Knowledge Exist Before Experience

Knowledge Exist Before Experience

Direction: TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise choose FALSE. Write your answer on the space provided before number. 1. The Greek term for philosophy, philosophia, means knowledge. 2. Deductive reasoning is the process by which specific statements are analysed to reach a conclusion or generalization 3. Partial thinking refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems. 4. Observation requires a person to be willing to examine one's thoughts, feelings, and action and to learn more about one's life and experiences. 5. Sophia is a Greek word for love. 6. The word Philos is a Greek word which means wisdom. 7. Ethics is a branch of philosophy which deals with correct reasoning. 8. Aesthetics is branch of philosophy which deals with beauty. 9. Metaphysics is branch of philosophy which deals with questions regarding reality and existence. 10. Logic is a branch of philosophy which discusses the nature of knowledge and knowing.​

Daftar Isi

1. Direction: TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise choose FALSE. Write your answer on the space provided before number. 1. The Greek term for philosophy, philosophia, means knowledge. 2. Deductive reasoning is the process by which specific statements are analysed to reach a conclusion or generalization 3. Partial thinking refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems. 4. Observation requires a person to be willing to examine one's thoughts, feelings, and action and to learn more about one's life and experiences. 5. Sophia is a Greek word for love. 6. The word Philos is a Greek word which means wisdom. 7. Ethics is a branch of philosophy which deals with correct reasoning. 8. Aesthetics is branch of philosophy which deals with beauty. 9. Metaphysics is branch of philosophy which deals with questions regarding reality and existence. 10. Logic is a branch of philosophy which discusses the nature of knowledge and knowing.​












hope it helps tho^•^

2. Instructions: Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if the statement is false. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. 1. Recruitment is the process of looking for and acquiring a pool of prospective candidates with the preferred knowledge, skills and experience to let an organization select the most proper people to fill job vacancies against defined position descriptions and specifications. 2. Job specification is the details of the work the jobholder must do. 3. Job description is the statement of the personal characteristics needed to execute the job with the job specification as reference. 4. Internal recruitment is searching for qualified people from existing employees to fill open positions. 5. External recruitment is looking for qualified people from outside who have not worked previously in the organization to fill open​


1. True

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. False


SAna p0 maka tulong:-)

3. True or false_1. Good judgement includes considering the consequences of one's decisions, thinking before acting and speaking and having the tools to make good decisions in a variety of situations, _2. Good judgement does of include prioritizing, meeting deadlines and carefully planning, which are tools that enable us to effectively cope in difficult and stressful situations. _3. Philosophy do not encourage students to explore questions that challenge their ideas and beliefs. _4. Inductive and deductive reasoning provides same concept, _5. Philosophizing means rejecting ideas, thoughts, emotions and understanding _6. Philosophizing is as necessary as breathing and as useless as a liberal arts education _7. Ideas of existence could be based on nature. _8. Reasoning means expressing ideas, thoughts, emotions and understanding _9. Factis a true statement _10. Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement, or the quality of being wise.​


1) True

2) True

3) False

4) False

5) False

6) True

7) True

8) True

9) False

10) True

4. 1. What does the philosophy means? Love of what?a. critical thinkingb. goodwillc. logicd. wisdom2. What point of view looks at all aspects of a situation?a. eye openerb. holisticcholismd. participation3.What is the process of engaging oneself in matters of usefulness and methodologies to dear out anypractical problem or abstract idea? Doing what?a. dancingb. calculation-mathematics pedantryd. philosophy4. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates a partial-points of view?a. referring to only one source of information for the positionb. participates in a dass discussionclistening to both your teacher's and parent's advice on how to improve your gradesd. watching videos over the internet and keep on playing on line games5. Which of the statement about philosophy is right?a. doing philosophy is a way of engaging in scientific inquiryb. points of view from different people are always contradicting.Philosophical reflection does not develop evaluative skills. > make the right choicea. statementb. statement b C. statement d. all the statements are not true6. What do you call the strong desire for a particular object?a. Immaterial Thingsb. Lovec. Material ThingsD. Wisdom7. What do you call the process by which a person undergoes a reflective state or evaluates his or herexperiences before making any related action?à. Halistic Perspective b. Primary Reflection c Partial Perspective d. Secondary Reflection8. It studies beings in their ultimate causes, reason and principles through the aid of reason alone.a. Cosmologyb. OntologyÇ. Psychologyd. Theodicy9. Who was the Ancient Greek thinker more popularly known for Mathematical formula, the PythagoreanTheorem?a. Aristotleb. Confuciusc Platod. Pythagoras10. What reflection allows us to think holistically?a. Holistic Perspective b. Partial Perspective c Primary Reflection D. Secondary Reflection11. Which of the following, when translated, means 'Love of Wisdom?a. Philosophyb. Pythagorasd. Sciencec Psychology12. The Greek word 'Ethos' means custom or habit. What branch of Philosophy came from it?a. Epistemologyb. Ethicsc Logicd. Metaphysics13. It is a branch of Philosophy where real knowiedge is based on logic, the laws, and methods thatdevelop reason.b. Ethicsa. Epistemologyc. Logicd. Metaphysics14. What is being in Philosophy?c The notion of God, Soul, and Spirita. Anything that exist material and Immaterialb. It follows a certain procedured. Unalded reason.15. Philosophy which provides methodologies and insights on how societal questions, such as moraldilemmas of euthanasia or same sex marriage, can be answered.a. Body of Knowledge b. Intellectual Activity C.. Natural Light of Reason d. Study of all Things​


The answer is B.


The term "philosophy" comes from the Greek word "Philo" translate as "love" and "sophos" as "wisdom", so the meaning of philosophy is "love of wisdom".

I hope it helps :)

5. Philosophers who believed that knowledge is based on sense perceptiona. Idealistsb. Rationalistsc. Empericistsd. NominalistsIdentify which of the following statements is factual? 1. My brother arrived at 11 pm. 2. My brother always come home late because he is a good for nothing individual. 3. Man is a living organism. 4. Free trade simply promotes the selfish greed of businessmen. *A. 1 and 4B. 2 and 3C. 1 and 3D. 2 and 4Identify which statements above are mere opinions. *A. 1 and 3B. 2 and 4C. 2 and 3D. 1 and 4What type of fallacy is present in the statement, “Before we begin the debate, everyone here should know that my opponent is a convicted felon”? A. mora licensingB. equivocationC. argumentum ad baculumD. ad hominemAccording to Husserl, the success of natural science lead to the gradual scientific rejection of__________. *A. spiritB. matterC. natureD. existenceWhen Husserl described human experience as the immediate data of consciousness, he meant _________________. A. Pure subjectivityB. Pure objectivityC. materialismD. dualismWhat is Husserl’s point of view with regards to consciousness? *A. The study of consciousness is the same as the study of natureB. The study of human consciousness differs from the way scientists study nature.C. It does not matter whether we study consciousness similarly or differently than the way scientists study nature.D. Husserl was not interested in the study of consciousness.​


first letter A

second B

Third B

6. 6. Who believed that philosophy should achieve practical results for the greater well-being of society? A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Pythagoras 7. According to Jay and Ryan, what is one of the important skills that one needs in doing philosophy? A. Wisdom B. Knowledge C. Flexibility D. Philosophical reflection 8. What are two types of philosophical reflection according to Marcel? A. calculates, analyzes, B. Respect, love. C. Wisdom, love D. Primary, secondary 9. What do you call the strong desire for a particular object? A. Immaterial Things B. Material Things C. Love D. Wisdom 10. What do you call the process by which a person undergoes a reflective state or evaluates his or her experiences before making any related action? A. Holistic Perspective B. Primary Reflection C. Partial Perspective D. Secondary Reflection 11. Which of the following, when translated, means 'Love of Wisdom'? A. Philosophy B. Pythagoras C. Science D. Psychology 12. Jay and Ryan argue, philosophical reflection is first and foremost the act of giving time to think about the meaning and purpose of ? A. Being B. Humanity C. Life D. Living 13. reflection is a kind of thinking that calculates, analyzes, or recounts past events. A. Minor B. Major C. primary D. Secondary 14. Which kind of reflection allows us to think holistically? A. Holistic Perspective B. Primary Reflection C. Partial Perspective D. Secondary Reflection 15. Which kind of Philosophy provides answers and methodologies and insights on how societal questions, such as moral dilemmas of euthanasia or same sex marriage? A. Body of Knowledge B. Intellectual Activity C. Natural Light of Reason D. Study of all Things 16. Who concludes that, "through the greatness of the universe which philosophy contemplates, the mind also is rendered great?" A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Russell 17. Doing philosophy can be applied in day to day activities and A. Analysis B. Skills C. Living D. Perspective 18. In any setting, is always gained when philosophy is applied to formula conclusion about a certain concern. A. Immaterial Things B. Material Things C. Love D. Wisdom 19. Which refers to the word "being" in Philosophy? A. Unaided reason. B. It follows a certain procedure C. The notion of God, Soul, and Spirit D. Anything that exist material and immaterial 20. The Greek word 'Ethos' means custom or habit. Which branch of Philosophy came from it? A. Epistemology B. Ethics D. Metaphysics 21. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness. A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Russell 22. What is the Novel Corona Virus? A. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-1 virus. B. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. C. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-3 virus. D. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-4virus. 23. As a student and a citizen how can you protect yourself from the Corona Virus? A. Bond with friends and relatives daily B. Roaming around everyday C. Do not use Face mask or Face shield D. Follow the health Protocol of the RHU often 24. By studying, discussing, or just thinking about the many ideas in the world, you can find questions you had never thought to ask, or perspectives you had never considered before is according to ? A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Pythagoras 25. Doing philosophy enables reflective thinking which greatly influences a person's view of life, challenges, and ? A. Hope B. Love C. Relationship D. Skills C. Logic​
























7. 6. The criterion of conservatism is a measure of __. A.) How well a theory fits with existing knowledge. B.) The amount of diverse phenomena explained. C.) The number of novel predictions made. D.) The number of assumptions made. 10. The standards used to judge the worth of scientific theories are known as __. A.) The criteria of evaluation B.) The criteria of adequacy C.) The scientific method D.) The rules of consistency 12. What is the information gathered by observation or experimentation when it is not called evidence? A. Scientific Method B. Data C. Theory D. Variable 18. At the end of an experiment, what must you draw? A. a conclusion B. a bar graph C. a picture D. a chart 23. Which of the following is a rule for handling animals used in research? A.) Squeeze and play with the animals bring animals. B.) Bring animals from the wild into your classroom. C.) Pick up the animals the way your teacher tells you to. D.) Only handle animals that are dead. 24. before starting a science activity you should always __. A. Read all the instructions very carefully. B. Put on an apron. C. Ask your friend what to do. D. Get ready to do first aid. 30. Being curious and asking questions about living things could lead you to study A. physics B. mathematics C. life science D. mechanical engineering Please help me po, thank you in advance^ω^​


6.A.) How well a theory fits with existing knowledge.

10.D.) The rules of consistency

12.B. Data

18.A. a conclusion

23.C.) Pick up the animals the way your teacher tells you to.

24.A. Read all the instructions very carefully.

30.C. life science


ʜᴏᴘᴇ ɪᴛs ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴛᴏ ᴜ ❦

8. 6. The criterion of conservatism is a measure of __. A.) How well a theory fits with existing knowledge. B.) The amount of diverse phenomena explained. C.) The number of novel predictions made. D.) The number of assumptions made. 10. The standards used to judge the worth of scientific theories are known as __. A.) The criteria of evaluation B.) The criteria of adequacy C.) The scientific method D.) The rules of consistency 12. What is the information gathered by observation or experimentation when it is not called evidence? A. Scientific Method B. Data C. Theory D. Variable 18. At the end of an experiment, what must you draw? A. a conclusion B. a bar graph C. a picture D. a chart 23. Which of the following is a rule for handling animals used in research? A.) Squeeze and play with the animals bring animals. B.) Bring animals from the wild into your classroom. C.) Pick up the animals the way your teacher tells you to. D.) Only handle animals that are dead. 24. before starting a science activity you should always __. A. Read all the instructions very carefully. B. Put on an apron. C. Ask your friend what to do. D. Get ready to do first aid. 30. Being curious and asking questions about living things could lead you to study A. physics B. mathematics C. life science D. mechanical engineering Please help me po, thank you in advance^ω^​

ano po yun di ko jets


6. A.

10. B.

12. A.

18. A.

23. C.

24. A.

30. C.

9. DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze each question. Choose and write the letter of the correctanswer on the blank provided before each number.1. Which of the following is based on knowledge of the facts and carefully considered principles and relies onevidence instead of limited personal experience?A.Informed opinionB. Educated guessc. Determined effort D. Point of view2. Which of the following are the basis of proof or testimony?1. facts II. Truth II. Baseless ideas IV. Valid groundsAland 11B. III and IVC.I.I and ID. I, II and IV3. Read the statement below and identify which is the opinion signal word."I suggest that using face mask, face shield, alcohol and observing proper physical distance.Suggestb. observingC usingD. proper4. Which of the following sentences is an opinion?a. It takes a lot of courage to speak when no one believes you.b. I believe answering self-learning module will make you an independent learner.c Attending parties and social gatherings are not allowed during this pandemic.d. My mother always tells me that I need to finish my studies to have a better life in the future.5. Which of the followings steps you need in order to defend something?1. Preparations II. Contracting II. Gathering information IV. Formulating opinion6. Which of the following you need to consider in evaluating differing viewpoints?1 Indude your own opinion about a particular issue.Consider looking at the similarities and differences that exist among the various viewpoints.Find and evaluate evidence that suggests the viewpoint is well thought out.IV. Read more and think about the ideas that differ from your own to avoid paying moreattention to points of view with which you agree and treat opposing viewpoints superficiala. I and IIb. III and IVC. I, II and IVD. II, III and IV7. Which of the following areas CANNOT apply the skill of evaluating differing viewpoints?a. research paperc. examine social and political issuesb. resolve controversyd.compute mathematical problem8. Which of the following sentences is NOT a view point?a. The use of social media like messenger as a source of information in learning.b. Not all learners have gadgets to access information using the messenger.It made the learners exposed in the radiation.d. Easy to access information for learning.C.9. Why does evaluating differing view point is essential in critical thinking skill?a. resolves controversyb. helps to read with comprehensionc. enables you to analyze divergent ideasd. can integrate differing and contradictory sources10. Which of the following statements is NOT viewpoint of the given issue below?Observing health protocols to fight covid-19 pandemica. This will lead the people in the community avoid the transmission of the virus.b. It challenges a learner to study harder and read more to complete it.c. Additional expenses for the family because of buying some alcohol and face maskd. these are precautionary measures that help people to avoid having the virus.​


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected activities for many people. Public health restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to canceled festivals, concerts and other events. Many vacations and large celebrations have been limited or put on hold.

Despite the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there's still plenty of fun to be had. In fact, seeking out fun activities may be even more important now. Doing something you enjoy can distract you from problems and help you cope with life's challenges.

Depending on the weather where you live, various activities may be available.


sana po makatulong brainliest nga po pls:)

1. b
2. b
3. i
4. d
5. b
6. d
7. b
8. h
9. d
10. ?

11. 1. What do you call the strong desire for a particular object?A. Immaterial ThingsC. LoveB. Material ThingsD. Wisdom2. What do you call the process by which a person undergoes a reflective stateor evaluates his or her experiences before making any related action?A. Holistic PerspectiveC. Partial PerspectiveB. Primary ReflectionD. Secondary Reflection3. It studies beings in their ultimate causes, reason and principles through theaid of reason alone.A. CosmologyB. OntologyC. PsychologyD. Theodicy4. Who was the Ancient Greek thinker more popularly known for Mathematicalformula, the Pythagorean Theorem?A. Pythagoras B. AristotleC. Confucius D. Plato5. What reflection allows us to think holistically?A. Holistic PerspectiveC. Partial PerspectiveB. Primary ReflectionD. Secondary Reflection6. Which of the following, when translated, means 'Love of Wisdom?A. Philosophy B. PythagorasC. ScienceD. Psychology7. The Greek word 'Ethos' means custom or habit. What branch of Philosophycame from it?A. Epistemology B. EthicsC. LogicD. Metaphysics8. It is a branch of Philosophy where real knowledge is based on logic, the lawsand methods that develop reason.A. EpistemologyB. EthicsC. LogicD. Metaphysics9. What is "being" in Philosophy?A. Unaided reason.B. It follows a certain procedureC. The notion of God, Soul, and SpiritD. Anything that exist material and immaterial10 Philosophy which provides methodologies and ineights on how societalquestions, such as moral dilemmas of euthanasia or samne sex marriage, canbe answered.A Body of KnowledgeC. Natural Light of ReasonB. Intellectual ActivityD. Study of all Things​

















12. 6. The criterion of conservatism is a measure of __. A.) How well a theory fits with existing knowledge. B.) The amount of diverse phenomena explained. C.) The number of novel predictions made. D.) The number of assumptions made. 10. The standards used to judge the worth of scientific theories are known as __. A.) The criteria of evaluation B.) The criteria of adequacy C.) The scientific method D.) The rules of consistency 12. What is the information gathered by observation or experimentation when it is not called evidence? A. Scientific Method B. Data C. Theory D. Variable 18. At the end of an experiment, what must you draw? A. a conclusion B. a bar graph C. a picture D. a chart 23. Which of the following is a rule for handling animals used in research? A.) Squeeze and play with the animals bring animals. B.) Bring animals from the wild into your classroom. C.) Pick up the animals the way your teacher tells you to. D.) Only handle animals that are dead. 24. before starting a science activity you should always __. A. Read all the instructions very carefully. B. Put on an apron. C. Ask your friend what to do. D. Get ready to do first aid. 30. Being curious and asking questions about living things could lead you to study A. physics B. mathematics C. life science D. mechanical engineering Please help me po, thank you in advance^ω^​

6. A.

10. B.

12. A.

18. A.

23. C.

24. A.

30. C.


Hope this helps po, correct me if I am wrong po









30.b ulit


galingan mo pa po pag aaral mo po ate/kuya

13. 6. The criterion of conservatism is a measure of __. A.) How well a theory fits with existing knowledge. B.) The amount of diverse phenomena explained. C.) The number of novel predictions made. D.) The number of assumptions made. 10. The standards used to judge the worth of scientific theories are known as __. A.) The criteria of evaluation B.) The criteria of adequacy C.) The scientific method D.) The rules of consistency 12. What is the information gathered by observation or experimentation when it is not called evidence? A. Scientific Method B. Data C. Theory D. Variable 18. At the end of an experiment, what must you draw? A. a conclusion B. a bar graph C. a picture D. a chart 23. Which of the following is a rule for handling animals used in research? A.) Squeeze and play with the animals bring animals. B.) Bring animals from the wild into your classroom. C.) Pick up the animals the way your teacher tells you to. D.) Only handle animals that are dead. 24. before starting a science activity you should always __. A. Read all the instructions very carefully. B. Put on an apron. C. Ask your friend what to do. D. Get ready to do first aid. 30. Being curious and asking questions about living things could lead you to study A. physics B. mathematics C. life science D. mechanical engineering Please help me po, thank you in advance^ω^​


6. A.) How well a theory fits with existing knowledge.

10. B.) The criteria of adequacy

12. A. Scientific Method

18. A. a conclusion

23. C.) Pick up the animals the way your teacher tells you to.

24. A. Read all the instructions very carefully.

30. C. life science

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