Discovery Symbol

Discovery Symbol

what is the importance of the discovery and the use of standard symbols in math?​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the importance of the discovery and the use of standard symbols in math?​


It is important because it can help us identify what the answer is and how to answer it because there are many equations. :)

Step-by-step explanation:

2. What are the new discoveries about the national symbols of the Philippines?


There are symbols such as the carabao (national animal), mango (national fruit) and anahaw (national leaf) that are widely known as national symbols but have no laws recognizing them as official national symbols.

3. What are the new discoveries about the national symbols of the Philippines?


There are symbols such as the carabao (national animal), mango (national fruit) and anahaw (national leaf) that are widely known as national symbols but have no laws recognizing them as official national symbols.

4. Scientific discoveries have led to many inventions. Which best describes the discoveries? A Scientific discoveries improve society. B Scientific discoveries have little effect on society. C Scientific discoveries are not shared. D Scientific discoveries are unimportant.

A Scientific discoveries improve society.

This is the main goal of science: to understand everything and use that knowledge to upgrade the quality of life.

5. conveys symbols and signs to illustrate knowledge not given in words but for discovery​


1. E. Educational  

2.C. Personal  

3.B. Social  

4.A. Physical  

5.D. Spiritual  

6.F. Political


hope it helps! ^-^

6. Directions: Identify the artifact or art object implied in the given idea or messageIDEA or MESSAGE 1. It led to the discovery of dance as a form of entertainment in ancient Indian civilization 2. His light symbolizes unity, 3. It symbolizes beauty, hope and tradition for Indians 4. It is a symbol of lamily and traditional hospitality 5. It makes a guest or visitor during celebrations and holidays feel welcomeART OBJECT OR ARTIFACT​



2:art objects


4:art objects




7. FIVE DISCOVERIES: Write 5 scientific discoveries that that have changed yourcommunity. Determine which of the disciplines of the social sciences is mostaffected by these discoveries​


1 – DNA.

2 – The Internet.

3 – Antibiotics.

4 – Medical imaging.

5 – Artificial Intelligence.

8. Recent Discovery in the solar systemDiscoveryDate DiscoveredWho DiscoveredHow it Discovered​


date:September 5


how it:healthy

9. Francis bacon discoveries sigmund freud discoveries rene descarte discoveries


Francis Bacon discovered and popularized the scientific method, whereby the laws of science are discovered by gathering and analyzing data from experiments and observations, rather than by using logic-based arguments.


10. What's More Acivity 1. Self-Discovery Mode DIRECTIONS: Using your periodic table, choose ten elements and write their names and their symbols in the table below. ELEMENT ELEMENT SYMBOL 7 9​

1.hydrogen :symbols H

2.beryllium :symbols BE

3.calcium:symbols CA


Periodic Table of Elements/Element Name

Atomic NumberActinium (Ac): 89Aluminum (Al): 13Americium (Am): 95Antimony (Sb): 51Argon (Ar): 18Astatine (At): 85Barium (Ba): 56Berkelium (Bk): 97Beryllium (Be): 4Bismuth (Bi): 83Bohrium (Bh): 107Boron (B): 5Bromine (Br): 35Cadmium (Cd): 48Calcium (Ca): 20Californium (Cf): 98Carbon (C): 6Cerium (Ce): 58Cesium (Cs): 55Chlorine (Cl): 17Chromium (Cr): 24Cobalt (Co): 27Copper (Cu): 29Curium (Cm): 96Darmstadtium (Ds): 110Dubnium (Db): 105Dysprosium (Dy): 66Einsteinium (Es): 99Erbium (Er): 68Europium (Eu): 63Fermium (Fm): 100Fluorine (F): 9Francium (Fr): 87Gadolinium (Gd): 64Gallium (Ga): 31Germanium (Ge): 32Gold:>

11. What role does accidental discovery play in scientific discovery?​


Increase the chance of serendipity, though.


Nasa pic po ang explanation ko po ayaw po kasi ma send

Hope it's help

Correct me if I'm wrong



12. Enumerate 10 Well known Asteroid and indicate the year of Discovery. Name Year of Discovery ​


see attached file for answers


13. Modern periodic table of the elements.1.EinsteniumAN-____.Symbol-____.EC-__________.DB-__________.YD-______.2.Seaborgium.AN-____.Symbol-____.EC-__________.DB-__________.YD-____.3.Iron.AN-____.Symbol-____.EC-__________.DB-_______________.YD-______.4.Americium.AN-____.Symbol-____.EC-__________.DB-__________.5.Californium.AN-____.Symbol-____.EC-__________.DB-________________________________________.AN-Atomic numberEC-Electronic configuration.DB-Discovery by...(Name of discover).YD-Year discover (Year only).​




EC-Rn 5f11 7s2

DB-Albert Ghiorso and colleagues





Ec-[Rn] 5f14 6d4 7s2

DB-Albert Ghiorso and colleagues.





Ec-[Ar] 3d64s2

DB-Known since ancient times

YD-3500 BC




Ec-[Rn] 5f77s2

DB-Glenn Seaborg and colleagues





Ec- [Rn] 5f107s2

DB-Stanley Thompson, Kenneth Street, Jr., Albert Ghiorso, and Glenn Se.


14. He built the discovery of Apollodorus. *He built the discovery of Apollodorus. *​

It does more than help save lives.

It does more than help save lives.You'll learn how to remain calm in emergency situations and you'll learn simple acronyms to help you recall the steps you need to take. First aid training will make you confident and comfortable and therefore more effective and in control when you need to be.

15. lead to new discoveries that fuel more innovative ideas and discoveries​


new technology po ang sagot

16. discovery of radiation? ​


>Although it was Henri Becquerel that discovered the phenomenon, it was his doctoral student, Marie Curie, who named it: radioactivity.

17. 1. Historical background on the discovery of atom 2. Discovery of Atomic Models​


1. Democritus was a Greek philosopher who was the first person to use the term atom

2.The structure of the atom was initially discovered by John Dalton in his theory of atoms and later refined by various scientists such as Thompson, Rutherford, Neil Bohr, Chadwick,


Sana maka Tulong


1. Democritus was a Greek philosopher who was the first person to use the term atom (atomos: meaning indivisible). He thought that if you take a piece of matter and divide it and continue to divide it you will eventually come to a point where you could not divide it any more.

2. The structure of the atom was initially discovered by John Dalton in his theory of atoms and later refined by various scientists such as Thompson, Rutherford, Neil Bohr, Chadwick, etc.


hope it helped

18. Who made the discoveries? (A Double Dinosaur Discovery)​




19. _____4. The discovery of_____led to the discovery of isotopes.​



The discovery of Neutrons led to the discovery of Isotopes.


Sana po tama..

Hope it helps:)

20. 3. Which of the following functions of art conveys symbols and line to illustrateknowledge not given in words but for discovery.a. Educationalc. Politicalb. Spirituald. Personal18.​




sana makatulong po

21. as a student what is the significance of cultural social political and economic symbol in your discovery of your filipino identity​


Politics involves the production, allocation and use of decision-making powers among large groups of

individuals. In stable and strong states, political activities usually refer to the powers of the state to govern.

In unstable and weak states, politics encompasses social power issues within and outside the boundaries

of the 'legitimate' state


Yan ata yung sagot

22. How do those stories of discovery showcase the importance of technological advancement to scientific discovery?


What stories po ba yung inindicate sa question?


where is the story?

can you put the story plss

23. how did the two research team make amazing discoveries?A Double Dinasaur Discovery​


AS THE 2010S come to an end, we can look back on an era rife with discovery. In the past 10 years, scientists around the world made remarkable progress toward understanding the human body, our planet, and the cosmos that surrounds us. What’s more, science in the 2010s became more global and collaborative than ever before. These days, major breakthroughs are likelier to come from groups of 3,000 scientists than groups of three.

24. Which of the art features mainly focused during Neoclassicism era?A. Decorative and Visual Presentation B. Natural and Religious Images C. Spiritual SymbolismsD. Archeological Discoveries​​




Correct me if I'm wrong

25. Why is the discovery important? a double dinosaur discovery​

It is to know the generations before human activities.

26. I wondered how many discoveries went unheeded? A.I said,How many discoveries have gone unheeded? B.I said,How many discoveries went unheeded? C.I said,Do discoveries go unheeded? D.I said,How mang discoveries go unheeded?

c. i said, do discoveries go unheeded?

coz' she wondered

27. Story about "A Double Dinosaur Discovery"1. What is the story all about? 2. When did the discoveries take place? Where did the story happen? 3. Who made the discoveries?4. Why are the discoveries important?5. How did the two research teams make amazing discoveries?​


Asan yung story????????

28. what challenges does mobile device discovery bring vs.traditional discovery​

With the growing number of mobile devices in use today and the increased penetration of mobile devices and tablets into everyday life, both technologies should be considered in eDiscovery efforts.

pa brainlest

29. the discovery of cells


He remarked that it looked strangely similar to cellula or small rooms which monks inhabited, thus deriving the name.

30. rutherford's gold foil experiment was instrumental in:​A.the discovery of the electron B.the discovery that an atom is mostly empty space C.the discovery of alpha particles D.both "A" and "B"​


b. the discovery that an atom is mostly empty space

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