School Background Information

School Background Information

Provide the background information of high school life​?

Daftar Isi

1. Provide the background information of high school life​?

High school life is something  precious and must be spend wisely.  It is a time for to enjoy your teen.  It is where you experience  to fall in love,  to have your heart breaks. This is also the time wherein you are stsrting to buuld your confidence  and self esteem.  You make friends,  you will learn  to differentiate  good from wrong.  You go on trips,  you sleep ate at night and you spend mpst of your time making good memories together with your friends.  I could say that high school life is the most exciting part of your young version because  this is the moment that  mlst of your firsts happens.  

2. Write an in-depth news story on any community project being undertaken by you school. Be sure to elaborate the why and to give your readers detailed background information and interpretation based upon facts and backgrounds.​






















3. 1.which refers to a series of procedures designed to monitor the health status of the students which are performed and documented by the school doctor or nurse.A.annual physical examination examination testing D.standard health appraisal procedures 2.which of the following is conserved in a school health appraisal?A.personal information and citizenshipB. health history family background and academic achievementC. family background personal information educational backgroundD. healthy story, family story current status screening procedures PLS YONG TAMA PO​





sorry po kung tama po yan or hindi


1. D. standard health appraisal procedures

2. C. family background personal information educational background


hope it help pa brainliest po

4. A 1. Which of the following sentences delines form?A. A form that is seldom used and encountered in school or in public B. It is a printed document with blank spaces for required and requested information C. This is a form that you may optionally select information that you want to supply.D. It is a blank paper where you need to write any information you want known to the readers.2. How do you fill out a form? A. Read carefully and supply the information you want to include.B. Scan the contents of the form and leave questions blank when found absurd. C. Answer the questions briefly and add additional information to make it more precise. D Carefully read all the directions before you begin and supply all the true and necessary information 3. Which of the following forms requires you to confirm your personal information and family background? A. library card B. bank deposit slip C. personal data sheet D. bank withdrawal slip​






5. Students have different ways in processing information, some may prefera-udio-visual presentation; others drama and imitating or reasoninglogically and intuitively, or analyzing and envisioning Teacher style alsovary. Some professors used traditional way of teaching, others used thenew trend in technology; some focus on principles and others onpresentationsWhen the learning style of professors are incompatible, the studentsmay become inattentive, distracted, uninterested, their achievement levelgoes down, and eventually leads to school dropout. For intervention usedin this study is the student's devises games-simulation Games-simulationis introduced as a method in teaching in medical fields recently throughinteractive video games (Rosser, Lynch, Caddihy, Gentile, Klanssky. &Merill. 2007)Questions:1. What is the focus of the background of the study?2. Which part of the background of the study refers to the findings of otherresearchers?​


1.The background section should discuss your findings in a chronological manner to accentuate the progress in the field and the missing points that need to be addressed. The background should be written as a summary of your interpretation of previous research and what your study proposes to accomplish.2.Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to the existing literature. ... Background information does not replace the literature review section of a research paper; it is intended to place the research problem in a proper context.


brainliest poh

6. 1. Which defines form? A. A form that is seldom used and encountered in school or in public. B. This is a form that you may optionally select information that you want to supply. C. It is a printed document with blank spaces for required and requested information. D. It is a blank paper where you need to write any information you want known to the readers. 2. Which of the following forms requires you to confirm your personal information and family background? A. library card B. bank deposit slip C. personal data sheet D. bank withdrawal slip 3. How do you fill out a form? A. Read carefully and supply the information you want to include. B. Answer the questions briefly and add additional information to make it more precise. C. Scan the contents of the form and leave the questions blank when found absurd. D. Carefully read all the directions before you begin and supply all the true and necessary information. 4. Which form is frequently encountered at the beginning of the school? A. library card B. activity sheet C. identification card D. student information sheet 5. Why do school forms like student information sheets need to be accurately filled out? A. to give true and correct information B. to prevent from disclosing confidential information C. to share all the information you want to be known to the public D. to be able to answer all the questions even if it is not applicable to you


1. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. A

7. Rogoarch Plan Initial Research Topic: I. Basic Information A. Complete Name B. LRN : C. School and Address: D. Track and Strand: E. Complete Homic Address: II. Background III. Objectives and Methods IV. Working Framework V. Assumptions VI. Timetable . VII. Referencespahelp po​


pahinga po lang ng points kailangan ko po


thank you po ng marami


8. Activity #3: Write an in-depth news story on any community project being undertaken by school. Be sure to elaborate the why and to give your readers detailed background information and interpretation based upon facts and backgrounds Rubric for In-depth newsI brainliest ko pinakamagandang sagot​


and that's my answer


I hope it's work for you guys

9. IV. Assessment Do it on your own. Direction: Solve each problem in solving for percent increase or decrease. 1. Find the percent of increase from 10 to 15. Solution and Answer: 2. A kilogram of tomato increases from P30.00 to P33.00. Find the percent of increase. Solution and Answer: 3. Grade 6 enrolment in Cagnocot Elementary School increases from 20 to 23 this year. Find the percent of decrease. Solution and Answer: 4. Find the percent of decrease from 20 to 15. Solution and Answer: 5. A kilogram of garlic decreases from P120.00 to P108.00. Find the percent of decrease Solution and Answer: Day 2 1. Background Information/Brief Discussion of the Topic​


1. (15 - 10) / 10 = 0.5 = 50%

or --------------------------

15 / 10 = 1.5

increase = 1.5 - 1 = 0.5 = 50%

or --------------------------

15 - 10 = 5

5/10 = 0.5 = 50%

2. (33 - 30) / 30 = 0.1 = 10%

3. (23 - 20) / 20 = 0.15 = 15%

4. (15 - 20) / 20 = - 0.25 = - 25% or 25% decrease

5. (108 - 120) / 120 = -0.1 = -10% or 10% decrease

10. 1 Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer. Which refers to series of procedures designed to monitor the health status of the students which are performed and documented by the school doctor or nurse. A. Annual Physical Examination B. Dental Examination C. Health Testing D. Standard Health Appraisal Procedures 2. Which of the following is considered in a school health appraisal? A. personal information, and citizenship B. health history, family background and academic achievement c. family background, personal information, educational background D. health history, family history, current status, screening procedures 3. Which is not included in the screening procedures as supplemental evaluation A. Ailments in the family C. Hearing B. Blood pressure D. Height and Weight


1 A

2 D

3 D


I hope thats the right answer.

Sana pumasa ka sa module mo

just keep learning and always be happy.

11. 1. The __________definition tells us that materials on the internet, or in school presentations, involve several forms of communication to connect (that is, to be in the middle of) the sender and recei2. ________ is still a primary way to transmit information, although nowadays, it is also used to augmen t other forms of communication.3. _______are perhaps the oldest form of medi a.4. Small images such as ________ or icons are often used as a visual "entry point" to larger images or more detailed information.5. _______ is a form of lettering that combines a strong visual element as well.6. Your website can add sound, from a musical background to a spoken explanation, by including _______.7. Compressed files require less __________ and stream faster.8. _______ presents moving pictures and typically combines images and sound.9. _______are small files that present a single image or rapidly display a sequence of a few images to give the appearance of motion.10. The word “multi” in multimedia means ________.​


1. B - graphic image files

12. create a presentation about yourself such as your family background achievements in school or in the community talents and skills, your likes and dislikes etc. should provide information like "who am i" achievements, talents and skills​


Sure! Here is a sample presentation about myself:

Hi, my name is [Name] and I am [age] years old. I was born and raised in [city/country], and come from a [number]-person family with [number] siblings.

In terms of my education, I have [highest degree obtained] in [field of study] from [university/institution]. Throughout my academic career, I have been recognized for my [achievements, e.g. awards, honors, etc.].

13. Activity 1:questions belowSample 1:Directions: Read the sample background of the study below and answerStudents have different ways in processing information; some may preferand intuitively, or analyzing and envisioning. Teacher style also vary.a-udio-visual presentation, others drama and imitating or reasoning callstraditional of teaching others used new trendWhen the learning style of professors are incompatible, the studentsand eventually leads to school dropout. For intervention used in this studymethod in teac hing in medical fields recently through interactive video gamesthe student's devises games simulation Games-simulation is introduced2. Which part of the background of the study refers to the findings of othertechnology; some focus on principles and others on presentations(Rosser, Lynch, Caddihy, Gentile, Klanssky, &Merill, 2007)Questions;1. What is the focus of the background of the study?researchers?​

me:Hindi ko po maintindihan

14. Performance Task You are the newly elected president of the student council. The city mayor summons you and the council presidents from other schools to compose the League of Student Leaders. You need to meet your counterparts in clusters to discuss school- and community-based concerns that the league may address through the support of the local government. Before you attend the meeting, the Office of the City Mayor asks you to a preliminary assessment of your school and its neighboring community. Fin in the Social Needs Preliminary Inventory, which you will submit to the mayor's desk a week before the meeting. The mayor's three-year development plan will be based on the student leaders' social needs inventory and proposed action plan. You are tasked to provide an overview on all aspects of the social needs-intellectual, societal, economic, and political- of your school and community Social Need Background Action Plan Information 1. Intellectual . 2. 1. 2. Societal 2. Economic 1. Political 28



proposal is easy in times of politics.

15. Research Plan Initial Research Topic: I. Basic Information A. Complete Name : B. LRN: C. School and Address: D. Track and Strand: E. Complete Home Address: II. Background m. Objectives and Methods IV. Working Framework V, Assumptions VI. Timetable VII. References​


A. John Paulo Ibañez

B. 104836090133

C. Naval School of Fisheries Caray-Caray Naval, Biliran


E. Brgy. Burabod, Biliran, Biliran

16. 3. Which part of the bio-data form can we see theinformation about the place of birth of a person?"A.Character ReferencesB.Personal DataC.Educational BackgroundD.Special Skills4. Which part of the bio-data form can we see theinformation about schools where a person studied?A.Character ReferencesB.Personal DataC.Educational BackgroundD.Special Skills​





3.The answer is letter b, Personal data is information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.

4. The answer is letter c,educational background can include both your formal education and any informal or continuing education you have received throughout your lifetime.


17. Research for an inspiring academic success story. It can be a person you personally know (within your family, school, community, etc.) or a person who is famous in a particular field (e.g. science, literature, mathematics, music, arts, etc.).On a clean sheet of paper, write a brief summary of his/her life and journey towards success. Be guided by the following:a. General information about the person (name, family background, etc.)b. Humble beginnings and academic/life challenges encounteredc. How he/she succeed and continue to inspire others through his/her achievements​


Albert Einstein is a theoretical physicist that developed the theory of relativity. He was born in 1879 in Ulm. He graduated from the University of Zurich in 1905. And he also spanned research about gravity and motion.

He has 1 daughter named Lieserl Einstein, and 2 sons whose name Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard Einstein. He has 2 siblings whose name Maria Einstein and Maja Einstein. He has many relatives. But unfortunately, he died in 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey.


Albert Einstein was a great genius. He wrote the two wonders that he encountered in his early years. A compass at age of 5 and the second one is the book of geometry at age of 12. He faces challenges in finding an academic position.

He became religious at the age of 12 and composed several songs in praise of God. But he changes after he read a science book that changes his belief. He also wrote his first scientific journal.


Albert Einstein received 2 honorable awards, Copley Medal and Nobel Prize award. He has 2 genius inventions, Gas Abortion Heat Pump and Einstein Refrigerator. He was the person who discovered the photoelectric effect. He once said if he continues playing the violin he will be a musician.


18. What I Know Before you proceed to the different activities inside the module, answer the short pre-assessment activity below. A. Answer the following questions below. Select your answers from the options provided after each item. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which defines form? A. A form that is seldom used and encountered in school or in public B. This is a form that you may optionally select information that you want to supply. C. It is a printed document with blank spaces for required and requested information. D. It is a blank paper where you need to write any information you want known to the readers. 2. Which of the following forms requires you to confirm your personal information and family background? A. library card B. bank deposit slip C. personal data sheet D. bank withdrawal slip​





yan po ung nakalagay sa answer key namin

ihope its helps

19. Instructions: Draft your own research plan following the parts below. Use extra sheets to show your answer. Research Topic: Basic Information A. Complete Name B. Learner Reference Number (LRN) C. School and Address D. Track and Strand E. Complete Home Address. Background Objectives and Methods Working Framework. < IV. V. Assumptions VI. Timetable Referencepa help po plss ​


hndi ko na iintindihan

20. Title: The School Uniform Question Paragraph 1 Hook: Background information: Thesis statement: Paragraph 2 First reason: Supporting evidence/explanation: Paragraph 3 First reason: Supporting evidence/explanation: Paragraph 4 First reason; Supporting evidence/explanation: Paragraph 5 Counter argument: Rebuttal: Paragraph 6 Conclusion:​pa help po tyy.


Paragraph 1

Hook: The issue of school uniforms in public schools.

Background information: Individualism as a fundamental value in the US.

Thesis statement: School uniforms are the better choice for three reasons.

Paragraph 2

First reason: Simplifies students' lives.

Supporting evidence/explanation: Students no longer need to decide what to wear, saving time and eliminating stress.

Paragraph 3

Second reason: Encourages responsibility and unity.

Supporting evidence/explanation: Uniforms send a message that school is a special place for learning and create a sense of community, which has been shown to reduce violence and improve attendance and test scores.

Paragraph 4

Third reason: Promotes equality.

Supporting evidence/explanation: Uniforms make all students look the same, regardless of financial status, promoting pride and raising self-esteem for those who cannot afford stylish clothing.

Paragraph 5

Counter argument: Uniforms limit individual expression.

Rebuttal: While individual expression is important, school is a place to learn, and society must decide if it's more valuable than improved educational performance. Students can still express themselves outside of the classroom.

Paragraph 6

Conclusion: There are many benefits to implementing mandatory school uniforms, and public schools should seriously consider adopting this policy for the betterment of their students and their community.

21. Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the correct answer.1. This type of writing provides information and explanation in a straight forwardmanner to the readers.A. InformativeC. ArgumentativeB. PersuasiveD. Narrative2. This type of writing, the writer must prove and defend his point.A. InformativeC. ArgumentativeB. PersuasiveD. Narrative3. Which of the following exam questions requires a piece of persuasive writing inanswer?A. Write an article reviewing a new local restaurantB. A local business wants to start a puppy farm. Write a speech opposing theirplanning application.C. Write a magazine article to inform readers about a recent reading challenge ofyour school.D. Describe the scene in a city center on a hot summer's day4. Attempts to arouse reader interest by providing background Information on thetopic - stressing the significance of the topic - or presenting one or more startlingfacts – should lead logically to the thesisA. Concluding paragraphB. Introductory paragraph with thesis statementC. Clarity of thesisD. Parallelism​







Pa brainliest na lang =)

22. A. White TRUE if the text shows Text-to-World connection and FALSE if it does not 1. This is defined as relating something in the text to a current event. 2. It is done by relating events in the text and the things in your imagination 3. It means to deactivate relevant background knowledge to help you understand the text, and expand your appreciation on the domains of interconnected information 4. It brings the relevance, complexity and motivation of the real world to learning 5. Sensory experiences are highlighted thereby appealing to and assisting a wide range of learners 6. Making real-world connections promotes student failure through the authenticity of the learning 7. its learning is based on information derived from fictional sources 8. It helps readers see themselves in the text. 9. it forces readers to become inactively involved. 10. It supports character education as relationships between the community, the school and students are enhanced














23. ( Education, School , Media Family , Friends , Cultural background ) 1. Like your family, your can also have a significant impact on your views on human sexuality. 2. Socioeconomic status refere to the of living of a family. 3. You can affect your values regarding sexuality, along with the norms and standards set by society. sources where they 4. Teens spent large amount of time with various can view programs and internet content. 5. The is the center of information about sexual learning,​


Dami nag kokoment na di alam pero pang pa dagdag nang point


6.Not Recommended






6. Use only one password in every online account

Not Recommended

7. Protect your computer system against intruders by installing Anti-Virus and by activating your firewall


8. Initiate a background investigation of a person's social media account who is not known to you personally before befriending or accepting a friend request.


9. The Department of Education shall integrate into its curriculum appropriate information on responsible parenthood and reproductive



10. Private and public schools shall provide young people a supportive environment where they have access to services with regard to teenage problems.


Hope it helps

25. Research Plan Initial Research Topic: I. Basic Information A. Complete Name : B. LRN: C. School and Address: D. Track and Strand: E. Complete Home Address: II. Background III. Objectives and Methods IV. Working Framework V. Assumptions VI. Timetable VII. References​


A. MA. Joanna Trinidad Anquilo

B. 122856150024

C. Brgy:Jose abad

26. Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise. 1. Language is dynamic. 2. The process of studying language formally in school or informally in one’s own way is called language learning. 3. Language is the result of language contact. 4. Extended communication involves the use of electronic media. 5. Intercultural communication is a communication between or among people having different linguistic, religious, ethnic, social and professional backgrounds. 6. Formal communication employs informal language delivered orally or in written forms. 7. Communication starts with an ideal speaker that needs to be transferred by a stimulus. 8. Communication starts with a sender, message, channel, feedback and receiver. 9. The sender’s goal is to transfer the message by all means. 10. An element is a visual representation of the communication process to understand clearly the roles of each models.​













Brainliest me.

to finish task:v


27. Research for an inspiring academic success story. It can be a person you personally know (within your family, school, community, etc.) or a person who is famous in a particular field (e.g. science, literature, mathematics, music, arts, etc.).On a clean sheet of paper, write a brief summary of his/her life and journey towards success. Be guided by the following:a. General information about the person (name, family background, etc.)b. Humble beginnings and academic/life challenges encounteredc. How he/she succeed and continue to inspire others through his/her achievements​​



Albert Einstein is a theoretical physicist that developed the theory of relativity. He was born in 1879 in Ulm. He graduated from the University of Zurich in 1905. And he also spanned research about gravity and motion.

He has 1 daughter named Lieserl Einstein, and 2 sons whose name Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard Einstein. He has 2 siblings whose name Maria Einstein and Maja Einstein. He has many relatives. But unfortunately, he died in 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey.


Albert Einstein was a great genius. He wrote the two wonders that he encountered in his early years. A compass at age of 5 and the second one is the book of geometry at age of 12. He faces challenges in finding an academic position.

He became religious at the age of 12 and composed several songs in praise of God. But he changes after he read a science book that changes his belief. He also wrote his first scientific journal.


Albert Einstein received 2 honorable awards, Copley Medal and Nobel Prize award. He has 2 genius inventions, Gas Abortion Heat Pump and Einstein Refrigerator. He was the person who discovered the photoelectric effect. He once said if he continues playing the violin he will be a musician.

28. 6. A story written about a teenage girl who moves to a new school and is bullied, but who gain self-confidence by joining the cheering squad and learns to stand up for herself. what was the author's purpose?a. to entertainb. to informc. to persuaded. to develop7. there is a section in a history book that describes the conditions and causes of martial law in the philippines in 1970s. what could be the author's purpose?a. to entertainb. to informc. to persuaded. to develop8. what is the authors purpose upon writing a speech about a professional athlete saying all the negative effects of marijuana and urging young athletes not to use prohibited drugs?a. to entertainb. to informc. to persuaded. to develop9. what is the purpose of a handbook containing the school rules and the consequences for violating those rules?a. to entertainb. to informc. to persuaded. to develop10. in the different stories written from different countries, what factor/s may affect the selection written by different authors?a. Diverse cultureb. Environment influencec. Historical backgroundd. All of the above​​​​













ayan lod follow moko

29. II. Formative Assessment (10 pts) TRUE or False. Write T if the statement is True and write F if the statement is False. 1. The proper use of nonverbal communication can make you an effective speaker 2 Your manner of communication defines what kind of speaker you are. 3. "The school principal reads out the school policies to all new students." This sentence is an example of information dissemination. 4. Boyet shares his struggles in school to his father. This statement functions to express emotion. 5. Verbal communication is more important than nonverbal communication 6 Individual differences shall be considered in delivering a message 7. Make your message simple and comprehensible when conversing. 8 Motivation functions to inspire people to be or do better. 9 Audience background needs to be considered before engaging to any type of communication 10. The use of figure of speech enhances one's speech for clarity.​




thats true because the bullying is not good to your classmate or people because bullying is one of the most on how to down the other people or student because your saying bully the student is breaking the mind to not school because more student bully in her self the bully is one of the most break in your futured

30. Research title: Evaluating the Factors that Affects the Grade 10 Students in Cauayan City National High School (Main) in Choosing the Right Strand for Senior High School. HELP SA FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BELOW PO HUHU 1. EXISTING LITERATURE 2.RELEVANCE TO LOCAL/GLOBAL CONTEXT 3. CRITICAL BACKGROUND OR CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION 4. RESEARCH GAP 5.PROOF OF URGENCY RESEARCH GOSLOR OBJECTIVE​


1. Existing Literature:

There are very few studies that have explored the factors that influence the choice of senior high school tracks among grade 10 students. However, some studies have investigated the various factors that affect educational and career decisions of high school students, such as parental influence, academic performance, personal interests, and socioeconomic status.

2. Relevance to Local/Global Context:

The study is relevant both locally and globally. Senior high school is a significant educational milestone that shapes the future of students. Understanding the factors that affect the choice of senior high school tracks among grade 10 students is imperative for developing effective educational policies and programs that cater to the students' needs and aspirations. Similar studies in other countries may also provide valuable insights into the factors influencing high school students' educational decision-making.

3. Critical Background or Contextual Information:

The Philippines K-12 program mandates the implementation of senior high school starting from grade 11. Students are required to choose from three tracks - academic, technical-vocational livelihood, and sports and arts - and several strands based on their career aspirations and interests. The correct choice of strand is crucial as it determines their career path and prospects for higher education. Despite the significance of this decision, there is a lack of research investigating the factors that influence grade 10 students' choice of senior high school tracks.

4. Research Gap:

There is a need for research that specifically examines the factors that affect grade 10 students' decision-making in choosing their senior high school tracks. Although several studies have explored the educational and career decision-making of high school students, there are very few studies that investigate the factors that influence senior high school track choices among grade 10 students.

5. Proof of Urgency Research Goal/Objective:

The study's primary objective is to evaluate the factors that affect grade 10 students' decision-making in choosing their senior high school tracks in Cauayan City National High School (Main). This research is urgent as the Filipino education system's current reform mandates that more students should continue their education up to the senior high school level. By evaluating the factors that affect senior high school track choice, educational institutions can develop programs that assist students in making informed decisions about their education and career.

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