Charles Appleton Longfellow

Charles Appleton Longfellow

in the poem titled 'PSALM OF LIFE''by does longfellow's view of life compared to your own view?

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1. in the poem titled 'PSALM OF LIFE''by does longfellow's view of life compared to your own view?

The poem Psalm of Life (see the image below) is morally uplifting and sentimental for the tone of the poetry is convincing the reader to live life to the fullest.

As I will compare it to my life philosophy which is to do everything with great passion because we cannot do big things, we can only do small things with great love... I think, they are somehow similar because Longfellow said, "Let us, then be up and doing, with a heart for any fate; Still achieving and pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait."

2. summary of the biography of henry wadsworth longfellow​


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882) was an American poet and educator whose works include "Paul Revere's Ride", The Song of Hiawatha, and Evangeline. He was also the first American to translate Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and was one of the Fireside Poets from New England.



February 27, 1807

Portland, Maine


March 24, 1882 (aged 75)

Cambridge, Massachusetts




Alma mater

Bowdoin College


Mary Storer Potter

Frances Elizabeth Appleton


Charles Appleton Longfellow

Ernest Wadsworth Longfellow

Fanny Longfellow

Alice Mary Longfellow

Edith Longfellow

Anne Allegra Longfellow

3. how can be a man according to longfellow?

Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad

4. according to longfellow how would you consider the day as the rainy day​


When the clouds are dark


Because when clouds are dark there is a high chance that it will rain

5. 1. Saan nag Aral si Charles Darwin? 2. Saan nakatira si Charles Darwin?3. Ano name ng nanay at tatay ni charles darwin? ​


1. Nag-aral si Charles Darwin sa Christ Cambridge noong 1828 hanggang 1831. sa University of Edinburgh noong 1825 hanggang 1827. At sa University of Cambridge.

2 Nakatira si Charles Darwin sa London, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland at sa Downe Kent.

3. Ang pangalan ng nanay ni Charles Darwin ay si Susannah Darwin, at ang pangalan nmn ng tatay niya ay si Robert Darwin.

Thank you, if there's something wrong, just update me, thanks again.



6. by Charles Dickens ​


February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.[1] His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime and, by the 20th century, critics and scholars had recognised him as a literary genius. His novels and short stories are widely read today

7. Why is Charles' Law important?Charles' Law is important for us to understand how gases behave under pressure. Thepractical uses of Charles' Law is seen all around us everyday.List down five practical uses of Charles' Law that are commonly seen in yourcommunity. Give a brief description of how they work and apply Charles Law.​


Charles' Law is an experimental gas law that describes how gases tend to expand when heated. ... However, if the container is flexible, like a balloon, the pressure will remain the same, while allowing the volume of the gas to increase. Charles' Law apparatus can be used to demonstrate this thermal expansion of gases.

Make sense of the science by considering some of these real life applications of Charles’ Law.

Watch what happens to a helium balloon on a cold day.

Step outside with a helium balloon on a chilly day and chances are, the balloon will crumble. Once you get back into the warm, however, the balloon will return to its original shape. In accordance with Charles’ Law, this is because, a gas, in this case, helium, takes up more space when it is warm.

How about a hot air balloon?

A torch is used to heat the air molecules inside the balloon. The molecules move faster and disperse within the space. The gas inside the balloon takes up more space, becoming less dense than the air surrounding it. As such, the hot air inside the balloon rises because of its decreased density and causes the balloon to float.

Try out a turkey timer.

Pop-up turkey thermometers work by applying Charles’ Law. The thermometer is placed in the turkey. As the temperature rises and the turkey cooks, the air in the thermometer expands to pop the plunger. The thermometer is calibrated so that when the correct internal temperature is reached, the thermometer cap pops off, providing a clear indication that the turkey is done.

Pump up your ping pong ball.

If you play ping pong, chances are you’ve come across the occasionally dented ball. Restore its roundness by popping it in a pan of water. Warm the water gently while stirring and the air inside the ball will expand as it heats up. The expanding air will push out the dent and restore the ball’s roundness.

Take a look at your tyre pressure.

Take a tip from your manual and measure the pressure of your car’s tyres when they are cold. Driving heats up the tyres and consequently causes the air within them to expand. As such, if you measure the air when the tyres are warm, the pressure will be higher. You can double-check that you haven’t overfilled your tyres by checking them when they’ve cooled down.



8. 2 Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection?A Charles Darwin and Alfred WallaceB. Charles Lyell and Charles DarwinC Charles Lyell and James HuttonD. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck​


Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace

Charles Darwin is more famous than his contemporary Alfred Russel Wallace who also developed the theory of evolution by natural selection. scientist who studies living organisms

9. Into each life, some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow what is the meaning of this quote



It means we need to face any challenges that we encounter. Facing them is the best way to overcome any obstacles in life. It is also stated that in our lives there are times of happy and sad memories that we need to face.

10. Charle's law 1.State and explain charle's law? 2.Establish the difference between boyle's law?

1. According to Charles' law, as volume increases, temperature also increases.
This law states that the volume of the fixed mass of gas is proportional to its temperature when the pressure is kept constant.
2. In Boyle's law, when the volume decreases, the pressure increases.

11. do you believe that longfellow has a strong view of life?

Yes because he can't write the poem Psalms of Life if he hasn't a strong view in life. His poem is like giving advices to those people who are giving up. That'a another reason.

12. meaning of the Arrow and the Song by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

the arrow and the song by Henry Wadsworth long fellow. I shot an arrow into the air . it fell to earth. I knew not we're for so swiftly it flew the sight

13. how can one be a man according to longfellow

one can be a man by battling with life, a man's goal is not to die, it is to live, a real man must act wise,should not lose courage in any circumstances, he will be brave, a man must not be driven by others,must have faith in God, his goal is to reach limitless heights before meeting death for others to follow his footsteps.

14. What main ideas are conveyed in the poem "The Rainy Day" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?​


There is a sense of darkness of both mood and imagrery.

The day is cold, and dark, and dreary;

It rains, and the wind is never weary;

This darkness extends to the speaker's life,

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;

It rains, and the wind is never weary;

By the third stanza, the speaker has a sense of hope. The metaphor being that bad times eventually pass.

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;

Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;


are feelings also conveyed in the poem


Darwin's Revolutions

Darwin contributed to biology by establishing the fact of evolution, based on a huge amount of observations, and then proposing a theory to explain one of the most common mechanisms of evolution, which he called “natural selection.” Facts and theories are not steps in any ladder of increasing certainty; according to Gould (1981), facts are the world's data, and theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Darwin's work enlightened this difference between the two.

16. adrian,ben and charles received a total of 8627. ben received 375 more than charles. adrian received 287 more than ben. find the amount of money charles received


x be the money charles received,

x + 375 be the money ben received, and

x + 375 + 287 be the money adrian received.


x + 375 + 287 + x + 375 + x = 8627

x + x + x + 375 + 287 + 375 = 8627

3x + 1037 = 8627

3x + 1037 - 1037 = 8627 - 1037

3x = 7590

3x/3 = 7590/3

x = 2530

Charles received 2530.


x = 2530

x = x + 375

x = 2530 + 375

x = 2905

x = x + 375 + 287

x = 2530 + 375 + 287

x = 3192

2530 + 2905 + 3192 = 8627

:8627 = 8627

17. do you believe that longfellow has a strong view of life ?

Yes, he cannot  write the poem entitled "Psalms of life" he hasn't 

18. 1. Explain Charles's Law.2. What are the components used is Charles's law? 3. What are variable quantities in Charles's Law? 3. Cite an example wherein Charles's Law is seen.​

1. Explain Charles's Law.
1. Charles's law is an experimental gas law that describes how gases tend to expand when heated. A modern statement of Charles's law is: When the pressure on a sample of a dry gas is held constant, the Kelvin temperature and the volume will be in direct proportion.
2. What are the components used is Charles's law?
Charles's law—named for J. -A. -C. Charles (1746–1823)—states that, at constant pressure, the volume V of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute (Kelvin) temperature T, or V/T = k.
3. What are variable quantities in Charles's Law? Solution : Variables, Volume (V) and absolute temperature (T)
and Constants: Mass (m) and pressure (P) of the gas.
3. Cite an example wherein Charles's Law is seen.
Here are a few examples of circumstances where Charles' Law is in effect: When you take a basketball outside on a chilly day, the ball shrinks slightly as the temperature drops. This is true of any inflated object, which is why checking your car's tire pressure as the temperature drops is a smart idea.

not sure but hope it helps :)

19. How can one be a man according to Longfellow?

every man has his secret sorrows wich the world knows not;and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad

20. What Longfellow want to say about that a psalm of life

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is telling the readers to live life to the fullest.

21. 10. We developed the theory of evolution by natural selection? A. Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin B. Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace C. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck D. charles Lyell and James Hutton​


b.Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace

22. Bakit tinagurian charles ang martilyo si charles martel.



23. do you believe that longfellow has a strong view of life?

Of course! He can't write the poem entitled "Psalms of Life" if he hasn't.

24. 1. Two physical properties involved in charles law_____2. The proponent of Charle's Law_____3. Formula of Charle's Law_____4. Describe the relationship of the properties involved in Charles' Law____5. Unit used in measuring temperature for Charles Law___Need po pls. ​


1. Two physical properties involved in Charles law are volume and temperature.

2. The proponent of Charles Law is Jacques Charles.

3. Formula of Charles Law [tex]\frac{V1}{T1}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{V2}{T2}[/tex] . V - Volume T - Temperature

4. The properties involved in Charles Law are the temperature and volume are directly proportional. As the temperature increases, the volume also increases and vice versa.  

5. Unit used in measuring temperature for Charles Law is K (kelvin).

25. point out the lines in the poem that show longfellow as a strong and optimistic view of life pasagot po plssssssssss


*For the soul is dead that slumbers

And things are not what they seem

*Life is real! life is earnest

And the grave is not its goal


26. Charles Babbage: Difference Engine; Charles Babbage: ___________ * Calculating Clock Abacus Arithmometer Analytical Engine

Analytical Engine is the answer

27. Siya ang humalili kay Pepin II noong 717 sa Holy Roman Empore.A. Charles MichaelB. Charles MartelC. Charles AndrewD. Charles Mart​


B. Charles Martel


Minana ni Charles ang posisyon bilang Mayor of the Palace.Siya ay anak ni Pepin II .Higit na kilala siya sa katawagang Charles Martel na nangangahulugang Charles the Hammer dahil sa kanyang galing sa labanan.Pinagtagumpayan niya ang Battle of Tours


28. Do you believe that longfellow has a strong view of life ? why .

Yes, base from his work. He mentioned the real thing. What life is like and how we should react to it. ^_^vI definitely believe that Longfellow has a strong view about life because it was clearly shown and manifested on the poem he created about the psalm of life. He said in verbatim that "Life is real. Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal". The statements depicts his positive and strong perception of life despite the visible struggles and hardships. His optimism was also shown in his belief that each tomorrow brings or find us farther than today.

29. how does longfellow view of life compare to your life

he compare to our life by the way of lifestyles,futures that we faces and also the problems that we overcome everyday that he advicing to pursue,to achieve, and have Faith in God.

30. ''the rainy day ''henry wordsworth longfellow if youn were to choose a stanza from the poem that best describes an represents longfellow's characters and life experiences,which one would you choose and why?



Because Longfellow deftly conveys the cyclical nature of suffering – something it shares with the weather – through his rhyme scheme, which is aabba in the first two stanzas. This brings the stanza back to where it started, but not simply by virtue of finding a rhyme for ‘dreary’: instead, ‘dreary’ is rhymed against itself, in a feature which I propose we call the ‘homorhyme’ (which is different from rime riche in that identical words, rather than mere homophones, are paired with each other). There is no escape from dreary thoughts or dreary weather, it would seem.

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