Perceived Quality Service Model

Perceived Quality Service Model

cite at least 3 products you bought and described them using the dimension of quality by garvinProduct Name:Performance:Reliability:Durability:Serviceability:Aesthetics:Features:Perceived Quality:Conformance to standard:

Daftar Isi

1. cite at least 3 products you bought and described them using the dimension of quality by garvinProduct Name:Performance:Reliability:Durability:Serviceability:Aesthetics:Features:Perceived Quality:Conformance to standard:


1. A car

Performance: Good

Reliability: Good

Durability: Good

Serviceability: Good

Aesthetics: Good

Features: Good

Perceived Quality: Good

Conformance to standard: Good

2. A laptop

Performance: Good

Reliability: Good

Durability: Good

Serviceability: Good

Aesthetics: Good

Features: Good

Perceived Quality: Good

Conformance to standard: Good

3. A phone

Performance: Good

Reliability: Good

Durability: Good

Serviceability: Good

Aesthetics: Good

Features: Good

Perceived Quality: Good

Conformance to standard: Good

2. True Or False1. Benchmark against competitors is a benefit of customer value analysis2. The product or service that is of highest quality will have the highest customer value.3. Customer value is equal to the perceived benefits minus perceived cost in the mind of the customer4. Customer defines the business.5. Having a strong customer service protocol can increase your customer value.6. Value-added selling is only appropriate for services, not products.7. Emotional appeal has nothing to do with the perceived value of the customer.8. Lowering the price and also lowering the quality can increase customer value.9. Value-added selling can be defined as a series of creative improvements within the sales process thatenhance the customer experience.10. Perceived value is a customer's perception of a product or service merit.11. Perceived value is equal to benefits minus the cost,12. Customer value can be increased by increasing the quality of a product or service.13. Determining estimated purchasing power of the consumers is one of the benefits of value analysis14. Value is measured differently by individual consumers when making buying decisions.15. Creating value proposition is a step to creating and delivering customer value model.​

















3. Research A Retail Service Quality Expectations and Perceptions Among Philippine Small/Medium Enterprises J. Mark Munoz, Peter Raven and Dianne H B. Welsh 1. The greater the experience in shopping, the greater the expectation for service quality 2. The greater the experience in shopping, the greater the perception of service quality 3. The greater fatalism, the lesser service quality is expected 4. The greater the fatalism, the lesser perceived service quality Research B Ochratoxin A, fungal contamination and antioxidant property of defective Arabica Coffee in Benguet, Philippines Jonathan M. Barcelo, Racquel C Barcelo and Andrea A. Alvarez​





4. how do you perceive the important of computer service?​


Computer systems have the potential to assist older adults by supporting independence, enhancing social communication, and enabling healthcare activities. Yet older adults’ adoption rates continue to lag behind younger and middle-aged adults. We report data from 249 older adult computer users (65–93 years of age) that identify the details of their perceptions of computer usefulness for a range of everyday activities. Participants rated the importance of activities to their quality of life and the usefulness of current computer systems for supporting those activities. These experienced computer users indicated that computers were meeting their needs for some activities (e.g., social communication, games) but not for other activities (e.g., calendaring, healthcare, recreation and learning). Our data provide guidance for (a) introducing the potential of computer systems to current non-users and (b) designing systems targeted to meet the needs of older adults and enhancing computing functionality for them.

5. also known as tone color or tone quality is the perceived sound quality of a musical note sound or tone​




Just search it.






sana tama kung mali sorry

6. the surface quality of an artwork usually perceived through the sence of touch. a.texture b.value c.form .d.color​




because texture is defined as the way that something feels when you touch it

7. Names a quality or an idea that cannot be directly perceived by the senses​

Name a quality or an idea that cannot be directly perceived by the senses.

Examples: Love, freedom, honor.

8. From a variety of materials, is perceived as the quality of a work​


I'm not sure po.

9. It is a particular kind of human singing voice perceived as having certain identifying qualities or characteristics​


A voice type


is a particular kind of human singing voice perceived as having certain identifying qualities or characteristics; vocal range being only one of those characteristics

10. differentiate the perceived gender roles of women from men. How can these roles influence the existing models of developmet?​

Gender stereotypes and role obligations influence career choice and commitment to the occupational sphere. In consequence, there is a high gender segregation of the workforce. And it affects how males or females perform in educational settings. “Test performance depends on the test taker's characteristics, as well as the test taker's interpretation of the testing situation

11. Packaging is the way consumers perceive the enterprise and its product or service in their minds. TRUE or FALSE




packaging is the way sellers prepare the item for the consumers

12. pricing contributes to how customer perceive a product or a service. True or False?why?​




It help them become aware or understand the product or service that is being priced

13. Also known as the tone color or range of voices. The perceive sound quality of a musical note, sound or tone.​




, is the perceived sound quality of a musical note, sound or tone.

14. refers to the surface quality of an artwork that is usually perceived through the sense of touch.A.formB.textureC.colorD.line​

Answer:B. Texture

Texture in art stimulates the senses of sight and touch and refers to the tactile quality of the surface of the art. It is based on the perceived texture of the canvas or surface, which includes the application of the paint.



15. this uses the senses to perceive the surface quality in visual artspa help po​


In the visual arts, texture is the perceived surface quality of a work of art. It is an element of two-dimensional and three-dimensional designs and is distinguished by its perceived visual and physical properties. Use of texture, along with other elements of design, can convey a variety of messages and emotions.


hope it helps❤️


yan po may nakasagot na s.t.u.n

16. How would firms satisfy a customer with perceived value on quality?​


Customer perceived value is the notion that the success of a product or service is largely based on whether customers believe it can satisfy their wants and needs. In other words, when a company develops its brand and markets its products, customers ultimately determine how to interpret and react to marketing messages.

17. Why do marketers need to enhance the customer perceived value of ythe businesses product or service?


When a customer attaches a high level of perceived credibility to a product or company, he is more likely to buy that product or do business with that company. Consumers are willing to pay more for brands with a reputation for quality. With credibility comes higher levels of trust and satisfaction.




*Pa brainliest po

18. 3. what characteristic or qualities do you want customers perceives about theCopany? Explain​


For me, i want my costumers to feel satisfied on the services that the company can give


Because the more they are satisfied, the more they love to patronize the services.

19. The perceived surface quality of a work of art.A.TextureB.ShapeC.ProportionD.Color​


its a


#carry on learning


A. Texture


Sana po makatulong

20. Direction: Identify the characteristics of the Dimension of product quality. Write the letter of thecorrect answer on the blank.1. PerformanceA. the quality attributed to a good or service basedon indirect measure2. FeaturesB. it represents the individual personal preferences.3. ReliabilityC. the speed with which the product can be put intoservice4. ConformanceD. measures the length of a product life.5. DurabilityE the precision which the product or service meets thespecified standards.6. ServiceabilityF. it is the likelihood that a product will not fail withinSpecific period7. AestheticsG. the additional characteristics that enhance the appealof the product or service to the user8. Perceived QualityH. refers to a product primary operating characteristic9. Quality Assurance1. is a process of checking to see whether the standardIs met10 QualityJ. It is the characteristic of a product to performsatisfactory and deliver suitably its standardpurpose​




beacuse the characteristic prodoct is to perform ssatisfaktory and delever suitably

21. what do parents perceive as their role I. contributing to the success of the day care service?​


love is only way to success

22. Between the professional and personal qualities of a teacher, which one are perceived to be more important?​


Personal Qualities


Personal Qualities is more significant than professional qualities because it serves as the main source of our every trait and character as a person whether or not you are a teacher. With this quality alone, there will be no doubt that the required professional qualities of a teacher will eventually be reached.

Hope this can help

23. between the professional and personal qualities of a teacher,which ones are perceived to be more important?​


professional qualities


teaching is a proffesion. being proffesional is best when doing one's job than being personal as it would tend to lead to unfair judgements and treatments as well


personal qualities


Because being a teacher you not only used your mind but also your heart and dignity,and still much more better perceived than professional.

24. It is the perceived sound quality of a musical note,sound or tone. a.tone color b.texture c.melody d.ryhthm




tama tama tama

25. PERCEIVER’S QUALITIES Give an example and explain. 1. Experience and emotion

Answer:Experience-Experience is the process through which conscious organisms perceive the world around them. Experiences can be accompanied by active awareness on the part of the person having the experience, although they need not be

emotion-Emotions are biologically-based psychological states brought on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioural responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure. There is currently no scientific consensus on a definition.


26. The qualities of a leader as perceived by the young voters of student's.​


The qualities that young student's voters that mirrored the qualities of a leader are being open to other possibilities and choices which means they're taking time to assess other options before choosing which is an indication of good decision making and optimism.


i hope it helps.

27. What characteristics or qualities do you want costumers perceives about the company explain?​


Here, ctto


28. It is the quality of perceiving and discriminating degrees among various features before making a decision.




PA BRAINLIEST PO! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


salamat po sa points hihi

29. the surface quality of an artwork usually perceived through the sense of touch it can also be iml


Texture refers to the surface quality in a work of art. ... Texture that is created to look like something it is not, is called visual or implied texture.

answer: art is everywhere it is true that it can perceived through th sence of touch.

meaning that if you love art you will provided youre think that its complicated with love and

purpose inspiration.

30. how do students perceive the environmental quality of their classroom?​




I don't actually know

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