Kinematics Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Kinematics Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

history of kinematics

1. history of kinematics

"the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of objects without reference to the forces that cause the motion." concept of Galileo

2. causes of kinematics

kinematics is the study of the motion of points,objects,and groups of objects without considering the couses of its motion

3. How will you differentiate from Kinematics in one dimension to Kinematics in two or threedimensions?​


The difference is in Parallel Transport. A vector originally tangent to the line on which a motion is taking place will change its orientation accordingly, depending on the dimensions of the space on which this line lives in.

For example if the line is an 1-manifold the vector always stays parallel to the line, whereas if it is a 2-manifold and the line rests upon the surface of a sphere say, the vector changes the angle it makes with the tangent to the line if the line is not a geodesic, and so on for higher surfaces with dimensions greater than 2.



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4. in the physics subject what is kinematics

study of motion of objects without regard to the causes of this motion.

5. Forces and kinematic motion is


Kinematics is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of points, object and system of groups of objects, without reference to the causes of motion (i.e., forces)

Step-by-step explanation:

sana makatulong sorry kapag mali

6. what is the level of knowledge of student in kinematics​

Grade 11

Lesson Objective: Understanding the meaning of kinematics, real-world examples, elements of kinematics, and intro into describing the movement of objects using numbers and equations.

7. complete the table about kinematic projectile motion.​

Answer:Properties of Projectile MotionProjectile motion is the motion of an object thrown (projected) into the air. After the initial force that launches the object, it only experiences the force of gravity. The object is called a projectile, and its path is called its trajectory. As an object travels through the air, it encounters a frictional force that slows its motion called air resistance. Air resistance does significantly alter trajectory motion, but due to the difficulty in calculation, it is ignored in introductory physics.

Explanation: pa brainlies po tenchuu

8. Kinematics Formula (Free Fall)

kinematics equation to describe the motion of an object in free fall is similar to any moving object

[tex]velocity - time : \\ vf = vi + at \\ \\ velocity - position : \\ {(vf)}^{2} = {(vi)}^{2} + 2ad \\ \\ position \: time : \\ d = (vi)t + \frac{1}{2} a {t}^{2} \\ also \: rewritten \: as \\ d = (vf)t - \frac{1}{2} a {t}^{2} \\ d = \frac{1}{2} (vf + vi)t \\ \\ where \\ vf = final \: velocity \\ vi = initial \: velocity \\ a = acceleration \\ t = time \\ d = distance \: or \: displacement[/tex]

since free-falling object is under the sole influence of gravity, such an object will experience a downward acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2

[tex]a = gravity = 9.8 \frac{m}{ {s}^{2} } [/tex]

for the principles in problem solving, read this link:

9. two-dimensional kinematics​


For easier analysis, many motions can be simplified to two dimensions. ... For example, an object fired into the air moves in a vertical, two‐dimensional plane; also, horizontal motion over the earth's surface is two‐dimensional for short distances.

10. complete the table with kinematic equations.​


anong grade to?

sorry ito lang ako

11. kinematics of projectile motion description​


Projectile motion is the motion of an object thrown (projected) into the air when, after the initial force that launches the object, air resistance is negligible and the only other force that object experiences is the force of gravity. The object is called a projectile, and its path is called its trajectory.

12. How principles of kinematics influence innovations in transportation?​


is common to use kinematics analysis to determine the (unknown) speed of an object, that is connected to another object moving at a known speed.

Kinematics aims to provide a description of the spatial position of bodies or systems of material particles,

hope it helps

13. big 4 kinematics formulae


1. Vf=Vi+at 2. S=Vi t + (1/2)(at^2) 3. 2aS=Vf^2-Vi^2



14. 5 sample problem on rectilinear kinematics​


An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s2 for 32.8 s until is finally lifts off the ground. Determine the distance traveled before takeoff.

15. What is the difference between kinematics, dynamics and statics?​


Kinematics is the study of motion. Statics is the study of forces on stationary objects. Dynamics is the study of forces on moving bodies.


We can say that the difference between kinematics, dynamics and statics is

Kinematics: geometric movement.Dynamics: movement and forces.Statics: forces in balance.


Kinematics is concerned with describing motion in terms of a geometric configuration, but it is not interested in what causes these motions.

Dynamics is the branch of mechanics that is concerned with studying the movements and causes of these movements (forces), Newton's three Laws are the principle of dynamics.

Statics also uses Newton's first and second laws, but is only interested in cases where the resultant of forces is zero, that is, the system is in equilibrium.


16. How to derive the formulas in kinematic equations?

[tex] equation \: 1 : velocity - time \\ \\ vf = vi + at \\ \\ derivation. \\ a = \frac{Δv}{Δt} \\ a = \frac{vf - vi}{t} \\ at = vf - vi \\ at + vi = vf \\ \\ or \\ a = \frac{dv}{dt} \\ a∫dt = ∫dv \\ at = v + c \\ when \: t = 0 \: . \: vf = vi \\ 0 = vi + c \: \: c = - vi \\ at = vf - vi\\ \\ \\ equation \: 2 : \: position - time \\ \\ d = (vi)t + \frac{1}{2} a {t}^{2} \\ \\ derivation. \\ v = \frac{d}{t} \\ d = vt\: \: \: \: - - - (a)\\ merton \: rule \: or \: mean \: speed \: theorem \\ v = \frac{1}{2} (vf + vi) \\ subsitue \: equation \: 1 \: into \: vf \\ v = \frac{1}{2} ((vi + at) + vi) \\ v = \frac{1}{2} (2vi + at) \: - - (b) \\ substitute \: b \: to \: a \\ \frac{d}{t} = (\frac{1}{2} (2vi + at))(t) \\ d = vi + \frac{1}{2} a {t}^{2} \\ \\ or \\ v = \frac{dd}{dt} = vi + at \\ dd = ∫(vi)dt + ∫(at)dt \\ d = (vi)t + \frac{a {t}^{2} }{2} + c \\ at \: t = 0. \: d = 0 \: so \\ 0 = 0 + 0 + c \: \: \: c = 0 \\ d = (vi)t + \frac{a {t}^{2} }{2} \\ \\ \\ equation \: 3 : velocity - position \\ \\ (vf)^{2} = (vi)^{2} + 2ad \\ \\ derivation. \\ from \: equation \: 1 \: \\ t = \frac{vf - vi}{a} \\ substitute \: to \: equation \: 2 \\ d = (vi)( \frac{vf - vi}{a} ) + \frac{1}{2} (a)( \frac{vf - vi}{a} )^{2} \\ d = \frac{(vi)(vf) - {(vi)}^{2} }{a} + \frac{ {(vf - vi)}^{2} }{2a} \\ 2ad = 2((vi)(vf) - {(vi)}^{2}) + ( {(vf)}^{2} - 2(vf)(vi) + {(vi)}^{2} \\ 2ad = (vf) ^{2} - {(vi)}^{2} \\ (vf)^{2} = (vi)^{2} + 2ad \\ \\ or \\ a = \frac{dv}{dt} = \frac{dv}{dd} (\frac{dd}{dt}) = \frac{dv}{dd} (v) = v \frac{dv}{dd} \\ a = v \frac{dv}{dd} \\ ∫(a)dd = ∫vdv \\ ad + c = \frac{ {v}^{2} }{2} \\ at \: t = 0 \: \: \: d = 0 \: so \\ \frac{ {(vi)}^{2} }{2} = 0 + c \: \: \: c = \frac{ {(vi)}^{2} }{2} \\ ad \: + \frac{ {(vi)}^{2} }{2} = \frac{ {(vf)}^{2} }{2} \\ 2ad + {(vi)}^{2} = {(vf)}^{2}[/tex]

17. what is the relationship of kinematics to centripetal force?​


As a car makes a turn, the force of friction acting upon the turned wheels of the car provides centripetal force required for circular motion. ... As the centripetal force acts upon an object moving in a circle at constant speed, the force always acts inward as the velocity of the object is directed tangent to the circle.

18. How do the branches of Kinematics differ?

Both the branches of physics deals with the different forces acting upon an object. Kinematics describes the motion of the bodies and deals with finding out velocities or accelerations for various objects. Kinetics deals with the forces or torque applied on a body.

19. What is the definition of kinematic?


is a branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of points, bodies (objects), and systems of bodies (groups of objects) without considering the forces that cause the motion.



a branch of dynamics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force

20. KINEMATICS: motion along straight lines


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21. Theory of machines kinematics and dynamics

Theory of machines kinematics and dynamics

One has to understand the basics of kinematics and dynamics of machines before designing and manufacturing any component. The subject material in this textbook is presented in such a way that students can easily understand the concepts.


22. five kinematics equation of motion with symbols.​


list down ordraw 5living things biotic

and 5 non living thing things abiotic around use the t chart given beliw

23. What are the four kinematic formulas?




final velocity

24. Determine the kinematic viscosity of a certain fluid in stokes


Kinematic viscosity is a measure of a fluid's internal resistance to flow under gravitational forces.

25. What is Rotational Kinematics?

Rotational kinematics investigates lows of motion of objects along circular path without any reference to forces that cause the motion to change

26. What is the meaning of Kinematics?​


the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of objects without reference to the forces which cause the motion.


What Is The Meaning Of Kinematics?

Kinematics: branch of physics and a subdivision of classical mechanics concerned with the geometrically possible motion of a body or system of bodies without consideration of the forces involved (i.e., causes and effects of the motions).


God blessed you all



27. What is Kinematics?[tex] \\ [/tex]​


the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of objects without reference to the forces which cause the motion

hope it helps po

28. 2d kinematics equation is helpful​


nasa module mo yun ah kasi dun mo babasahin ang mga example

29. how important is kinematics in everyday life​


Kinematics is important because to determine the (unknown) speed of an object, that is connected to another object moving at a known speed.

It’s important because what ever you in this world have a kinematics

30. What is Kinematic Equation?

Kinematic equations are the constraint equations of a mechanical system such as a robot manipulator that define how input movement at one or more joints specifies the configuration of the device, in order to achieve a task position or end-effector location.

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