Perspective View Of Building

Perspective View Of Building

how many different points of view can you find on development,nation building and national interests and from which perspective?​

Daftar Isi

1. how many different points of view can you find on development,nation building and national interests and from which perspective?​


100 points very essy

Step-by-step explanation:

pls give me brainliest



Step-by-step explanation:

wag ka pro brainly jan sagutin mo mag isa

2. Assessment DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank provided before the number. 1. The object is viewed above the eye level of the observer. A. bird's eye view B. worm's eye view C. bug's eye view D. man's 2. The object is viewed within the eye level of the observer. A. bird's eye view B. worm's 3. The object is viewed below C. bug's eye view D. man's eye view eye view the eye level of the observe. A. Bird's eye view B. worm's eye view C. bug's eye view D. man's eye view 4. This is the other name for one - point perspective drawing. A. angular perspective C. parallel perspective B. perpendicular perspective D. circular perspective 6. This is the other name for 2-point perspective drawing. A. angular perspective C. perpendicular perspective B. parallel perspective D. circular perspective eye view​












3. what is your view of this kind of modality in learning? show your partial perspective and holistic perspective view of this situation​


very good for those in higher grades but not in lower grades

4. Describe yourself base on perspective point of view

[tex] \color{lime}kau \: po \: magsasagot \: dyan \\ \color{lime}sabi \: po \: kasi \: describe \: your \: self \: describe \: nyo \: posarili \: nyo[/tex]

5. Differences of holistic perspective and partial point of view

A partial point of view is a perspective that looks at reality based on a single or partial component of a system whereas the holistic perspective tries to broaden the understanding of reality by taking considerations of other possible causal agents.

6. karl marx viewed modern society in the perspective of​


Mode of Capitalism


P. S. That's the answer

Hope it helps you

7. similarities of holistic perspective and partial point of view​


It is important distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view, especially on the part of students taking up Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person.


(MELC 1.1).

8. What is your views and perspective about politics? ​


Perspectives on Politics seeks to provide a space for broad and synthetic discussion within the political science profession and between the profession and the broader scholarly and reading publics. Such discussion necessarily draws on and contributes to the scholarship published in the more specialized journals that dominate our discipline. At the same time, Perspectives seeks to promote a complementary form of broad public discussion and synergistic understanding within the profession that is essential to advancing research and promoting scholarly community. Perspectives seeks to nurture a political science public sphere, publicizing important scholarly topics, ideas, and innovations, linking scholarly authors and readers, and promoting broad reflexive discussion among political scientists about the work that we do and why this work matters. Perspectives on Politics is sold ONLY as part of a joint subscription with American Political Science Review and PS: Political Science & Politics.

9. differentiate holistic perspective to partial point of view.

Differentiate holistic perspective to partial point of view.

Holistic  Perspective  

Holism comes from the Greek word  "holos," meaning literally everything, whole, whole.  Holism is a way of thought which preserves  the interdependence of factors with other causalities agencies.  In other words, a certain structure or component can not alone determine the properties of a  particular phänomen or system ( e.g., philosophical, biological, psychological , emotional, spiritual , social, political, and linguistic).  This type of system therefore aims, by analyzing the behaviour and operations of  certain components, to define and describe any or more of a certain system.

Partial point of view

A point of view is characterized in philosophy as a way or  method of how the fact or the situation is seen or interpreted.  Therefore, if one speaks from a partial perspective, he made it clear that the way  he sees the reality or some phenomenon depends on a single factor or causal agency.  A partial view is then a view centered  on a single portion of an entire object.

For more information visit this link:


10. Point of view may be classified into five perspective


First person is when “I” am telling the story. ... Second person point of view. ... Third person point of view, limited. ... irst person point of view. ... Second person point of view. ... Third person point of view, limited. ... Third person point of view, omniscient


what is your favorite color,food,vagetable,pet and fruit

11. give an example of differences in perspective and view point​


As I see it, point of view refers to the format the author has chosen for the narration (who is speaking), whereas perspective refers to the worldview of a character (how she is feeling and thinking). Most novels are written from either a first-person POV or a third-person POV.

12. about thier view/perspective of bible?​


Scripture on perspective :


Verse One - Psalm 9:7-8.

Verse Two - Psalm 73:26.

Verse Three - Psalm 100:5.

Verse Four - 2 Corinthians 4:17-18.

Verse Five - 1 Thessalonians 4:17.

Verse Six - Hebrews 9:12.

Verse Seven - Hebrews 13:8.

and many more...


( Hope that helped you )

13. In your view, what perspective influenced mother Teresa's views on human relations? ​

Answer: The dignity of a human being and helping the poorest of the poor affected her choices and her relationship to others.


14. describe perspective view​


Perspective view is a view of a three-dimensional image that portrays height, width, and depth for a more realistic image or graphic.



Perspective view is a view of a three-dimensional image that portrays height, width, and depth for a more realistic image or graphic. 3D, Video terms

15. How will you view this pandemic in philosophical perspective​?


The last aspect of this pandemic that forced us to reflect was the presence of death always looming. Contemporary society has tried to marginalize death. Conversely, in these months death has been brought under our gaze continuously and this has also led us to recover the most precise sense of medicine. The aim of medicine was traditionally considered to cure and recover health, since it was obvious that death was an inevitable natural fact. Today, on the other hand, it seems that the main purpose of medicine is to defeat immediate death, to save the patient's life even at the cost of condemning the residual part to an extremely painful state from many points of view. The fact that in recent months we were put in the presence of so many deaths prompted us to reflect on the event of death itself, that is, to think that, once we arrive at that moment, we could ask ourselves what sense our life had, what are the things for which it was worth living and what instead those who have left no trace of themselves in our existence. This too is an aspect on which philosophy has long reflected, proposing hierarchies of values ​​of different type.

16. what Plato's perspective views about self​


Plato, at least in many of his dialogues, held that the true self of human beings is the reason or the intellect that constitutes their soul and that is separable from their body. Aristotle, for his part, insisted that the human being is a composite of body and soul and that the soul cannot be separated from the body.


17. how to view health in different perspectives​


Each of us defines health differently since it is so individualized for each of us. Age, color, culture, family, zip code, friends—the list goes on—all have an impact on how we see health. Happiness, reduced stress, excellent food, laughter, sound sleep, having objectives and hobbies, working out, maintaining a healthy weight without stressing over it, self-awareness, and self-confidence are some of the words that spring to mind for me.

Numerous, frequently conflicting definitions of health have emerged over time. Health has historically been framed in terms of illness and mortality, and this framing is still prevalent today. However, as our understanding of health has grown, there is now the notion that health encompasses all aspects of one's physical, mental, and social welfare in addition to the absence of sickness. You may also describe health in terms of how you feel about yourself and your capacity for action.

What constitutes public health activity varies between nations; it can range from narrowly defined medical illness prevention to a more expansive definition of public health that addresses broader socioeconomic factors of health. This variety reflects extremely diverse perspectives on what health means.

18. Partial Point of View/s: Holistic Perspective:​

Answer: Holistic perspective and partial point of view

Holistic perspective is a kind of system that aims to determine and explain the whole or totality of a given system by examining the behaviors and activities of certain component parts while in philosophy, a point of view is defined as a way or a method how one sees or perceives the reality or a phenom


19. How will building perspective help build my awareness during this pandemic?


perspective drawing can be helpful in the community because it gives a clear illustration of the future developments that your community can look forward to

20. Explain the concept of viewing points in perspective drawing.


yong question po



sam yung question btw pa braenliest nalang

21. the over all perspective or view of life and the world​


World view will be the answer

22. view may be filed into perspective yes or no​


Yes☜ ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)





view may be filed into perspective.

23. types of perspective views​


One-point Perspective. As the name suggests, a one-point perspective drawing has one vanishing point at the horizon line. Therefore, all the receding ...

Two-point Perspective.

Three-point Perspective.

Four-point Perspective.

Five-point Perspective.



1. Atmospheric

2. Color,

3.. Linear.


There are three types of perspective. Those are atmospheric, color, and linear. Most great madshots will show all three of these types of perspective. And they're are valuable part of any mad-artist palette for giving a picture depth.

24. explain the connection of holistic perspective and point of view​

A partial point of view is a perspective that looks at reality based on a single or partial component of a system whereas the holistic perspective tries to broaden the understanding of reality by taking considerations of other possible causal agents or factors.

25. Three views of perspective drawing​


Orthogonal lines

Vanishing Point

Point Perspective

Perspective Drawing

Linear or point-projection perspective is one of two types of graphical projection perspective in the graphic arts; the other is parallel projection. Linear perspective is an approximate representation, generally on a flat surface, of an image as it is seen by the eye.Perspective Drawing is a technique used in art and design to represent three-dimensional images on a two-dimensional picture plane. (swipe the image back and forward to view) Perspective Drawing is a technique used to represent three-dimensional images on a two-dimensional picture plane.There are typically three types of perspective drawing: one-point perspective, two-point perspective, and three-point perspective.

Why is perspective important in drawing?

Perspective is used to represent the ways objects appear smaller as they move farther into the distance. It adds depth and dimension to flat images.

What are the elements of perspective drawing?

The three components essential to the linear perspective system are orthogonals (parallel lines), the horizon line, and a vanishing point. So as to appear farther from the viewer, objects in the compositions are rendered increasingly smaller as they near the vanishing point.

26. Discuss the process of build a shared we perspective

anong grade kna?

hanapin mo yung answer key

27. Who makes the one point perspective views?​


man Filippo Brunelleschi

One point perspective has been the most central tenet of visual art since its invention by Italian artist, architect and all-round Renaissance man Filippo Brunelleschi in the 15th century. It completely revolutionised painting, and no artist can escape the ubiquity of perspective.

28. understanding of all the most diverse point of viewA.hHolistic perspectiveB.pPartial perspectiveC.ConfuciusD.Plato​


a. holistic perspective


29. II. Write a sociological perspective essay. (Sociological perspective is a way of viewing humanity as a society). ​


study of human behavior

30. ____ 2. a type of oblique drawing which is drawn in its actual size. A. Cavalier C. Cabinet B. General D. Oblique ____3. a type of oblique drawing wherein the depth of objects is reduced by half of its size. A. Cavalier C. Cabinet B. General D. Oblique ____4. The cabinet oblique uses______ degrees cross - axis. A. 30 C. 45 B. 60 D. 90 ____5. The cavalier oblique uses ______ degrees cross – axis. A. 30 C. 45 B. 60 D. 90 ____6 The object is viewed above the eye level of the observer. A. bird’s eye view C. man’s eye view B. ant’s view D. worm’s eye view ____7. The object is viewed within the eye level of the observer. A. bird’s eye view C. man’s eye view B. ant’s view D worm’s eye view ____8. The object is viewed below the eye level of the observer. A. bird’s eye view C. man’s eye view B. ant’s view D. bug’s eye view ____9. This is the other name for one – point perspective drawing. A. angular perspective B. parallel perspective C. perpendicular perspective D. Circular perspective ____10. This is the other name for 2 – point perspective drawing. A. angular perspective B. parallel perspective C. perpendicular perspective D. Circular perspective


2. C

3. C

4. A or C

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. D

9. A

10. None of the Choices. The correct answer is Linear Perspective.

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