Product Line Pricing Example

Product Line Pricing Example

USE CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY! 1 It is a state in the economy where there is a balance between price, quantity demand and quantity supplied A Shortage B. Surplus C Equilibrium D. Price Ceiling 2 A situation that arises when the price is set above the equilibrium price A Shortage B. Surplus C. Price Floor D Price Ceiling 3. It is an economic situation that can resolved by putting products that are affected on sale A Shortage B Surplus C Price Floor D. Price Ceiling 4 The government imposing minimum wage is an example of ? A Shortage B. Surplus C. Price Floor D. Price Ceiling 5. Which of the following is the best solution for shortage? A Decrease in Price B. Import C. Increase in Price D. Change business 6. Given the price of 7 with demand of 9 and supply of 21. How many is the surplus? A9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 7. Given the price of 10 with the demand of 12 and supply of 3 what situation the economy is in? A. Shortage B. Surplus C. Price Floor D. Price Ceiling 8. Ella an airline owner is affected by the pandemic for only few people are traveling. What possible solution can she apply for her business to survive? A. Increase Price B. Put on sale C. Shut the business D. Do nothing 9. An effective price floor set above the equilibrium price will result into? A Shortage B. limited choices C. surplus D. none of the above 10. An effective price ceiling set below the equilibrium price creates? A Shortage B. limited choices C. surplus D. none of the above 11. A designer raises the price of his jeans by 50%. This will likely to lead to A. Shortage B. Surplus C. Price Floor D. Price Ceiling 12. A clothing store creates a limited line of t-shirts featuring a popular singer. This will likely a to lead to ? Price Floor D. Price Ceiling ar Surplus​

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1. USE CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY! 1 It is a state in the economy where there is a balance between price, quantity demand and quantity supplied A Shortage B. Surplus C Equilibrium D. Price Ceiling 2 A situation that arises when the price is set above the equilibrium price A Shortage B. Surplus C. Price Floor D Price Ceiling 3. It is an economic situation that can resolved by putting products that are affected on sale A Shortage B Surplus C Price Floor D. Price Ceiling 4 The government imposing minimum wage is an example of ? A Shortage B. Surplus C. Price Floor D. Price Ceiling 5. Which of the following is the best solution for shortage? A Decrease in Price B. Import C. Increase in Price D. Change business 6. Given the price of 7 with demand of 9 and supply of 21. How many is the surplus? A9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 7. Given the price of 10 with the demand of 12 and supply of 3 what situation the economy is in? A. Shortage B. Surplus C. Price Floor D. Price Ceiling 8. Ella an airline owner is affected by the pandemic for only few people are traveling. What possible solution can she apply for her business to survive? A. Increase Price B. Put on sale C. Shut the business D. Do nothing 9. An effective price floor set above the equilibrium price will result into? A Shortage B. limited choices C. surplus D. none of the above 10. An effective price ceiling set below the equilibrium price creates? A Shortage B. limited choices C. surplus D. none of the above 11. A designer raises the price of his jeans by 50%. This will likely to lead to A. Shortage B. Surplus C. Price Floor D. Price Ceiling 12. A clothing store creates a limited line of t-shirts featuring a popular singer. This will likely a to lead to ? Price Floor D. Price Ceiling ar Surplus​


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2. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter to your answer on the space before each number. 1. It is a state in the economy where there is a balance between price, quantity demand and quantity supplied d. Price Ceiling a. Shortage c. Equilibrium b. Surplus 2. A situation that arises when the price is set above the equilibrium price. a. Shortage b. Surplus c. Price Floor d. Price Ceiling 3. It is an economic situation that can resolved by putting products that are affected on sale. a. Shortage b. Surplus c. Price Floor d. Price Ceiling 4. The government imposing minimum wage is an example of ? a. Shortage b. Surplus c. Price Floor d. Price Ceiling 5. Which of the following is the best solution for shortage? a. Decrease in Price c. Increase in Price b. Import d. Change business 6. Given the price of 7 with demand of 9 and supply of 21. How many is the surplus? b. 10 c. 11 d. 12 7. Given the price of 10 with the demand of 12 and supply of 3 what situation the economy is in? a. Shortage b. Surplus c. Price Floor d. Price Ceiling 8. Ella an airline owner is affected by the pandemic for only few people are traveling. What possible solution can she apply for her business to survive? a. Increase Price . c. Shut the business b. Put on sale d. Do nothing 9. An effective price floor set above the equilibrium price will result into? a. Shortage b. limited choices c. surplus 10. An effective price ceiling set below the equilibrium price creates? a. Shortage b. limited choices c. surplus 11. A designer raises the price of his jeans by 50%. This will likely to lead a. 9 d. none of the above d. none of the above to_____.a.shortage. b.surplus. c.price floor. d.price celling.______12.A clothing store creates a limited line of T-shirts featuring a popular singer. this will likely to lead to_____ a shortage b.surplus c. price floor d.price ceiling___13. A limited quantity of dolls are released just before Christmas. which of the following will likely to happen?a. shortage b. surplus. c. price floor. d.price ceiling____14. who are being protected by implementing price ceiling? a. consumer. b.supplier. c. government. d. investors_____15. what is surplus? a. a consumers willingness to pay given a price for a particular good or service. b.more items available for sale than people want to purchase. c. the amount of product that producers are willing to sell given a particular priced. more people want an item than is available for purchase​












3. Pre-test:Read the following statements. Write only the letter of the correct answer. Don'tforget to write your name and strand on the upper left corner of your answer sheet.1. Resources are not sufficient to satisfy all the needs and wants of the population.This explainsA. Social ScienceB. UnemploymentC. CapitalD. Scarcity2. Examples of these are machines and other equipment that are used in theproduction of goods and services.A. Social ScienceB. LaborB. CapitalD. Scarcity3. They are the construction workers, machine operators, and production works,including the professionals, like lawyers and doctorsA. Social ScienceB. LaborC. CapitalD. Land4. A condition where people's basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter are notmet.A. Opportunity CostB. Poverty LineC.PovertyD. Unemployment5. It is the willingness of a consumer to buy a commodity at a given price.B. Demand FunctionA DemandD. SupplyC. Demand Schedule​


1. D Scarcity

2. C Capital

3. B Labor

4. C Poverty

5. B Demand Function

4. WORKSHEET 2 Hard Questions Entrepreneurs Answer for Society 1. What is to be produced? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2. For whom is it to be produced? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3. How will it be produced? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ MODULE 2: Topic 3 F On the lines below each question provide an appropriate answer to show that you understand the meaning of the question. 31 Know About Business Module 2: Why Entrepreneurship? HANDOUT 3 Hard Questions Entrepreneurs Answer for Society • WHAT IS TO BE PRODUCED? Since two-thirds of the total production of goods and services focus on the consumer sector, consumers comprise the group who determines what is to be produced. • FOR WHOM IS IT TO BE PRODUCED? In the economy, the “For Whom” question is generally defined as whoever has the most money to buy the items which are made from the factors of production. Generally speaking, the people with the most money are those who own a successful business (consumers want their goods and services) and/or those who are in occupations in high demand (businesses want their skills). • HOW WILL IT BE PRODUCED? This is determined with the consumer in mind, primarily through the interaction of businesses and consumers. For example, the Rolls Royce is a luxurious car made with high expenses and lasts a long time. Many consumers however cannot afford a Rolls Royce. Entrepreneurs note this point and produce less exclusive cars at a lower price in order to satisfy the needs and wants of those who cannot afford a Rolls. In addressing these questions, it is important to point out how the market operates in each one. For example, if consumers do not buy certain items which are produced, this is a signal to business to stop producing them (what is to be produced). If consumers will not pay the price for an item even though it is of high quality, producers might have to find ways to use other technologies for the item in order to make it less expensive (how to produce). Those people who choose to enter occupations or establish businesses which produce goods and services that are in big demand will get more of the output (for whom).


1.What is to be produced?

The production of goods and services is determined by the consumers who want and need them.

2.For whom is it to be produced?

The "for whom" question in the economy is typically determined by those who have the most money to purchase the goods and services produced, which are often successful businesses or those in high demand occupations.

3.How will it be produced?

The production process is determined with the consumer in mind, through the interaction of businesses and consumers. Entrepreneurs consider factors such as cost and consumer demand in order to produce goods and services that satisfy the needs and wants of consumers.

5. T.L.E ( I.C.T)CHOSES:)______________________-Process -content-well crafted -craftsmanship-innovation -collaborative -quality -time management-Originality -Composition-Marketability -Visual Impact -Impact-Expert-Communication Skills_______________________1._______criteria are used to evaluate the proficiency level of performance of a skill or process as well as the effectiveness of the methods and procedures used in a task.2.______ criteria are used to evaluate the degree of a students knowledge and understanding of facts concepts and principles.3.______ criteria are used to evaluate the overall quality and craftsmanship of a product or performance.4.______ is the effective use of elements of art and principles of design in organizing space5._____criteria are used to evaluate the overall results or effect of a product or performance giving its purpose and audience6.the examples of descriptive terms for quality criteria are creative, organized, polished, and effectively design and and _____ .7.______ is the skills in using media tools and technique8.______ is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spend on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity9.______ is a measure of whether a product will appeal to buyer and sell at a certain price range to generate a profit10. the example of descriptive terms for content criteria are accurate clearly, explainned, complete, _____ and knowledgeable.11._______ is the introduction of something new a-new idea method or device- a way of making things better.12. the examples of descriptive terms for process criteria are______ coordinated efficient methodical and precise .13______ is the evidence of development of unique ideas.14.______ is the sensitivity in yourself line,color, and form to effectively convey ideas and mood15.______ is assessment of writing communication skills by the clarity and relevance of your response to the selection criteria #THANKS;)​






5.time management




9communication skills


11.well crafted




15.visual impact

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