Expository Organizer

Expository Organizer

Whygraphic organizers important in writing expository texts?​

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1. Whygraphic organizers important in writing expository texts?​


Graphic Organizer/s


because it can easily known the order of that text


Because it helps us more to understand what things they want to share thru graphic organizing and it give an easily idea to know it.


LANGUAGE IS DYNAMIC pero pa tama nalang po sa maling grammar.

2. what are graphic organizers important in writing expository texts?​


Graphic organizers help students list major ideas under the main idea of the text and put the supporting details under the related major idea. Having a graphic representation of the text's ideas helps readers comprehend and retain the content.

3. Why are graphic organizers important in writing expository texts?


Graphic organizers help students list major ideas under the main idea of the text and put the supporting details under the related major idea. Having a graphic representation of the text's ideas helps readers comprehend and retain the content.

pa brainliest po thank you

4. it is a presented with a clear organization text structure.A) dataB)expository textC)information mapD)table ​


B.Expository text


yan sagot ko

5. Which of the following is NOT an element of expository writing? a. specific topic c. organization b. point of view d. clear thesis


d. clear thesis

not sure

6. 1. What is the visual organization practice which can be used to present new information and set the stage for building on existing knowledge from prior learning? A. Advance organizer B. Character organizer C. Plot organizer D. Persuasive organizer 2. Which type of organizer explains upcoming content, such as through definition or rubric? A. Graphic B. Expository C. Narrative D. Persuasive 3. Which is the type of organizer which uses story-like information provided through an article, account of an event, or work of art? A. Expository B. Narrative C. Graphic Persuasive 4. Which is this type of organizer which provide a visual structure for both expository and narrative information ( such as through chart or table) ? A. Graphic B. Narrative C. Expository D. Persuasive 5. When we transform information from linear to non-linear information, we A. transform the information from picture to advance organizer B. transform the information from illustrations to graphs C. transform written texts or information into types of advance organizer D. transform advance organizer forms into written form​

Hope its hels mark me as an brainlist plss yan po ang sagot ko tama po yan

7. B. Based on the titles listed below, determine whether the essays are EXPOSITORY OF ARGUMENTATIVE in nalureWrite E for Expository or A for Argumentative,1. Why it is helpful to organize your materials and activities2. It is helplul to organize your materials and activities​





sana makatulong pa ❤️ naman po kung tama

at bakit walang a kasi ang arguement kasi i translate mo ay pag aaway sana makatulong

8. task 4 in your notebook write an expository essay using the graphic organizer you have learning task 3​


Yung nasa yellow pad yun yung graphic organizer at ang ibang pic naman yun yung sa essay

Type ko nalang yung kasunod nung naputol

godbless sana makatulong

Ctto. :)

9. This is the way a text is organized and refers to the different forms the author uses to organize the text.A.Expository texts B.Informational Texts C.Text Structure D.Logical Organization


A. Expository Texts


Expository Text Features is the way a text is organized and refers to the different forms the author uses to organize the text.

10. Which advance organizer presents the new information in the form of a story? A. Expository organizer b.skimming c.Graphic organizers D.narrative


letter d


11. The Things that I Have Learned! I learned that expository text is (1.) It is used to . Its (2.) language should be (3.) It is written in paragraphs such as introductory, body, and concluding. Tables, (4.) (5.) and maps are used in organizing information in the expository text.​

Answer:The Things that I Have Learned! I learned that expository text is (1.) It is used to . Its (2.) language should be (3.) It is written in paragraphs such as introductory, body, and concluding. Tables, (4.) (5.) and maps are used in organizing information in the expository text


12. make a chain graphic organizer based on the expository text "The Water Cycle". plss need it now​


Sorry D ko po alam yan hehe

13. 10.is a kind of nonlinear text which is used to presentinformation in a visual or graphic way.a. graphic organizerc. linear textb. expository textd. descriptive organizer​




visual or graphic way, matic graphic organizer na.

14. Write an expository text that is logically organizedtopic Modular Learning.​

During pandemic our educational system changed into the new normal so the students can avoid the threat of the virus. Dep -Ed decided what's the best to the students in their study so it will continue even there's a pandemic by modular learning .But, modular learning became the lessons more difficult to understand the students.

The reason is they don't have a guidance especially the teacher to facilitate which made them confused on how to answer . Also the students will face an intirely different set of distraction in their house that may hinder them from completing the received module.

This will make them not to answer their module or they will not accomplish their module on time.Also They have no time to get relax from thinking because they always think hard on how nor what's the answer and make them feel. drained mentally.

sorry yan lang po ang sagot..kumuha lang po kayo nang idea kasi hindi ko po sure ko tama yan

15. 2. What are the four types of paragraph? a. descriptive, demonstrative, expository, narrative b. declarative, interrogative, imperative, expository c. descriptive, narrative, expository, persuasive d. descriptive, demonstrative, expository, persuasive​


c. descriptive, narrative, expository, persuasive




16. form, organization, and expository and stylistic features in using social media in the classroom for real- world learning​


Transform Teaching. Transform Learning. Transform the World.

For over a decade, the Center for Global Education at Asia Society has been a leader in global competence education. With initial investments from the Gates Foundation and Carnegie Corporation, and in partnership with Harvard University and Stanford University, among others, the Center for Global Education has developed the preeminent educator training program on educating for global competence.

While previously only accessible to the Center for Global Education, this online program powered by EdPlus at Arizona State University now brings this critical and relevant content to any educator around the world.

The Center for Global Education is now offering certificate programs in the following areas: The Essentials of Global Competence, Project-Based Learning in a Global Classroom, Classroom Assessment of Global Competence, and Leading for Global Competence.

17. In your notebook write an expository essay using the graphic organizer you have produced in learning task 3



What i will learn or happen in online class due to pandemic covid 19?

did i resume to study or not?

now the pandemic is very difficult with the new policy to study because sometimes students do not have internet or the internet is weak, or there is no money to load for online class.

but we are here and studying to achieve our dreams even though we are struggling, we continue to face life because our goal in life is to be able to finish school and help our family.

in my research according to www.rappler.com over 24 million students will continue studying this pandemic and President Rodrigo Duterte's directive for schools to delay face-to-face classes until a coronavirus vaccine becomes available, the DepEd has shifted to distance learning .

Distance learning is when teachers and students are geographically remote from each other during their classes. This means lessons are delivered outside the traditional face-to-face setup, through a mix of modular learning, online learning, and TV and radio broadcasts.

because we all want to live a better life and get out no matter what we try, we can do things like online class and modular learning.

all in all our goal is why we will continue to study even with pandemics or covid19, because we want to be able to finish school immediately and get a job to improve life and help our family, so if you have knowledge you will not be overwhelmed by anyone .

Paalala: maaring ma Mali ako Pero basi sa kaalaman ko yan.kaya kayo magsariling sikap kayo o gumawa ng galing sa sariling kaalaman wag puro asa para Di mapaasa. OKAY? GOOD.

18. MLet's RecallHi, my dear students! From what you have learned from your previouslevels, share your insights regarding the following questions:1.What is expository text?________________________________________________________________________2.What are the different examples of expository texts?________________________________________________________________________3.Why are graphic organizer important in writing expository texts?________________________________________________________________________4.How does graphic organizer help you as a student?________________________________________________________________________5.what are the importance of learning graphic organizer in the English subject?​

1. Expository texts, or informational texts, are non-fiction texts that give facts and information about a topic.

2. News articles, City guides, and Recipes.

3. Graphic organizer are important in writing expository texts because graphic organizers help students list major ideas under the main idea of the text and put the supporting details under the related major idea.

4. They help students construct understanding through an exploration of the relationships between concepts.

5. The importance of learning it is because graphic organizers simplify teaching by putting content into a more interesting, visual format, while making the learning more interactive for students. These visual tools can help students tackle challenging vocabulary or help them organize and show connections between new concepts.




19. It provides the readers with opportunities to look for information that isabout to be introduced.a. Expositoryb. Skimmingc. Advance organizerd. Venn diagram​

Venn diagram
Venn diagram

20. An expository paragraph structures information by _____. spatial organization topic sentence/details chronological organization


An expository paragraph structures information by _____.topic sentence/details

The correct answer is Topic sentences/details.The expository paragraph develops around the central idea stated in the topic sentence

Have a great day/week.




Being organized makes everything else easier. It helps you get to work faster without wasting time looking for stuff. Keep your assignments and class information organized by subject. Put them in binders, notebooks, or folders.


sorry po eto lang po alam ko...:)

22. Learning Task 4: In your notebook, write an expository essay using the graphiorganizer you have produced in Learning Task 3​



Lt 3 Graphic oraganizer - yung nasa yellow paper

Lt 4 essay yung nasa white na photo

sana makatulong godbless you all

Sa Lt 4 may putol don sa comment sa baba ko nalang ilalagay ang kasunod.

23. Transcode the expository text you wrote using the appropria aphic organizer and provide interpretation an Graphic Organizer: Explanation:​




A graphic organizer is a visual and graphic showcase that portrays the connections between realities, terms, as well as thoughts inside a learning task. Graphic organizers are likewise at times alluded to as information maps, idea maps, story maps, intellectual organizers, advance organizers, or idea outlines. A graphic organizer, otherwise called an information map, idea map, story map, intellectual organizer, advance organizer, or idea outline is an instructive device that utilizes visual images to communicate information and ideas through connections between them. The primary motivation behind a graphic organizer is to give a visual guide to work with learning and guidance.  

Graphic organizers are visual reasoning devices that make photos of your considerations. The photos show connections between realities, ideas, or thoughts, and guide your thinking as you plan the guide or chart. Individuals who have learning incapacities are frequently visual students and masterminds. The principle motivation behind a graphic organizer is to give a visual guide to work with learning and guidance. Kids who battle with perusing can further develop their perusing understanding by utilizing graphic organizers. These basic, visual apparatuses permit children to separate stories and true to life texts. They likewise help kids monitor considerations as they read.  

As well as being powerful for jargon guidance, graphic organizers can likewise improve perusing perception by aiding understudies to sort data and to show the connections among significant ideas.

Graphic organizer what the graphic organizer:



24. TRUE OR FALSE.______1. Visual representation used to organize information to show patterns and relationship in different information.______2. graphic organizer will enhance skills in writing expository text.​




correct or wrong

brainlest me if I'm correct


1. True

2. False


Sana makatulong

25. Learning Task 4: In your notebook, write an expository essay using the graphicorganizer you have produced in Learning Task 3.​



The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected various aspects of normal life, including going to office and school. As a result, schools have been forced to forego traditional classes and shift to online classes instead.

Currently, conducting online classes is the only way out, to keep imparting knowledge. It involves the use of digital services to create a virtual classroom. The teacher and students sign into a communication app and sit in front of their devices. This new system did encounter a few hiccups initially, but things have been smoothened out.

The challenge for the teacher lies in maintaining class decorum, especially when it comes to unmuted microphones. Unwanted noise can disturb the entire class. Also, the teacher needs to peer at each child's video stream to ensure that the children are paying attention.

Further, since the children themselves are at home, in an informal environment, they find it easier to get distracted, especially since not everyone has sufficient space for family members on different online meetings. Yet, most students have been able to adapt and attend online classes with sincerity.

A very strong disadvantage of online classes is the lack of interaction with peers. However, fortunately today's generation has access to data networks and voice and video calls are possible with ease. Though it is not the same as face-to-face conversations, it allows students to interact with friends and even teachers. Teachers have gone out of the way to help students and are on duty practically all day.

Overall, online classes have their own set of challenges, including correcting notebooks virtually, but they have also brought out some qualities in everyone. Irrespective of whether one is a student or a teacher, one has to demonstrate greater patience levels, be more attentive and responsible than during traditional classes.



26. How important are graphics/graphic organizers in expository texts? How can it help you as a student?​


Graphic organizers help students list major ideas under the main idea of the text and put the supporting details under the related major idea. Having a graphic representation of the text's ideas helps readers comprehend and retain the content.


Written to provide information and explain topics, expository text is the antithesis of narrative works, which are stories created to entertain readers.

27. expository text[tex]what is expository[/tex]​

Answer Below:This type of is not organized around a story‑like structure but is instead organized based on the purposes and goals of the author or by content. Examples include news articles, informational books, instruction manuals, or textbooks.





28. How can you determine that the information presented in an expository text is organized in a clear text structure/type?​



wellcome to the point

29. Transcode the expository text you wrote using the appropriate graphic organizer and provide an interpretation. Graphic Organizer: Explanation:​


sana nakatulong po hihi

30. create a graphic organizer on the expository text that will explain briefly the chinese wedding traditions​


the chinese wedding traditions

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