Project Method Of Teaching Science

Project Method Of Teaching Science

Is there only one method of teaching science?

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1. Is there only one method of teaching science?


no there is more method of teaching science

2. is their only one method of teaching science?​


All science teaching methods come down to either teacher-centred or student-centred instruction. Both types of instruction have their place, however in practice have very different dynamics in the classroom.

3. is there only one method of teaching science​

Answer:The productive on learning strategy is just one method that can be used to teach science in middle school classrooms. Productive learning is a method in which students work in groups to teach each other the information and are guided by their teacher.

4. 5 methods of teaching and the example of each methods ​

Teacher Centered -

In Teacher-Centered Instruction, students put all of their focus on the teacher. teachers talk, and the students exclusively listen.

Student-Centered / Constructivist Approach. -

A constructivist student-centered approach places more focus on students learning than on teachers teaching

Montessori. -

Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play.

Inquiry-Based Learning.

For example, students might start by asking questions about the most efficient way to figure out how much candy they need for Halloween

Flipped Classroom. -

Using video lectures outside the classroom allows students to rewind and review rather than scrambling to take notes while the instructor is talking which can reduce the amount of information they are actually absorbing.


Hope it helps, stay safe and have a great day ahead po !


These are teacher-centred methods, learner-centred methods, content-focused methods and interactive/participative methods.

5. 2. Which is a problem-solving process using the scientific method? A. research B. proposal C. experiment D. science investigatory project​


c po experiment yowowoeoowowkwkw


stan twice

6. What is the difference between goals of teaching science and objectives of teaching science?​


Goals of teaching Science- Remember that the goal of science education is to teach students to: Use and interpret science to explain the world around them. Evaluate and understand scientific theories and evidence. Investigate and generate scientific explanations.

Objectives of teaching science-  The objectives of science teaching are as follows: To provide knowledge of the facts, principles, concepts and laws of science. To develop skills in experimentation, observation, drawing, problem solving and manipulating apparatus. To develop ability to improvise apparatus, organize science exhibitions and fairs.

Hope this helps. But dont forget to give me brainliest.

7. How do you understand strategies and methods used in teaching science for the elementary grades ?​


Teaching science requires critical thinking, effective communication, collaboration and creativity. Real-life scenarios, peer-to-peer teaching, hands-on activities, science projects and field research journals are effective teaching techniques in the science curricula.10


hope it helps

paki brainliest

8. 45.she teaches sciencea. she do teach science?b. does she teach sceince?c. do she teach science? d. she does teach science? ​


41. B.

42. A.

43. B.

44. B.

45. B.

41. B.

42. D.

43. B.

44. A.

45. C.

Yan na po yung mga alam ko

Hopefully i help you

Mark me brainleist pls

9. journal about the Teaching profession and science teaching​


boang you po teacher is the tall player

10. please help me to answer this ☺️Is there only one method of teaching science? If YES explain. If NO explain.​




there are diffent method of teaching science

11. what method of teaching is best in teaching skills?​


The best teaching method is the one that your students respond to. A master teacher adjusts his or her methods and strategies in response to his or her students’ ability to learn the material being presented.

I can propose that direct instruction is best used when working with students below grade level. Many of these students did not understand the material initially and may need to see the material applied explicitly through modeling and “think alouds”. But this doesn't mean all students respond best to direct instruction for all subjects.

I can also say research shows cooperative learning increases participation and motivation and may have a direct correlation to increased student achievement. But doing it too often for every lesson can get boring very quickly.

I personally enjoy the Socratic method and inquiry-based learning, but very rarely have I seen a teacher present materials effectively. It is hard to train students how to infer or deduce what is presented with what they already know.

you are a teacher, I suggest you learn as many methods, skills, strategies as you can and practice them. Lessons will fail, but over time you will learn when to use what method by observing what your students do during your lesson. Most importantly, you will learn which ones you can be most proficient in and therefore be most effective.

12. Is there any one proven method of teaching science? Why​


• Methods for making your class sessions more effective

• Ways to encourage student participation in your classes

• Advantages of collaborative learning

• Examples of effective laboratory practices

This chapter discusses several methods of teaching science within the traditional formats: lectures, discussion sessions, and laboratories. How can you help your students learn science better and more efficiently in each format? Although there is no universal best way to teach, experience shows that some general principles apply (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1990a; McDermott et al., 1994; Mazur, 1996):

13. Is there only one method of teaching science?yes or no and why​


Students in the study improved their science skills and grades by using productive learning. The productive on learning strategy is just one method that can be used to teach science in middle school classrooms.

14. mabisang project sa science investegatory project

water lily stem as an alternative to plastic containers

15. is there only one method in teaching science?​


no there's so many methods too


yeah it's only one


Students in the study improved their science skills and grades by using productive learning. The productive on learning strategy is just one method that can be used to teach science in middle school classrooms.

16. method of teaching? ​

A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. These strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner.

17. thee are 100 teachers in a school 60 teach science 25 teach humanities and 15 teach both science and humanities find the number of teachers who teach: but not humanities b.humanities but not science c.humanities or Science ​


a.)  75

b.)  40

c.)  100

Step-by-step explanation:

a.)  15+60 = 75

b.)  25+15 = 40

c.)  60+25+15 = 100

18. 11. During summer vacation, we go to the A. beach B. leach C. peach D. reach​





19. 6. What was the general purpose of the study?A. to conduct a reseach studyB. To determine the status of the teaching of scienceC. To look into the qualifications of teachers and their methods in teachingD. To identify the perception of students towards teachers' methods and strategies in teaching​


Letter D. To identify the perception of students towards teachers methods and strategies in teaching.


Hope it helps

20. is there only one method of teaching science? yes or no? why?​




because there is only two method of science

21. 4. Steven observed students enter a classroom for class, and recordedwhether the students will sit in front or not. A. Experiment MethodC. Observation MethodB. Interview MethodD. Questionnaire Method​.


Steven observed students enter a classroom for class and recoded whether the students will sit in front or Not?

A. Experiment Method.


C. observation method


as the situation said, Steven only observed.

22. what are the teaching strategies, methods and technique in teaching science in primary grade before the pandemic is the most effective?​


hope this helps you


hope you give me brainliests thank you

23. methods of teaching​


Teacher-Centered Methods of Instruction

Direct Instruction (Low Tech)

Flipped Classrooms (High Tech)

Kinesthetic Learning (Low Tech)

Differentiated Instruction (Low Tech)

Inquiry-based Learning (High Tech)

Expeditionary Learning (High Tech)

Personalized Learning (High Tech)

Game-based Learning (High Tech)

24. What is the difference between teaching approach, teaching strategies, teaching techniques, and teaching methods?​


teaching techniques with teaching strategies, the difference would be that teaching techniques are the steps we use in order to teach our students in an organized way; moreover, It would help us to order better our classes, while teaching strategies are methods we use to teach in order to facilitate


It is a broader term then method. It is a view of looking at things. It has no scientific logic. It

is a set of ideas. It is overall view or ideas to face a problem. It is personal philosophy of

teaching. Approach can also have many methods. Teaching approach is like the form or the

way we teach or how we do it. There are various approaches which are used in teaching

learning process. The following are the main approaches of teaching learning:

1. Teacher centered approach: Teacher centered approaches are more traditional in nature,

focusing on the teacher as instructor. They are sometimes referred to as direct instruction,

deductive teaching or expository teaching, and are typified by the lecture type presentation.

In these methods of teaching, the teacher controls what is to be taught and how students are

presented with the information that they are to lean.

2. Child centered approach: Student centered approaches (sometimes referred to as

discovery learning, inductive learning, or inquiry learning) place a much stronger emphasis

on the learner’s role in the learning process. When you are using student- centered

approaches to teaching, you still set the learning agenda but you have much less direct control

over what and how students learn.

3. Inductive and Deductive approach: In inductive approach students moves towards

specified (example) to general (rules).At first many examples are put forward to student and

then he draws out a conclusion on the basis of these examples. Deductive approach is

opposite to inductive approach because in it first a principle or rule is put in front of students

and then it is clarified by giving examples.

4. Herbartian approach: This approach is given by John Fredric Herbart. He advocated that

teaching should be planned actively

Teaching methods, or methodology, is a narrower topic because it’s founded in theories and educational psychology. If you have a degree in teaching, you most likely have heard of names like Skinner, Vygotsky, Gardner, Piaget, and Bloom. If their names don’t ring a bell, you should definitely recognize their theories that have become teaching methods. The following are the most common teaching theories.


25. Why Task-based Approach and Project-based Approach are the most effective methods or techniques in teaching English effectively.

Answer:Hindi ko po alam eh                                                                         Explanation:di po kais buo paliwanag nyo eh dapat po buo para maintindihan ko

26. create a venn diagram to solve the problem in a school 30 teacher teaches mathematics or science of these 20 teacher teach mathematics and 12 teacher both teach mathematics or sciencehow many teaches mathematicshow many teach only science​


how many teaches mathematics:


How many teach only science:


27. methods of teaching​


ano tanong dyan?

Step-by-step explanation:

huh diko magets tanong mo haha

28. There are 100 teachers in a school. 60 teach science, 25 teach humanities, 15 teach both science and humanities. How many are science but not humanities?

Step-by-step explanation:

Science but not humanities

= 60-15

= 45

29. As in science teaching


brainliest moto

kung ayaw mo edi dont joke only

30. is there only one method of teaching science ? yes or no ? why




Students in the study improved their science skills and grades by using productive learning. The productive on learning strategy is just one method that can be used to teach science in middle school classrooms.

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Kategori science