Short Story With Context Clues

Short Story With Context Clues

example of short story with context clues​

Daftar Isi

1. example of short story with context clues​


Context clues are hints that an author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word within a book. The clue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers or it may follow in the next sentence

2. short story,peom or song with deep word, context clue, and meaning ​


punong kahoy- isang tula na inihahalintulad nya ang kaniyang sarili sa isang punong kahoy.

3. infer the meaning of borrowed words using context clues and use it in a short story​


Examples of Context Clues

Sometimes, when we read a given portion of text, we’re not entirely sure what’s going on. This is where context clues come in. Context clues provide further information about a word or phrase that helps readers understand its meaning. These clues offer insight - either directly or indirectly - into the portion of text that’s difficult to understand. Let’s explore various examples of context clues to see how they work.

context clues help define "idyllic"


Hope it help

4. IV. GENERALIZATIONAnswer the following questions.1. How would you define context clues based on the activitiesgiven to you?2. Do you think applying context clues will help you to understandbetter the text or concept? How?3. If you were tasked to make a short story, are you going to applycontext clues? Why or why not?​

1. sorry i dont what was the activity given to you hihi.

2. Yes, it help me a lot to understand, when context clues are applied it is easy to recognize what the topic is all about.

5. Your teacher asked you to write a short story aboutthis pandemic. You will write a short story about your"experience this pandemic" using five unfamiliarborrowed words given below. First, you have to inferthe meaning of each borrowed word using thecontext clues to be able to use it in your short story.A short story containing the borrowed words givenbelow.​


This situation we have started a year ago, the morbid situation makes everything cruel for everyone to cope. We cannot go outside without wearing a mask and a face shield for protection but because not everyone believes with the virus it spread even more. The ignorance of others makes the situation worst, people suffer not only with the virus but also mentally. Therefore, we need to be optimistic to survive everyday, we need union to help one another. This situation we have makes us realize that our health is also important so that we need to confer with the doctors regarding our health so that we can help to stop the spread of the virus and cure it.


6. Activity 1 GUESS THE WORD Directions: Each sentence uses a synonym for the underlined word. By using the context clues in each statement, give your own definition or meaning of the target word. Write your answers in your notebook. 1. The fictional genre-novels, dramas, short stories, folk tales- are available at the ibrary 2. These merits, awards, certificates, educational degrees, diplomas, works of art are fruit of his hard work. 3. In the last game, there was a passel of people watching, yesterday there were only five pairs in the playground, 4. You have to pray hard for the absolution or excuse of your sins. 5. Most of the tags, Mariboro, Philip Morris, Hope and Champion, are sold in that store.​


Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place. Globalization also captures in its scope the economic and social changes that have come about as a result. ... Many scholars say it started with Columbus's voyage to the New World in 1492.25

7. Search for a Philippine short story and look for ten unfamiliar words. Determine the meaning of words through context clues.​


understand that roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms can be used to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. understand that the content and structure of a sentence, paragraph, or reading selection can be used to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

8. REFERENCE FOR THE LEARNERS ACTIVITY 3: FIND OUT! From the lines taken from the story, choose the meaning of the underlined words through context clues. 1.Shinano was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, ruthless and dictator in his entire period of leadership. A. good B. bad C. submissive 2.The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence, follow the emperor’s merciless order that filled his heart with sorrow. A. great politeness B. great honor and respect C. fear and disobedience 3.Just at sundown, when his day’s work was ended, he took a quantity of unwhitened rice which is principal food for poor, cooked and dried it, and tying it in a square cloth, swung and bundle around his neck along with a gourd, long and rounded, filled with cool, sweet water. A. case B. box C. jar 4.The eyes of the old mother were not so dim as they move with reckless hastening, and her loving heart full of worries. A. quick walking B. careful walking C. careless walking 5. The aged mother gave her last injunction that made the emperor realized that power was not just from the youth. A. reminder B. solution C. proposal ​


I'd rather


I'd rather disobey the law than abandon my aged mother.

9. When you read a passage, circle any new words that you don't (1)______. Then, look in the context to find clues--words or phrases that hint at what the new word means. Remember, you don't have to understand every word in a reading. When authors write, they often give (2)_____ to readers to suggest the meanings of new or difficultwords. Context clues usually give you a sense of a word's (3)._______. So you cancontinue reading without referring to a (4)______The author uses a word or phrase with a (5)_______ meaning to suggest the meaning of the new word. The author directly (6)______the new word within the sentence. The author uses a word or phrase with an (7)_______ meaning to suggest the meaning of the new word. The author provides examples or (8)______ of the new word to suggest its meaning. The author provides enough information in a sentence that the word's meaning can be(9)_______ There are (10)____and expression resources that can help with definitions, but reading them in short stories can also provide context that makes them come more alive.​





4. illustration


6.context clues

7. defines

8. idioms

9. opposite

10. inferred

hoped it help

thank me later






10. On your paper, write DF if the context clue to the meaning of the underlined word is adefinition and AP if it is an apposition.1.Nuptials or marriages may be solemnized by priests, pastors, ministers, or judgesin churches, offices, or in any chosen appropriate place.2.An ostrich is a swift-footed, two-toed, flightless bird of Africa often weighing 140kilograms.3. Fables are very short stories that teach lessons, using characters which are usuallyanimals and inanimate objects that behave like human beings.4. Eagles, large and powerful birds of prey, have huge, hooked beaks and excellenteyesight.5. Bliss refers to complete happiness. It also means paradise or heaven.6.To be a field journalist is one of my aspirations in life, my strong desire to achievegreatness.7. The eagle perched or rested on an old branch of an old tree.​











11. Activity 2: "Read and Write!” Read the short selection below. On a sheet of paper, list down the compound words used in the story. Then, infer their meanings using context clues. Compoun new word (with spad A Simple Birthday Present To infer to context cl Read the its meant Nico grew up in a poor family. But, despite their lack of money, his parents raised him to be helpful and kind to everyone. One day, Nico was asked by his mother to buy some groceries at the supermarket. While he was walking along the aisle of the store, he suddenly remembered that it was his grandmother's birthday! She's already old so Nico wants to buy a simple birthday present for her to make her happy. He reached for his coin pouch and counted his money. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any spare to buy a gift for her grandma. A man standing on a corner noticed Nico's sad face. He figured out the poor boy's problem so he came closer to him and gave him a box of nicely baked cupcakes Nico was surprised! The man who gave him cupcakes was Mr. Ramos, the Chief-of-police. Nico knew him when he did some cleaning work at the police station for some extra money. He immediately thanked him. But, instead of saying "You're welcome", Mr. Ramos simply said, "Stay kind and helpful young boy. I hope your grandma likes the cupcakes. pls help me??I don't know the answer can you help me​


12. Infer the meaning of the borrowed words using context clues and use it in a short story.pasagot po ng maayos:))thank you.​




13. Create a short story about your chosen theme. Use some unfamiliar words and provide context clues in your work. Encircle the unfamiliar words you used and underline the context clues. Make your story creative. ​


mag gawa ka ng kwento kahit pangyayari sa buhay mo

14. Fact or Opinion1. Synonym means providing the opposite information of a language.2. Context clues are only consist of letters.3. Antonym uses a word with an opposite or contrast definition to give the meaning of the unknown word.4. Synonym and Antonym words are very similar.5. Restatement uses a descriptive word, phrase, or clause placed beside the unknown word.6. Short stories and context clues are the same.7. Stories MUST always have context clues.8. Definition is not an outright explanation of the meaning of a word. 9. General context clues are the meaning of a word or phrase is in the surrounding sentences.10. Inferences and general context clues have different definitions. ​


1 false









10 true


please brainliest my answer

15. 11. Claire reads her text book for a report. A. Extensive B. Intensive C. Close reading 12. Jeune reads an article about his favorite artist, A. Extensive B. IntensiveC. Close reading 13. The students read a short story and plot the events in a story board, A. Extensive B. Intensive C. Close reading 14. Mikee is highlighting important words and using context clues to figure out the meaning of them. A. Extensive B. Intensive C. Close reading 15. Edward reread Sonnet 1 of William Shakespeare to understand its deeper meaning. A. Extensive B. Intensive C. Close readingNONSENSE=REPORTthankyousomuch i need it rn:(​


11. B






sana makatulong

16. Independent PracticeOn your paper, write DF if the context clue to the meaning of the underlined word is adefinition and AP if it is an apposition.1. Nuptials or marriages may be solemnized by priests, pastors, ministers, or judgesin churches, offices, or in any chosen appropriate place.2. An ostrich is a swift-footed, two-toed, flightless bird of Africa often weighing 140kilograms.3. Fables are very short stories that teach lessons, using characters which are usuallyanimals and inanimate objects that behave like human beings.4.Eagles, large and powerful birds of prey, have huge, hooked beaks and excellenteyesight.5. Bliss refers to complete happiness. It also means paradise or heaven.6. To be a field journalist is one of my aspirations in life, my strong desire to achievegreatness.7. The eagle perched or rested on an old branch of an old tree.​


1.DF yata baka Yan Yong answer

17. I. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct meaning of the underlined word through context clues.a. Having won a game, competition, election, warb. A public announcementc. To wish that you had a quality or possession that another person hasd. A secret plan made by several people to do something that is wrong, harmfule. To feel or express great sadness, especially when someone dies____1. Everyone grieved when Prince Bantugan died.____2. The old king felt envy to his brother.____3. The gallant Prince Bantugan and his battalions returned victorious from battle. ____4. The evil king plotted against the good prince.____5. The authorities issued a proclamation forbidding public meetings.II. Directions: Complete the following analogies by choosing the letter of the best answer.1. Knight is to sword as wizard is to __.a. Castleb. Hatc. Princessd. Wand2. Puppy is to dog as kitten is to __.a. Catb. Mousec. Babyd. Cute3. Hat is to head as sock is to _.a. smellyb. handc. footd. clothing4. Telescope is to stars as microscope is to __.a. planetsb. bacteriac. lookd. Science5. Bird is to wing as fish is to __.a. finb. wormc. swimd. waterIII. Directions: Using the word pool, identify the word being defined below._______1. It is a type of art, literature, film or music characterized by a specific form, content and style._______2. It is a single item of important news that is aired separately and often interrupts other programs._______3. It is usually a part of an entire news program that tells and foretells weather conditions on a specific area._______4. It is a story that sometimes of a national or folk hero._______5. It is a research-based reporting that deals with a specific topic and format._______6. It is a program that is informative and can be accessed through the website._______7. It is a written account of another person’s life._______8. It is a short clip from a film which gives the viewers an overview of the movie._______9.It can be defined as narrative literary works whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact._______10. It is a short literary composition that reflects the author’s outlook or point.​


1. E




5 B

1. D.





where is the word pool?



1. E

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. B


1. D
















18. 10. How can context clues help you in reading short stories/text?​


Context clue help us understand the short stories/text in just a sec


context clue help us know what the short stories/text main subject


hope this help, I gave 2 examples on this one

19. Let’s Create Goal: Infer the meaning of the borrowed words using context clues and use it in a short story. Role: You are a writer. Audience: Anyone older in your family who is available to read your story. Situation: Your teacher asked you to write a short story about this pandemic. You will write a short story about your “experience this pandemic” using five unfamiliar borrowed words given below. First, you have to infer the meaning of each borrowed word using the context clues to be able to use it in your short story. Product/Performance: A short story containing the borrowed words given below. Infer the meaning of each borrowed word using context clues. Then use each word in your short story. 1. Morbid – “The situation we have is morbid which makes everyone suffer.” 2. Optimistic – “People have to be optimistic that we will have a brighter tomorrow. 3. Ignorance – “Because of other’s ignorance in safety protocols, covid cases increased.” 4. Union – “Everyone need’s union to help one another, not neglecting each other.” 5. Confer – “ If you feel something wrong with your body, seek and confer with the doctor.”


nasa picture na yung answer sana brainliest if nakatulong ☺️

20. Task 1: Short Story Writing Think of 7-10 words related to your culture and write a short story (about culture) using these words. Make sure to use more than 5 context clues correctly as what you have learned in Module 4 and underline the terms/words that you have used.​


One very hot day, when a carabao went into the river to bathe, he met a shell and they began talking together.

“You are very slow,” said the carabao to the shell.

“Oh, no,” replied the shell. “I can beat you in a race.”

“Then let us try and see,” said the carabao.

So they went out on the bank and started to run.

After the carabao had gone a long distance he stopped and called, “Shell!”

And another shell lying by the river answered, “Here I am!”

Then the carabao, thinking that it was the same shell with which he was racing, ran on.

By and by he stopped again and called, “Shell!”

Again another shell answered, “Here I am!”

The carabao was surprised that the shell could keep up with him. But he ran on and on, and every time he stopped to call, another shell answered him. But he was determined that the shell should not beat him, so he ran until he dropped dead

Kayo na po mag underline ng mga culture:>

21. A. Read a personal choice short story. You may browse from the internet or read from books, journal articles or any reading material accessible to you. Then, do the following. 1. Scanning - Write 10 words relevant, related and present in the material you have read. 2. Skimming - Write the main idea or main point of the material you have chosen. 3. Previewing - using 5 sentences, summarize the content of your chosen material. B. Write 5 sentences for each type of context clue: synonym, antonym,definition ,example <​


pasagot po asap salamat

22. Let's Create Goal: Infer the meaning of the borrowed words using context clues and use it in a short story. Role: You are a writer Audience: Anyone older in your family who is available to read the story. Situation: Your teacher asked you to write a short story this pandemic. You will write a short story about your "experience this pandemic" using five unfamiliar words given below. First, you have to infer the meaning of each borrowed words using the context clues to be able to use it in your short story. Product/Performance: A short story containing the borrowed words given below. Borrowed Words: 1. Morbid 2. Optimistic 3. Ignorance 4. Union 5. Confer


Everything changed when 2020 came, the year that they often call as the morbid year. Most Filipinos are in the state of shock and panic, but my family and myself remained optimistic about our future. Lockdown was implemented, and because this is the first time our country experienced a pandemic, most people show ignorance about it, failing to understand the risks and danger of going outside. If we all union and make each other understand, then our pandemic situation will be much better. The government should also confer to its countrymen to make their future plans.

23. Sometimes, during class lessons or reading your favorite novel or short story, you will encounter unfamiliar word/s to you. Did you know that even without the aid of a dictionary, context clues can help you identify the meaning of that unfamiliar word. 1. Speaking rudely to Allesandra was a rash decision. You hurt her more with your words than the fact that you cheated on her. In the sentence above, what is the meaning of the word, rash? IT a. An irritated or swollen skin. b. A type of water wear made of spandex. c. Something done or said without thinking. d. Something that has bristles or wire. 2. Filipinos are known to be Jack of all trades. Filipino workers can do a bit of everything. In the sentence above, what is the meaning of the phrase, Jack of all trades? a. A traditional playing card that features a man in a dress. b. A complement for someone who is good at fixing things. c. A children's toy that outwardly consists of a box with a crank. d. A mechanical lifting device used to apply great forces or lift heavy loads.3. Several government officials were tested for the Coronavirus 2019 despite being asymptomatic. The masses, including some frontliners, were not happy about it. It is a controversy that will not be forgotten so easily. In the sentence above, what is the meaning of the word, controversy?a. state of public dispute b. state of acute confusion c. state of severe anxiety d. state of being apart from others​






paki brainliest po ko

and heat❤❤❤.


1. C. Something done or said without thinking.

2. B. A complement for someone who is good at fixing things.

3. A. State of public dispute

24. Task 3A: Clues Everywhere Sometimes, during class lessons or reading your favorite novel or short story, you will encounter unfamiliar word/s to you. Did you know that even without the aid of a dictionary, context clues can help you identify the meaning of that unfamiliar word. 1. Speaking rudely to Allesandra was a rash decision. You hurt her more with your words than the fact that you cheated on her. In the sentence above, what is the meaning of the word, rash? a. An irritated or swollen skin. b. A type of water wear made of spandex. c. Something done or said without thinking. d. Something that has bristles or wire. 2. Filipinos are known to be Jack of all trades. Filipino workers can do a bit of everything. In the sentence above, what is the meaning of the phrase, Jack of all trades? a. A traditional playing card that features a man in a dress. b. A complement for someone who is good at fixing things. c. A children's toy that outwardly consists of a box with a crank. d. A mechanical lifting device used to apply great forces or lift heavy loads. 3. Several government officials were tested for the CoronaVirus 2019 despite being asymptomatic. The masses, including some frontliners, were not happy about it. It is a controversy that will not be forgotten so easily. In the sentence above, what is the meaning of the word, controversy? a. state of public dispute b. state of acute confusion C. state of severe anxiety d. state of being apart from others​


1a 2c 3d


nakakalito haha

25. II. Use context clues to unlock the meaning of the underlined words. Write the letter only Column A Column B 1. There are great voids between galaxies. a. very bright and strong 2. He does not know the difference between b. to be upset about a fact and folklore. something that is unfair 3. The lawyer imposed the penalty. c. to create in a forceful way 4. He sat on the short, enjoying the d. a discredit or disgrace gentle sea breeze, e. a light gentle wind -5. Mario summoned the priests in the f. a call for something meeting, g. a large empty space 6. Marla resented being told what to do. h. fictional stories that are 7. Marlon's behavior brought reproach heard or read by many people to his family. i. craving for something not 8. Carina is longing for peace. likely to be attained. 9. Martina has a vibrant personality j. very sad and lonely 10. She feels desolate for her husband leaving her.​










ghope its help

26. Give the meaning of the encircled words through context clueing. Acfolktale which is a story handed down from generation to generation has the elements like that of a short story, meaning​


Tra Ml Haha Pa add


Mamaya kuna sasagutin yan

27. Practice Task 3: Story Time!Read the short selection below. List down 5 compound words used in the story and infer their meanings using context clues. Write your answer on the blanks.Please Answer po need ko na po ito bukas ^-^


1. Super market




5.Mr. Ramos


Hope it help Please mark me as brainlest^__^

28. If you were tasked to make a short story, are you going to apply context clues? why or why not? ​




It helps the reader understand the story better. From my experience, it's used to make the story more in-depth, it helped me understand the characters struggles.

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