Implementing A Comprehensive Guidance And Counseling Program In The Philippines

Implementing A Comprehensive Guidance And Counseling Program In The Philippines

Why comprehensive agrarian reform program is important to be implemented in the Philippines ?

Daftar Isi

1. Why comprehensive agrarian reform program is important to be implemented in the Philippines ?


Its goals are to provide landowners equality in terms of income and opportunities, empower land owner beneficiaries to have equitable land ownership, enhance agricultural production and productivity, provide employment to more agricultural workers, and put an end to conflicts regarding land ownership.

2. Guidance counseling is not regulated in the Philippines​


ayan ba yung tanong?


ayan ba yung tanong?

3. the philippines recognizes guidance and counseling primarily as a profiting business and such as, it is important​

The State recognizes the important role of guidance counselors in nation-building and promotes the sustained development of a reservoir of guidance counselors whose competence have been determined by honest and credible licensure examinations and whose standards of professional practice and service are world-class and internationally recognized, globally competitive through preventive regulatory measures, programs and activities that foster their continuing professional development.

4. discuss comprehensively the implementation of organic agriculture in the Philippines?​


According to Republic Act No. 10068 (Organic Agriculture Act), organic agriculture includes all agricultural systems that promote the ecologically sound, socially acceptable, economically viable, and technically feasible production of food and fibers


Career guidance field provides direction, provision, and ability to students to have career readiness, able to plan, making career decisions and achieving career maturity.

Signed by Duterte on Feb. 14, Republic Act 11206 or the Secondary School Career Guidance and Counseling Act aims to institutionalize career guidance and counseling program for students in all private and public secondary schools “in order to provide the proper direction in pursuing subsequent tertiary education.”

6. UTD. Guidance and counseling in college is mostly​

The University of Texas at Dallas

7. Guidance and Counseling in elementary


ang mga palirala samga salaysay ng kwento ay ang mag sumusunod na panutaj


sanamakatulong po ito

8. Discuss the three major areas of guidance ang counselling in school a. educational guidance and counselling b. Vocational guidance ang counselling c personal social guidance and counselling​


1.Educational guidance and counseling

2.Vocational guidance and counseling

3.Personal-social guidance and counselling

9. about Guidance and counseling

Guidance and counseling, or guidance counseling, refers to the services and programs that promote personal, social, educational and career development. The program should align with an organization or institution's mission.

10. what the difference between guidance and counseling

Guidance refers to an advice or a relevant piece of information provided by a superior, to resolve a problem or overcome from difficulty. Counseling refers to a professional advice given by a counselor to an individual to help him in overcoming from personal or psychological problems.

11. how important is guidance and counseling in schools


Guidance and counseling is the process which helps the students to know their skills, interests, personality that will help students in further career selection. Initially, I will explain about guidance and counseling. Guidance is the process in which person able to know their ability, interest, a capacity that will help in the encounter of problems faced by them. Guidance is the process of a dynamic interpersonal relationship that is prepared to influence the person’s attitude and follow-up behavior.


12. guidance counselor and student in a counseling sesson​


Guidance counselor is the

13. Guidance and Counseling​


Guidance counseling, byname counseling and guidance, the process of helping individuals discover and develop their educational, vocational, and psychological potentialities and thereby to achieve an optimal level of personal happiness and social usefulness. The concept of counseling is essentially democratic in that the assumptions underlying its theory and practice are, first, that each individual has the right to shape his own destiny and, second, that the relatively mature and experienced members of the community are responsible for ensuring that each person’s choice shall serve both his own interests and those of society. It is implicit in the philosophy of counseling that these objectives are complementary rather than conflicting. The function of those who guide children and young people is not to effect a compromise between the requirements of individuals on the one hand and the demands of the community on the other. It is rather to orient the individual toward those opportunities afforded by his environment that can best guarantee the fulfillment of his personal needs and aspirations.

14. Guidance and Counseling in elementary is


The task of guidance and counseling teacher or counselor in elementary school is as follows: Plan, implement, evaluate, report guidance and counseling programs and follow up in accordance with responsibilities


The main focus of the Counselor is to support the social, emotional and behavioral needs of children in collaboration with parents, teachers, and other related professionals. ... The Elementary Counselors are also members of the Learning Support Resource Team which works to assists students with special learning needs.

15. whatare the aims of guidance and counseling

to help persons na nangangailangan ng tulong o advice from people who knows how to handle the problem that the person is experiencing


the first one in the future of this year and the following is the only one that is untrue to me and my parents will not be a medium age for me as well as I am sure you will be under the same as the following

17. discuss comprehensively the implementation of organic agriculture in the Philippines?​


The National Organic Agriculture Program (NOAP) is a collaborative document spearheaded by the National Organic Agriculture Board (NOAB) through the cooperation of various stakeholders of the organic industry, relevant national government agencies, non-government organisations, civil society and people's organisations. The program serves as the guide for the implementation of Organic Agriculture activities under the Department of Agriculture and its implementing units. The NOAP also includes a system for evaluation and monitoring as one of the components and implementing strategies.Following the signing of the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 (R.A. 10068), a series of activities were undertaken by the NOAB in order to craft the National Organic Agriculture Program which was approved January of 2012. These activities were crucial in developing a holistic, comprehensive and rolling six-year program for the organic agriculture in the country. The NOAP 2012-2016 envisions the organic agriculture sector contributing to the country's over-all agricultural growth and development, in terms of sustainability, competitiveness and food security, where at least five percent (5%) of the Philippine agricultural land practice organic farming; and, where consumers both national and international increasingly support Philippine organic food products.

18. how important to have a guidance counseling​


The major aim of Guidance Counseling Services is to encourage students' academic, social, emotional and personal development. To reach this aim, guidance counseling services help students get to know themselves better and find effective solutions to their daily problems


sana ma brainliest<33

19. what is career and guidance counseling​


Career counseling is a type of advice-giving and support provided by career counselors to their clients, to help the clients manage their journey through life, learning and work changes.

20. guidance and counseling in elementary is​


The main focus of the Counselor is to support the social, emotional and behavioral needs of children in collaboration with parents, teachers, and other related professionals. ... The Elementary Counselors are also members of the Learning Support Resource Team which works to assists students with special learning needs.


yan napo sana maka tulung

pa brainliest den po tenchu^,^


Counselor is to support the social, emotional and behavioral needs of children in collaboration with parents, teachers, and other related professionals. ... The Elementary Counselors are also members of the Learning Support Resource Team which works to assists students with special learning needs.


what is the purpose of guidance counselor in elementary?

The major aim of Guidance Counseling Services is to encourage students' academic, social, emotional and personal development. To reach this aim, guidance counseling services help students get to know themselves better and find effective solutions to their daily problems.

21. what are the guidance and counselling services? ​



The major aim of Guidance Counseling Services is to encourage students' academic, social, emotional and personal development.

22. Guidance and counseling in elementary is​


Guidance and counseling in elementary education is an important aspect of a child's development. It involves providing students with support and guidance to help them navigate the challenges of growing up, both academically and personally.

Elementary school counselors typically work with students individually or in small groups to address a wide range of issues, such as academic concerns, social skills, behavior management, and emotional regulation. They may also provide classroom lessons or workshops to teach important life skills, such as decision making, problem solving, and conflict resolution.

The primary goal of guidance and counseling in elementary education is to help students develop a positive self-image and a sense of self-worth. This can be achieved by providing them with opportunities to explore their interests and talents, set realistic goals, and develop healthy relationships with peers and adults.

Overall, guidance and counseling in elementary education is an essential component of a child's well-being and success in school and in life. It is important for schools to prioritize the provision of these services to ensure that all students have access to the support they need to thrive.

Answer:The purpose of the study was to examine the role of guidance and counseling in enhancing student discipline in

secondary schools in Koibatek district.

Explanation:sana po maktulong

24. what is career and guidance counseling​


:Career counseling

Career counseling is a type of advice-giving and support provided by career counselors to their clients, to help the clients manage their journey through life, learning and work changes.

:Guidance counseling,

byname counseling and guidance, the process of helping individuals discover and develop their educational, vocational, and psychological potentialities and thereby to achieve an optimal level of personal happiness and social usefulness. The concept of counseling is essentially democratic in that the assumptions underlying its theory and practice are, first, that each individual has the right to shape his own destiny and, second.


pls ❤️ and brainleats

25. Discuss why PHILIPPINES needs Guidance and Counseling in the educational system.​


To help in the total development of the student. To help in the proper choices of courses. To Help in the proper choice of careers.To help the students in vocational development. Help to develop readiness for choices and changes to face new challenges. And minimize the mismatching between education

26. Discuss the three major areas of guidance ang counselling in school. a. educational guidance and counselling b. Vocational guidance ang counsellingc. personal social guidance and counselling​


C. personal social guidance and counseling


true 2. true 3. false 4. true

28. 11. These are guidelines for the Guidance and Counseling profession.a. The Professional Ethical Principles of Guidance and Counselingb. Informed Consentc. Confidentialityd. The Ethical Considerations for Psychiatrist and Psychologists​


11. a.The professional Ethical Principles of Guidance and Counseling


yan po ang sagot pa brainly na lamg po salamat




yan po tamang sagot promise:)

29. what is guidance and counseling?

the process of helping individuals discover and develop their educational vocational, and psychological potentialities and thereby to achieve an optimal level of personal happiness and social usefulness

30. Essay of being student in guidance and counseling

-short essay-

Being as student in counseling  and guidance is hard and not easy. But then if it is your choice, you have to consider yourself. If it is your passion, you are a good student and a bright future is awaiting for you. You have the confidence to stand up and lead people. It also may be called and be used as training. You are considered as a great leader and so will be in the future.

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