Medieval Border Design

Medieval Border Design

What is the importance of borders in web designing?​

Daftar Isi

1. What is the importance of borders in web designing?​

While borders are most frequently thouth about in terms of print design, they can be a valuable digital design tool as well. A good border defines a space so that users know where a design begins and ends.

Explination follow:

pa brainlyst po tama po yan na reseach kopo

2. Give me a example of border design ​


what kind of example


sorry ididnt understand sorry

3. what does embroidery means?fabric and border or edge or border or edge design or fabric threads?


Embroidery is the ornamentation of textiles and other materials with needlework for personal use and decoration not only at home but for offices as well. The term embroidery is an English word derived from the old French 'embroiders' meaning edge or border.

Fabrics are sometimes referred to as clothe, which are of great variety and they differ in material, weight, weave, design, color and finish.

Thread is available in various types. They differ in terms of texture, fiber, content, number of strands and color.

4. Next, lay a tire on the ground anddraw a border design around itrearrange the ff sentences​


Put the tire on the ground put some soil and plant flowers or vegetables

5. stage backdrop in medieval interlaced designs what inspired you most to create your backdrop designs and why?​


the old times beacuse it is part of the history that when you have medieval ERA desgns it makes you feel part of the past where people are naturally creative.

6. are pattern of stars visible to the unaided eye that are bounded bye borders designated by the international astronomical union​


A star is an astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity. ... For most of its active life, a star shines due to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core, releasing energy that traverses the star's interior and then radiates into outer space.

The patterns of stars seen in the sky are usually called constellations, although more acurately, a group of stars that forms a pattern in the sky is called an asterism. Astronomers use the term constellation to refer to an area of the sky.

As you will see when we discuss the detailed procedures, each person must make their own measurements, but the pattern you



pa tag nlng ako kung meron pah :)

7. What stitches would you recommend for designing borders and edges? NEED IT RN THANK YOU​


Running stitch ,cross stitch ,herring bone


8. "On the right space make a border design thenwrite your own 5 Facts and 5 Opinions."​



1.philippines is part of Asia

2.the president of the Philippines is president duterte

3.there are 50 states in United States human hair can support 3 ounces

5.kangaroos cannot walk backwards

opinions are in the comment sec

cuz I can't send

9. what did I find interesting about the art of border design it?​


ouum d ko po Alam sorry,but thanks

10. Performance Task 2 (Border Design it) You will need the following: bond paper, coloring materials, ruler Direction: On a separate sheet of bond paper, create your own border designs using any preferred coloring materials.​

Yan ung gagawin mo sa bondpaper

Example lang ung binigay ko sayo

Bali magcreate ka ng sarili mong ideas tsaka mo sya idrawing as a border

11. ano ibig sabihin ng border design​


A pattern designed to run lengthwise along the edge of the fabric or wallpaper.

12. Gumawa ng border na coke ang design


Soda Bunny logo


Ginawa ko po sa


hotdogs ngtao po


sana makatulog

13. How to draw a border with night design Pls answer


search your problem to google


tysm pa brainlys po

14. a rectangular tablecloth which measures 10 m by 6m is to be designed by a lace border along the sides. How many yards of lace is needed for the border design​



Step-by-step explanation:

Because she is pinagpalit sa kaya nakakaawa ako ay pingpalit pero di yun masakit kasi nakakaawa kalang

15. 2. Embroidery is an English word derived from the old French embroiders meaning. A. top and bottom B. edge and border C. art and design D. border and distance? ​

2. Embroidery is an English word derived from the old French embroiders meaning.

A. top and bottom B. edge and border C. art and design D. border and distance?


B. edge and border


pa Brainliests nalang

16. Is a recognizable pattern of stars that has official borders and an official designation​


A constellation is a recognized pattern of stars in the night sky. The word is from the Latin constellacio, meaning a set of stars. There are 88 official constellations




di ko po sure

17. saan mo maaaring gamitin ang natapos mong border design pleazzzze anzwerz​


Ang aking masasabi sa aking obra ay maganda ito at maayos ang pagkakagawa ng aking obra.(Kung ano po ang inyong ginawa like bookmark)Puwede ko itong magamit sa aking mga gamit at hindi ko na kailangan bumili dahil di ko na kailangan gumastos dahil nakagawa ako ng magandang obra


hope it help:DD

18. Write an essay discussing the graphic design development during Prehistoric to Medieval era of the graphic design of today?​

Graphic design has a long and diverse history that spans many eras, from the prehistoric to the medieval period and up to the modern day. Throughout this time, the field of graphic design has undergone significant developments in terms of its techniques, styles, and applications.

During the prehistoric era, graphic design was primarily used for communication and storytelling through the use of cave paintings, rock art, and petroglyphs. These early forms of graphic design were created using natural materials such as charcoal, clay, and earth pigments, and were often used to depict hunting scenes, religious rituals, and daily life activities. The designs were typically simple and focused on capturing the essence of the subject matter.

As civilization progressed, the use of graphic design evolved into more refined forms during the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The use of hieroglyphics in Egyptian art, the use of symmetry in Greek architecture, and the creation of mosaic patterns in Roman art were all examples of the advancements made during this period. These forms of graphic design were used to convey information, tell stories, and create visual harmony in architectural and artistic works.

During the medieval period, graphic design was primarily used for religious and political purposes, and was often characterized by intricate calligraphy, illuminated manuscripts, and hand-drawn illustrations. These designs were created using natural pigments, gold leaf, and other precious materials, and were often used in the creation of religious texts and illuminated manuscripts. The use of Gothic lettering, elaborate borders, and religious imagery were all hallmarks of this period in graphic design.

With the advent of the printing press in the 15th century, graphic design underwent a major revolution. This allowed for the mass production of printed materials such as books, pamphlets, and newspapers, which in turn led to the creation of new design techniques such as typography, grid systems, and the use of white space. The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century further transformed the field of graphic design with the development of new printing technologies, including lithography, engraving, and etching.

Today, graphic design has become an essential part of our daily lives, with applications ranging from advertising and marketing to digital media and web design. Advances in technology have made it possible to create complex designs with the use of digital tools, and have opened up new avenues for creativity and experimentation. The field of graphic design has also become increasingly specialized, with designers focusing on specific areas such as branding, illustration, and user experience design.

In conclusion, the history of graphic design has been marked by a continuous evolution in style, technique, and application. From the early cave paintings of the prehistoric era to the digital designs of today, graphic design has been an essential part of human communication and creativity. As we continue to develop new technologies and techniques, the field of graphic design will undoubtedly continue to evolve and push the boundaries of what is possible.

19. the following are design paraneters of border irrigration system EXEPT​

where's the pic?


pa brainleeiiissst

20. What stitches would you recommend for designing borders and edges?NEED IT RN THANK YOU​


Running Stitch preeee


stitch maybeeeeeeeeeeee

21. what stitches would you recommend for designing borders and edges?​


Runing stich


22. What are the design parameters of Border Irrigation System?​


Surface irrigation design variables include: water discharge, furrow or border length, irrigation cutoff time, distance between furrows or border width, and minimum area to be irrigated. These variables should establish a relation between production, costs, and net benefits.

23. 2. Design parameters of border irrigation systemA.B.CD.E​


e. because irrigation is sentence could last

24. gumawa ng disenyong panggilid (border design)​


sa Goøgle meron yarn po

25. 12. A design applied to the entire document. A.BorderB.ShadingC.Page Border​

Answer: border

Step-by-step explanation:

yan lang po


Kay mao na ak answer

26. page borders can be added in a document using the design tab of ms word true or false​








27. it is similar to the female pants but in darker colors and border designs​


paki pic po para masagutan ko po


salamat po sa points

28. true or false.MINA KHANI are flower designs often placed ate the end of vine designs. This motif is used in borders and medallions of a carpet.​


True po base sa pinagaralan ko


hope it helps

29. A graphic designer is asked to create a movie poster with a 65 square-inch photo surrounded by a 3 inch border at the top and bottom and a 2 inch border on each side. What overall dimensions for the poster should the designer choose to use the least amount of paper?​


2+2=4 and 1+1=2 for example 1+3 =4

30. a rectangular tablecloth which measures 10m by 6m to be designed by a lace border along the side .how many yards of lace is needed for the boarder design?



Step-by-step explanation:

The Perimeter of the Rectangle


if L=10 ; W=6

(substitute each values)




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