Vocalics Meaning

Vocalics Meaning

Vocal music, what isa the meaning of vocal music in reinassance

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1. Vocal music, what isa the meaning of vocal music in reinassance


Renaissance music is vocal and instrumental music written and performed in Europe during the Renaissance era. ... Composers found ways to make vocal music more expressive of the texts they were setting. Secular music absorbed techniques from sacred music, and vice versa.

2. Vocal music and meanings


6 types of vocal music


The 6 Types of vocal music is:

soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, and bass.

there are also 5 types of vocal music and they are:

opera, gregorian chant, acapella, pop, and beatboxing.

3. Denotation (Dictionary Meaning)What is the Vocal meaning ​


1a : uttered by the voice : oral. b : produced in the larynx : uttered with voice. 2a : given to expressing oneself freely or insistently : outspoken a highly vocal critic. b : having or exercising the power of producing voice, speech, or sound.

4. what is the denotative meaning of vocal​

VOCAL: uttered by the voice : oral. b : produced in the larynx : uttered with voice. 2a : given to expressing oneself freely or insistently : outspoken a highly vocal critic. b : having or exercising the power of producing voice, speech, or sound.


uttered by the voice or produced in the larynx : uttered with voice

5. Ano ang meaning ng vocalization?

ang vocalization ay kinakanta ng 2 hanggang marami mga singers

6. what meaning of vocal music of mindanao

Asian musical cultures come together in the Southern Philippines.  On these islands old Malay music and a later form of India/Muslim music coexist.  Unaccompanied singing and the use of bamboo ideocords and bamboo flutes are indicative of practices common in Malaysia.  The chanting of long, melismatic melodies are reminiscent of Indian and Islamic music; while gong playing with basses evokes practices similarly observed in Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, and Burma

7. vocal music of mindoro which means fear of water​




Vocal music of mindoro which means fear of water...


Pamuybuyen is the vocal music of mindoro which means fear of water.

8. what is meaning of vocal or instrumental​


hope it helps:)) thank me after!

9. this literally means "right (or correct) music" and it's tradition includes both instrumental and vocal music​



Chong-ak means literally "right (or correct) music", and its tradition includes both instrumental and vocal music, which were cultivated mainly by the upper-class literati of the Joseon society. Chong-ak also refers to ensemble music for men of high social status outside of the court.

10. How does these vocal music gives meaning to the lives of the natives people of lowlands of Luzon?


it gives meaning to them of there ancestors and the music

11. what does vocal variety mean?​


Vocal variety refers to varying your voice quality through tone, pitch, pace, and volume, it's the opposite of a monotone voice. Effective communication skills can be greatly enhanced when vocal variety techniques are employed.

12. meaning of vocal music music


nandyan na po ang answer

pa brainlys answer po


13. what is the meaning of this vocal music


Vocal music is a type of singing performed by one or more singers, either with instrumental accompaniment, or without instrumental accompaniment (a cappella), in which singing provides the main focus of the piece Music without any non-vocal instrumental accompaniment is referred to as a cappella

14. what is the meaning of vocal production?​


the use of the voice in order to create particular effects.


Eto na po


Brainlist po plss

15. What is the meaning of life cycle song of Vocal Music in non-islamic? ​


Any song made traditionally is considered non-Islamic music. Islamic music is defined as music produced solely through the use of vocals rather than instruments.

Other aspects of Islamic music are as follows:

- melisma singing

- song phrases

- narrow singing

- fluid singing

- tremolo

- strained voice

- nasal enunciation


16. with respect to vocal music, what does "improvised" mean?​


B. Is my answer


Musical improvisation (also known as musical extemporization) is the creative activity of immediate ("in the moment") musical composition, which combines performance with communication of emotions and instrumental technique as well as spontaneous response to other musicians.


pa brainliest po

17. list the two characteristics of vocal music in cordillera and explain the meaning​


Vocal Music Life Cycle Music Birth to Childhood • Owiwi- lullabye of Kalinga that relate a child's life • Dagdagay- song of Kalinga that foretells the baby's future. Oppiya- kalinga song, sung while cradling Love, Courtship and Marriage • Chag-ay- an expression of secret love of Bontoc.

The soils of the Cordillera are generally rich. However, because of its rugged terrain, very steep slopes, and erosive characteristic, there is only a small percentage of land devoted to agriculture of wide area.


hope it's help

18. meaning sacred vocal form


Vocal forms of sacred music


Gregorian Chant.

The Motet.

The Mass.

Other Sacred Forms. SECULAR VOCAL MUSIC.

Chansons. Madrigals. Other Vocal Forms. (See alsoMusic; Music, Instrumental; Musical Instruments; Poetry. ) * motif. * Flemish. * Protestant Reformation. * vernacular. * lyric poetry. * stanza. * papal. * classical. * imagery.


19. means vocal passages which has one syllable sung to in sevral note passages ​


Gregorian chant


A passage of multiple notes sung to one syllable of text, as in Gregorian chant. [Greek, melody, from melizein, to sing, from melos, song.]


Melisma (Greek: μέλισμα, melisma, song, air, melody; from μέλος, melos, song, melody, plural: melismata) is the singing of a single syllable of text while moving between several different notes in succession.

20. how does these vocal music gives meaning to the lives of the native people of lowlands of luzon?


it gives meaning to them of there ancestors and the music

21. Denotation dictionary meaning vocal

Answer: uttered by the voice : oral. b : produced in the larynx : uttered with voice. 2a : given to expressing oneself freely or insistently : outspoken a highly vocal critic. b : having or exercising the power of producing voice, speech, or sound.

22. what is the meaning of vocal I n romantic period?​


Vocal Music of Romantic Period Vocal music is one of the best tools for expressing one's feelings. This form of expression became more evident during the Romantic Period. Romanticism coincided with the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe that brought about the rise of socialism and capitalism.


23. what is the meaning of vocal prayer, mental prayer, and contemplative prayer? ​


Vocal Prayeris that which is made by using some approved form of words, read or recited; such as the sign of the cross, the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office), the Angelus, grace before and after meals, etc. Mental Prayer is that which is made without employing either words or formulas of any kind.

24. it's mean vocal passage which has one syllable sung to in several note passage.​


Melisma - is the singing of a single syllable of text while moving between several different note passage in succession.

25. give the meaning of the different types of vocals music of Palawan ​


Vocal Music of Palawan

Bagit, Kulial (Songs) Tultul (Epic chant)

Ulit (Shamanic chant)Tultul (Epic chant)

To sing tultul is to be possessed by a Täw Tultultulän. These “Epic Heroes” are a type of humanity who live in the median space and intercede between people on this earth and Ämpuq.



26. 2. It is a system of conventional vocal signs by means of which human beingscommunicate.*​


Language, a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, express themselves.

27. what is connotative meaning of vocal​


Vocal means made by the voice, or relating to the voice, or being outspoken. An example of something vocal is a song. An example of a vocal person is someone who always debates her point.

28. meaning of vocal tones/melodic line​


Yan po sana nakatulong sainyo


Pa brainliest po ako pls


29. meaning of Islamic vocal music in mindanao pls answer it kuya/ate​


1. Music of Mindanao Music of Islamic Filipino Islamic Cultural Groups Badjao- Sulu Ilanun – Sulu, Tawi Tawi Jama Mapun- Sulu Maguindanao- Maguindanao, Cotabato, SK Maranao –Lanao, Bukidnon Samal- Sulu Tausug-Sulu Yakan- Basilan

2. Characteristics of Islamic Music Melisma singing Song Phrases Narrow singing Fluid singing Tremolo Strained Voice Nasal Enunciation

3. Vocal Music Life Cycle Langan Bata Bata- Lullabye of Tausug. Tarasul- Tausug song of advice to wedded couple. Dekir- death song of Maranao. Dekil- Maguindanao dirge in vigil.

30. What does it mean by language is arbitrary, vocal symbol, creative and means of communication​


If we were French humans, we would call the same thing a "rocher." The vocal symbol (the word pronounced out loud) is arbitrary. It has no meaning other than what we humans have given to it. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols—in other words, language is something humans made up and agreed upon

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