How Will Hospitality Manager Benefit From Legal Management

How Will Hospitality Manager Benefit From Legal Management

the field of legal office management​

Daftar Isi


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Language Barriers ·

2. Cultural Differences ·

3. Managing Global Teams ·

4. Currency Exchange and Inflation Rates ·

5. Nuances of Foreign


6, brainliest


Deped order No. 022, S. 2021


Deped order No. 022, S .2021


pa brainliest nalang po kung naka tulong


Supporters of legal positivism highlight its clarity. Accepting stated laws as law provides less room for ambiguity, confusion, and conflict. Critics of legal positivism highlight concerns for unjust laws that might be unfairly enforced.


Community-based disaster risk management.

DRR policy and strategy.

Disaster preparedness and emergency response.

Early warning systems.

Infrastructure support.


Art instruction helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness. Visual arts teach learners about color, layout, perspective, and balance: all techniques that are necessary in presentations (visual, digital) of academic work.



What should a country’s politico-legal issues be considered when managing in a worldwide environment?


Getting acquainted with how politics and law affect business activities around the world is a critical concern of today's successful global organizations. Especially in the past ten years, there have been substantial political cahnges

around the world that have shaped business operations. New markets have opened, old ones have closed, and the level of uncertainty that exists presents many marketing challenges. Below I will discuss some of most important political and legal issues that are faced when doing business across borders.


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pag tuon uy


para naa kay ma learn


Bachelor of Science in Legal Management (BSc Legal Management) Bachelor of Arts in Legal Management (AB Legal Management)



pwede mag tanong ano subject Po nitoh?




Legal Issues for Purchasing Management
A key management decision with significant legal ramifications is the level of delegated authority or discretion granted to purchasing staff - i.e. are they responsible for routine purchases only or do they control the acquisition of all the company's requirements? This will generally depend on the nature of the goods purchased, levels of available expertise and the degree of autonomy and centralisation of the purchasing function. Other factors to consider include the following:

Authority Limits

It may also be advisable to establish the types of commitment and pre-set financial limits that individual staff are permitted to enter into, with or without a counter-signature or approval from their manager.

Awareness of Contract Law

Purchasing staff should be made aware of the legal issues likely to arise routinely as part of their jobs, especially contract law, and in particular how and when the company may be legally bound and how contracts may be varied or terminated. Training in such areas should be considered.

Quality and Safety

As part of your risk management procedures, you should ensure that only reputable suppliers are selected; that such suppliers comply with their obligations to you under health and safety laws to provide and update safety information for substances and industrial products; and that they co-operate with you generally in your risk management and quality initiatives with respect to customers, employees and others. Such co-operation can be reinforced by including contractual obligations in your purchasing documentation.

Monitoring Supply Contracts

If you have numerous suppliers, it will be necessary to allocate responsibility for ensuring that purchase or performance levels; ordering requirements and deadlines; thresholds; contract dates; renewal, notice and termination dates and other contract parameters are monitored and complied with.

Letters of Intent/Memoranda of Understanding

It is common for goods or services to be supplied before formal contractual arrangements have been concluded to cover their supply. In such circumstances, one party may request a letter of intent to document the understanding reached about the supply of goods/services taking place before the formal contract is signed. Practically, such pre-contract supply may be unavoidable but such arrangements can be treacherous - advice should be taken as to the precise wording of letters of intent so that you do not become contractually committed before you mean to. For further guidance on use of Letters of Intent/Memoranda of Understanding, see our Memorandum of Understanding (Commercial Transactions) and Letter of Intent with Provision for Pre-Contract Services/Works template documents.


If a substantial project is involved, you may consider seeking a competitive tender. An important consideration here is the legal status of a tender especially as to whether you are bound to accept the lowest tender. Going to tender may also mean that expert advice is necessary to assist in terms of drafting the tender specification and the comparison of the bids received which may well have been put together on differing bases.


A po yung sagot dyannnn

14. What are the products of an effectively performed job analysis? How does a job analysis support the various Human Resources Management functions (Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal, Compensation Management, and Legal Compliance?


1. Effective staffing, reliable if not excellent work output, growing business, awards and fast promotions are most likely, economic upraise to name a few...

2. Cost-efficiency.


Goodbye to job mismatching, because;

1. Hired personnel are assumed to be the best among the bests to hold a certain position/ office, and therefore are expected to perform/ function to the paramount of their abilities towards attaining company Vision-Mission & Objectives.

2. Because there would be less unnecessary re-staffing/ re-hiring, therefore less necessary training to be spent with, and less error-issues (on legal matters, at any gravity) to be concerned about...

15. 2. Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials. Waste Management program helps manage hazardous chemical, radioactive, medical and other wastes safely and legally.​


Waste management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials. A typical waste management system comprises collection, transportation, pre-treatment, processing, and final abatement of residues.


Brainliest answerIsabella99⚘


Database is any collection of electronic records that can be processed to produce useful information. The data can be accessed, modified, managed, controlled and organized to perform various data-processing operations. The data is typically indexed across rows, columns and tables that make workload processing and data querying efficient. Different types of databases include:






And others



What is the relation of legal or tax system in financial management?

Plss answer asap



The Waste Disposal Act of 1972 laid the foundations for complete and proper ... legal fundamentals for waste disposal are also contained in the following acts: ...


The inappropriate disposal of farm wastes may be an

offence under the Environment Protection Act 1970,

or contravene a local municipal law.

This publication has been produced as a guide for

the management of wastes on your farm. It does not

provide an exhaustive list of waste types and

management options available. If you are unsure

about the appropriate management options for your

wastes, contact your local council or EPA office for

more information.



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21. in this interpersonal role, the manager assumes social ,insperational,legal, and ceremonial duties​


Figurehead – As a manager, you have social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities. You're expected to be a source of inspiration. People look up to you as a person with authority, and as a figurehead.


what did early Jewish people call their god


1. R.A. N. 6969

2. R.A. 9003

3. P.D. 1152

4. P.D. 984



sorry if walang no.5



The field of human resources management is greatly influenced and shaped by the state and federal laws governing employment issues. Indeed, regulations and laws govern all aspects of human resource management—recruitment, placement, development, and compensation



26. PAKIPALIWANAG PO IN TAGALOG PLSSLegal and Regulatory AspectsThe management regulation policy in the regions has not been able to provide motivation and awareness of community participation in getting involved directly or indirectly in management both in terms of financing and in terms of operasonal techniques.Waste problem is not a regional problem, but it is a national problem. This is evidenced by the Law on waste management nationally regulate all waste issue and be a reference for the regional goverments. Seen from law viewpoint in the rules and regulations, there are two aspects that can be set up and become the basis for waste management provision is the .management and technical aspects. From the aspect of management in general and universal waste management legislation, it regulates fundamental positions, rights and responsibilities (community, government and business world), while from technical point of view technical provision (technology, funding, supervision, and participation) community) and administrative andcriminal sanctions.​


ang management regulation policy ay ang regions Hindi maging able para iprovide motivation at awareness ang mga community participation at kumuha ng involved at directly


Human Resource Environment – 2 Major Factors Affecting: External and Internal Forces.


sana makatulong :)


sorry i also don't know




thats it


Hazardous waste can be treated by chemical, thermal, biological and physical methods.

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