Conflict Of Footnote To Youth

Conflict Of Footnote To Youth

What is conflict of "Footnote of Youth"

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1. What is conflict of "Footnote of Youth"

Answer:Dodong got married at a very young age.

Explanation:Because his father also was married at a very young age.

2. What is the conflict in the story footnote to youth


The conflict of the story Footnote to Youth

        The conflict of the story Footnote to Youth comes when Dodong and Teang, the main characters of the story decided to get married at a young age.

What is conflict?

     Conflict is one of the elements of a short story ( It refers to the problem that the main characters is facing in the story.

What is the story Footnote to Youth all about?

      The story Footnote to Youth gives the youths something to ponder ( It is a brief reminder ( to every Filpino especially the youths of today of  the consequences of making decisions without any second thoughts or any thinking. It gives the youths lesson of the importance of asking advices and taking every single seconds in making decision especially when you are deciding for your present and future. One has to weigh every single factor before deciding.


3. What is the conflict of the story "Footnote to Youth"?​


Internal conflict confronts the leading character. Internal character in a way that he was struggling if he can managed himself to have a family because he knows that he is in the legal age that he can be independent and can definitely choose the right from wrong.


*The main conflict in the poem “Footnote to Youth” by Jose Garcia Villa is the difficulty that the two young lovers face by marrying so early in life.



4. footnote to youth exposition​


tama po yung sumagot


brainliest nyu po sya

5. Sentence of footnote to youth​


Short story of Footnote to Youth

Dodong, a farmer's son who marries young. When seventeen-year-old Dodong decides to marry his sweetheart, Teang, his father feels that Dodong is too young to marry but is unable to stop him.


Moral Story

people will always take their feelings with no doubt that they will do everything to get what they want especially the youth then repent later.

So as young as you are, just enjoy your childhood.

#Carry On Learning!


6. Tone of footnote to youth


yuh yasss ✨✨ queen ehe ✨✨

tone of footnote to youth pope?.

7. what types of conflict does the Footnote to youth story has? what makes it conflict?​


dodong is eager to marry the girl he want to marry without planning it.

8. Using the same diagram of "FOOTNOTE TO YOUTH" ,how would you solve the same conflict?Explain ​



Jelyn is selling shoes and sandals. A pair of shoes and sandals cost Php 500 and Php 400 respectively. If Jelyn can sell 24 shoes, what is the maximum number of sandals she can sell to have at least Php 20 000

9. how was the conflict was solved in footnote to youth. pano na solve yung conflict ​


di ko get tanong mo kulang po yung tanong mo

10. footnote to youth summarize​



It is all about a 17 year old man named Dodong who can't wait to marry Teang. He was hesitant to tell it to his parents. But he ask permission to his father and then he allowed him. Then they've got married and lived together

11. what is the conflict in the story footnote to youth by jose garcia villa​


The difficulty that the two young lovers face by marrying so early in life.

12. What was the conflict? in Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa: A Summary


is the difficulty that the two young lovers face by marrying so early in life.


13. Why is footnote of youth titled as footnote of youth?


Why the story is entitled footnote to youth? ... It is said that it is a footnote to youth because it is a brief reminder for the Filipinos especially the youth of what a real life could be today. The predominant element on this story is the character and the setting.

14. 9. Footnote to Youth​

In "Footnote to Youth" by José García Villa, Dudong asserts his supposed maturity and marries Teang at the age of 17. He thinks they are old enough to take on this responsibility, but after they have several children they both bemoan the dissolution of their youth and the dreams that came along with it.

15. what is the conflict and solution of the short story "footnote to youth"?​


Footnote To Youth by Jose Garcia Villa

Conflict Of The Story:

The conflict in the story is when Dodong married Teang despite being young and naïve and the realization that their married life was not joyous and smooth sailing.

Solution Of The Story:

Teang and Dodong's discontentment and unhappiness with their relationship was never resolved because they had just accepted their fate and raised their children. But when their 18 year old son Blas wanted to marry her girlfriend Tona, Dodong advised him to ponder his decision so that he won't regret it later and live an unhappy life just like him.



16. sentence of footnote of youth​


In "Footnote to Youth" by José García Villa.Explanation:

Dudong asserts his supposed maturity and marries Teang at the age of 17. He thinks they are old enough to take on this responsibility, but after they have several children they both bemoan the dissolution of their youth and the dreams that came along with it. Teang wonders how things could have been if she'd married another of her suitors. At the end, Dudong's son Blas approaches his father wanting to marry at about the same age, even though Dudong doesn't want Blas to make the same mistake he did. However, history ends up repeating itself








hope it helps,

17. In the story "Footnote to Youth" How was the conflict resolved in the story?

Footnote to Youth is a short story by Jose Garcia Villa. The conflict in the plot comes when the two main characters, Dodong and Teang, decide to marry at a very young age

18. what type of conflict was shown in footnote to youth​


The main conflict in the poem "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa is the difficulty that the two young lovers face by marrying so early in life.

What is the symbolism of footnote to youth?

Symbolism. The story symbolizes youth as overzealous and emotional. It is an age of rash decisions and unstoppable desires. On the other hand, marriage and middle age are symbolized with responsibilities, anxiety and regrets.

What is the moral lesson of footnote to youth?

The moral of the story is that marriage is something that is taken seriously. Because marriage aside from being a sacrament is something that is full of responsibilities; when you decide to get married and you do marry someone, there is no turning back.


The main conflict in the poem "Footnote to Youth" is the difficulty that the two young lovers face by marrying so early in life.


i hope it helps

19. Footnote to the Youth effect ​


Message. The clear message of the story is the need for calm and patience before making life-altering decisions. It encourages the young to not let hormones and emotions get the better of them and then rue the consequences.

hope it helps you

20. Footnote to youth where does the beauty of the story lie? footnote to youth.


overzealous and emotional


21. what is footnote to youth

Answer: Footnote to Youth is a brief reminder to the Filipinos, especially to the youth concerning what reality would bestow upon us when we want our major desires in life instantly without even being certain whether we truly long for them or not.



Footnote to Youth is a brief reminder to the Filipinos, especially to the youth concerning what reality would bestow upon us when we want our major desires in life instantly without even being certain whether we truly long for them or not.

22. footnote to youth result​


The resolution of the story footnote of the youth is about Dodong, a 17 yr old teenager who wants to  marry his girlfriend Teang at a very young age. They agree to get married without thinking of the  risks of being a young couple.


23. Solution of footnote to youth ?​


"Learn to be more assertime when you give advice to peaple who make rash decisions"


#hope it helps brainliest&followCarry on learning

24. Clauses of footnote to youth​


The sun was salmon and hazy in the west. Dodong thought to himself he would tell his father about Teang when he got home, after he had unhitched the carabao from the plow, and let it to its shed and fed it. He was hesitant about saying it, but he wanted his father to know. What he had to say was of serious import as it would mark a climacteric in his life. Dodong finally decided to tell it, at a thought came to him his father might refuse to consider it. His father was silent hard-working farmer who chewed areca nut, which he had learned to do from his mother, Dodong’s grandmother.





25. What is the characters of the "Footnote to Youth" and their conflict​



1.Dodong - main character of the story who got married at the age of 17  

2. Teang - regretted marrying at an early age  

3. Lucio - Teang's other suitor who got married after she did and who's childless until now  

4. Blas - Dodong and Teang's oldest son who followed their footsteps in the end. Blas contemplated to marry Tona when he was 18  

5. Tona - woman whom Blas wants to marry.

The main conflict in the poem "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa is the difficulty that the two young lovers face by marrying so early in life.

26. how was the conflict was solved in footnote to youth​

The conflict of the story Footnote to Youth comes when Dodong and Teang, the main characters of the story decided to get married at a young age.
What is conflict?
Conflict is one of the elements of a short story. It refers to the problem that the main characters is facing in the story.
What is the story Footnote to Youth all about?
The story Footnote to Youth gives the youths something to ponder. It is a brief reminder to every Filpino especially the youths of today of the consequences of making decisions without any second thoughts or any thinking. It gives the youths lesson of the importance of asking advices and taking every single seconds in making decision especially when you are deciding for your present and future. One has to weigh every single factor before deciding.




thanks uahbsiwknx

27. What is the conflict in the story footnote to youth? what type of conflict is it?


The conflict of the story Footnote to Youth comes when Dodong and Teang, the main characters of the story decided to get married at a young age.


hope it helps

28. what were the conflicts raised in the story of footnote to youth?​


What is the conflict of the story footnote to youth?

*The main conflict in the poem "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa is the difficulty that the two young lovers face by marrying so early in life.

29. summary of footnote and youth​



In "Footnote to Youth" by José García Villa, Dudong asserts his supposed maturity and marries Teang at the age of 17. He thinks they are old enough to take on this responsibility, but after they have several children they both bemoan the dissolution of their youth and the dreams that came along with it

30. Characaters in footnote to youth?






Dudong's Father.

Further Reading.


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