Diorama Of Human Evolution

Diorama Of Human Evolution

ano ang human diorama

Daftar Isi

1. ano ang human diorama

ang diorama Ay isang tanawing nasisilip Sa loob ng isang kahon may telon....

2. Magbigay ng Human Diorama Topic​


pa brainliest po


sana makatulong

3. comparison Biological process in human evolution, a cultural process in human evolution, and sociopolitical process in human evolution


Both are based on variation, heredity and selection, but how these appear and work differ. Biological evolution is unconscious, opportunistic and not goal-directed, while cultural evolution is conscious, at best planned, and can have a goal. ... Selection operates in two ways, natural selection and sexual selection.

4. what is human evolution?​


Human evolution is the evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans, beginning with the evolutionary history of primates—in particular genus Homo—and leading to the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of the hominid family, which includes the great apes.


Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which people originated from apelike ancestors.Scientific evidence shown that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and envolved over a period of approximately six million years.

5. what era is the Evolution Of Human?​


This article is a discussion of the broad career of the human tribe from its probable beginnings millions of years ago in the Miocene Epoch (23 million to 5.3 million years ago [mya]) to the development of tool-based and symbolically structured modern human culture only tens of thousands of years ago,


6. what is human evolution?​


Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which people originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years.


if you are talking about Darwin's Human Evolution Theory


Darwin's Human Evolution Theory, contains all the species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.

7. What is human evolution?


Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which people originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years.


Hope it's help<3

[tex]\huge\mathbb{ \underline{QUESTION:}} [/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered}\huge\orange{\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \: \: \: }} \\ \color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\color {black}{᯽}\color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\end{gathered} [/tex]

What is human evolution?

[tex]\begin{gathered}\huge\orange{\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \: \: \: }} \\ \color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\color {black}{᯽}\color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\end{gathered} [/tex]

[tex]\huge\mathbb{ \underline{ANSWER:}} [/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered}\huge\orange{\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \: \: \: }} \\ \color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\color {black}{᯽}\color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\end{gathered} [/tex]

Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which people originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years

[tex]\begin{gathered}\huge\orange{\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \: \: \: }} \\ \color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\color {black}{᯽}\color {red}{᯽}\color {orange}{᯽}\color {yellow}{᯽}\color {lime}{᯽}\color {green}{᯽}\color {cyan}{᯽}\color {aquamarine}{᯽}\color {indigo}{᯽}\color {blue}{᯽}\color {violet}{᯽}\color {blueviolet}{᯽}\color {pink}{᯽}\color {magenta}{᯽} \color {brown}{᯽}\color {gray}{᯽}\end{gathered} [/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered}\boxed{ \bold{ \orange{ \: CARRY \: ON \: LEARNING\: }}}\\\end{gathered} [/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered}\boxed{ \bold{ \pink{ \: - MissAnswer \: }}}\\\end{gathered} [/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered}\boxed{ \bold{ \blue{ \: ฅ⁠^⁠v•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠vฅ\: }}}\\\end{gathered} [/tex]

8. who studies human and evolution?


Charles Darwin


darwinian theory.. Who studied the human evolution

9. methodology of human evolution​


The study of human evolution, also known as paleoanthropology, involves the use of a variety of methods to understand the physical and behavioral changes that have occurred in the human lineage over time. These methods include:

Fossil evidence: Paleontologists study the fossilized remains of human ancestors and other primates to learn about their physical characteristics, behaviors, and evolutionary relationships.

Genetic analysis: By comparing the DNA of modern humans to that of other primates and ancient hominids, scientists can learn about the evolutionary relationships between different groups and the changes that have occurred in the human genome over time.

Primatology: The study of non-human primates can provide insights into the behavior and social dynamics of our early ancestors.

Archaeological evidence: The study of artifacts and other remains left behind by ancient humans can provide clues about their lifestyle, culture, and technological capabilities.

Comparative anatomy: By comparing the anatomy of different primates, scientists can learn about the evolutionary adaptations that have occurred in different groups over time.

Ecological and environmental analysis: By studying the environments in which human ancestors lived, scientists can learn about the factors that may have influenced their evolution.

By combining these methods, scientists can build a comprehensive understanding of human evolution and how it has shaped the characteristics and behaviors of modern humans.

10. discuss the evolution of human being​


Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which people originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years. ... Humans are primates.

11. How human evolution human evolution be applied to your daily lives?​


Humans have evolved as social, empathetic, collaborating and altruistic beings in small groups sharing common identities. This helped on improving the quality of our lives and to adapt in order to survive the environment we are in and reproduce.

12. Proponent of the human evolution ​


Charles Darwin


tama sya

13. human evolutions and human variations​

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In: STORIES Society and Behaviour
Evolution of modern humans
The origin of modern humans has probably been the most debated issue in evolutionary biology over the last few decades.

Where did we come from?
“The exact origin of modern humans has long been a topic of debate.

Our evolutionary history is written into our genome?. The human genome looks the way it does because of all the genetic changes that have affected our ancestors. The exact origin of modern humans has long been a topic of debate.
Sanamakatulong sayo



Modern humans evolved from their most recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, which means "upright man" in Latin, and originated in Africa during the last 200,000 years. Homo erectus was a human species that lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago and is now extinct.


Human variability, often known as human variation, refers to the range of possible values for any physical or mental feature of humans. Cognitive aptitude, personality, and physical appearance are all hotly discussed areas of diversity (body shape, skin color, etc.)

14. 11. It refers to the mutual interactive evolution of human biology and culture.A. Biocultural evolutionC. Cultural EvolutionB. Biological evolutionD. Societal evolutionwhichno​


A. Bicultural Evolution


A. Biocultural evolution

15. evolution of human beings​


Human evolution is the evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans, beginning with the evolutionary history of primates—in particular genus Homo—and leading to the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of the hominid family, which includes the great apes.

16. human evolution essay​


Please click the following pictures above, in order to get the correct answer.

#CarryonlearningI hope it helps!


God created Adam and Eve for them would believed God. But, Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God commanded them that don't have to eat the fruit. HUMANS ARE NOT FROM MONKEYS, they are created by God. And we, humans, are from the womb from our mom. Some of them are in the orphanage because they were abandoned by their parents. And, some of them died because the mother cannot carry enough in the womb. So that is my essay hope that good

17. Evolution of man and human variations​


Modern humans


originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, which means 'upright man' in Latin. Homo erectus is an extinct species of human that lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago.Jun 13, 2016

18. what are the basis of evolution of humans​



basics in human evolution offers a broad biology and medicine

19. Based from the above table, in what age of the human evolution that the sociopolitical evolution of humans begins?​


The Bronze Age


As we read the evolution, the first age of the human evolution that created sociopolitical was The Bronze Age because it says that it has an organized government, law, and religion started.

Hope it helps :)

Correct me if I'm wrong


20. what is an human evolution ?

human evolution is talks about how human evolve, adapt to a every place and the history of their ancestors

21. how will you compare the evolution of the phone into the evolution of human?cite important phases in the human evolution to make your comparison more valid​


Of course, one notable difference is time. evolution of humans have much more phases than those of phone since we are more complex and complicated. Hence, making it slower. If you will compare, evolution of phone is much more faster.

22. Define Biological evolution, artifacts and human evolution in one or two words​


Life Evolutions


that should be good

23. what is the difference between human evolution to human variation?​


Human evolution is the evolutionary process within the history of primates that led to the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of the hominid family, which includes the great apes. While the Human variability, or human variation, is the range of possible values for any characteristic, physical or mental, of human beings.


i hope it helps

24. Explain the evolution of humans.

maraming nagsasabi na and evolution ng humans ay nagsisimula as pagiging unggoy o monkey

pero kung mga pari naman ang iyong tatanungin, sasabihin nila na tayo at nilikha ni God

25. what have you learned about human biological and social evolution ? what have you realized about human biological and social evolution ? what will you apply about human biological and social evolution?

Answer: you can learn about it fi you try to study, I realize it is better to study more about it, I will apply what I have learn


biological and social sciences can be, and must be, married within a single theoretical structure can only be realized within an expanded theory of evolution. We cannot know when learning first evolved, but its adaptive advantages are such that it probably .

26. What is Human Biocultural & Human Evolution?

Human Biocultural and Social Evolution. ... Biological evolution refers to the process whereby organisms undergo various genetic and physical changes that pave the way for biological diversity. Biological evolution continues to influence how people live and interact with other members of society

27. Let Us Study The Human Origin and the Capacity for Culture In grade 9, you have studied human evolution. We usually associate the evolution to the early humans and their basic tools such as hammer and knife made of stone and wood. These tools and artifacts are their expressions of culture and ideas at that time. Human evolution started cultural evolution. The changes in technology during the Stone Age signify a gradual evolution of human mind and behavior.​

same question here

please answer it we both need it

28. is human evolution true?​

It depends if you believe in evolution or creation theory :)

29. Human Evolution Period?​


Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which people originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years.



30. what is the relation of human culture to human evolution

he or she need the matured if ready to the relationship

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