Wound Care Exam

Wound Care Exam

Why is wound care important?​

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1. Why is wound care important?​


Wounds need to be cared for in order for them to heal and to prevent any risk of contracting an infection and making things worse for you.


2. explain the purpose of wound care​


It speed up the healing process and prevents the spread of infection.


The Importance of Wound Care in Recovery

Proper wound care prevents infection and other complications, and also helps speed up the healing process with less scarring


brainliest po plssss

3. soft tissue wounds should be cared for by?​


The management for soft tissue injuries is based on resting the injured part, applying ice packs to limit swelling and reduce pain, applying a firm compression bandage as support and to further restrict swelling, and elevating the limb. This is known as the RICE treatment.

4. How are you going to explain nail care services?pls help me! I need it rn for my exam!​


Nail care, the maintenance of the fingernails and toenails, is important for health as well as cosmetic reasons. Good nail care can prevent fungus infections of the nail, painful ingrown fingernails and toenails, and infections of the skin in the hands and feet.

Don't bite nails or pick at them or the cuticles.


Correct Me if I'm Wrong

Hope it Helps


what i would do:


:Nail Care Services is a job for nails, toe nails etc.

They provide cleaning of dirt in you toes or hands,

Now for the real part:

Nail Care Services is important because it maintains health, this lessens the chances of paronychia also called bacterial nail infection.

Nail Caring ia not only for nails but for fingers and hands... handwashing.

Also very important due o bacteria like Salmonella which causes stomach cramps, fever, headache, diarrhea, nausea and sometimes vommitting.

In a nutshell:

Its important to wash your fingers, cut your nails

to prevent any bacteria from invading your body

The Bacteria part is just for you, so you can get inspiration from this post



5. B. Directions: There are five steps in dressing a wound. Read them carefully and then choose the correct arrangement of steps (5 points).A. Clean the wound. B. Wash and dry your hands. C. Apply the medication and dressingD. Let the wound dryE. Get the right wound-care-supplies.​

A. Clean the wound.

C. Apply the medication and dressing

B. Wash and dry your hands.

D. Let the wound dry

E. Get the right wound-care-supplies.

6. which one should we address first in wound care : bleeding or infection? why ?​




we need to stop the bleeding, because blood is important.

basta 'yun nayun.


The bleeding


You need to stop the bleeding first, because if you ignore the bleeding it'll start an infection

hope it helps :>

7. what is the answer of this question the forest rangers lifted the wounded bird slowly and with great care is it nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs




hope to help pa follow

8. A patient who is spanish-speaking does not appear to understand the nurse's information of wound care. which action should the nurse take


it's hard to understand the Spanish but U need to learn

9. 7. What mnemonic we should remember in managing a wounded victim?A. CAREB. HEARTC.RICED.HIDE​


B. Heart


Correct me if wrong

10. TRUE OR FALSE .( IF FALSE CHANGE IT AND MAKE IT CORRECT )in taking care of a wound, the , the first thing to do is to stop the bleeding. ​


• True

in taking care of a wound, the , the first thing to do is to stop the bleeding.


If ever you have wound you should first stop the bleading to avoid any infections and also avoiding the lack of blood next is to cleanse it properly



11.  Which one should be address first in wound care: bleeding, or infection?


Because if you stop the bleeding and properly clean the wound then no infection would happen.




12. the forest rangers lifted the wounded bird slowly with great care​


ano po tanong dyan ?


asan po tanong ?

13. which of the following is not included in wound care supplies​

C. Gluco strips

Hope it helps

14. in relation to management of chronic injuries which one should be addressed first wound care bleeding or infection ​


Need lang po ng points haha

15. 6. During the Philippine Revolution, the young nurse cared for the wounded soldiers. where is the Proper noun and common noun​


The proper noun is Philippine Revolution, and the common noun are young nurse and soldiers

16. what are the important points that are to be taken care of during examinations to avoid exam fear.

Exam fear or test anxiety can be a common problem for many students, but there are several strategies that can be used to minimize its impact. Here are some important points to consider during examinations to avoid exam fear:

1. Preparation: Proper preparation is key to reducing exam fear. Develop a study schedule and stick to it, take frequent breaks to avoid burnout, and try to get enough sleep and exercise.

2. Time management: Manage your time wisely during the exam. Make sure you understand how much time you have to complete the exam, and allocate your time accordingly.

3. Read the instructions carefully: Make sure you read the instructions carefully before beginning the exam. This will help you avoid careless mistakes and ensure that you understand what is being asked of you.

4. Focus on the present: Don't worry about the questions that you don't know or haven't answered yet. Instead, focus on the question in front of you and do your best to answer it.

5. Relaxation techniques: Use relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or visualization to calm your mind and reduce anxiety during the exam.

6. Positive self-talk: Use positive self-talk to motivate yourself and build your confidence. Remind yourself that you have prepared well and that you can do your best.

7. Seek help: If you are struggling with exam fear, consider seeking help from a teacher, counselor, or tutor. They can provide you with additional support and strategies for managing test anxiety.

17. why do you need to take care of your wound​

for preventing Infection

By keeping continual attention on the wound dressings and bandages the risk for infection and other complications is greatly decreased. A health professional can make medically-important decisions through changing the dressings, noting the wound’s progress, as well as by making observations of bleeding, temperature, discharge and smell. In general, wounds should be cleaned once a day with disinfectant specific to wound care, clean water or saline, as well as applying clean dressings.

18. Revolution, the young nurse cared for the wounded soldiers. Cite this summer.proper noun or common noun​


Proper noun


FOR it has a name :)

Can You Brainliest me

19. 2. When the casualty is not breathing, you should perform a. a. Mouth to mouth resuscitation b. Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation c. Wound care d. None of the above​

d. none of the above



20. make into a parallel structure. The forest rangers lifted the wounded bird slowly and with great care.​ HELPPP


The forest rangers lifted the wounded bird slowly and carefully


21. care for shoock first aid foelr open wounds with severe bleending.​


Remove any clothing or debris on the wound. ...Stop the bleeding. ...Help the injured person lie down. ...Don't remove the gauze or bandage. ...Tourniquets: A tourniquet is effective in controlling life-threatening bleeding from a limb. ...Immobilize the injured body part as much as possible

22. 5. Which of the following is NOT included in wound care supplies?A. bandage scissorB. gauzeC. gluco stripsD. plaster​


The answer is the letter B.

23. Nursing wound care questions and pdf


Good morning yan poシ︎シ︎シ︎シ︎

24. Write a paragraph of how you take care of seedlings. pls answer I need for exam tomorrownonsense = report ​


Use a sterilized soil or soilless mix and wash containers carefully to prevent contaminating the seeds and plants. Keep plants in a sunny location during the day but move them at night to prevent cold drafts from stunting their growth.

25. which of the following is not included in wound care supplies ? A. bandage scissor B. gauze C.gluco strips D.plaster​





☆ hope it helps

☆ Pa Brainliest >.<

☆ Pa follow na den mwaa

26. what personal protective equipment will you wear to protect your skin from contamination while rendering care to a patient such as wound care or dealing with human wasteb​


it's either glove or gown


27. why do you need to take care of your wounds​


so it wont be effected with bacteria and germs

28. B. DIRECTIONS:Arrange on how to First Aid for Open Wounds with severe Bleeding. Write 1-6 in theblank providedWear gloves and remove or cut clothing as necessary to expose wound.Elevate the injured part above the heart except for eye injury and wounds with embedded objectControl bleeding by applying direct pressure.Cover wound with sterile dressing and bandage.Consult a physician immediatelyCare for shock​


1.Wear gloves and remove or cut clothing as necessary to expose wound

2.Control bleeding by applying direct pressure

3.Elevate the injured part above the heart except for eye injury and wounds with embedded object.

4.Cover wound with sterile dressings and bandage.

5.Care for shock

6.Consult a physician immediately

29. during the revolution, she_____ (take) care of the wounded katipuneros and_______ (feed) them​





During the revolution, she took care of the wounded katipuneros and fed them.

30. Guess the song : Maybe you're too emotional Your apathy's like a wound in salt Maybe your too emotional Or maybe you never cared at all​

good 4 u olivia rodrigo po haha

good 4 u // Olivia Rodrigo


Maybe I'm too emotional

Your apathy is like a wound in salt

Maybe I'm too emotional

Or maybe you never cared at all

Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy, not me

If you ever cared to ask

Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me, baby


I'm also a fan of hers




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Kategori health