How To Be A Role Model

How To Be A Role Model

how you can be a role model for future generation or what will you do to be a role model.​

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1. how you can be a role model for future generation or what will you do to be a role model.​

How you can be a role model for future generation :

Demonstrate confidence and leadership.

Don't be afraid to be unique.

Communicate and interact with everyone.

Show respect and concern for others.

Be knowledgeable and well rounded.

Have humility and willingness to admit mistakes.

Do good things outside the job.


Tips for Effective Role-Modeling

Include your children in family discussions, and use these as ways to show them how people can get along with others and work together.Practice what you preach. Children notice when you don’t.Work towards a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising regularly. Avoid making negative comments about your body – and other people’s too. Not only will you be healthier, but you will send an important message about body image and acceptance.Show that you enjoy education and learning. If you make it seem interesting and enjoyable rather than a chore, you child is more likely to have a positive attitude toward school.Keep a positive attitude in your life – think, act, and talk in an optimistic way.Take responsibility for yourself by admitting your own mistakes and talking about how you can correct them. Do not blame everything that goes wrong on other people or circumstances.Use problem-solving skills to deal with challenges or conflicts in a calm and productive way. Getting upset or angry when a problem comes up teaches your child to respond in the same way.Show kindness and respect to others in your words and your actions.

2. how to be a role model as a student?


Be an inspiration to others. Be kind. Be honest. Be wise and intelligent

Don't say badwords. Be responsible. Be disciplined. Know your limits. Know your responsibilities.

3. 3. Most teenagers are looking for someone to be their role model and be their inspiration, try to be someone who is ready to give advice on how to become responsible individuals. List three (5) people and share why they are your role models. What contribution did they have in your personal growth as a teenager? 1. Role Model: 2. Role Model: 3. Role Model: 4. Role Model: 5. Role Model:​


Malala Yousafzai - She is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. Malala's courage and determination to stand up for what she believes in, despite facing life-threatening situations, is a great inspiration for young people who want to make a difference in the world.

Michelle Obama - As the former First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama is known for her advocacy for healthy living and education. Her poise, intelligence, and kindness make her a role model for young women who want to become leaders and make a positive impact in their communities.

Elon Musk - As a successful entrepreneur and visionary, Elon Musk has revolutionized multiple industries, including space travel, electric cars, and solar energy. His passion for innovation and his determination to pursue his dreams despite many obstacles make him a role model for young people who want to pursue careers in science and technology.

Emma Watson - She is an actress, model, and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. Emma is known for her advocacy for gender equality and women's rights. Her courage to speak out against injustices and her commitment to using her platform to make a positive difference make her a role model for young women who want to be advocates for social justice.

Bill Gates - As the co-founder of Microsoft and a philanthropist, Bill Gates has dedicated his life to improving the world through technology and charitable work. His perseverance and dedication to using his resources to make the world a better place make him a role model for young people who want to combine their passion for technology with a desire to help others.

4. how will you become a role model for younger people?​

Demonstrate confidence and leadership.Don't be afraid to be unique.Communicate and interact with everyone. Show respect and concern for others. ..And do good things outside the job.#CARRYONLEARNING

5. How do you start becoming a role model today?​


How do you start becoming a role model today?

Demonstrate confidence and leadership. ...Don't be afraid to be unique. ...Communicate and interact with everyone. ...Show respect and concern for others. ...Be knowledgeable and well rounded. ...Have humility and willingness to admit mistakes. ...Do good things outside the job.

just be your self noone can stop you



6. How to be a good role model in school, home and community?​


Tips for Effective Role-Modeling

1. Include your children in family discussions, and use these as ways to show them how people can get along with others and work together.

2. Practice what you preach. ...

3. Work towards a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising regularly. ...

S4. how you enjoy education and learning.

To be a good role model is to do good deeds.

In school by being an inspiration to other students.

In home by being a good picture to your siblings.

And in the community, by joining and being active in youth organizations or any organixations that helps other people.

In short, by doing good things.

7. how will you attain the nine assential qualities of a role model?​


I look up to people like singer/actor Tyrese Gibson and motivational speaker Eric Thomas, because of the dedication and drive they had even when things were most against them.

I also look up to entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet and so on, because of what they’ve managed to accomplish and the advice that they give.

8. How to be a role model in your community?​


Demonstrate confidence and leadership. ...

Don't be afraid to be unique. ...

Communicate and interact with everyone. ...

Show respect and concern for others. ...

Be knowledgeable and well rounded. ...

Have humility and willingness to admit mistakes. ...

Do good things outside the job.


help others


because if you help the community you will be role model

9. how can you be a role model for younger student?​


You should be Respectful towards each other.


you should have reverence to your elders, teachers, and to who is older than you because being respectful makes you a good person. Be respectful so that the person who is younger than you will follow your footsteps.

10. How can you be a good role model in your community?​


Don't be afraid to be unique. ...

Communicate and interact with everyone. ...

Show respect and concern for others. ...

Be knowledgeable and well rounded. ...

Have humility and willingness to admit mistakes. ...

Do good things outside the job.

11. how can i be a good role model to my classmate


Despite popular belief, a role model isn’t flawless and perfect at everything they do. Instead, they take steps to understand what their weak points are, and then work to improve themselves in the future.

12. As a student, how can you become a role model?​


1.Positive Attitude. Being able to demonstrate a positive outlook, even when everyday hurdles come up, is important for being a role model for your pupils.

2.Honesty. ...

3.Be Genuine. ...

4.Show Respect. ...

5.Accept and admit when you're wrong.

13. Can you be the role model future law enforcers and how?​


Role of law enforcement

Law enforcement is the next element of the criminal justice response; its purpose is to prevent, detect and investigate firearms offences. It is vital that States, and in particular those practitioners working in the criminal justice system, are able to respond effectively to firearms crimes, regardless of the context in which they occur.


The success of the criminal justice response depends on many factors, among others the availability of resources, as well as the level of training of criminal justice agents. It is imperative that there is close cooperation between law enforcement agencies and all levels of government, along with partner organizations and agencies at national, regional and international levels to effectively and efficiently address firearms crime (INTERPOL, 2011). Improving the investigative and detective capabilities of the criminal justice system, combined with efforts to improve cooperation, contributes to an increased understanding of the role of firearms, thus helping to deter, detect, punish and prevent firearm offences.

hope it help

14. how to become a role models of peace, unity and faith?


critical thinking i guess

15. how can an athlete become a role model ?​

an athlete can become a role model model to share lessons about life, giving motivation to pursue a dream that can be reached by the term of not giving up in life etc.

16. How to become a role model at your home​

Answer:be a good boy/girl dont fight to your siblings. Help your parents in cleaning house



Demonstrate confidence and leadership. ..

Work Hard. Back in the day, I couldn't see the punk bands I loved because I was too young to get into clubs. ...


I hope it helps

17. how can you be a good role model in your school?​

result for good role model in your school


A good role model is someone who is always positive, calm, and confident in themselves. You don't want someone who is down or tries to bring you down. Everyone likes a person who is happy with their achievements, but continues to strive for bigger and better objectives. Positive role models influence our actions and motivate us to strive to uncover our true potentials and overcome our weakness. Having them pushes us to make the most of our life.


Ilakita mo lng ang iyong mabuting ugali, Talino, Galing, Sipag at Husay..

18. how become a role model in school in a paragraph


You should dress neatly and look decent .

Be polite and well mannered with everyone from principal to your classmates. Score well in all your tests and exams. You should be a studious student to be a role model.See your education as a great opportunity. Your education can, if you want, be one of the best things that will ever happen to you.

Always help your fellow classmates and maintain a healthy competition. Never bully any student.

These habits will surely help you in becoming a role model in school and becoming an ideal student.


19. how can you say that you can be a role model?​


A good role model is someone who is always positive, calm, and confident in themselves. You don't want someone who is down or tries to bring you down. Everyone likes a person who is happy with their achievements, but continues to strive for bigger and better objectives.

20. how you become a role model in your home​

you can become a role model at home by being diligent,or obeying your parents,you can also help your siblings when they need help.


being patient to my younger sister

21. How to become a role model in your community​


to become a role model to the community just do the right and good deeds for them


love your nieghbors.


The Seven Traits of a Role Model

Demonstrate confidence and leadership. ...

Don't be afraid to be unique. ...

Communicate and interact with everyone. ...

Show respect and concern for others. ...

Be knowledgeable and well rounded. ...

Have humility and willingness to admit mistakes. ...

Do good things outside the job.

22. how to become a role model in your school​


Do the best thing you can and show them how to be a good leader nor listener

23. how can you be a good role model​


you should know what is good or right

24. How role models affect a child's development?​


For many children, the most important role models are their parents and caregivers. Children look up to a variety of role models to help shape how they behave in school, relationships, or when making difficult decisions. ... Some parents may want to help their children choose positive role models.



25. how can a leader be a role model to his employees

A leader can be a role model to his employees by learning the difference between "leading people" and "bossing people around". Leaders are supposed to guide their employees with utmost patience, firm but not an iron-grip conviction, and the ability to be considerate flexibly, which is vastly different from just giving orders and letting their employees fend for themselves.

26. how entrepreneurs serves as role models​


95), we argue that entrepreneurial role models may perform four interrelated functions: (i), inspiration and motivation (i.e. the role model creates awareness and motivates people to get started), (ii) increasing self-efficacy (i.e. the role model makes people confident that they too can achieve a certain goal), (iii) ...

27. How can you become a role model for others?​


1.Demonstrate confidence and leadership.

2.Don't be afraid to be unique.

3.Communicate and interact with everyone.

4.Show respect and concern for others.

5.Be knowledgeable and well rounded.

6.Have humility and willingness to admit mistakes.

7.Do good things outside the job.


good day...


Seven Qualities of Positive Role Models

Demonstrate confidence and leadership. ...

Don't be afraid to be unique. ...

Communicate and interact with everyone. ...

Show respect and concern for others. ...

Be knowledgeable and well rounded. ...

Have humility and willingness to admit mistakes. ...

Do good things outside the job.


sana nakatulong

28. Intensive how become a role model in house


Ok for you and me a happy together

29. how to become role models of peace, unity and faith?


In order to become role models of peace, unity and faith, first you must need to now that religion has a strong influence on people’s belief or faith and conviction. Our religious practice should bring positive change to society and enhance mutual relationships among us in order to live in peace with one another. Second, have a sense of forbearance and unity towards other religions, knowing that in spite of all our differences, God created us all human beings in God’s image in order to complement one another. Third, build relationships of trust with other religions because it is important to unite as one in order to understand each other. Lastly, stand together to challenge any form of injustice, and emphasize that PEACE cannot stand without JUSTICE and use our religion as a means of fostering unity among all people.

30. how can rizal be a role model to young people?

His act of standing up against the colonizers even though he isn't certain to win but he still believed that his act will push and open the eyes of Filipinos towards the path of freedom should be one of the example. He was also discriminated because of his looks by foreigners but still he pursued to study.

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