Influenced Traits Definition

Influenced Traits Definition

definition of sex-influenced traits​

Daftar Isi

1. definition of sex-influenced traits​


Sex-influenced traits are autosomal traits that are influenced by sex. If a male has one recessive allele, he will show that trait, but it will take two recessive for the female to show that same trait.


Sex-limited genes are genes that are present in both sexes of sexually reproducing species but are expressed in only one sex and have no penetrance, or are simply 'turned off' in the other. In other words, sex-limited genes cause the two sexes to show different traits or phenotypes, despite having the same genotype.


that's my pleasure to help you

please brainliest me

2. 1. These are the things that change people's behaviour, belief, and attitude as a result of an action of another person or group. 2. It is a broad definition of how we interact and behave with other people, and how they interact and behave with us. 3. This theory states that leadership involves a transaction or negotiation of resources or positions, and usually employs reward and punishment. 4. This theory presupposes that leadership is a learned behaviour. 5. It is used by one person or group to influence another to change their beliefs, actions, or attitudes by appealing to reason or emotion. 6. It is a type of social influence that involves a change in behaviour, belief, or thinking to be like others to obtain their friendship and acceptance. 7. This theory states that there are certain personality traits inherent in and suited for all leaders. 8. It is a reverse reaction to some social influence that is being imposed by a person or a group on another to accept a certain belief, behaviour, or attitude. 9. This theory is the opposite of an autocratic leader. 10. It is another form of social influence wherein a person follows what someone tells him or her to do, although it may not necessarily reflect the person's set of beliefs or values. ​

Social influences 1. These are the things that change people's behaviour, belief, and attitude as a result of an action of another person or group.

Social Relationships 2. It is a broad definition of how we interact and behave with other people, and how they interact and behave with us.

Transactional leadership 3. This theory states that leadership involves a transaction or negotiation of resources or positions, and usually employs reward and punishment.

Behavioral Theory of leadership 4. This theory presupposes that leadership is a learned behaviour.

Persuasion 5. It is used by one person or group to influence another to change their beliefs, actions, or attitudes by appealing to reason or emotion.

Conformity 6. It is a type of social influence that involves a change in behaviour, belief, or thinking to be like others to obtain their friendship and acceptance.

Trait Theory 7. This theory states that there are certain personality traits inherent in and suited for all leaders.

Reactance 8. It is a reverse reaction to some social influence that is being imposed by a person or a group on another to accept a certain belief, behaviour, or attitude.

Participative Theory 9. This theory is the opposite of an autocratic leader.

Compliance 10. It is another form of social influence wherein a person follows what someone tells him or her to do, although it may not necessarily reflect the person's set of beliefs or values.

3. A. Directions: Spot the errors in each of the following sentence definition. Write the correct answer above the portion that has an error. In case the sentence definition has no error, leave the sentence as it is. 1. Vigors is an abundance of energy or force. 2. Octahedron is a solid geometric figure who is bounded by eight plane faces. 3. Personality is the quality and trait that are peculiar to each person. 4. Environment is the surroundings that affects natural processes and the development of living things. 5. Virtue is the quality of moral excellence. 6. An abode is place which one lives. 7. Linguists are person who specializes the study of languages and the factors that influence language use. 8. An arboretum is a botanical garden which trees are planted and conserved for a greenier, healthier, and more beautiful world. 9. A microscope is a laboratory instrument use to examine objects that is too small to be seen by the nake eye. 10. Primary sources is documents, images, or artifacts where provide firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning an historical topic under research investigation.

1. Vigors is an abundance of energy or force.

2. Octahedron is a solid geometric figure who(that) is bounded by eight plane faces.

3. Personality is the quality and trait that are peculiar to each person.

4. Environment is the surroundings that affects natural processes and the development     of living things.        

5. Virtue is the quality of moral excellence.

6. An abode is place which(whose) one lives.

7. Linguists are person who specializes the study of languages and the factors that influence language use.

8. An arboretum is a botanical garden which trees are planted and conserved for a       greenier, healthier, and more beautiful world.    

9. A microscope is a laboratory instrument use to examine objects that is too small to     be seen by the naked eye.

10. Primary sources is documents, images, or artifacts where(which) provide firsthand    testimony or direct evidence concerning an historical topic under research investigation.

4. a.C.a.C.Questions:1. Which is NOT a correct definition of culture?Culture refers to knowledge, experience, beliefs, values and attitudes acquired by a group ofpeople in the course of generations,b. Culture is the system of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people.Culture is fixed or static because it does not change over time.d. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society."2. Why it is important to know one's culture, history and environment?It helps us to understand the people and the world better.b. It helps us find a better job in the future.It helps us venture to any business opportunities.d. It helps us make our life better.3. What is defined by this statement "It refers to the immediate physical and social setting in whichpeople live or in which something happens or develops."a. History b. Culturec. Environment d. ValuesWhat can influence your thinking or perception about understanding the world when reading atext or selection?When a selection has a happy ending.b. When the subject of the selection reflects the life of people in reality.When a selection gives you information about culture, history, environment and other factorsthat will expose you to different experiences.d. When a selection talks about how to improve your life better.5. Which is the correct definition of history?It is an investigation and presentation of our lives and our existence in connection to the pastexperiences.b. It includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior such as lawand morality and systems of belief.It is place where different things constantly interact with and adapt themselves.d. It is called "the way of life for an entire society."a.C.a.c.a.C.For 6-72: Excerpt from Pliant Like the BambooThe Filipino is like the bamboo tree. He knows that he is not strong enough, towithstand the onslaught of superior forces. And so he yields. He bends his head unogracefully with many loud protestations.6. Why are Filipinos compared to bamboo trees?Because they very sturdy and strong like a bamboo trees.b. Because they grow as a group which symbolizes the spirit of unity.Because they possess the characteristics of bamboo trees to adapt and adjust to the blusteringsituation in order to stand still.d. Because bamboo tress are tall and they are like Filipinos who have high ambition.7. What words from the excerpt comparatively show that a Filipino is like a bamboo tree.a. he yields and he bendsc. strong and withstandb. superior and protestationsd. onslaught and gracefully8. What Filipino traits can be derived from the excerpt?a. being pliant b. being brave c. being strong d. being hopeful9. What is the meaning of the underlined word in the excerpt?to win the gamec. to give in the fight6. to hold out againstd. to defeat theenemya.​












hope it help to you

5. Activity 1: Read the paragraph below. Fill in the blanks with the correct research terminologies. Choose your answers from the box and write it on the answer sheet provided. quantitative variables theory heterogeneous concepts homogeneous constitutive extraneous qualitative independent dependent principal investigator subjects research conceptual Why Do Research? When people are interested in exploring a problem using a scientific approach, it is said that they are doing a 1. ________________. In relation to this, the person who is in control of the research is called the 2. ________________. On the other hand, the people who are being examined in the study are called 3. ________________. Another important notion in research that is defined as an abstract generalization that describes a systematic presentation about relationships among phenomena is called a 4. ________________. Aside from that, another factor that plays a significant purpose in research that is also known as the building blocks of theories are called 5. ________________. In general, the concepts that are studied and observed in a research are called 6. ________________. These may be classified into several types. The concept that is being studied that usually indicates the influence or cause is called the 7. ________________ variable while the one that the researcher is most interested in understanding is called the 8. ________________ variable. In addition to these two, variables that may influence or contaminate the data are called 9. ________________ variables. Eventually, a research will become successful if the researchers are concerned about the groups involved in their study. If the group that is being studied has members that are different from one another, it is said to be 10. ________________ while groups with members having similar qualities are called 11. ________________. When studying variables, definitions must be clarified. A variable such as anxiety may be defined as a feeling of uneasiness. This type of definition is also known as 12. __________________. Tomeasure anxiety, the State - Traite Anxiety Scale might be used. This, in contrast, would be called the 13. ________________ definition. Furthermore, researchers have to keep in mind that there are two major categories for research designs. One design, the 14. ________________ approach, uses data with numerical representation or values whereas the second design, 15. ________________, uses narrative data. PA HELP PO HUHU​
















15.literature, folklore and diaries

6. What I KnowDirections: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a piece of paper. 1. This female organ serves as site of egg implantation and is where the fertilized egg develops.A. ovary B. oviductD. cervixC. uterus 2. Which of the following BEST describes the function of the uterus? A. Produces egg cells C. Place where the egg is fertilizedB. Place where fertilized egg develops D. female organ for copulation 3. These are hormones that influence female traits and support reproductive function. Whichhormones are these? A. Androgen and TestosteroneB. Estrogen and Progesterone C. Thyroxin and CalcitoninD. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH) 4. Read carefully the statement below and answer the succeeding question:Puberty involve the onset of sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce. When a femalereaches puberty, egg cells start to develop in her ovaries that produce the sex cells. It is alsothe time when the body develops the capacity to conceive. Which of the following group of hormones are involved in the process? A. Follicle stimulating hormone, Androgen, TestosteroneB. Follicle stimulating hormone, Estrogen, Progesterone C. Thyroxin, Estrogen, ProgesteroneD. Thyroxin, Androgen, TestosteroneFor item 5, study the table below. HORMONEFUNCTIONSupports sperm formation • Responsible for the malesecondary sex characteristics • Stimulates uterine liningResponsible for female secondary sex characteristicsANDROGENESTROGENPRODUCED WHERE?Produced by testes; by the adrenal glands and also in the ovaries of women.Produced mainly by the ovaries and tosome extent by the adrenal cortex in both sexes, the testes in men and inplacenta of pregnant women5. Is it possible for a male individual to manifest feminine characteristics or a female individual manifest masculine characteristics?toA. Yes, because there are instances that males produce the female hormones and the femalesproduce the male hormones exclusively. B. Yes, because both sexes produce, to some extent, a male hormone and a female hormone,respectively.C. No, because both sexes produce hormone that determines the primary sex characteristics of an individual. D. No, because the femininity and masculinity of an individual is influenced by the environment. 6. The following are the feedback mechanisms involved in menstrual cycle EXCEPT:A. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates the ovaries to release estrogen. B. High levels of estrogen then prevent the further production of FSH. C. Estrogen stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, whichin turn controls the production of progesterone.D. High levels of testosterone inhibit the release of LH.7. What happens to the egg cell if fertilization occurs?A. ovulation takes place B. uterus will not thicken.8. Which Phase of menstrual cycle is ProgesteroneC. menstruation takes place D. egg cells break offreleased?A. Follicular Phase B. Ovulation C. Luteal Phase D. Menstruation9. What does Luteinizing Hormone do in men and women? A. men supports sperm production, womenmore follicle cells in the ovaries.promotes egg development and productionofB. men promotes lutein production, women promotes lutein production and secretion ofestrogens in the ovaries. C. men stimulates interstitial cells of testes to produce sex hormones,women-induces ovulation, promotes the ovarian secretion of estrogens and progestins, prepares the body for pregnancyD. men promotes melanin production, women promotes estrogen production and causesthe follicles to mature each month10. How long does an A. 30 Daysaverage menstrual cycle last? B. 28 DaysC. 29 DaysD. 26 Days11. Which part on the female reproductive system produces oestrogen? B. Fallopian Tubes C. Ovaries D. UrethraA. Uterus 12. Which one here is not a hormone?A. InsulinB. TestosteroneC. Ovary13. A tissue or group of tissues that make and releases hormones.A. Circulatory system B. Nervous System14. How do hormones travel A. BloodstreamC. Endocrine GlandsD. OestrogenD. Skeletal System. from the glands where they are made to their target organs?B. Nerves D. Bones 15. Which of the following is the definition of homeostasis? C. NeuronsA. Maintaining a constant internal environment C. Changing your internal environment D. Changes in the level of hormonesB. Disruptions in the coordination of organs​










7. When people are interested in exploring a problem using a scientific approach, it is said that they are doing a 1. ________________. In relation to this, the person who is in control of the research is called the 2. ________________. On the other hand, the people who are being examined in the study are called 3. ________________. Another important notion in research that is defined as an abstract generalization that describes a systematic presentation about relationships among phenomena is called a 4. ________________. Aside from that, another factor that plays a significant purpose in research that is also known as the building blocks of theories are called 5. ________________. In general, the concepts that are studied and observed in a research are called 6. ________________. These may be classified into several types. The concept that is being studied that usually indicates the influence or cause is called the 7. ________________ variable while the onethat the researcher is most interested in understanding is called the 8. ________________variable. In addition to these two, variables that may influence or contaminate the data are called 9. ________________ variables. Eventually, a research will become successful if the researchers are concerned about the groups involved in their study. If the group that is being studied has members that are different from one another, it is said to be 10. ________________ while groups with members having similar qualities are called 11. ________________. When studying variables, definitions must be clarified. A variable such as anxiety may be defined as a feeling of uneasiness. This type of definition is also known as 12. __________________. To measure anxiety, the State - Traite Anxiety Scale might be used. This, in contrast, would be called the 13. ________________ definition. Furthermore, researchers have to keep in mind that there are two major categories for research designs. One design, the 14.________________ approach, uses data with numerical representation or values whereas the second design, 15. ________________, uses narrative data. pa help sa magaling dyan.. mas maganda ma perfect :)​


1. research

2. principal investigator

3. subject

4. theory

5. concepts

6. variables

7. independent

8. dependent

9. extraneous

10. heterogeneous

11. homogeneous

12. conceptual

13. constitutive

14. quantitative

15. qualitative

correct me if I'm wrong

8. IndMatching Type. Match the definition in column B with the words in column A.Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.Column A1. Development2. Progressive3. Reflective4. Public self5. Blind self6. Puberty7. Early adolescence8. Peer group9. Hereditary factors10. Adolescent stageColuma Ba. this means that a person who isself-aware must be able to answerand explain some contemplativequestions about oneself.b. is a process of change.c. impose important changes anddevelopment on an individual invarious ways and in differentaspects.d. also known as the "teenage years"covering ages from 13 - 17.e. strongly influences and draws outnatural attributes of a person thatare transmitted through the genesfrom generation to generation.f. development entails 'increasing' or'advancing' either in quantity orquality, or both of certain personalcharacteristics (i.e., traits,abilities, skills).g. the last but the longest (in termsof years of coverage) stage ofdevelopmenth. a part of ourselves thatunknown to us and only otherpeople knows it but are hesitant todiscuss it openly to us.i. a time of storm and stress, atransition age, and a threshold ofadulthood.j. a stage when physiologicalchanges occur inbodythat signifiessexualmaturityk. it is the part of ourselves that weexplicitly show to others that thatwe are happy to share with othersand discuss everything with themopenlyarethe​


1. b

2. j

3. i

4. a

5. h

6. f

7. d

8. c

9. g

10. e

9. Assessment Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. 1. They give us the idea of the existence of home, mutual love, and acceptance. a. siblings b. teachers c. parents d. peers 2. They generally give important contribution to a person’s personal development. a. public servant b. significant people c. volunteer workers d. leaders 3. They share the same interest, wants, membership; often give feedback of the aspects that you need to improve about yourself. a. peers b. parents c. leaders d. teachers 4. You realize developing a strong bond with them that is incomparable from any other type of human connection. a. teachers b. peers b. parents d. siblings 5. Most of the influences that an adolescent gets is attributed to the following kind of activities, except a. charitable works b. social isolations c. community involvement d. social interaction 6. They try to persuade you to get into community service and join social organizations to address potential societal problems. a. mother and father b. teachers c. sister/ brother d. community leaders 7. Which of the following is not a proper definition of a leader? a. A person who thinks first of himself above others. b. He/she seeks to solve possible community concerns. c. He/she provides selfless service towards people. d. The person in-charge in guiding a group. 8. A person’s development is further improved with the help of these people. a. media b. self-assessment c. research d. agents of socialization 9. This is an effective human interaction where an adolescent can best. a. Observation b. Organization c. Socialization d. Experimentation 10. Which of the following does not belong to the group? a. environment b. educators c. friends d. FAMILY members 11. Which of the following does not belong to the acquired personal development of a person? a. values b. tradition c. money d. culture 12. To foster human understanding within a society a person need to a. conduct character sketch b. adjust behavioral pattern c. do volunteer works d. expose oneself to the tradition 13. What is the best definition of core values? a. guiding principles and beliefs profess of a person b. set of traditions and culture in a place c. untoward traits and habits of a person d. guiding rules and set of obligations to fulfill14. This the most important agent of socialization that adolescents need to recognize. a. leaders b. peers c. teachers d. family 15. They teach you to discover inner potential and potential skills to be developed in both academics and non-academic development. a. family b. friends c. leaders d. teachers ​


1. C

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. D

7. A

8. D

9. C

10. A

11. C

12. B

13. C

14. D

15. D



10. Activity 1: What Is Research? Direction: Determine further the meaning and function of research by reading the porographs beow. In doing so. arrange the jumbled letters of some terms to understand research even better. When researchers are interested in examining o problem using a scientific approach, it is said that they are doing a (1.) SARREECH. The people who are being studied ore colled (2.) BUJECIS. The person who oversees the research is called the (3.) PRINCEL P investigator. The building blocks of theories are called (4.) CEPCONTS. An abstract generalization that presents a systematic representation about relationships among phenomena is called (5.) HEROYI. The concepts that are studied are called (6) BARIALE V. The concept that is being studied that usually that usually indicates the influence or cause is called the (7.) DENTIN PEEND variable. The concept that the researcher is most interested in understanding is caled the (8.) TEENNPED D vanabe. Vorobes that may influence or contaminate the data are called (9.) E OUTS X A ER N variables. If the group that is being studied is very different or vaned, the group is said to be (10.) GENES HEROTEO U while groups that are very similor are called (11.) HOOMNE E G OU S groups. When studying variables, definitions must be clarified. A variable such as anxiety may be defined as a feeing of uneasiness: this is called a (12.) CEPTAL CUON definition. To measure anxiety, the State-Traite Anxiety Scoe might be used. A (13.) SY SITHEPH O is a statement written by the researcher that states the relationship among or between variables. There are two major categones for research designs. One design the (14) QUALNIVALETI approach uses data that has numerical representation or values. The second design. (15.) QUATL VE ALTI uses norrative data. (16.) DEDUCE ViTreasoning is the basis for quantitative approach. The bond or connection between two variables is colled a (17.) ORIEN TALHIPS. Research that is conducted to generate knowledge that influences or improves practice is coled (18.) D E ALIPP research. Research that tests theories is known as (9.) ASCIB research.​























11. To examine your prior knowledge of literature, its definition, types, and concepts,answer the pre-test below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. This most commonly refers to creative imagination works, including poetry.drama, fiction, nonfiction, and in some instances, journalism, and song.A. CultureB. LiteratureC. Film D. Heritage2. This fefers to the existence of variations of different characteristics in a group ofpeople. These characteristics could be everything that makes us unique, such as ourcognitive skills and personality traits, along with the things that shape one's identity.This refers toA. PopulationC. Individual DifferencesB. DiversityD. Customs3. This influences the views, the values, the humor, the hopes, the loyalties, andthe worries and fears of the people. What is this?A. CultureB. HeritageC. Diversity D. Literature4. This discusses our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what wepass on to future generations.A. CultureB. HeritageC. Diversity D. Literature5. These are the two major forms of literature.A. Poetry and Short StoriesC. Prose and NovelsB. Poetry and ProverbsD. Prose and Poetry​


1 c

2 c

3 a

4 d

5 a


i think my answer is correct

12. What do you learn about this? Community as a Social Organization Community is a dynamic social grouping whose members settles in a specific physical space, submit to a common political institution, engage in similar economic activities and share common cultural and historical heritage orientation. Its definition described the community as an interacting population of various individuals in aparticular area. A community is a group of people and since they share common physical space they are bound to establish patterns of interactions which lead to the formation of a cultural, political and economic structure that influenced the everyday life of the people. The element of time contributes largely to the formation of commonalities in both physical and social traits. There are other communities in which the absence of common characteristics is very evident and they are often located in urban areas. Economic opportunities in urban communities encouraged migration of people from different provinces. These people bring with them different normative traits that further complicates the already diverse cultural environment. This kind of situation makes it difficult for the community to progress into one cohesive social organization. As the community develops, problems change characteristics and therefore must be confronted with different antidotes. The existence of social problems is shown through the inability of the people to live a life they deserved in a normal social environment. Social problems, though may be said to be a normal occurrence even in developed societies, must be addressed to prevent them from hampering the productivity of the people. The common denominator to the attainment of sustainable development is the ability of the people to match the demands of the economy. There can be a variety of ways to combat social dysfunctions. However, solutions must be tailor-fitted to the problems at hand for it to be effective. This means that experts who will attempt to find solution to particular social perplexities must be able to exhibit skills in sizing up the nature of the problems from which solutions must be figured out. Finding the Right Ideas If there can’t be perfect individual more so with a community. It should be noted that development is not an end in itself but a process within a segmentalized social structure that requires constant scrutiny in the hope of abating impacts of any dysfunctional elements to attain sustainability. Development does not eradicate social problems. Rather development provides the elements that cause mutations of the problems. As the community develops, problems change characteristics and therefore must be confronted with different antidotes.​


opinion only

sorry kung maki

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