9v Battery Drawing

9v Battery Drawing

What is the role of the 9V battery in the apparatus?​

Daftar Isi

1. What is the role of the 9V battery in the apparatus?​


If you're familiar with Ohm's Law, you know that voltage is a function of current and resistance (namely, V = IR). The important thing to remember is that everything is a conductor and can be modeled as a resistor. Things like wire and metal are obvious conductors and have a low resistance. Your body is also a conductor - just a poor one.

2. What is the role of the 9V battery in the apparatus?​


The nine-volt battery, or 9-volt battery, is a common size of battery that was introduced for the early transistor radios. It has a rectangular prism shape with rounded edges and a polarized snap connector at the top. This type is commonly used in walkie-talkies, clocks and smoke detectors.

3. What battery would make the bulb brighter? Battery with 9V or 2 batteries with 1.5V each

the battery with 9Voltage It depends upon the load of a circuit

4. Draw a series circuit with three batteries, three bulbs and a switch.


Ito po Idraw niyo na lang po



yan po yun

pagandahin mo lang

5. A bulb is connected to a 150 V battery and draws 55 A of current.


R = 2.73 Ω


R = V / I

R = 150 V / 55 A

R = 2.73 Ω


6. If 21 ohms and 9v what is the current and watts?​


21 omhs = 0.428571429 a

9v = 3.85714286 w

7. A 9V battery provides a current of 1.5A to a resistor. What is the value of the resistance? ​



» A 9V battery provides a current of 1.5A to a resistor. What is the value of the resistance?


- We can find the total resistance using Ohm's Law: R = V / I.

R = 9 volts / 1.5 amps = 6


8. circuit with 9v battery and connect it to 2 resistor


An LED (Light emitting diode) is a current driven device that is very sensitive to voltage an current in order to protect it we will need a resistor.A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a…Alright we know and have our components now we need one more thing OHM law with a twist.We have to know our voltage source, the led forward voltage and how much current we want to direct to the led bulb.With all those values we will use the formula …The formula is (Voltage of the source(9V) - Voltage forward of LED(2v))/I (current needed for led 0.005A)As you can see in the pictures above we have entered our values and we have 9-2/0,005after doing the calculations we have the result 3500ohm or …

9. A small light bulb is connected to 9V battery and has 3A of current.What is the resistance of the bulb?​

Yan po Yung sagot Sana maka tulong

10. (45v⁴+18v⁸+4v²) ÷ 9v⁸​


[tex]67v^8[/tex] ÷ [tex]9v^8[/tex] =


Step-by-step explanation:

it is a decimal but "decimals" does not apply to polynomial


11. 1. A 3V battery and a 9V battery have potential differences of 3V and 9V respectively. Each battery builds up positive charge on one terminal and negative charge on theother terminal. Which battery has electrons that have a greater "potential" (morePE) to move from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive terminal. ​.


morePE po ata (correct me if im wrong)

12. 1. If you have used 9V battery for your flashlight, then you observed that it does not produce the expected luminosity. What will you do?​.


Many reason to SOLVE the problem,

Maybe The battery is low bat or not resistance The other way is fallse contact

13. draw a series circuit with three batteries three bulbs and a switch​


#Just move on your next subject!

14. 9v² + 71u - 8 factor quadratic trinomials​


[tex](9v - 1)(v + 8)[/tex]

15. If you have used 9V battery for your flashlight, then you observed that it does not producethe expected luminosity. What will you do?​


Many reason to SOLVE the problem,

Maybe The battery is low bat or not resistance

The other way is fallse contact

16. The potential difference across a battery is 9V. How much charge must it deliver to do 50 J of work? ​


Multiply the amount of the current by the amount of resistance in the circuit. The result of the multiplication will be the potential difference, measured in volts. This formula is known as Ohm's Law, V = IR.

The equation is: energy transformed (joule, J) = potential difference (volt, V) × charge (coulomb, C). For example, if the potential difference is 100 V and the charge is 3 C, the calculation is 100 × 3. So 300 J of energy is transferred.

Source: https://brainly.in/question/24608619


0.694 C


V = W/q

9V = 50J/ q

q = 50 J/ 9V

q = 0.694 C

17. Figure a 3 Circuit with 24V battery and 3 osebeb Table 1. Current for a 3 ohms bulb Voltage Current (Volts) (Amps) 9V 15 V 24 V 30 V​

Answer: 9 Volts = 18 currents

Step-by-step explanation:The current that flows through most substances is directly proportional to the voltage V applied to it. The German physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1787–1854) was the first to demonstrate experimentally that the current in a metal wire is directly proportional to the voltage applied:

18. 1 a small light bulb is connected to a 9V baterry and draws 3A of current .What is the net resistance of the bulb?


R = 3 Ω


R = V / I

R = 9 V / 3 A

R = 3 Ω


19. drawing parallel circuit with 3 Batteries, 3 Bulbs, and 3 switches ​

"Ikaw na bahala mag draw"


Connect each battery to a switch, then connect the switches to the bulbs in parallel. Make sure each bulb is connected to a separate battery and switch. Finally, connect all of the bulbs together. Now when the switches are turned on, all of the bulbs will light up in parallel with the same brightness.

20. 16. When a portable radio is playing, the current in the radio is 0.3 A. If the resistance of the radio is 30.0 2,what is the voltage supplied by the radio battery?. a. 9V Grequencyb. 15Vas bornC.. 6VXd. 12V​


If the current of the radio is 0.3 A, and the resistance of the radio is 30.02, then its voltage is 9V which is letter A.

21. how to draw a schematic diagram in 3 bulbs with 1 battery? ​


hope i help

#carry on learning


22. 3/8v÷5/9v simplify the expression

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\sf = \frac{3}{8v} \div \frac{5}{9v} \\ \\ = \sf \frac{3}{8v} \times \frac{9v}{5} \\ \\ \sf = \frac{3 \times 9v}{8v \times 5} \\ \\ = \sf \frac{27v}{40v} \\ \\ = \blue{ \huge\sf \frac{27}{40} }[/tex]

23. Find the total capacitance for three capacitors connected in parallel, given their individual capacitances are 1.000, 5.000, and 8.000 µF and he potential difference across the battery is 9V. Solve for the charge having a capacitance of 1.000.​


click the picture,click the picture

24. V²+5v 36v²-9v+20 v²-9v+20


sorry diko gets sorryy ano bayan

25. 9v battery is connected to a resistor having a resistance of 10 ohms. What is the current and power across the resistor?


They've modeled the battery as an ideal voltage source of 9V with a series resistance of ~1.5 ohms. If you work this out, the current is 9V/(11.5 ohms) = 0.783A, so the voltage across the 10 ohm resistor must be 7.83V

        hopeitshelp po

yes because it have a current and power

26. A 9v battery is connected across a 250 ohm resistor. a.) how much current passes thru the resistor


Step 1: List the given values.

[tex]\begin{aligned} & V = \text{9 V} \\ & R = \text{250 ohm} \end{aligned}[/tex]

Step 2: Calculate the current.

[tex]\begin{aligned} I & = \frac{V}{R} \\ & = \frac{\text{9 V}}{\text{250 ohm}} \\ & = \boxed{\text{0.036 A}} \end{aligned}[/tex]

Hence, the current passes through resistor is 0.036 A.



27. What type of battery should you replace when changing an empty battery of stylus? AA battery 12V battery AAA battery 9V battery​




wala lang po hula ko lang


based on my research.

To do this, you'll need two new size 319 coin cell batteries and a jeweler's Phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the top of the pen from the bottom, leaving the paper label in the top in place.

so the ANSWER is.

AAA battery.

28. How much current(1) is in a circuit that includes a 9V battery and a bulb with a resistance(R) of 3 52?pa help Po ​


  2.56 A


     I = V / R

      = 9V / 3.52 ohms

      = 2.56 A is the current

29. a small light bulb is connected to a 23V battery and draws 5A of current​


4.6 Ω


R = V / I

R = 23 V / 5 A

R = 4.6 Ω


30. Solve for v. 12= - 2/9v​


v 12 = - 2/9 v

multiply both sides of the equation

by - 9/2

- 9/2 x 13 = - 9/2 x ( - 2/9) v

reduce the numbers with the gcf 2

- 9 x 6 = - 9/2 x ( - 2/9) v

- 9 x 6 = 9/2 x 2/9 v

- 9 x 6 = 1/2 x 2 v

- 9 x 6 = v multiply

- 54 = v

answer : v = - 54

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