How Can We Preserve Our Culture

How Can We Preserve Our Culture

how can we preserve our own culture​

Daftar Isi

1. how can we preserve our own culture​


Spend time with other members of the community. The best way to preserve your culture is to keep it alive. Gather as a group not just for holidays, but for ordinary meals, events, or just conversation. Many aspects of culture are difficult to learn in books and museums, including etiquette, body language, and humor.


We can preserve our own culture by being confident in doing it. We must not be ashamed of our own culture. We must be proud of it, because it represents our beliefs and practices as a filipino, so that's why we must be confident with it and continue in doing it. Because it is how some other people acknowledge us with our cultures and origins.

2. How can we preserve our own CULTURE?


Spend time with other members of the community. The best way to preserve your culture is to keep it alive. Gather as a group not just for holidays, but for ordinary meals, events, or just conversation. Many aspects of culture are difficult to learn in books and museums, including etiquette, body language, and humor.


hope it helps:)

3. How can we preserve our cultures classical music? ​


We can preserve our cultures classical music by sharing it or by teaching it to the next generation of the country.

We can preserve it by introducing it to younger generations. We can introduce it to younger generations by teaching them its value and playing it on radios.

4. in your own opinion how can we preserve our culture and values that we molded as a Filipino​


i dont know what your talking about but as a filipino i must do my dutys i need to be helpful i know that being a filipino is nothing to my shy or afraid of its just you and your language and culture we may also have food that are not in other countrys every country is speacial they have their own talents they have uhm almost everyone is the same exept for looks language and religion

5. How can we preserve our own culture through Philippine literature


Folk dances are important because they preserve the Philippine

culture and pass it on to the next generation. They are a uniting

force to the Philippine people.

6. Arts is one of the distinct cultures we have from our ancestors. As a student, how can you preserve your culture and pass it to the next generation?


Cultural heritage includes structures, artwork, and other significant objects in society. It also entails intangible elements such as folklore, language, knowledge, customs, and beliefs.


7. How can we preserve our own culture through Philippine literature?


It is important to preserve one's culture because the culture is the representation of the lifestyle and identity of the people in a country.

Though, not all cultures of the Filipinos are desirable, still, they should be preserved because they have been passed on from one generation to another generation and they have become the identity of the Filipinos .

How to preserve the Filipino culture? There are so many ways to preserve one's culture like holding cultural activities giving emphasis the culture. Another way is to include them in the school curriculum to make sure that children would learn their culture.

8. why do we need to preserve our musical culture?how can we preserve it. Give 3 concrete actions​


1.It gives us an irrefutable connection to the past – to certain social values, beliefs, customs and traditions, that allows us to identify ourselves with others

2.because it can move them deeply, members of communities around the world use music to create cultural identity and to erase the cultural identity of others

3.Music can move people. And because it can move them deeply, members of communities around the world use music to create cultural identity


9. As a student, what is the importance of folk dance in one’s culture? How can we preserve and strengthen our folk dance nowadays?

Answer: People can keep their own cultures alive by passing on and teaching dance to younger generations. Dance also keeps people's history alive. Dancing is how communities celebrate special events and important dates. Ways we can help strengthen and preserve our folk dances is by promoting it through different group presentations/projects.

Explanation: Hope this helps!

10. is it possible for us to preserve our culture through research? how? what research approach can we use? why?​


Cultural Heritage has grown over the past decades to become one of the most pending questions to mankind. Individuals continue more than ever before to look into the very roots of their existence, which is a good thing to do. However, this root-treatment cannot be established by oral traditions only. One needs bio- and material cultural objects that reflect how our forefathers were living and left behind. Only since the mid 19th century, many of these artifacts are assembled in hundreds of museums where they are treated with good care. However, with the accumulation of artifacts and the restoration and necessary conservation of cultural objects, it will become a burden to pay for this type of work and as the assemblage will only grow, there will come a point in time that there will not be enough budget to pay for all that work.



11. How can we preserve our native food that the next generation will still appreciate our food culture.

Pa Brainlist and like po

12. What do you think is the importance of keeping our cultural identity as Filipinos, and how can we preserve it?


Cultural heritage is central to protecting our sense of who we are. It gives us an irrefutable connection to the past – to certain social values, beliefs, customs and traditions, that allows us to identify ourselves with others and deepen our sense of unity, belonging and national pride.

we can preserve it a continuing it because that culture is made from our elders and we need to respect it.

13. As a filipino, how can you help preserve our own culture? How can you promote to the tourist or to the world that we have unique folk dances?


It is a challenge for all of us to preserve our culture and traditions. But it's possible if we make an effort to engage ourselves personally, with others, and in groups. Culture (human behaviour) has two dimensions: handed down habits (traditions) & emerging habits (actions). We can help ourselves by building new positive cultural norms through entrepreneurship, education, endeavour hours, etc.


For me to preserve and strengthen our folkdance through promoting and performing it in any ways like group dance compettitions in school either local , national or international through the help of teachers specially in mapeh .

14. Why do you think we need to learn this kind of culture and tradition? And how can we help to preserve this wonderful identity of our country?​

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15. As a student how can we preserve promote and maintain our culture in terms of music? Answer in 2-3 sentences ​


by exploring our culture and maintain by doing make it habit.

16. How can we preserve and enrich our culture and arts?


Uncover More About: The Exhibition.

Awareness seminars.


Exhibitions and fairs.

Live performances.

Regular practice and knowledge sharing.

Read Also: Love For Diamonds – Rich And Famous Collections.


17. How can we preserve our native food that the next generation will still appreciate our food culture.



What can we do to preserve our traditional food?


Among the oldest methods of preservation are drying, refrigeration, and fermentation

18. How can we help enrich and preserve our town's /province's/ region's literary culture?​


Cultivating, developing, enhancing, and nurturing what's our towns/ provinces eitheir region's literary culture had taught us in order to continue preserve what's legacy bequeath us from our ancestors way back in their days. I know it's pretty simple to say but its hard to do but we MUST.



WE CAN PRESERVE OUR CULTURE AND VALUES if we are knowing both of us to be respected individuals and having moral values to be communicating other people.

20. is it possible for us to preserve our culture through research? how? what research approacg can we use? why?​

Cultural Heritage has grown over the past decades to become one of the most pending questions to mankind. Individuals continue more than ever before to look into the very roots of their existence, which is a good thing to do. However, this root-treatment cannot be established by oral traditions only. One needs bio- and material cultural objects that reflect how our forefathers were living and left behind. Only since the mid 19th century, many of these artifacts are assembled in hundreds of museums where they are treated with good care. However, with the accumulation of artifacts and the restoration and necessary conservation of cultural objects, it will become a burden to pay for this type of work and as the assemblage will only grow, there will come a point in time that there will not be enough budget to pay for all that work.

21. How can we help preserve our own cultural and traditional music?


Spend time with other members of the community. The best way to preserve your culture is to keep it alive. Gather as a group not just for holidays, but for ordinary meals, events, or just conversation. Many aspects of culture are difficult to learn in books and museums, including etiquette, body language, and humor.


22. See the picture that I posted. 1. What do the pictures imply? 2. How can we preserve our culture most especially our cultural heritage?


by taking picture of our present then take a picture in the future what was the difference

23. how can we preserve our tradition and culture? cite specific examples. 100 word​


1.Share your culture's art and technology

Speak your ancestral language


1.Share your culture's art and technology-Each culture has its own clothing, music, visual art, storytelling traditions, and many more unique characteristics. Other members of your culture will be overjoyed to teach or talk about their hobbies, their jobs, their crafts, and what they do for fun. This includes traditional artwork you would find in a museum, but material culture goes far beyond that. Even a kitchen spoon or a piece of software is a cultural artifact.

2.Speak your ancestral language-If you know someone who shares your culture but has a different native tongue than yourself, ask them to teach you. Many linguists and anthropologists argue that language shapes our whole perception of the world. Thousands of languages are at risk of extinction.If you know one of them, teach it to others. Share examples of the knowledge and perspective that would be lost if it goes away. Record the language spoken and written (if possible), and work on translations to less endangered languages.

Preserving your culture is important. Your culture is a part of your identity. If you don't preserve your culture, in later generations, they'll completely forget about the beautiful culture of their ancestors. The culture your ancestors followed is precious and unique. Don't lose it.

24. how can we preserve our culture through philippine literature?​


we can preserve our culture by planting trees and other plants to remain the health of our planet

25. . Give 3 ways on how can we preserve and maximize our cultural heritage?


Spend time with other members of the community.

The best way to preserve your culture is to keep it alive.

Gather as a group not just for holidays, but for ordinary meals, events, or just conversation.

Many aspects of culture are difficult to learn in books and museums, including etiquette, body language, and humor.

26. How can we preserved our culture and values that we molded as a filipino?​


It is important to preserve one's culture because the culture is the representation of the lifestyle and identity of the people in a country.

Though, not all cultures of the Filipinos are desirable, still, they should be preserved because they have been passed on from one generation to another generation and they have become the identity of the Filipinos.

yan lang alam ko thank you -,-


Of course by patronizing and being proud of our products as for our culture and values. It's one of the best ways to preserve it. Applying the great values in our daily lives. Always love and enjoy whatever our culture is. Always be proud and show the world what is the effect of enjoying their own cultures.

27. Festival portray the rich culture and beliefs of the Filipinos. To as Christians, how can we preserve, share and enrich our belief and faith to God?


Read the bible, Share the Gospels, Always pray to God, Stop doing sins


I'm not Christian but thats what i do to enrich my faith to God.. correct me if im wrong sorry

28. As a student in this modern and pandemic times, how can we preserve our own culture in our society today?


The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a profound impact, not only on people’s health, but also on how they learn, work and live. Among the most important challenges created by COVID-19 is how to adapt a system of education built around physical schools. At its peak, more than 188 countries, encompassing around 91% of enrolled learners worldwide, closed their schools to try to contain the spread of the virus.1 School closures have a very real impact on all students, but especially on the most vulnerable ones who are more likely to face additional barriers.2 Children and youth from low-income and single-parent families; immigrant, refugee,3 ethnic minority4 and Indigenous5 backgrounds; with diverse gender6 identities and sexual orientations;7 and those with special education needs8 suffer by being deprived of physical learning opportunities, social and emotional support available in schools and extra services such as school meals.9 They risk falling further behind and becoming isolated with school doors closed. These students are likely to lose the most in terms of educational outcomes10 and the support provided by schools if countries take insufficient measures to promote educational equity and inclusion.

The following sections describe OECD Member Countries’ initiatives to address the different needs of vulnerable students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond school closures, this Policy Brief also examines the issue of school re-openings by presenting countries’ current measures and providing policy pointers aimed to ensure that the pandemic does not further hinder the inclusion of vulnerable students in education systems.


29. How can we use the presence of the Philippine festivals in preserving our own culture and heritage?


We can used it as an inspiration by molding a better or let it shine again.


Because if we give importance to our existing festival and continue doing it in that way we can preserved our own culture and heritage

30. What is the importance of folk dance in our culture and How can we preserve our folkdance nowadays?​


Folk arts, specifically folk music and dance, embody fundamental values of great worth to our culture, our nation, and our children. There is no better way to share time together as families and friends. Our job is to preserve the joyful tunes we've inherited from our ancestors and to pass them on to others. A group called Colerain Connection is quite dedicated to the dissemination and preservation of traditional folk arts. It is very important to see musical artists performing on instruments they have hand crafted, or playing vibrant melodies from their grandfather's fiddle. This group is all about preserving history and tradition.


Philippine folk dance helps keep the people connected to their ancestry and their traditions. Folk dance helps to preserve the cultural unity of the people


People think folk dances are important because they help keep a culture alive. People have been doing folk dances for hundreds of years, and there is value keeping that tradition alive.

Folk dances are important because they preserve the Philippine culture and pass it on to the next generation. They are a uniting force to the Philippine people.

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