Questions About Earth

Questions About Earth

Questions about earth science with

Daftar Isi

1. Questions about earth science with

what are the 3 states of matter?

2. 10 questions about earth​


what is the shape of earth?

how many continent are there in earth?

how many gravity is on earth?

how many people are in there?

name the countries in earth?


naku po untog ko na ulo ko huhu

3. question about earth and life science​


Tectonic plates


What is tectonic plates?

4. Questions: 1. Based on the given illustration, does Earth's axis change as Earth revolves around the sun? 2. What can you infer about Earth's revolution around the Sun?


1. yes the Earth's axis moves and spins around as earth revolves around the sun, the earth is a revolutionary object it continues to revolve around the sun and revolves around it self too.

2.i infer it's period of time as a year the earth revolves around the sun 365 days which is equal to a earth year it is my only evidence of how the earth revolves around the sun as, the theory or foundings and calculations is remained a fact about space and revolutionary of each planet in our solar system.

5. Guide Questions1. Why do you think the small ball was usedthe Earth? What about the flashlight?​


Flashlight represents the Sun.

6. give me 5 questions about earths internal heat​




What is the importance of Earth's internal heat?

What are the sources earth's internal heat?

Will Earth's internal heat last forever?

What is the interior of the Earth can be classified as primordial and radiogenic heat?

What is Earth's internal heat called?

7. Though provoking questions about saving Mother Earth


Where is food grown? What do you think “We must be the change we want to see in the world” means? What have you learned in school about climate change? Why is it important to have so many different kinds of plants and animals on Earth?

8. Why is it important to have knowledge about the different phenomena here on earth?Answer my question with respect! ​


Scientific phenomena are occurrences in the natural and human-made world that can be observed and cause one to wonder and ask questions.

Phenomena-based instruction is a primary feature of the NGSS classroom. A three-dimensional learning approach requires students to use the Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas in concert to explore, investigate, and explain how and why phenomena occur. The complexity of a student explanation should be appropriate to the learning progression at the grade span.

Phenomena do not have to be phenomenal. Often simple events, when looking at them through a scientific eye, can elicit curiosity and questions in students and adults. Such wonderment is the beginning of engagement in which answers to questions are sought.




Phenomena do not have to be phenomenal. ... Often simple events, when looking at them through a scientific eye, can elicit curiosity and questions in students and adults. Such wonderment is the beginning of engagement in which answers to questions are sought.

9. question and answer about mother earth

How mother earth help us?

10. WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT IT (APPLICATION)Answer the question.What would happen if the earth had no tilt?​


If the earth weren't tilted, it would rotate like that as it revolved around the sun, and we wouldn't have seasons—only areas that were colder (near the poles) and warmer (near the Equator). But the earth is tilted, and that's why the seasons happen.


Hope it helps

Pa brainliest please!

thank you!

11. 2 rhetorical question about saving the mother earth​


Here is a rhetorical question about saving the earth:

"Why are we so quick to destroy the very planet that sustains us, rather than taking the time to protect and preserve it for future generations?"

12. Complete the following chart about the Earth Rotation and Revolution.pls answer my question I really need​


Don't you think about me enough?

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart out

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell you

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell youI won't run 'cause I'm reticent

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell youI won't run 'cause I'm reticentYou will know you're reborn tonight

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell youI won't run 'cause I'm reticentYou will know you're reborn tonightMust be ragged but I stay by your side

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell youI won't run 'cause I'm reticentYou will know you're reborn tonightMust be ragged but I stay by your sideEven if my body's bleached to the bones

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell youI won't run 'cause I'm reticentYou will know you're reborn tonightMust be ragged but I stay by your sideEven if my body's bleached to the bonesI don't want go through that ever again

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell youI won't run 'cause I'm reticentYou will know you're reborn tonightMust be ragged but I stay by your sideEven if my body's bleached to the bonesI don't want go through that ever againSo cry no more, oh my beloved

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell youI won't run 'cause I'm reticentYou will know you're reborn tonightMust be ragged but I stay by your sideEven if my body's bleached to the bonesI don't want go through that ever againSo cry no more, oh my belovedGo ahead, be proud and fight it out

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell youI won't run 'cause I'm reticentYou will know you're reborn tonightMust be ragged but I stay by your sideEven if my body's bleached to the bonesI don't want go through that ever againSo cry no more, oh my belovedGo ahead, be proud and fight it outYou are the one, our rising star

Don't you think about me enough?I've been burning my heart outGot to face, need to tell youI won't run 'cause I'm reticentYou will know you're reborn tonightMust be ragged but I stay by your sideEven if my body's bleached to the bonesI don't want go through that ever againSo cry no more, oh my belovedGo ahead, be proud and fight it outYou are the one, our rising starYou guide us far to home yet girt

13. can you make a poem about the answer for this question"how to care the earth's water resources?" just for 3stanzas​


Cleaning Ocean removing Garbage and dont use dynamite at sea


Sana po makatulong pa brainliest

14. i have a question what if earth become flat no tsunamis no earth quake are you happy about it?




15. Which question about the discovery of the Earth revolving around the sun could be best answered using the process of scientific inquiry? A.Why does the Earth revolve around the sun? b. Why did it take so long to develop the theory of the Earth orbiting around the sun? c. Why was Copernicus persecuted for his theories about the Earth orbiting around the sun? d. Why did many people believe the sun revolves around the Earth?

For me, d.?
not so sure tho

16. write 5 questions you want to know about earth​


is the earth a girl or a boy?

is the earth mad at us for making pollutions?

is the earth have a religion?

is the earth happy with us?

is the earth sad right now?


17. Give 1 Questions each about Eruptions and Earth crust

1. What do volcanic eruption bring to people and to the enviroment?

2. What is a hot spot in relation with the earths crust?

18. What are the good 10 question about theory of the earth


what kind of good things to do in earth


I only now 1

19. Activity 4.B Think About ThisDirections: Answer the following questions briefly.1. How does the earth move on its axis?2. What are the effects of earth's revolution and rotation?3. In relation to rotation and revolution of the Earth around the sun, what isthe reason why we have seasons on the earth?​



1. How does the earth move on its axis?

Earth are moves in space of two major ways they are rotation and revolution. Earth itself moves and that objects seem to move across the sky because of Earth's motion.

2. What are the effects of earth's revolution and rotation?

The effects of earth revolution are changing of the seasons, changing of the length of the day and night during the year, and changing of the position of the midday sun and night during the year in the different parts of the earth. The affects of earth rotation are movements of the sun, moon, stars and formation of day and night.

3. In relation to rotation and revolution of the Earth around the sun, what is the reason why we have seasons on the earth?

Earth's axis are tilted in relative to the ecliptic plane.

20. write a short paragraph with atleast three to five sentences about the pictures guided by the following questions.Guide Questions:1.what is the picture about ?2.what do you feel about the picture3.what does it to do the Earth's surface ? does it change the Earth?5.what is the effect to both living and non-living things on the Earth's surface?pa help pleasee​


1.) about philippine heritage

2.) happy


4.)it makes earth baeutiful


21. Give 1 question and answer about protecting mother earth for peace Need answer ASAP thanks


In your opinion, why do we need to take care of our mother earth?


it is important to take care of nature because all of the things, foods, we need are all found in mother earth, without it, we couldn't even survive a day.

pa brainlest

22. Let's Analyze Directions: Answer this question briefly. (5 pts.) What is unique about Earth compared to the other planets?​


Perhaps the most strikingly unique feature of Earth is its vast oceans, which cover 70% of the planet's surface. Earth is the only world in our solar system with liquid water at its surface today. Scientists believe that Mars and Venus may have long ago had oceans, but these are long gone.


Correct me if i was wrong thank you

23. 5 research questions about earth science

is the earths surface flat?
is the earth center of the solar system?


Answer:number 1: about the sunnumber 2:of our worldnumber 3:yes

25. what questions do i have about the connection of earthquake waves and earths interior?​


Earthquakes & Earth's Interior. Earthquakes occur when energy stored in elastically strained rocks is suddenly released. This release of energy causes intense ground shaking in the area near the source of the earthquake and sends waves of elastic energy, called seismic waves, throughout the Earth.


brainliest po

follow po follow back kita promise

26. Questions:What do you know about the Earth'sstructure?​


The structure of the earth is divided into four major components: the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core. Each layer has a unique chemical composition, physical state, and can impact life on Earth's surface.

27. Read and anylize carefully the article about “Earth: A Habitable Planet”, then answer the question 1 and 2?​




28. question i want to ask in science about movement of earth para lang po sa thinking log kopo ​


Earth rotates eastward, in prograde motion. As viewed from the north pole star Polaris, Earth turns counterclockwise. The North Pole, also known as the Geographic North Pole or Terrestrial North Pole, is the point in the Northern Hemisphere where Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface


Rotation and Revolution


because the movement of the earth on it's Axis.

the movement of the earth around the sun in a fixed path or orbit is called Revolution.

29. 10 Possibly questions about earth ​


why earth is green and blue

why earth is not flat

why earth is so circle on book

why we still here just to suffer

30. Guide Questions1. For how long has there been life on Earth?2. For what percentage of time has life existed on Earth?3. For bout how many years of geological time have humans existed on Earth?4. For about how many years of geological time the dinosaurs existed on Earth?​


1. How long has life existed on Earth? The oldest known fossils are approximately 3.5 billion years old, but some scientists have discovered chemical evidence suggesting that life may have begun even earlier, nearly 4 billion years ago.

2. The percentage of time where life has existed on Earth is 82.6%.

3. While our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago

4. Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago (at the end of the Cretaceous Period), after living on Earth for about 165 million years.

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