Rotational Kinetic Energy Example Problems With Solutions

Rotational Kinetic Energy Example Problems With Solutions

what are some examples of kinetic energy in solving a problems with solution and answers?

Daftar Isi

1. what are some examples of kinetic energy in solving a problems with solution and answers?

What is the KE of a 72kg sprinter traveling at 12m/s?
Given: m= 72kg
            V= 12m/s
Required: KE
Formula: KE= 0.5 (m)(v)^2= mv^2
Solution: 0.5 (72kg) (12m/s)
                = 432^2
.                     2
                = 93312 J ~ final answer

2. Rotational kinetic energy

Rotational energy or angular kinetic energy is kinetic energy due to the rotation of an object and is part of its total kinetic energy. Looking at rotational energy separately around an object's axis of rotation

Rotational energy or angular kinetic energy is kinetic energy due to the rotation of an object and is part of its total kinetic energy.

3. How to Get Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy? Give a example of a word problem kinetic energy and potential energy? ​


your first question is in the first pic


I hope I can help you thank you god bless

4. A. Define Potential energy and kinetic energy B. Give 5 examples of A. Potential energy B. Kinetic energy​


B. Potential Energy is energy stored in an object or thing that does not move.

A. Kinetic Energy is energy from things that moves or got moved.


Potential Energy
1. A book laying on a table
2. A rubix cube on desk
3. A person sleeping
4. A person doing nothing
5. A person sitting

Kinetic Energy
1. A cat running
2 A person walking
3. A pen falling
4. A Umbrella opening
5. A person waving

5. a fully spring wound toy fan that is about to rotate possessesA.kinetic but no potential B. potential but no kinetic energy C. both potential and kinetic energy in equal D. neither potential nor kinetic energy ​


its letter b

potential but no kinetic energy


please be safe

carry on learning

6. Task no. 7 Guide Questions: 1. Describe energy. 2. What do you mean by the word "kinetic"? 3. Differentiate Potential and Kinetic Energy. 4. What is the acceleration due to gravity? 5. Describe translational kinetic energy, rotational kinetic energy and vibrational kinetic energy.​


1.Energy is the ability to do work

Scientists define energy as the ability to do work. Modern civilization is possible because people have learned how to change energy from one form to another and then use it to do work.

2.Definition of kinetic

1 : of or relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith. 2a : active, lively. b : dynamic, energizing a kinetic performer. 3 : of or relating to kinetic art.

3.Potential energy is the stored energy in any object or system by virtue of its position or arrangement of parts. However, it isn't affected by the environment outside of the object or system, such as air or height. On the other hand, kinetic energy is the energy of an object or a system's particles in motion.


sorry Po di ko Po alam sa 4 and 5

Kinetic is an magnetic kinetic tiktic

7. when a yoyo stop rotating, what energy transformed?A. kinetic energy- heat- potentialB. kinetic energy- potential- heatC. potential energy- kinetic energy- heatD. none of these​


when a yoyo stop rotating, what energy transformed?

A. kinetic energy- heat- potential

B. kinetic energy- potential- heat

C. potential energy- kinetic energy- heat

D. none of these




8. A solid sphere of mass and radius rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface. if its translational kinetic energy as it moves is , what is its rotational kinetic energy



[tex]\mathtt{ \red{\pmb{Fuck\:Love}}}[/tex]

[tex] \color {red} \rule {1pt} {9000000pt} [/tex]

9. example of kinetic energy?​


Example of kinetic energy?


Kinetic energy refers to the sort of energy that is closely related with motion or displacement, this is also known as the moving energy. The energy that is obtained when a particular object starts to move.


1.) A rolling bowling ball down the alley that is about to smash the pins has kinetic energy.

2.) Another example is a little boy running awkwardly to chase his older brother.


10. Examples of Kinetic energy?

Kinetic Energy was the "ENERGY IN MOTION" and the Potential Energy was the "Energy at rest... So examples of object showing the K.E are:

❶ Moving cars, bus , motor , & truck
❷ Running cheetah
❸ A boy threw a stone to the sky
❹ A ball bouncing in floor
❺ A ferrari with the speed of 326 kilometer per hour.

--COLLINSDAX "at your service"

11. Direction: Draw 1 example of Potential Energy and 1 example of Kinetic Energy. Color it. (15 pts.) POTENTIAL ENERGY KINETIC ENERGY​





potential energy is the energy held by an object because of its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other factors


the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion


12. Example of kinetic energy​



1.) One example of kinetic energy is a cat running rapidly to chase a small bird..

2.) Another example is a Lamborghini sports car running at 150 kilometers per hour in a huge highway.


Kinetic energy refers to the sort of energy that is closely related with motion or displacement, this is also known as the moving energy. The energy that is obtained when a particular object starts to move.


13. example of kinetic energy


• A boy running at full sprint in a circular running field has a kinetic energy.

• A dog that is chasing a stray cat in an alley has also kinetic energy.


Kinetic energy refers to the sort of energy that is closely related with motion or displacement, this is also known as the moving energy. The energy that is obtained when a particular object starts to move.


14. kinetic energy example​


Moving Car. Moving cars possess some amount of kinetic energy. ...


Hope this helps :D

15. kinetic energy examples


Kinetic energy refers to the sort of energy that is closely related with motion or displacement, this is also known as the moving energy. The energy that is obtained when a particular object starts to move.


• A black chubby cat chasing a tiny mouse inside the house has a kinetic energy.

• Another example is a rolling ball in the middle of a basketball court.


16. Name examples of potential and kinetic energy found in your home. 1.Potential energy:__________________2.Potential energy:__________________3.Kinetic energy:_________________ 4.Kinetic energy:__________________5.Kinetic energy:_________________ Nonesence report


1.Rubber band


3.Flying airplane

4.Swing pendulum

5.Small electric car is moving


The potential energy is stationary with a stored energy to be release.The kinetic are energy in a motion,activity using the energy for movements.

✨Credit the owner✨




Examples of Gravitational Potential Energy

*A raised weight.

*Water that is behind a dam.

*A car that is parked at the top of a hill.

*A yoyo before it is released.

*River water at the top of a waterfall.

*A book on a table before it falls.

*A child at the top of a slide.

*Ripe fruit before it falls

13 Examples of Kinetic Energy in Everyday Life

Hydropower Plants. Hydropower plants are places where the generation of electricity takes place with the help of water. ...

*Wind Mills. ...

*Moving Car. ...

*Bullet From a Gun. ...

*Flying Airplane. ...

*Walking & Running. ...

*Cycling. ...



pili kanalang po dysn ng isasagot mo na makikita sa bahay nyo

17. Mechanical energy is not conserved whenA. gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energyB. kinetic energy is converted to gravitational potential energy C. kinetic energy is converted to elastic potential energy D. the spring mechanism of a toy is rotated until it locked​


Mechanical energy is not conserved when

A. gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

B. kinetic energy is converted to gravitational potential energy.

C. kinetic energy is converted to energy

C. kinetic energy is converted to elasticpotential energy.

D. the spring mechanism of a toy is rotated until it locked

The answer is A


(✿Brianliest me ✿)

18. example of kinetic energy​



A red Ferrari car is traveling almost at the speed of sound in an express way has a kinetic energy.

• Another example is a cûte puppy running to meet her owner in the threshold of the house.


Kinetic energy refers to the sort of energy that is closely related with motion or displacement, this is also known as the moving energy. The energy that is obtained when a particular object starts to move.


19. solve in the kinetic energy problem. Show the formula your solution and do not forget to write the unit ​


B po ata


correct me if I'm wrong thx

20. sample problem about kinetic energy with solution​


What is the KE of a 72kg sprinter traveling at 12m/s?Given: m= 72kg V= 12m/sRequired: KE

Formula: KE= 0.5 (m)(v)^2= mv^2 2Solution: 0.5 (72kg) (12m/s) = 432^2. 2 = 93312 J ~ final answer

21. example of potential energy and kinetic energy​


Kinetic: heartbeat

Potential : battery (nakatayo)


Example of potential energy is A yoyo before it is released, in kinetic energy is A baseball thrown by a pitcher

22. example of kinetic energy​



1.) Usain Bolt that is running at full speed in a 100 meter sprint contest has kinetic energy.

2.) A che-etah that is chasing a running gazelle has also kinetic energy.


Kinetic energy refers to the sort of energy that is closely related with motion or displacement, this is also known as the moving energy. The energy that is obtained when a particular object starts to move.


23. what are some examples of kinetic energy in solving a problem?

Given: m= 45kg & 67kg
            v= 9m/s
Required: KE
Formula: KE= 0.5 (m)(v)^2 =mv^2
Solution: 0.5 (45kg + 67kg) (9m/s)^2
               =0.5 (112kg) (9m/s)^2
              = 254016
             = 127008 J ~final answer

24. ILLUSTRATION: Illustrate/Draw an example of Potential and Kinetic energy Below why you consider as an example of potential and kinetic energy Give your own examples Potential energy. Kinetic Energy_____________. ._____________​

Pasensya na sakin drawing pero tama naman to, Bow po yung drawing ko kung magtataka ka

25. Meaning of Kinetic Energy? Example of kinetic energy?


1.Kinetic energy, form of energy that an object or a particle has by reason of its motion. ... Kinetic energy is a property of a moving object or particle and depends not only on its motion but also on its mass.

2.Moving Car. Moving cars possess some amount of kinetic energy. ...

Bullet From a Gun. A bullet fired from a gun has very high kinetic energy, and, so, it can easily penetrate any object. ...

Flying Airplane. ...

Walking & Running. ...

Cycling. ...

Cricket Ball. ...

Skateboarding. ...

A Bus Moving on the Hill.




Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion. After work has been done, energy has been transferred to the object, and the object will be moving with a new constant speed. The energy transferred is known as kinetic energy, and it depends on the mass and speed achieved.

EXAMPLE OF KINETIC ENERGY:Moving arBullet From a GunFlying Airplane Walking & RunningCycling



[tex]\mathcal{Hope \: it \: helps,Good \: luck!!}[/tex]

[tex]#CarryOnLearning [/tex]

26. What is the rotational kinetic energy of the cylinder at t = 2 s?​

The rotational kinetic energy of the cylinder : 2.5 J

Further explanation

There are two types of kinetic energy

1. The rotational kinetic energy

Can be formulated:

[tex]\tt K=\dfrac{1}{2}I\omega^2[/tex]

I = the moment of inertia, kg m²

ω = the angular velocity, rad / s

2. The translational kinetic energy

[tex]\tt K=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2[/tex]

We include the complete question:

A solid cylinder rotates with constant angular acceleration about a fixed axis.  The cylinder’s moment of inertia (I) about the axis is 5.0 kg-m2.  At time t = 0 s, the cylinder is at rest.  At time,  

t = 2.0 s, its angular velocity is 1.0 rad/s.

What is the rotational kinetic energy of the cylinder at t = 2 s?

A) 2.0 J                                  

B) 2.5 J

C) 5.0 J

D) It cannot be determined without knowing the radius of the cylinder.

From the questions above it can be seen:

The moment inertia = 5 kg m²

The angular velocity at t=2 s = 1 rad/s

Input in the formula :

[tex]\tt K=\dfrac{1}{2}\times 5\times 1^2\\\\K=2.5~J[/tex]

Learn more

The angular acceleration


27. Classify the following as examples of kinetic energy or examples of potential energy. ​

potential energy1 energy2. rocks3cells4body system5. reactionkinetic energy1. rotational energy2.vibrational kinetic3. translational kinetic

28. kinetic energy examples​



• A green truck that is traveling almost at the speed of a sports car in an express way has a kinetic energy.

• Another example is a cûte puppy running to meet her owner in the threshold of the house.


Kinetic energy refers to the sort of energy that is closely related with motion or displacement, this is also known as the moving energy. The energy that is obtained when a particular object starts to move.


29. Solve the kinetic energy problems show the formula or solution and do not forget to write the unit. 2. A 6.0-kilogram mass is moving with a speed of 2.0 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the mass? ​


The kinetic energy of the mass is 9J.


In our case, we are to solve for the kinetic energy of a mass moving with a certain speed. Kinetic energy is a stored energy of a moving object. And kinetic energy according to its formula is directly proportional to its mass and velocity.

For the formula, we will use:

KE =  


KE     is the kinetic energy of the object, unit is in N.m or Joules (J)

m      is the mass of the object, unit is in kg

v        is the speed of the moving object, unit is in m/s

For the given information

m = 2 kg

v = 3 m/s

KE = ?

Solving the problem

Let us use the formula for kinetic energy and substitute the given information, we have:

KE =  

KE =  

KE = 9J

Therefore, the kinetic energy of the mass is 9J.

To learn ore about kinetic energy, just click on the following links:

Examples of kinetic energy

Additional example with solution and answer



128 joules


kinetic energy=






























is the kinetic energy of the body

30. 5 example problems with solution in each category: 1. Newton's Law of motion 2. Work, Power, and Energy 3. Momentum and Impulse 4. Rotational Motion


Newtons law of motion


Low of motion

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