Industry Structure Definition

Industry Structure Definition

Write TRUE If the statement is correct and FALSE If not,21. Almanac provides an annual publication containing generalinformation about government industry, politics, commerce, worldevents, and sports,22. When I need to know the definition and pronunciation of the wordfacade, I may use the encyclopedia.23. Mood is the author's attitude towards the subject,24. Sequence is a text structure that covers few purposes such as sequentialInstructions, chronological events, and arguments that use evidences tosupport a claim25. Cause and Effect is a text structure that explains why an actionhappened and provides the result of that action.​

Daftar Isi

1. Write TRUE If the statement is correct and FALSE If not,21. Almanac provides an annual publication containing generalinformation about government industry, politics, commerce, worldevents, and sports,22. When I need to know the definition and pronunciation of the wordfacade, I may use the encyclopedia.23. Mood is the author's attitude towards the subject,24. Sequence is a text structure that covers few purposes such as sequentialInstructions, chronological events, and arguments that use evidences tosupport a claim25. Cause and Effect is a text structure that explains why an actionhappened and provides the result of that action.​


21. True

22. False

23. True

24. True

25. True

sana makatulong!.

2. Directions: Underline the letter that corresponds of the correct answer.1. A person who takes a risk to produce goods and services in search of profita. entrepreneurb. magistratedc. profiteerbaliff2. The best definition of a sole trader form of business organization is:a. The business only employs one personb. The business is owned by one personc. The firm has a single customerd. There is a single firm in the industry3. The senior person who presides over the businessa. presidentb. supervisorworkerc. foreman1. Which of the following type of organization whose structure focuses oanctions or types of activities in each unit. It is expected that the workene or more immediate supervisor.​


2. B.


the business is owned by one person

3. Activity 1: MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Read each statement below carefully. Write TRUE if the underlined word/s is/are rect and write the correct word if not. Write your answer on a clean sheet of paper. 1.Health and safety procedure is the responsibility of all person in the front services industries. 2.the term self-regulatory" means. The duty of both employers and employees to take responsibility for health and ety issues in their own workplace 3.A general definition of adverse health effect is "any change in body function or the structures of cells that can lead to ase or health problems". 4.OSH requirements mean that managing risk in the workplace is more than a priority. 5.Sources of ignition and combustible materials should be separated to avoid potential fires.PAANSWER YUNG MATINO SANA NEED NA FOR TOMMOROW.​









4. actually depends on the particular definition you are using.Luminosity is a star’s energy output per second. It does not depend on the distance to the star. Loosely speaking, luminosity is how “bright” a star really is. However, brightness has three different meanings in astronomy, as follows:a) Brightness can mean the same as luminosity, in which case it should really be referred to as intrinsic brightness.b) The second meaning is more correctly referred to as apparent brightness. It is the light energy per second per unit area detected by an observer. It is also called the star’s flux. The distance to the star is important in this case.c) Thirdly, apparent brightness can simply be another way of referring to a star’s apparent magnitude (see the Footnote below for more on apparent magnitude).Despite the detrimental impact on economies around the world, the pandemic may have been more of a game of winners and losers than some had previously assumed. Changes in customer demand, surges in online shopping and incentivised opportunities for entrepreneurs presented a more favourable business landscape for start-ups in certain industries compared to more established companies which were unable to adapt to the changing times.Undoubtedly, COVID-19 challenged businesses in more ways than one. Companies all over the world were forced to adapt to changing consumer behaviours and restructure their approach to business almost overnight. While this transformation seems to have left some behind, it is the tech-savvy, younger generation of entrepreneurs who have not only survived, but thrived as a result. You may be wondering why?Digital First ApproachOngoing lockdowns and the move to working from home resulted in a greater reliance on technology in almost every aspect of our lives, and, for a number of start-ups, this presented an opportunity for growth. Companies without the structures in place to support remote work will have felt the impact almost immediately, while newer start-ups that were more accustomed to the digital world were able to quickly adapt to the new economic environment.Similarly, businesses without an online presence would have struggled following the shift to online shopping while several EdTech, pharma and fashion e-tailer start-ups benefitted from robust digital marketing strategies, cementing themselves in hyperlocal trade and door-to-door deliveries. The crisis also became an unexpected catalyst for growth for certain industries such as delivery services, commercial cleaning and online fitness and wellness programmes that may have been previously overlooked by the average consumer.​


c) Thirdly, apparent brightness can simply be another way of referring to a star’s apparent magnitude (see the Footnote below for more on apparent magnitude).Despite the detrimental impact on economies around the world, the pandemic may have been more of a game of winners and losers than some had previously assumed. Changes in customer demand, surges in online shopping and incentivised opportunities for entrepreneurs presented a more favourable business landscape for start-ups in certain industries compared to more established companies which were unable to adapt to the changing times.

5. Write TRUE if the statement is accurate and FALSE if it does not accurately describe the following statements regarding child development 1. Autonomy and independence should be taught to children at a very young age to avoid foontion.2. For children ages 3-12, their imagination is keener, so they enjoy imitative 3. Promises must be kept because school-age children view them as definite, firm commitments.4. Conservation enables a school-age child to feel compassion for others which was not possible in younger years.5. Erikson said that concrete operational thought is the ability to reason through any problems school-age children can actually visualize.6. Mimicking adult roles is a normal activity of school-age children. 7. If children do not receive rewards for accomplishments, they can develop a feeling of inferiority. 8. Encourage children to read, fictional characters serve as friends as well as to help pass time to avoid loneliness.9. Structured activities are generally beneficial in promoting a child's social development 10. An important part of developing a sense of industry is learning how to solve problems.​


1. true

2. true (not sure)

3. true

4. false

5. true

6. false

7. true

8. true

9. true

10. true













#brainly ph

dont copy if i wrong

6. 13. The first school of thought in Psychology, focused on breaking down mental processes down into themost basic components.Gestalt Psychology B. CognitivismC. FunctionalismD. StructuralismA.14. Who believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: ID, ego and superego.A, Kurt Koffka B. Max Wertheimer C. Sigmund Freud D. Wolfgang Kohler15. It refers to the study of the ways in which the human experience is processed and documentedA. Anthropology B. HumanitiesC. Natural Sciences D. Social Sciences16. Thewhich begun with Nicolaus Copernicus refers to the historical changes in thought andbelief.A. Industrial revolutionC. Scientific revolutionB. Information revolutionD. Technological revolution17. The following are the definitions of humanities EXCEPT ONE.A. Humanities is the study of human culture with particular emphasis on the liberal arts.B. Humanities is the study of human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in agiven context.C. Humanities is the study of human culture with particular emphasis on individual philosophic self-expressions.D. Humanities is the study of human culture with particular emphasis on the cultural implications ofthe natural sciences, social sciences and professions.18. Its broadest sense is the study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence theworld around us.A. AnthropologyB. Political ScienceC. Social SciencesD. Sociology19. It is the study of human populations in relation to the changes brought about by the interplay of births,deaths and migration.A. Demography B. PsychologyC. SociologyD. Statistics20. In this stage, the social sciences has become institutionalized to a high degree. It has now become asubject of research.A. 17th CenturyC. 19th CenturyB. Middle of 18th CenturyD. 20th Centurypahelp po sa DISCIPLINES AND IDEAS IN THE APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCE gr.11 student ​



14.Sigmund Freud


16.Scientific revolution

17.B. Humanities is the study of human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.

18.Social Sciences


20.20th Century

7. Public Storm Warning Signal No. 5 Learning Task 3. Analyze each statement. Draw a heart eyes() emoji If it is TRUE and LSE. gement (Time Frame: Days 5-6) 1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 220 kph or above may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread damage to high-risk structures. 2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky. 3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 121-170 km may be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damage may be experienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors. 4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surface circu 5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less a circulan and with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter. Diagram to compare and contrast the effects of the changes of the​


1. False

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. False

hope it helps

8. Learning Task 3. Analyze each statement. Draw a heart eyes emoji if it is heart and won emojiit is wow1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 220kph or above may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespreaddamage to high-risk structures.2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky.3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 121-170 kph may be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damagemay be experienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors.4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surfaccirculation,5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less o circushape and with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter.​




Heart star po

9. from contamination Learning Activity 1: MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Read each statement below carefully. Write TRUE if the underlined word/s is/are correct and write the correct word if not. Write your answer on a clean sheet of paper. 1. Health and safety procedure is the responsibility of all persons in the Front services industries. 2. the term "self-regulatory" means. The duty of both employers and employees to take responsibility for health and safety issues in their own workplace. 3. A general definition of adverse health effect is "any change in body function or the structures of cells that can lead to disease or health problems". 4. OSH requirements mean that managing risk in the workplace is more than a priority. 5. Sources of ignition and combustible materials should be separated to avoid potential fires.​
















1,) true

2,) true

3,) true

4,) true

5,) false

10. Learning task 3. Analyze each statement. Draw a heart eyes (emoj # # IS TRUE and wow (2)FALSE1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 2above may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread dhigh-risk structures.2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky.3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed ofmay be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damageexperienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors.4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surfa5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less acand with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter.​


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. True


I'm not sure if that's the answer

11. Learning Task 3. Analyze each statement. Draw a heart eyes () emoji if it is TRUE and wow FALSE. emoji if it is 1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 220 kph or above may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread damage to high-risk structures. 2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky. 3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 121-170 kph may be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damage may be experienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors. 4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surface circulation. 5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less a circular shape and with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter. yong​


F = :0T= <3F= :0T=<3T=<3

12. Paki sagot lang po plsss(#^.^#)WARNING:If you answer some nonsense i'm going to report you immediately(」゚ロ゚)」23. A study that includes sufficient demands for the product as well as the competitive position of the firm in the industry must be determined. a. technical study c. marketing study b. financial study d. management study 24. a study that considers the manufacturing process, plant size, production schedule, machinery, plant location and layout structure, raw materials, utilities and waste disposal. a. technical study c. marketing study b. financial study d. management study 25. a study that involves on how the project shall be managed such as the business organization including the organization chart and function of each unit management personnel, skills and numbers of labor required. a technical study c. marketing study b. financial study d. management study26. a study that includes the assessment of total capital requirements break-even outputs, sales and prices, amount of sales required to earn a certain amount of profit and the cash payback period. a. technical study c. marketing study b. financial study d. management study 27. a study that is measured by economic benefits to the people living in the community and its vicinities. a technical study c. social desirability b. financial study d. management study 28. A feasibility study has a ________ which deals with the introductory statement of the problem, the business name, the business logo, the business location, descriptive definition of the project and objectives. a. project summary c. marketing b. feasibility study d. component ​


c. marketing study

b. financial study

d. management study

c. marketing study

a. technical study

b. feasibility study


pa brainliest po at pa follow

13. Inside the column, analyze the following statements that describe the changes of the weather BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the typhoon. Put B if it is before, D if it is during, and A if it is after the typhoon on the blank. ____ 1. Some areas may be flooded. ____ 2. There is a heavy rain accompanied by strong wind. ____ 3. Sun becomes visible and the sky becomes clearer. ____ 4. The sky is dark and cloudy. ____ 5. The clouds are high. ____ 6. Some areas may still be flooded. ____ 7. Flash floods may occur due to heavy rainfall. ____ 8. The relative humidity is high. ____ 9. Big waves can be observed near the coast. ____ 10. There is an occurrence of scattered rain. Analyze each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. _________________1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 220 kph or above may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread damage to high-risk structures. _________________2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky. _________________3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 121- 170 kph may be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damage may be experienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors. _________________4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surface circulation. _________________5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less a circular shape and with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter. Need ko na po ty


1.Before Typhoon

2.During Typhoon

3.After Typhoon

4.Before Typhoon

5.Before Typhoon

6.During typhoon

7.During Typhoon

8.After Typhoon

9.During Typhoon

10.After Typhoon

True or False







#Carry on learning

14. SCIENCESemojiitisALeaming Task 1Analyze each statement Draw a heart eyesFALSEemoj if it is TRUE and wow1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of220 kph or above may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread damage tohigh-risk structures.2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky.3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of121-170 kph may be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damage may beexperienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors.4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definitesurface circulation.5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less acircular shape and with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter.​




the lesson about it so it think my answer are correct

15. 1.The writer is optimistic that her publication about the advantages of being vaccinated will be warmly accepted by the public. The synonym of the underlined word is: A. hopefulB. mindfulC. carefulD. delightful2. Infantahins, especially Senior Citizens are hesitant to have their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The underlined word is synonymous with:A. confidentB. certainC. undecidedD. willingThis is a required question3. Even if it so hard to adjust, everyone tries his/her best to embrace the current situation. The underlined word is opposite in meaning with: A. hugB. adoptC. cuddleD. reject4. We just have to remain steadfast in our faith. The antonym of the underlined word is: A. persistentB. committedC. waveringD. intenseThis is a required question5. When you define a term based on how you use it in your research, you are using: A. technical definitionB. operational definitionC. expanded definitionD. extended definitionThis is a required question6.In your study, the research aims or objectives refer to: A. Significance of the StudyB. Scope and LimitationsC. Purpose of the StudyD. Statement of the Problem7.The commonly accepted facts or propositions to be tested statistically refer to: A. statistical analysisB. conceptC. variableD. null hypothesis8.The attributes or a characteristic that have more than one value and can be manipulated or observed is termed as: A. statistical analysisB. conceptC. variableD. null hypothesis9.The method of research which answers research questions by showing statistical evidence is: A. Qualitative MethodB. Quantitative MethodC.Experimental MethodD. Descriptive Method10.The following statements are true about research except: A. It is an art of scientific investigation.B. It is a careful and detailed study of the general problem.C. There is a definite set of procedures and steps which you will follow.D. There is structure or method in going about doing research.11. The researcher wanted to know if the energy drink increased the performance of players. He used energy drinks for team A and water for team B. The term that would best described the team B is:A. Experimental GroupB. PopulationC. Control groupD. participants12. Using gadgets every day increases the chance of having an eye problem. The underlined group of word is an example of: Note: the underlined word is increases the chance of having an eye problem. A. Deductive ReasoningB. Independent VariableC. Inductive ReasoningD. Dependent variable13. All babies are adorable. Ana is a baby. Therefore, Ana is adorable. In __________ if something is true of a class of things in general, it is also true for all members of the class. A. Deductive ReasoningB. Independent VariableC. Inductive ReasoningD. Dependent variable14.James is industrious. He is Infantahin. Therefore, all Infantahins are industrious. Even if the premises are true in a statement, ___________ allows for the conclusion to be false. A. Deductive ReasoningB. Independent VariableC. Inductive ReasoningD. Dependent variable17. According to the dictionary, a dove means a stocky seed, fruit-eating bird. A. ExpandedB. ExtendedC. OperationalD. Technical18. While browsing his Science book, Jordan came across the definition of heart which is a hollow muscular organ. A. ExpandedB. ExtendedC. OperationalD. Technical19. Carl, a grade 1 student wanted to learn the meaning of gift so he decided to look for it in a dictionary and found out that gift means something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation.A. ExpandedB. ExtendedC. OperationalD. TechnicalThis is a required question20.A fireman during INHS’ orientation quoted a meaning from the dictionary that fire is combustion or burning. A. ExpandedB. ExtendedC. OperationalD. TechnicalThis is a required question21. Vein (n.) is any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying the most cases oxygen-depleted blood toward the heart. A. ExpandedB. ExtendedC. OperationalD. Technical22. During T.L.E. online class the teacher asked the students what is the meaning of a computer, one of them answered computer is something used in doing homework or browsing the internet. A. ExpandedB. ExtendedC. OperationalD. Technical23. Comic books are sequential and narrative publications consisting of illustrations, captions, dialogue balloons, and often focus on super-powered heroes a. consisting of illustrationsB.sequential and narrative publicationc.captions,d. dialogue balloons24. Astronomy is a branch of scientific study primarily concerned with the celestial objects inside and outside of the earth’s atmosphere.a. a branch of scientificb.the celestial objectsc. the earth’s atmosphered. None of the aboveneed ko po ng pinakatamang sagot maraming salamat po,, plss pahelp po need ko lg. ​


1. B

2. C

3. D

4. D

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. C

11. B

12. B

13. C

14. A

17. D

18. C

19. D

20. A

21. D

22. C

23. A

24. B


If you like my answer and was helpful to you please make me or give me the brainliest. Thank you!

16. Analyze each statement. Draw a heart eyes emoji if TRUE and wow emoji if it is FALSE.______1.Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at the speed of 220 kph or above may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread damage to high-risk structures.______2.After a typhoon occured, high clouds are observed in the sky.______3.Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at the speed of 120-170 kph may be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damage may be experienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors.______4.Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surface circulation.______5.Tropical depression is an intense weathering disturbance having more or less a circular shape and with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter.​


1. True

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. False

sana po makatulong :)

hindi ko po ma draw sorry

17. 1. The hardest mineral according to Moh's scale of hardness is? a.Diamond b. Gypsum c. Corundum d. Talc2. Gold can be sliced with knife while pyrite can't. What property of minerals explains this? a. Ductility b. Cleavage c. Sectility d. Streak 3. Pyrite is a yellowish mineral that looks like gold and is coramonly called fool's gold. What is the property of mineral exhibited by pyrite wherein it reflects light and with a metallic look? Streak b. Hardness a. a. c. Luster d. Color 4. Rocks can develop fractures along planes of cleavage. What property of minerals is shown in the situation a. Cleavageb. brittlesnessc. fractured. Streak 5. It is difficult to distinguish gold from pyrite (fool's gold). What mineral property should be tested to help distinguish the two minerals from each other? a. Color b. Sectility c. Streak d. Cleavage 6. It is the building block of rocks. a.Atoms c. Ore b. Minerals d. Soil 7. Which of the following doesn't belong to the group? a. Sectility b. Brittleness c. Malleability d. Luster 8. Which of the following is not a mineral? a. Talc b. Bauxite c. Gypsum d. Oxidane 9. It it's powdered form, the mineral hematite is reddish. Which mineral property is best described? a, Color b. Streak c. Luster d. Diaphaneity 10. The property of minerals to reflect light of its surface. a. Color cb. Streak d. Luster d. Diaphaneity 11. Mineral can be defined as? a. Organic mineral b. Homogenous Solid c. Naturally occurring d. Both A and C12. Which refers to a naturally occurring, Inorganic solid that has a definite crystalline structure and chemical composition?a. compoundb. crystal c. lusterd. rock13. The property of minerals that pertains to the solid form of a mineral due to the repeating arrangement of atoms?a. Crystalline Structure b. Density c. luster d. Streak 14. Diamond can be used as a drill and cutter in metal making industries. Which property of minerals makes this possible?a. Hardness b. Malleability c. Streak d. luster 15. Copper is used in electrical wiring. What property of minerals is​


14. d

in 15 i don't know the answer

18. Learning Task 3. Analyze each statement. Draw a heart eyes (emoji if it is TRUE and wow ( 2) emoji if it isFALSE.1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 220 kph orabove may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread damage tohigh-risk structures.2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky.3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 121-170 kphmay be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damage may beexperienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors.4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surface circulation.5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less a circular shapeand with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter.​







Step-by-step explanation:

❀⊱─━━━━━━⊱ ༻ ● ༺ ⊰━━━━━━─⊰❀

• ఌ︎☾︎__ kim__☽︎ ఌ︎ •


«« ❥︎ ----- StaySafe »»

19. FALSEPublie Stem Werning Signal No. 5Learning Task 3. Analyze each statement. Draw a heart eyes (-) emot IS TRUE and wow (emojis1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 220 kph orabove may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread damage tohigh-risk structures.2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 121-170 kphmay be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damage may beexperienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors.4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surface circulation5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less a circular shapeand with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter.​








#hope it's help

#carry on learning

20. cc.22 Denog translation, what is the RNA sequence of nucleotides when arranged lincaly3 TCG TOC GTC TAGAGC AGO CAG AUCb AAU GOC AGUGGUd CG UCC GUC LAG37 Which part of anuals show a correct example of homologous structures?wings of butterfly and batfupper of whale and forelimb of rate fingers of human and arm of sterfishd. tongue of frog and proboscis of a sqmto24 Which is a more definite characteristic to show relatedness of two organisms?similarity in developmentb simulanty in courting behaviorsimilarity m structured similarity in genomic DNA25 Which of the following are not examples of analogous structures?a wings of bat and butterflyc. wings of bal and forelimb of cattleshorn and spined wings of bat and bird26 Which of the following statements explains Lamarck's Theory of Use and Disuse?a body structures are developed because they are used extensavelyb body structures developed because they are not in usebody structures are developed because of competitiond body strictures are developed because of mutation27 Which of the following statements best explains the Theory of Natural Selection?acquired characteristics of parents can be passed on to offspringsb organisms develop desirable structures to survive in a given esvironment.organs that are not in used may disappear, while organs that are constantly used muydevelopin nature, the organism with desniable characteristics may survive, while those withweaker trasts may not28 Wluch of the followmy is not an outcome of high population density?a. mortality increaseb. reproduction reductionс Loxic waste accumulationd predators tend to ignore prey that is overabundant29 Which of these is not a density-independent factor that could act to lunt population growth aspopulation size mcreases?a firec waste accumulationb Hoodsd earthquake30 Which of the following does population density refer to?species in a commundyc individual species per unnt areab individuals in a speciesd comunities m an ecosystem31 Which of the following human activities help in conserving the rainforest ecosystemscut the trees into logs and cake timberb convertit ito an industrial site.advertise it as a camping sited get only minor forest products32 Farene is experencing a delay in her monthly penod What might be the night reason for thisOccurrence?Farere is a boyFarene sa baving a hormonal ublance that affected her menstrual cycleFarene is pregnant with a baby B months in her wumhd Tarene undergo ligationa​


Which of the following human activities help in

21. Analyze each statement write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. 1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 220 kph or above may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread damage to high-risk structures. 2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky. 3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 121- 170 kph may be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damage may be experienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors. 4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surface circulation.5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less a circular shape and with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter.​





22. Learning Task 3. Analyze each statement. Draw a heart eyes emoji if it is TRUE and wow emoji if it is FALSE. _________________1. Public storm signal number 1 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 220 kph or above may be expected in at least 12 hours. Winds would bring widespread damage to high-risk structures. _________________2. After a typhoon occurred, high clouds are observed in the sky. _________________3. Public storm signal number 3 is characterized by winds moving at a speed of 121-170 kph may be expected at least 18 hours. In general, moderate to heavy damage may be experienced particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors. _________________4. Tropical disturbance is a weak low pressure disturbance with a definite surface circulation. _________________5. Tropical depression is an intense weather disturbance having more or less a circular shape and with an average size of about 500 kilometers in diameter​


1. false





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