconditionally in spite of you and your shortcomings. Family is loving and supporting one another even when it's not easy to do so. It's being the best person you could be so that you may inspire your love ones. ... Family is unrelenting, it's secure and reliable


2. What does family mean to you?




respect and others


there are some family is so kind of you loving you respect you

3. What does family mean to you?​


Family means you have family


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4. What does the word “values” mean to you personally? As a family?​


Values give families an outlook on life, a way to view the world and their situation as well as an identity. Values can also add to relationships and influence judgments, behaviors, and parenting styles. Family values serve as the core of what family members do the opinions they have.


Value is not a ordinary word on FAMILY


Values are the the things that are important to us, the characteristics and behaviors that motivate us and guide our decisions. For example, maybe you value honesty. You believe in being honest wherever possible and you think it's important to say what you really think. As a family, values are the moral and ethical principles traditionally upheld and passed on within a family. Values give families an outlook on life, a way to view the world and their situation as well as an identity. Values can also add to relationships and influence judgments, behaviors, and parenting styles. Family values serve as the core of what family members do the opinions they have.

5. What do you think the “will to prepare” means for you in school? What does it mean as applied to your family life?​



hi po

6. 1. What does family mean? Give three important concepts you learned about it.2. In what ways is the family like an institution?3. What are the seven points that shows that a family is the basic institution of society about why a family is a natural institution? Explain each.4. How does your family influence your personhood and values such as cooperation and love?​


1 lng po masasagot ko


1.Family gives love

2.Family always trys to help u

3.Family was the first thing that was there

7. what does family planning mean to you​


The purpose of family planning is to make sure that any couple, man, or woman who has a child has the resources that are needed in order to complete this goal. With these resources a couple, man or woman can explore the options of natural birth, surrogacy, artificial insemination, or adoption.


pa follow and brainliest nalang po thankyou


8. study the diagram below. what do you think does it mean? about family

What diagram or family?

Explanation: Please clarify next time, so i can answer it correctly!

9. what does family mean?Give three important concepts you learned about it​

Family is the single most important influence in a child's life. From their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. Parents and family form a child's first relationships.

10. SAQ 1. Comprehension check-up.1. What are things needed to take care a family?2. Why is family time important?3. What does this sentence mean, "Happy families do not just share good times4. Does your family value "family time"? How?5. As a family member, how do you contribute in taking care of your family?​

[this should be YOUR answer, not ours, but let me help you]

1. Love and Time

2. To get to know them deeply enough.

3. It means that even though you're not having fun with them, it simply doesn't mean you don't have a 'Happy Family'. Just by taking care of them or appreciating their works and efforts can make a 'Happy Family'.

4. [it's too personal, it yours to answer]

5. Pray for them to have a very good health.

11. By staring the following letters ,for you what does "Family" mean?, ​


Family is where a group of people are blood related.


Unless u meant something else, lol.

12. What symbol can you think to describe a middle class family? Describe what does the symbol mean.​

“Middle class families are defined by their aspirations more than their income,”


famillies from middle class have their income more than by their aspirations

13. Questions: 1 How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect the socio-economic status of your family? 2 What does political identity mean to you?​


yan po yung sagot sana makatulong

14. Can you discuss what does it mean "A family that works forever stays together.” ?


to strong family


work from the family to buy wat he or here want and to strong family ang happy famil


Question: what does it mean "A family that works forever stays together.” ?


Families who make time to have fun together report feeling closer, more satisfied, and more mentally healthy.Families who engage in many types of quality time (as opposed to just one) are closer and more adaptable too.


15. 1. What does the poem tell?2. In the line, still love me even if we disagree, what does the worddisagree mean?3. What does the word unloved mean as used in the poem?4. Which words in the poem have a common suffix? Give the meaningof each word?5. How do you show love to your family?​


1. It tells about how and what a family is, and what a family is going through.

2. In my own perception, disagree means by not having the same opinions nor reasons about an specific situation.

3. Despite how hard the situation nor argument is, a family wouldn't harm its member.


5. By simply giving respect to my elderly siblings especially to my parents.

16. Take a selfie that you have eaten a meal together with your family. Then, explain what does it means to you or how does it feel eating together.​


It feels like our family has bonded a lot and eating together is enough for me to love my fam cause i love food


And you need food to survive and your family so you don't feel alone also god gave you a family and food, shelter, water that he provided

17. What does family planning mean to you?


Family planning is "the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. ... If sexually active, family planning may involve the use of contraception and other techniques to control the timing of reproduction

18. 1.What does the word "kuwaresma" mean? Where does this word originate? You may ask your family membeanyone in your community about this and try to write everything that you will get:​


Kuwaresma Or Lent 40 day long religious holiday prior to Easter..

Pasensya kana God bless.

19. FAMILY ENGAGEMENT COMMUNICATION What does mean to you? Explain​


it means that we understand each other and we communicate  for better connection to our  life


20. what does family planning mean to you?​


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), family planning is defined as “the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births.




The World Health Organization definition is this: “Family planning allows individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility.

21. what does your family name mean to you and how much you value it​

Explanation: common values includes: honesty,balance,caring,generosity,health,humor,learning,wisdom,leadership,and compassion.think about your family as you consider values,such as cooperation,financial stability,humility,and patience.

22. what does family mean? give three important concepts you learned about it. ​


Family is a group of love

23. What does family mean to you! ​


Answer Key:

What does family mean to you?


Explanation Key:

“Family means having someone to love you unconditionally in spite of you and your shortcomings. Family is loving and supporting one another even when it's not easy to do so. It's being the best person you could be so that you may inspire your love ones. Family doesn't see color, race, creed not culture it sees heart.


Provides guidance and love.


Families provide guidance and love They provide emotional support, care and encouragement. They take care of our well-being, add balance to our lives and ground us.

24. Family is defined as a specific gruopnof people that may be made up of partners,children,parents,aunts,uncles,cousins and grandparents. In your own understanding what does family mean to you​


Family is a group of people.


group of people that'll support and accept for who you truly are,family are the biggest fan of yours and sometime will be your basher.

25. What does "family" mean? Give three (3) concepts you learn about it.


Family -ily is the end

and the meaning of ily is 143

26. What does your family name mean to you and how much do you value your family name?


They are our guide they feed us they let us finish school they raise us well and they supported us and finally they love us very much...we have to pay them we should love them help them stay with them show your love to your family becuase maybe its to late...life is short We cant expect that we live happily becuase we are not perfect we cant expect we are perfect but our family knows that we are perfect just the way we are and who we are:)) love themep before its to late becuase we still have time today tommorrow next week and a year dont let it drop just like what I said life is short make an happy memmory with your family that you well you never forget at the rest of your life:)

the end.



27. don't let small things get between you and your family. what does it mean?

In my opinion. I think it means that we should not fight about petty or small things with our Family, Instead talk to them Calmly and tell them the problem. Ask for guidance and do not let ot be the reason for your Family to grow apart. Families should not go against each other, They should support each other and grow together.

28. what does the word values mean to you personally? as family?​


where is the picture po


Definition. Personal Values are “broad desirable goals that motivate people's actions and serve as guiding principles in their lives". ... Personal values are desirable to an individual and represent what is important to someone.


Common values include: honesty, balance, caring, generosity, health, humor, learning, wisdom, leadership, and compassion. Think about your family as you consider values such as cooperation, financial stability, humility, and patience. Try thinking about the values in terms of categories.

29. I. PICTURE ANALYSISDirections: Analyze the following pictures below, what it means to you? What does the pictures tells about family? Explainyour answer.​


the family is our communication

30. what does your family name mean to you and how much do you value your family name?​

My family name means a lot to me because of the love of my Mother and Father and they got married. Values give families an outlook on life, a way to view the world and their situation as well as an identity. Family values serve as the core of what family members do the opinions they have. Instilling family values can also protect children against making hurtful decisions in the future.

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