Innisfree History

Innisfree History

why history not hestory? explain ​

Daftar Isi

1. why history not hestory? explain ​


Herstory is a term for history written from a feminist perspective and emphasizing the role of women, or told from a woman's point of view. ... (The word "history"—from the Ancient Greek ἱστορία, or historia, meaning "knowledge obtained by inquiry"—is etymologically unrelated to the possessive pronoun his.)

Rate plz if this answer is truly helps you^_^

2. what is the difference of history and hestory? ​


The difference between history and hestory is I and E.

3. why do think history is called"history" instead of"hestory"? what does this reveal about the roots of history?​


History is called “history” rather herstory because history was derived from a greek word “historia” which means to inquire into or knowledge acquired by investigation. Because of this reason, the word herstory was invented in the late 20th century to mean history that is written by women.

4. he describes of fundamental axiom of new historicism as an intellectual belief in the texuality of history of the historicity setting of text​


Literary theory, is a description of the underlying principles, ... as an intellectual belief in “the textuality of history and the historicity of texts.

5. 1:Public history and Gender history2:Environmental history and People's history​


Public history is a broad range of activities undertaken by people with some training in the discipline of history who are generally working outside of specialized academic settings.

Gender history is a sub-field of history and gender studies, which looks at the past from the perspective of gender.

6. It is said that the word "kasaysayan" is richer than its European counterparts (historia, histoire, & gesichte). Is this true or not? Why do you think so? ​


The history of the Philippines is known to have begun at least 709,000 years ago as suggested by the discovery of Pleistocene stone tools and butchered animal remains associated with hominin activity.[1] Homo luzonensis, a species of archaic humans, was present on the island of Luzon at least 67,000 years ago.[2][3] The earliest known modern human was from Tabon Cave in Palawan dating about 47,000 years.[4] Negrito groups were the first inhabitants to settle in the prehistoric Philippines.[5] By around 3000 BC, seafaring Austronesians reached northern Philippines migrating southward from Taiwan.[6]

7. HISTORY is history? or history




Everyone use HISTORY than history

8. 1 - Identification: Fill in the blanks with the correct and best answer, .1. This has always been known as the study of the past2 The complete meaning of the Greek word "historia",3. This is known as the history of history and tends to study history itself4. Sources produced by an author who used primary sources to produce amaterial are known as5. Sources produced at the same time as the event, period, or subject beingstudied are known as|| - True or False: Write true if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write false in the spaceprovided.6. Historical sources that were not written should not be used in writing history.7. The subject of historiography is history itself.8. History has no use of the present, thus, the saying "past is past" is true9. History is limited to the story of a hero versus a villain.10. Only primary sources may be used in writing history.cours die​



2. inquiry


4. diaries, letters, interviews, oral histories, photographs, newspaper articles, government documents, poems, novels, plays, and music

5.a primary source







9. reflect on the quote "hostory repeats itself"how can we stop the cycle of repeating what happened in the past?why is history so important?write your reflection briefly but comprehensively? ​

(dagdag mo na lang po to, short lang kasi akin)

by reflecting what happened to the past and use it as a guide to replace or solve the cycle. because if we keep on doing the same mistake, the cycle will never really stop. reflecting and analyzing well the things that have a big tendency to go wrong is a good way to stop the cycle from repeating again.

10. What is the history of history of history?


History is the study of the past. Events before the invention of writing systems are considered prehistory. "History" is an umbrella term comprising past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of these events.

11. b. history6. Its objective is not only to learn historical facts but also provides betterunderstanding of the facts and the historian contexts.a. historiac. historiographyb. historyd, historical methodologyThe school of thought that focuses on the idea of creating identities and​


b. history


history because the it defines history

12. history comes from the English word historia ​ true or false




history is came from the language Spanish, not English. hope it help

carry on learning

13. History came from the latin word historia which came from the greek word that means learning or inquiry.



hope it helps

hi btw

14. It is derived from the Greek word ‘historia’ which means inquiry or knowledge acquired from the investigation. a. Social Science b. History c. Geography d. Economics




hope it will help youu

15. 1. The "No document, no history" belongs to what discipline of history? A. Postcolonialism B. Positivism C. Historia D. Ilustrados​


C. Historian


It means if there is an evidence it can be true.It means that unless a written document can prove a certain historical event, then it cannot be considered as a historical fact.

16. ame: 1. IDENTIFICATION Instruction: Identity what is being asked on the following question. Choose your answer= your answer on the space provided. Section: History Historiography Historia Herodotus Thucydides sensorial manner. Historians Bias/Subjectivity Historian Interpretation Positivism Historicism 1. Has always been known as the study of the past. 2. History was derived from the Greek word 3. The philosophy that a particular knowledge can only be true if it can 4. The belief that history should be studied only for its own sake. 5. The study of history as a historical discipline. 6. He was proclaimed as Father of History. 7. He was known as the Father of Scientific History. 8. A disposition brought together by one's context that influences a his interest and selection of sources and methodology. 9. Primary responsible for the production of historical knowledge throm research and rethinking if history. 10. Making sense of given primary sources and historical documents th contextual analyses.​

Answer: 1. history

               2. historia

              3. positivism

               4. historians bias

              5. sensorial manner

               6. herodotus


               8. historicism

               9.subjectivity historian

              10. interpretation



17. History- “historia” to know the past or the inquiry of the past. History refers to the study of significant past events. “ A branch of knowledge that records and explains past events.” - Merriam Webster. Archeologist- The who studies human history and prehistory through Historical Sources -Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources


History- “historia” to know the past or the inquiry of the past.

History refers to the study of significant past events.

“ A branch of knowledge that records and explains past events.” - Merriam Webster.

World History- A branch of knowledge dealing with past events of the World.

“Global History” which examines history from a global perspective.

Historian- The people who study the continuity and changes in economics and culture, ideas, society, religion and the environment and science.

Teodoro Agoncillo- considered as one of the first Filipino historians.

Archeologist- The people who studies human history and prehistory through excavation of sites and analysis of the artifacts and fossils.

Artifacts- Any objects made by a person which survived a long period of time.

Fossils- An evidence such as human or animal bones and teeth.

Historical Sources -Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources


18. what is the wordle of history history history​

The word history comes from the Ancient Greek ἱστορία (historía), meaning "inquiry", "knowledge from inquiry", or "judge". ... History was borrowed from Latin (possibly via Old Irish or Old Welsh) into Old English as stær ("history, narrative, story"), but this word fell out of use in the late Old English period.

19. History came from the greek noun historia, meaning​

Answer: The Greek word historia originally meant inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge, as well as the knowledge that results from inquiry. ... That word can even be used to describe an outright lie. Histories, on the other hand, are records of events.

20. The word history comez from the ancient Greek word "historia" which means _______​


inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge, as well as the knowledge that results from inquiry.

Answer:The Greek word "historia" means inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge.Which language did it come from?- From Latin historia, from Ancient Greek ἱστορία (historía, “learning through research”).#CarryOnLearning

21. History was derived from the Greek word Historia which means, "knowledge acquired through inquiry or investigation." What does it mean?


:has always been known as the study of the past. derived from the greek word historia which means "knowledge acquired through inquiry or investigation" 2,400 yrs. :history existed for around___; as old as mathematics and philosophy. written documents and historical evidences.



22. 5. It is the study of the past, the events that happened in the past and the causesof such events.a. historiab. historyc. historiographyd. historical methodologyhalte​


B. History


History (from Greek ἱστορία, historia, meaning "inquiry; knowledge acquired by investigation") is the study of the past. Events occurring before the invention of writing systems are considered prehistory.

23. 1. History was derived from the Greek word historia which means?​


'inquiry", "knowledge from inquiry", or "judge"


the greek word "historia" means in inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge


good luck god bless

24. History- “historia” to know the past or the inquiry of the past. History refers to the study of significant past events. “ A branch of knowledge that records and explains past events.” - Merriam Webster. World History- A branch of knowledge dealing with past events of the World. “Global History” which examines history from a global perspective. Historian- The people who study the continuity and changes in economics and culture, ideas, society, religion and the environment and science. Teodoro Agoncillo- considered as one of the first Filipino historians. Archeologist- The people who studies human history and prehistory through excavation of sites and analysis of the artifacts and fossils. Artifacts- A Historical Sources -Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources


History- “historia” to know the past or the inquiry of the past.

History refers to the study of significant past events.

“ A branch of knowledge that records and explains past events.” - Merriam Webster.

World History- A branch of knowledge dealing with past events of the World.

“Global History” which examines history from a global perspective.

Historian- The people who study the continuity and changes in economics and culture, ideas, society, religion and the environment and science.

Teodoro Agoncillo- considered as one of the first Filipino historians.

Archeologist- The people who studies human history and prehistory through excavation of sites and analysis of the artifacts and fossils.

Artifacts- Any objects made by a person which survived a long period of time.

Fossils- An evidence such as human or animal bones and teeth.

Historical Sources -Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources


25. Lesson Assessment Short-response questions. Based on the discussions in this lesson, answer the following questions. Limit your answers to one to three sentences. 1. What is kasaysayan? How does it differ from the Western historia or history? 2. What is Pantayong Pananaw, and how does it differ from the earlier schools of thought in Philippine history? Differentiate the bipartite view from the tripartite view of history.​

im sorry to having no answer.

26. What is history? How is it defferent from historiography​



27. BRAIN TEASER1. history history history history​


History Repeat itself


because the meaning of this riddles is about something happens again

28. History- “historia” to know the past or the inquiry of the past. History refers to the study of significant past events. “ A branch of knowledge that records and explains past events.” - Merriam Webster. World History- A branch of knowledge dealing with past events of the World. “Global History” which examines history from a global perspective. Historian- The people who study the continuity and changes in economics and culture, ideas, society, religion and the environment and science. Teodoro Agoncillo- considered as one of the first Filipino historians. Archeologist- The people who studies human history and prehistory through Historical Sources -Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources


History- “historia” to know the past or the inquiry of the past.

History refers to the study of significant past events.

“ A branch of knowledge that records and explains past events.” - Merriam Webster.

World History- A branch of knowledge dealing with past events of the World.

“Global History” which examines history from a global perspective.

Historian- The people who study the continuity and changes in economics and culture, ideas, society, religion and the environment and science.

Teodoro Agoncillo- considered as one of the first Filipino historians.

Archeologist- The people who studies human history and prehistory through excavation of sites and analysis of the artifacts and fossils.

Artifacts- Any objects made by a person which survived a long period of time.

Fossils- An evidence such as human or animal bones and teeth.

Historical Sources -Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, Tertiary Sources


29. Criticism argues that every literary work is a product of its time and its world.A. New History B. New HistoricismC. Old History D. New Historicist​


D. New Historicist


30. history was derived from the greek word historia which means




The greek word historia originally meant inquiry.

The act of seeking knowledge,as well as the knowledge that results from inquiry...


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