Why Is Hinduism Considered A Diverse And Complex Religion

Why Is Hinduism Considered A Diverse And Complex Religion

Why Hinduism considered a diverse and complex religion

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1. Why Hinduism considered a diverse and complex religion


Please refer to the explanation part below for the answer to this question.



Considered as one of the oldest religions on Earth, Hinduism started in India. The term "Hinduism" came from a Persian term that  represents the inhabitants of the area outside the Indus.

Hinduism is considered as a diverse and complex religion. This is because it has multiple layers of interconnected traditions. Due also to its complexity, it is more than a religion rather it is more kind of a culture, a code of behavior, and a way of life.

In addition, it is enormously diverse because of its varying beliefs among regional areas, individuals, and communities through time.

Hinduism Beliefs

People who believe in Hinduism do not believe and practice violence. They believe in prayers and practice truth and honesty. The most popular traditions and beliefs of Hinduism are the following:

Karma - this word means "action" in English; this belief refers to the cause and effect of an individual's actionsMoksha - this Sanskrit word means "to free"; this belief talks about the liberation from the cycle of rebirth and deathDharma -  this refers to the moral order of the universe and a code of livingSamsara - this refers to the process of reincarnation; the continuous cycle where the soul is reborn over and over again

Learn more about Hinduism here:




2. Why is hinduism considered a diverse and complex religion

because hinduism has many gods that they believe or

3. ACTIVITY 21. Why is Hinduism considered a diverse and complex religion? (Answer at most 4 sentencesonly)​


Hinduism is a very diverse and complex religion. It is best understood not as a single tradition but as a group of interconnected traditions. The most recognized beliefs and traditions of Hinduism are Karma, Dharma, Samsara and Moksha. ... Instead they believe in prayers, honesty, and truth.

4. Hinduism is the world oldest religion​




yan ang sagot ni teacher

5. Hinduism, Taoism and Shintoism are considered as polytheistic religions.




Because they worship in more than one god

6. Considering Hinduism is the oldest religion, what is the newest religion?My own mind question my rules hehe​


Hinduism is a compilation of many traditions and philosophies and is considered by many scholars to be the world's oldest religion

7. why does religion considered as a complex reality?Explain your answer.​


To reveal the truth of life


Kasi ipinapakita dito kung bakit mayroong Diyos na dapat mayroon tayo, may ibat ibang religion pero madami ding ibat ibang katuruan, dito pinapaalam sa mga tao ang katotohanan, dahil laganap sa mga tao ang di alam ang katotohanan, mga bulag sa katotohanan, kayat nararapat lang na makibahagi sa isang religious community, layo ng sagot ko diba haha

8. 4. This type of religion is considered as the world 's oldest living religion.A. Christianity B. Islam C. Buddhism D. Hinduism​


Hinduism was considered to be the oldest religion that existed within the years of Circa 7000 BCE.




Hinduism started at around 15th-5th century BCE

9. would you consider shifting from your current or religion in hinduism or buddhism? explain your answer​


I prefer Budhism, because  believe that the human life is one of suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve enlightenment, or nirvana. 


I hope this helps ;) BLESS U


no of course, because I love my religion and it's my religion since I was a kid and where I was baptized.


hope it helps, brainliest thanks

10. Is Hinduism a belief or a religion?


Hinduism has been variously defined as a religion, a religious tradition, a set of religious beliefs, and "a way of life". From a Western lexical standpoint, Hinduism like other faiths is appropriately referred to as a religion. In India, the term dharma is preferred, which is broader than the Western term religion.

Hinduism is a religion of India

11. 1.I think the most important commonality among the three dharmic religions is, because? 2. I think that the Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism, and Mahayana Buddhism are considered as dharma religions because?


2. In Hinduism, dharma is the religious and moral law governing individual conduct and is one of the four ends of life. ... In Buddhism, dharma is the doctrine, the universal truth common to all individuals at all times, proclaimed by the Buddha.


ung 1 po nasa picture

hope its helps

12. describe the nature of hinduism as a religion​


Most Hindus believe in brahman, an uncreated, eternal, infinite, transcendent, and all-embracing principle. Brahman contains in itself both being and nonbeing, and it is the sole reality—the ultimate cause, foundation, source, and goal of all existence.


hope it helps

13. Define diversity and explain why Hinduism is considered to be diverse?


Hinduism is considered as a diverse and complex religion.

This is because it has multiple layers of interconnected traditions. Due also to its complexity, it is more than a religion rather it is more kind of a culture, a code of behavior, and a way of life.

14. things you associate with this religion hinduism​

Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect). One of the key thoughts of Hinduism is “atman,” or the belief in soul. This philosophy holds that living creatures have a soul, and they're all part of the supreme soul.

15. abrahamic religions (christianity, islam, and judaism) believe on the same God. only believing in God we saved. what about the other religions such as hinduism, buddhism and those who do not believe in God but they act goodness and this world do they consider themselves to be saved? why?​


i think no. and also don't hate me huh, but islam doesn't worship god that christian does


16. why is it important to have diversity towards other religions​


Because its a region that noticed to know whre are you



17. this religion stems from Hinduism​


Buddhism, in fact, arose out of Hinduism, and both believe in reincarnation, karma and that a life of devotion and honor is a path to salvation and enlightenment.




Explanation:  India has a lots of religions and hinduism is also one of them

18. Is diversity in religion a good thing? Why or why not?​


why not, if this is god right!!

19. why does hinduism consider as museum of religions?​


because there different kinds of hinduism


but i'm not sure about that

20. Why is it important to have knowledge in other religion such as Hinduism?


I don't know why is it important

21. ..Which religion does the Borobudur complex associate with?a.Islamc.Christianityb. Hinduismd. Buddhism​

The answer is D. Buddhism! Trust me.

22. hinduism beliefs is complex for other people​


Polytheism" the term which is the belief in numerous Gods.

So Hindu people are not polytheists as most of them believe that all the Gods and Goddesses are the ultimate reflection of One ultimate power Brahmin .

Other aspect of polytheism is the numerous unknown Gods have same status and worshipped concurrently.

So from different theory we can understand that Hindu people often worship one particular ultimate power, Brahmin . So its not applicable to tell Hindus polytheists .


correct me if me wrong but Hope help you

23. 4. Why Hinduism is considered a diverse and complex religion? A. Because of the population of the Indian people. B. Because there are different manifestation of their gods and god C. Because of many historical issue of Hinduism that makes t complex one. D. Because of people, culture, practices, customs and traditions ti different beliefs.​




because of people, culture,practices,customs,and traditions to different beliefs

24. Why is it important to have diversity towards other religions?​


For me you only need one religion to choose which is the truth, the religion which Christ built

25. why Hinduism is considered a deverse and complex religion?​


Hinduism is considered as a diverse and complex religion.

This is because it has multiple layers of interconnected traditions. Due also to its complexity, it is more than a religion rather it is more kind of a culture, a code of behavior, and a way of life.


Hinduism Beliefs

People who believe in Hinduism do not believe and practice violence. They believe in prayers and practice truth and honesty. The most popular traditions and beliefs of Hinduism are the following:

Karma - this word means "action" in English; this belief refers to the cause and effect of an individual's actions

Moksha - this Sanskrit word means "to free"; this belief talks about the liberation from the cycle of rebirth and death

Dharma -  this refers to the moral order of the universe and a code of living

Samsara - this refers to the process of reincarnation; the continuous cycle where the soul is reborn over and over again                                                                  :D


Hinduism is considered as a diverse and complex religion.

This is because it has multiple layers of interconnected traditions. Due also to its complexity, it is more than a religion rather it is more kind of a culture, a code of behavior, and a way of life

26. 1. Hinduism is a monotheistic religion because despite the fact that it has as many as 33milion gods and goddesses, they are believed to be manifestations of one universalgod. Agree or disagree? Why?2. How is Hinduism affect your perspective in Religion?3. Do all people need freedom and liberation regardless of their religion? Why?​


1.People often think that Hinduism is a polytheistic religion. They ask me, “Why do you have so many gods?”

Hindus worship one Supreme Being called Brahman though by different names. This is because the peoples of India with many different languages and cultures have understood the one God in their own distinct way.

Supreme God has uncountable divine powers. When God is formless, He is referred to by the term Brahman. When God has form, He is referred to by the term Paramatma. This is almighty God, whose three main forms are Brahma; the creator, Vishnu, the sustainer and Shiva, the destroyer.

2.Hinduism is bound to the hierarchical structure of the caste system, a categorization of members of society into defined social classes. An individual’s position in the caste system is thought to be a reflection of accumulated merit in past lives (karma).

3,The word “religion,” which comes from the Latin word religare, means “to tie, to bind fast.”  This etymology is favored by many based on its ability to explain the power religion has over people and the communities in which they live.  Religion is commonly, but not always, associated with a particular system of faith and worship of a transcendent deity or deities.  In human rights discourse, however, the use of the term “religion” also includes support for the right to non-religious beliefs, such as atheism or agnosticism.  In 1993 the Human Rights Committee, an independent body of 18 experts selected through a UN process, described religion or belief as “theistic, non-theistic and atheistic beliefs, as well as the right not to profess any religion or belief.”

sana maka tulong

27. Why is there diversity for religion in kids?

Religious diversity brings awareness to the significant differences in religious belief and practice. In searching for a richer and deeper understanding of diverse cultures, one must embrace religious tolerance, understanding, acceptance and a willingness to move beyond our differences



Religious diversity brings awareness to the significant differences in religious belief and practice. In searching for a richer and deeper understanding of diverse cultures, one must embrace religious tolerance, understanding, acceptance and a willingness to move beyond our differences


sana makatulong

28. why is the hospitality industry considered diverse and complex?


The industry is considered to be so diverse because of the clientele and employees coming from different areas and backgrounds. The industry is considered complex because the hospitality industry is complex because many of the parts of the industry work together and are hard to separate from each other.


Hope it helps, pa brainliest na lang po tysm.

29. what kind of speaker should be considering the fact that communication contexts or situations are very diverse and complex​


BT-SPEAKER if you connect your Bluetooth device in speaker I should be love you mwauhh

30. why is it important to have diversity towards other religions​


this trichotomy is sometimes thought of in terms of general attitudes that a religious person may have towards other religions

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