Socio Economic Profile Example

Socio Economic Profile Example

socio economic profile​

Daftar Isi

1. socio economic profile​

The Municipal Socio – Economic Profile is the consolidation of all data. Description, facts, figures and statistics of the Municipality of Magsaysay including its physical and environmental condition. The compilation of all these things has been made a ready reference for those in need of them. This could be used in the formulation of policies, a guide for short and long range development and investment potentials and for evaluation purposes.

2. How significant is the demographic profile in the socio-economic and political affairs?​


Demographics are the statistics of a population. Some statistics that are commonly recorded include birth rate, death rate, age, race and gender. ... Population - county, age group, gender and race. Socioeconomic status - income, poverty, education and unemployment.

3. Socio-economic issues and socio-economic development are both example of?

Socio-economic issues and socio-economic development are both examples of sociological concepts. Sociology is the scientific study of human society, social relationships, and social behavior. Socio-economic issues refer to the social and economic problems that affect individuals, communities, and societies. These can include poverty, inequality, unemployment, discrimination, and access to education, healthcare, and other resources.

On the other hand, socio-economic development refers to the process of improving the economic and social well-being of individuals, communities, and societies. This can involve increasing access to education, healthcare, and other resources, reducing poverty and inequality, promoting economic growth and stability, and improving living standards and quality of life.

Both socio-economic issues and socio-economic development are important areas of study for sociologists, as they are closely related to social behavior, relationships, and structures. By understanding these concepts, sociologists can help identify solutions to social and economic problems and contribute to the development of more just and equitable societies.

4. socio economic meaning


Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities in access to resources, plus issues related to privilege, power and control.

I hope this can help. Correct me if I'm wrong


Definition of socioeconomic

: of, relating to, or involving a combination of social and economic factors

5. Socio-economic status​


Socioeconomic status is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in relation to others

6. example of Socio-economic roles and gender roles​


Gender Role Muslim Woman Craft Production Economic Participation Pottery Production

7. socio economic aspect?​


Social economics is primarily concerned with the interplay between social processes and economic activity within a society. Social economics may attempt to explain how a particular social group or socioeconomic class behaves within a society, including their actions as consumers.


i hope its help thanks paki heart nalang po


Socioeconomics (also known as social economics) is the social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped by social processes. In general it analyzes how modern societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy. Societies are divided into three groups: social, cultural and economic. It also refers to the ways that social and economic factors influence the environment.Social economics is primarily concerned with the interplay between social processes and economic activity within a society. Social economics may attempt to explain how a particular social group or socioeconomic class behaves within a society, including their actions as consumers.

8. Give examples of cultural practice or socio-economic factor in your community which influence disease transmission.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.​


i have 9 example

strong families, education, healthcare, faith-based, housing, recreational and arts programs, and supportive

9. example of socio-economic roles​


The socioeconomic factors that determine health include: employment, education, and income. Socioeconomic refers to society related economic factors. These factors relate to and influence one another. For example, your employment will dictate your income.

10. How does socio-economic status affect domestic violence? Give examples.​

The results of some studies suggest that higher levels of education, better socioeconomic status and being married officially are factors that reduce domestic violence against women, while drinking, being younger, having less social support and premarital and extramarital relationships further contribute to domestic

11. the study covers both learners from higher socio economic status and of the low socio economic status​


In terms of children's learning behavior, we found that the higher the family's socioeconomic status, the lower the enthusiasm children have towards learning. The enthusiasm for learning among urban children is significantly lower than that among rural children.



Socio-economic factors include occupation, education, income, wealth and where someone lives


Poverty is a major socioeconomic issue because lack of money for basic necessities is the source of many other socioeconomic concerns.

Disproportionate Poverty Levels. ...

Disparities in Health. ...

Low Education Levels. ...

Justice System Inequalities

13. Compare socio-economic 19th century and socio-economic now


The U.S. economy of the early 19th century was characterized by labor shortages, as noted by numerous contemporary observers. The labor shortage was attributed to the cheapness of land and the high returns on agriculture.


pa brainless po thank you

14. Activity 1: What's Global? DIRECTION: Identify the current issues in the country which has reached global attention according to classifications. For example, war on drugs, economic and socio-cultural. POLITICAL ECONOMIC RELIGIOUS SOCIO- CULTURAL



*The economy, regulatory environment, cyber security, corporate tax rate, education and others


*Scarity,choice and the basic economic problem

*Opportunity costs, allocation of resources

*Production possibility curve and productive efficiency

*Growth and the factors of production, land,labour, capital, enterprise, growth.

*The division of labour and specialization




*Identification with or against society


*sharing opinion without exposing themselves

*avoid rejection and hostility

*influencing individuals

*generation of new identities,"culture".


Hope It Helps

15. socio economic hazard


Disaster mitigation measures consist of “policies and actions taken before an event which are intended to minimize the extent of damage when an event does occur” (Drabek, Mushkatel, and Killijanek, 1983: 12). Such measures include land-use regulations enacted to control development and settlement patterns; decisions about where to locate particular facilities and projects; the application of design and engineering principles (e.g., though building codes) that are intended to make new structures more resistant; the retrofitting or existing structures to reduce future damage; measures taken to protect the contents of structures from damage and to protect building inhabitants; public works (e.g., dams, shoreline maintenance projects) undertaken to reduce disaster impact; and other policies and activities enacted beforehand to minimize the life-safety hazards, damage, and social disruption resulting from disasters. Disaster mitigation efforts are developed and implemented at various levels: entire societies or multiple societies; regional areas within countries; cities, villages, and other local communities; organizations; and households.

16. Concept of marxism of socio economics


Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory originated by Karl Marx, which focuses on the struggle between capitalists and the working class. ... He believed that this conflict would ultimately lead to a revolution in which the working class would overthrow the capitalist class and seize control of the economy.


Pa brainliest

17. In what way the cultural heritage become a factor towards socio-economic development? cite an example​


Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity).

sana makatulong kung mali ako pakitama nlang

18. Socio Economic Class​


Understanding Social Economics

A socioeconomic class is a group of people with similar characteristics. These characteristics can include social and economic standing, level of education, current profession, and ethnic background or heritage.


i hope its help :)

19. example of •gender•Gender roles•socio-economic roles•ethnicity•race​




gender is a kind of human that has two kind it rather boy oe girl

20. Reflection of economics problems and Philippine socio economics​


Among the issues that they address are food insecurity, hunger and poor nutrition, poor quality of education, land and housing insecurity, and poor sanitation.


hope it helps you have a great day

21. what is socio-economic ​


Social economics is primarily concerned with the interplay between social processes and economic activity within a society. Social economics may attempt to explain how a particular social group or socioeconomic class behaves within a society, including their actions as consumers.


22. ano ang socio economic

kaugnay sa o pag-aalala sa pakikipag-ugnayan ng mga kadahilanan ng lipunan at ekonomiya.

Ang Socioeconomics ay isang uri ng social science na pag-aaral upang makita kung paano naaapektuhan ng lipunan ng tao ang mga proseso ng ekonomiya. Ipinapakita nito ang maliitang mga proseso hanggang sa pandaigdigang kolaborasyon ng tao at ng ekonomiya. Ang pagbagsak at pagsulong ng ekonomiya ay binibigyang-pansin dahil sa pagbabago ng moralidad ng tao.

23. Define Socio-economic rights in your own words based on your own understanding. Give an example.


Economic, social and cultural rights are part of the body of human rights law that developed in the aftermath of World War II. Human rights law includes all economic and social rights, as well as civil and political rights like the right to free speech and the right to a fair trial. These rights are deeply intertwined: for example, the right to speak freely means little without a basic education, the right to vote means little if you are suffering from starvation. Similarly, the right to work means little if you are not allowed to meet and assemble in groups to discuss work conditions.

24. ano po yung socio economic class give me an example​


Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities in access to resources, plus issues related to privilege, power and control.

25. Are there any positive impacts of growing population on socio econOmic environment ?provide example and a short explanation?​


Some theoretical analyses argue that high population growth creates pressures on limited natural resources, reduces private and public capital formation, and diverts additions to capital resources to maintaining rather than increasing the stock of capital per worker.

would you pls give me brainliest answer

26. DIRECTION: Identify the current issues in the country which hasreached global attention according to classifications. For example,Activity 1: What's Global?war on drugs, economic and socio-cultural.RELIGIOUSPOLITICALECONOMICSOCIO-CULTURAL​



*The economy, regulatory environment, cyber security, corporate tax rate, education and others


*Scarity,choice and the basic economic problem

*Opportunity costs, allocation of resources

*Production possibility curve and productive efficiency

*Growth and the factors of production, land,labour, capital, enterprise, growth.

*The division of labour and specialization




*Identification with or against society


*sharing opinion without exposing themselves

*avoid rejection and hostility

*influencing individuals

*generation of new identities,"culture".


sana maka tulong:)

27. what is the example of socio-economic roles?​



The moderating role of socio-economic status. Socio-economic status is commonly conceptualized as the social standing or class of an individual or group (Adler et al., 1994).


(2010) reports that individuals with higher level of income have greater opportunities to use computer.


Hope it helps

28. Give examples of culture identity, socio-economic identity and political identity.


Ex of cultural identity:

Languages.Festivals.Rituals & Ceremony.Holidays.Pastimes.Food.Architecture.Norms

Ex of social economic:

race/ethnicitygender social class socioeconomic status sexual orientation, (dis)abilitiesreligion/religious beliefs.

Ex of Political:

Ulster Loyalist, IslamistChristian Identity movements, Former being queer nationalism Black nationalism.

29. example of socio economic perspective disaste​


One of the biggest challenges before the mankind is to protect the developmental gains which had been hard earned over the ages, against the increased exposure to various types of risk and vulnerabilities caused by disasters. Disasters causes loss of life, valuable assets, degrades environment thereby damaging acutely the social and economical foundation of our civilization, hence time has now come to initiate plans and programs for risk reduction, mitigation, readiness and recovery for sustainability of our growth, development and progress. The fulcrum of development has been achieving desperate and robust economic growth even at the cost of damages to livelihoods, environment, socio-economic structures, culture and increased levels of risk, exposure and vulnerabilities. The poor are becoming poorer, inequities in the societies are widening and large scale political instability urgently merits a much deeper, pragmatic, integrated and proactive approach to disaster risk reduction and recovery plans and policies in the context of the dynamic socio-economic macro–environment which would lead to success and sustenance of development of societies and communities at large. Mostly, due to tight budgets governments tend to spend less on prevention and risk reduction and more on post-disaster response and recovery because investments in disaster risk reduction may not yield visible and measurable benefits for many years and also get less media attention and thus limited non-governmental funds. Disaster loss is assessed in terms of injuries and death, destruction of fixed assets and infrastructure, disruptions in the flow of goods and services adversely effecting economic factors like GDP growth rates, indebtedness levels and fiscal deficits of a nation ignoring the social loss.

30. socio economic systems​


Socioeconomic system at the regional level refers to the way social and economic factors influence one another in local communities and households. These systems have a significant impact on the environment through deforestation, pollution, natural disasters, and energy production and use.

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