Asset Security Concepts

Asset Security Concepts

In your opinion, how to secure assets using the different types of asset management? ​

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1. In your opinion, how to secure assets using the different types of asset management? ​


Use a networked asset control system

1.An automated, electronic asset control system stores, secures, tracks and accounts for every asset individually. Individual access permission is required to open any locker; each time a locker is opened, the system logs the identity of the person, the time, any relevant notes entered into the system and the asset removed.

2.Configure your system to suit your needs

Give some consideration to how the system will be used and who needs to have the authority to access which assets. You can then configure your cabinets so that they provide the most convenience and security for your organization.

3.FID technology lets you tag individual items so that they can be identified and tracked electronically, making each asset an identifiable data point. This way, the system always knows which assets are in use and which are locked away safely.

4.Consider security levels

With an asset management system you can customize access permission levels by cabinet, by user or by asset. There are numerous types of access requirements available, including keypads for pin numbers, scanners for ID cards, prox devices and biometrics.

5.Include USB charging for mobile devices

Today there is a constant need to charge mobile devices. Using an asset management system with USB charging gives employees, contractors and visitors a secure place to charge theirs without fear of the devices being stolen.

sana makatulong

2. 7. What does the provision of security of people's assets while at theworkplace entail?A. Having all assets under lock and keyB. Preventing theft, pilferage, and damage of assets and being vigilant withthe security of the assets.C. Issuing security badges and identity cards to all people at the workplace.D. None of these.​


B - Preventing theft, pilferage, and damage of assets and being vigilant with the security of the assets.


That's the answer!!


D)None of these


couse thats all a b c are recless

3. The assets used to secure the loan is called​


Collateral is the security for the repayment of a secured loan. A secured loan refers to a type of loan that is backed by collateral. The collateral can be used as payment to the lender if the borrower is unable to pay the loan.

4. Distinguish asset, liability, and equity structure of the following markets or institutions: insurance, mutual funds, pension funds, and security or investment banks.

Answer: BRUH

Explanation: NoNO

5. Assets used to secure that loan. it may be a real-estate or other investments

Step-by-step explanation:


These answer is not copy right

Made by Jed

6. How do personnel security protect people, information and assets?​


Personnel security protects your people, information, and assets by enabling your organisation to: ... reduce the risk of your information or assets being lost, damaged, or compromised. have greater trust in people who access your official or important information and assets. deliver services and operate more effectively.

What are personnel security measures and what are their purposes?

The purpose of personnel security is to give a reasonable degree of confidence in the trustworthiness, integrity and reliability of individuals, who, in the course of performing their duties, have access to sensitive, critical or valuable information, staff and information processing facilities.


Personnel security protects your people, information, and assets by enabling your organisation to: ... reduce the risk of your information or assets being lost, damaged, or compromised. have greater trust in people who access your official or important information and assets. deliver services and operate more effectively.

hope it helps.

please makw it brainliest thanks.

7. the concept of assets,liabilities and equity in real life situation

Assets are items of value that your business owns. For example, your business bank account, company vehicles, and equipment are assets. Liabilities are debts that you owe to others. ... Business equity shows your ownership in the business.  


8. Using the concept of accounting equation compute the figure from the following: 1. Assets = ? Liabilities= 40,000 Owners Equity=50,000 2. Assets=350,000 Liabilities=? Owner's Equity=285,000 3.Assets=480,000 Liabilities=250,00 Owner's Equity=? 4.Assets=? Liabilities+Owners equity= 525,000pa help po ☺️​


1. 90,000

2. 65,000

3. 230,000

4. ?

Step-by-step explanation:

Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity

Substituting the given values, we get:

Assets = 40,000 + 50,000 = 90,000

Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity

Substituting the given values, we get:

Liabilities = 350,000 - 285,000 = 65,000

Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity

Substituting the given values, we get:

Owner's Equity = 480,000 - 250,000 = 230,000

Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity

Substituting the given values, we get:

Assets = 525,000 - Owner's Equity = 525,000 - Owner's Equity

Since Owner's Equity is unknown, we cannot solve for Assets.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ❤ Keep on slaying, study first ❤

9. given the concept of the accounting equation,can you list at two(2)personal assets and liabilities?​



cash,savings account,treasury bills,property or land, certificates of deposits,etc.


accounts payable,interest payable,salaries and wages payable,sales tax payable

10. ITEC 100- INFORMATION ASSURANCE AND SECURITY 2 -ASSET MANAGEMENT QUESTION: What are the responsibilities for assets?

Answer: Meeting with clients, determining their needs, providing strategic advice and managing their assets accordingly. Preparing risk analyses and financial, investment and asset management reports. Creating, organizing and managing client portfolios.

11. Explain the concept of strategic and competitive assets. What are the different types of strategic assets? Discuss.​


Only strategically important and useful resources and competencies should be viewed as sources of competitive advantage. Strategic assets are, the set of difficult to trade and imitate, scarce, appropriable and specialized resources and capabilities that bestow the firm's competitive advantage.


Only strategically important and useful resources and competencies should be viewed as sources of competitive advantage. Strategic assets are, the set of difficult to trade and imitate, scarce, appropriable and specialized resources and capabilities that bestow the firm's competitive advantage.

Types of strategic assets include intellectual property, customer relationships, proprietary business processes and algorithms, novel revenue streams, and brand value.

12. An index that measures the performance of all securities in a given country and allows examination of benefits of diversification with a combination of asset classes




An index that measures the performance of all securities in a given country and allows examination of benefits of diversification with a combination of asset classes


Hope it helps

#reliable answer

13. 2. What do you call on the assets used to secure the loan that may be real estate or otherinvestments?A. Business loanC. MortgageCollateral​


its A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A

14. on Jan 1, 2020 covido viruso Inc. purchased marketable equity securities for 10,000,000. The equity security qualify as a financial asset held for trading. The entity also paid P100,000 as a commission to the broker. ​


sorry need ko points. pasensya n app talaga

15. accounts records like ng term debt of the business entity for which the entity has pledge certain assets as security to the creditors​


A current liability can be defined in one of two ways: (1) all liabilities of the business that are to be settled in cash within a firm’s fiscal year or operating cycle, or (2) all liabilities of the business that are to be settled by current assets or by the creation of new current liabilities.

Common characteristics of liabilities are (1) borrowed funds for use that must be repaid, (2) a duty to another party that involves the payment of an economic benefit, (3) a duty that obligates the entity to another without avoiding settlement, and (4) a past transaction that obligates the entity.

Current liabilities are many times not “current” and are actually past due. For example, accounts payable are due within 30 days and are typically paid within 30 days. However, they do often run past 30 days in some situations.

Key Terms

obligation: A legal agreement stipulating a specified payment or action; the document containing such agreement.

settlement: The delivery of goods by the seller and payment for them by the buyer, under a previously agreed trade or transaction or contract entered into.

16. can you give example on company that uses information security that make their asset grow or progressive? ​



codes for access building

user IDs


17. TRUE OR FALSE: Investment in equity securities cannot be designated as financial assets at amortized cost because cash flows resulting from said securities cannot pass the contractual cash flow test.


False. Investment in equity securities can be designated as financial assets at amortized cost.


Equity securities can be designated as financial assets at amortized cost if they are held for collection of contractual cash flows. This means that the contractual cash flows resulting from the equity securities must be solely payments of principal and interest, and must be solely payments that are solely payments of a fixed amount of cash or a variable amount of cash that is determined solely by reference to a fixed index or rate. If these criteria are met, the equity securities can be designated at amortized cost.

18. The concept that requires the distinction between the personal assets and liabilities of a proprietor from his business assets and liabilities a.) Stable Monetary Unit c.) Periodicity b.) Entity d.) All of the above


All of the above po ang aking sagot

19. Under the financial capital concept, a profit is earned when the monetary amount of net assets at the end exceeds the monetary amount of net assets at the beginning after excluding distributions to and contributions from owners. the monetary amount of net assets at the beginning exceeds the monetary amount of net assets at the end. the monetary amount of net assets at the end exceeds the monetary amount of net assets at the beginning. the monetary amount of net assets at the beginning exceeds the monetary amount of net assets at the end after excluding distributions to and contributions from owners.


please answer this question po, need ko Lang kase sa module ko po

20. The following are current assets EXCEPT: *A.CashB.Accounts receivableC.Accounts payableD.Marketable securitiesThe following are NON CURRENT ASSETS,Except: *A.Derivative gainB.Long term investmentsC.LandD.Intangible AssetsThe following choices will increase expense and liability accounts EXCEPT: *A.Salaries and wagesB.UtilitiesC.TaxesD.Withdrawal​


C Because Accounts payable is a liability .

C Land because it is an asset.

D Withdrawal because salaries, wages, utilities and taxes where belong to expenses .

21. when business lacks capital, it secures a loan from a bank.its over-alleffect on the business is a. increase in assetsb. receiving cash and incurring a liability c. decrease in assetd. none of these​


b. receiving cash and incurring a liability

A liability is something a person or company owes, usually a sum of money.

22. Explain the concept of brand equity, is brand equity an asset?

Brand equity is an intangible asset that depends on associations made by the consumer. There are at least three perspectives from which to view brand equity: Financial - One way to measure brand equity is to determine the price premium that a brand commands over a generic product.

23. Luna co.has had severe financial difficulties and is considering the possibility of this time, the company has the following assets(at their realizable values) and liabilities: assets pledged against liabilities of 70,000 116000 assets plefged against liabilities of 130,000 50,000 other assets 80,000 liabilities with priority 42,000 unsecured creditors 200,000 in liquidation, how much would be paid to partially secured creditors


sorry I don't understand


me to please clear the question

24. C co. filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition during the year. relevant information follows: assets carrying amountrealizable value assets pledged with fully secured creditors 300,000370,000 assets pledged with partially secured creditors 180,000120,000 free assets 420,000320,000 900,000810,000 liabilities liabilities with priority 70,000 fully secured creditors 260,000 partially secured creditors 200,000 unsecured creditors 540,000 1,070,000 the assets are converted to cash at the estimated realizable values and the business is liquidated. 1.what amount of cash will be available to pay unsecured non-priority claims


On January 1, 2004, Bay Co. acquired a land lease for a 21-year period with no option to renew.

The lease required Bay to construct a building in lieu of rent. The building, completed on January 1, 2005, at a cost of $840,000, will be depreciated using the straight-line method. At the end of the lease, the building's estimated market value will be $420,000.

What is the building's carrying amount in Bay's December 31, 2005 Balance Sheet?

The building is a leasehold improvement because it reverts to the lessor at the end of the lease. The residual value belongs to the lessor and is not relevant to the lessee. The building was completed at the beginning of the second year of the lease. Therefore, the total cost to the lessee of $840,000 is amortized over 20 years, not 21.

The carrying value of the leasehold improvement at the end of 2005, the first year of the building's life but the second year of the lease, is $798,000 = $840,000(19/20).

25. A ___ type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation and represents a claim on the part of the corporation's assets and earnings.​


common and preferred

Step-by-step explanation:

A type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation and represents a claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings.

There are two main types of stock: common and preferred. Common stock usually entitles the owner to vote at shareholders' meetings and to receive dividends. Preferred stock generally does not have voting rights, but has a higher claim on assets and earnings than the common shares. For example, owners of preferred stock receive dividends before common shareholders and have priority in the event that a company goes bankrupt and is liquidated.

26. under this concept assets are initially recorded at their acquiscition xost


on ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

27. 18. These are liabilities that, although not secured by any asset, are mandated by law to be paid first beforeany other unsecured liabilities.a. Unsecured liabilities with priorityb. Fully secured creditorsc. Partially secured creditorsd. Unsecured liabilities without priority​


A. unsecured liabilities with priority

28. 5. Which of the following is considered as a quick asset? A Prepaid asset B. Trading securities C. Both A&B D. None of the above Wich of them ​






D.none of the above


sana po maka tulong

29. Discuss briefly the concept of financial asset of a government entity.​

What Is a Financial Asset?

A financial asset is a liquid asset that gets its value from a contractual right or ownership claim. Cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and bank deposits are all are examples of financial assets. Unlike land, property, commodities, or other tangible physical assets, financial assets do not necessarily have inherent physical worth or even a physical form. Rather, their value reflects factors of supply and demand in the marketplace in which they trade, as well as the degree of risk they carry.

Hope it help

30. 6. An assets that can secure aloan.A.collateral B.load D.amortization​


6. D

Step-by-step explanation:

It is a part of a collateral that is similar.

On the other hand, mortgage is an art that

Finds its own reproduction.

Thank me in the coments

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